The symposium covered a broad range of topics, in line with the terms of reference of the WG:
Symposium Themes
OGC:: Open geospatial standards
WG 1: Multi-dimensional Modelling
WG 2: Ontologies, Semantics, and Knowledge Representation for Geospatial Information
WG 3: Spatial Data Analysis, Statistics and Uncertainty Modelling
WG 4: Collaborative Crowdsourced Cloud Mapping
WG 5: Indoor/Outdoor Seamless Modelling, LBS and Mobility
WG 6: SDI: Internet of Things and Spatial Decision Support
WG 7: Geo-Data Management
WG 8: GeoComputation and GeoSimulation
WG 9: Geovisualization, Augmented and Virtual Reality
WG 10: Advanced Geospatial Applications for Smart Cities and Regions
ICWG III/IVb and WG 4: Geospatial Big Data and Urban Studies