[ISPRS home page]

Sensors, Platforms and Imagery
1992 - 1996


Dr. Luigi Mussio
Polytechnico di Milano, Dip. I.I.A.R
Piazza Leonardo da Vinci 32
I-20133 Milano, Italy
Tel: +39-2-2399 6501
Fax: +39-2-2399 6530
Email: gianfra@ipmtf2.topo.polimi.it


  • Planning for aerial and space missions
  • Design, construction, testing, installation and calibration of analogue and digital imaging sensors
  • Design and performance of data reception and preprocessing systems
  • Geometric and radiometric properties of image data and quality standards and factors (environmental and others) affecting data quality
  • Technical systems for recording sensor data, film scanners and auxiliary data (time, position, attitude, etc.) and media (film, magnetic, optical, etc.)
  • Preprocessing techniques to generate datasets suitable for analysis and measurements (radar image synthesis, multisensor integration, radiometric and geometric corrections, etc)


WG I/1 - Image Data Quality Control Assessment and Standardization
Chairperson: Dr. Hartmut Ziemann, Dessau, Germany

WG I/2 - System Aspects of Platform Guidance, Navigation and Sensor Positioning
Chairperson: Dr. Petros Patias, Thessaloniki, Greece

WG I/3 - Optical Digital Imaging Sensors
Chairperson: Dr. Hans-Gerd Maas, Zürich, Switzerland

WG I/4 - Microwave Imaging Sensors and Preprocessing
Chairperson: Dr. John C. Curlander, Boulder, Colorado, USA

WG I/5 - Hardcopy Scanning & Preprocessing Systems
Chairperson: Dr. Ralf Bill, Rostock, Germany
URL: http://www.ifp.uni-stuttgart.de/wgi5/Overview.html

WG I/6 - Preprocessing and Archiving of Satellite Data for Remote Sensing
Chairperson: Dan Rosenholm, Solna, Sweden

Last change: 22-04-1996 (André Streilein)
Problems and/or queries, send e-mail: markus.englich@ifp.uni-stuttgart.de