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Theory and Algorithms
1992 - 1996


Heinrich Ebner
Technical University Munich
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
Arcisstrasse 21
D-8000 München 2, Germany
Tel: +49-89-2105 2671 or 2677
Fax: +49-89-280 9573
email: chris@photo.verm.tu-muenchen.de


  • Algorithms for geometric determination and analysis of photogrammetric data
  • Feature extraction from multisensor, multiresolution, multitemporal imagery
  • Image understanding
  • Integrated sensor orientation
  • Image sequence analysis
  • Algorithms for digital photogrammetric systems and their GIS integration
  • GIS concepts, with particular emphasis on integration of image data


WG III/1 - Integrated Sensor Orientation
Chairperson: Dr. Ismael Colomina, Barcelona, Spain

WG III/2 - Geometric-Radiometric Models and Object Reconstruction
Chairperson: Prof. Dr. Kennert Torlegard, Stockholm, Sweden

WG III/3 - Semantic Models and Object Recognition
Chairperson: Dr. Toni Schenk, Columbus, Ohio, USA
URL: http://www.ifp.uni-stuttgart.de/wgiii3/Overview.html

WG III/4 - Tutorials on Theory and Algorithms
Chairperson: Prof. Fabio Crosilla, Udine, Italy

IWG II/III - Digital Photogrammetric Systems
Chairperson: Dr. Ian Dowman, London, United Kingdom

IWG III/IV - Conceptual Aspects of GIS
Chairperson: Prof. Dr. Martien Molenaar, AH Wageningen, Netherlands

IWG V/III -Image Sequence Analysis
Chairperson: Dr. Emmanuel Baltsavias, Zürich, Switzerland

Last change: 22-04-1996 (André Streilein)
Problems and/or queries, send e-mail: markus.englich@ifp.uni-stuttgart.de