ISPRS e-Bulletin
Issue No 4 - 2022



Orhan Altan Orhan Altan

39th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment (ISRSE-39)
From Human Needs to SDGs
24-28 April 2023 in Antalya, Türkiye

by Orhan Altan

The COVID-19 (coronavirus) disease has affected over 100 countries in just a matter of weeks. The way humans live and work on planet Earth has changed profoundly over the last two years. Many lives and livelihoods have been lost. The world is experiencing one of the most transformative moments of the last 100 years. The social, economic, and political influences of the pandemic have already been momentous, and we do not utterly understand it. We have inevitably had to make important public health, economic, governance, and ecological decisions with less information than usual, and reverse recently adopted policies, which, looking ahead, can lead to an era of disruptive transformations to sustainability. During these historical times, we must understand the hidden reality of the Earth system and attempt to transform our needs so that we all have a sustained future on our planet.

At the ISRSE-39 symposium, up-to-date technologies, which include remote sensing and other related sciences, will bring together scientists, technologists, and environmental users to help us understand and cope with the latest developments in our environment.

In its 60th anniversary year, ISRSE is the longest-standing international conference of its kind. In the wake of the pandemic and extreme climate conditions worldwide, ISRSE-39 is focusing on sustainability with the theme "From Human needs to SDGs."  The conference location is a crossroads of ancient and modern civilizations and an ideal setting for a timely international exchange on the contribution of remote sensing to societal resilience during the 21st century.

Major global space agencies sponsor the conference, which will be a forum to present and interact on the need for observations and deliberations on the integral use and application of space-based approaches for earth observation and early warning systems. ISRSE-39 will offer a unique opportunity for in-depth cross-disciplinary exchanges between organizations in the UN and space agencies as well as leading actors in the field of satellite observing systems, remote sensing applications, and information services. The symposium places a strong emphasis on practical applications and societal outcomes - at local, regional and national levels.

We are delighted to invite you to participate and present your research at the 39th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment (ISRSE-39) to be held on 24-28 April 2023 in Antalya, Türkiye.

For more information, please visit

Lena Halounova Lena Halounova

President’s Message

Dear colleagues, friends,

It is my pleasure to inform you that Council, Technical Commission Presidents and Vice Presidents have been working hard since the end of the XXIV Congress in Nice. The Presidents have prepared the Terms of Reference of their Commissions and created Working Groups. There are about 60 Working Groups, whose titles, missions, terms of reference and future plans were proposed to Commission Presidents by ISPRS members who are interested in the scientific development of ISPRS in the coming four years. The final structure of Working Groups is the result of mutual discussion between Commission Presidents, Vice Presidents and Working Group (WG) officers, i.e., WG Chairs and WG Vice Chairs.

I was pleased to host the Joint Council and Technical Commission meeting in Prague on 16–17 September 2022. The proposed structure of the Commissions was approved, and information on the new Working Groups will be posted on the ISPRS website in a few days.

I would like to encourage ISPRS members from all over the world who are interested in the activities of any of these WGs to contact the appropriate WG officer and to cooperate with them. This will enable activity within more widely spread multinational teams. Such cooperation may become the starting point for collaboration between the new ISPRS Working Groups and scientists who are not WG officers. It can also strengthen relations with scientists from nations which have not yet been very involved in ISPRS activities.

I hope that in the next quadrennial period we will see a significantly higher number of scientists taking part in all WG activities.

I hope you will make decisions for your own good and for that of ISPRS.


The ISPRS Foundation (TIF) News


The ISPRS Foundation The ISPRS Foundation

TIF Grant Recipient Reports

Since the closing of the Nice Congress, TIF has received numerous reports from recipients of grants enabling them to attend the XXIV Congress. Some were published in the last eBulletin.

Student Consortium News


Student Consortium logo Student Consortium logo

Update on the latest Activities of ISPRS Student Consortium

by Laxmi Thapa, President ISPRS SC

ISPRS Student Consortium and Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture (BUCEA) jointly organized a summer school entitled “2022 Virtual Summer School on Resilient Cities” from 25-29 July 2022.

228 students coming from 66 universities and 29 countries, including Britain, Nigeria, Nepal, Greece, China, Kenya, India, etc. attended the summer school. There were 14 lectures diversely covering resilient cities on topics such as sustainable and resilient cities, applications of 3D Visual perception in urban development, non-contact sensing solutions for built environment, heritage BIM.

The summer school was greatly appreciated by the students and received a high level of appraisal from them, along with the feedback to organize similar types of events in the future. Experiences from the participants will be featured in the upcoming Newsletter of ISPRS SC.

Figure 1: Participants taking pictures during the closing ceremony.

Laxmi Thapa, the President of ISPRS SC, and Vice President Nicolas Pucino presented an introduction of ISPRS SC, its activities, membership details and future plans. ISPRS Secretary General Dr. Jie Jiang also addressed the closing ceremony and mentioned the importance of resilient cities in the current world scenario and the contribution of this summer school in sharing knowledge to young minds.

ISPRS SC has continued its webinar series from the past and organized a webinar on 30th September on the title “Monitoring air quality in the National Capital Region, Philippines through Project AiRMoVE”. Assistant Professor and leader of the project AIRMOVE, Roseanne V. Ramos delivered the lecture and reported about the project AiRMoVE and its implementation to address the limitation of ground monitoring systems in the NCR, Philippines, using geospatial technologies such as Remote Sensing, Geographic Information Systems and air dispersion modeling techniques.

Besides this, ISPRS SC will organize the October 2022 Geomixer event on 3rd October, together with the Asian Association on Remote Sensing (AARS) and the local organizing committee of the 43rd Asian Conference on Remote Sensing 2022 from Mongolia, in cooperation with the Ladies of Landsat and Sisters of SAR. This Geomixer is specially organized for the attendees of the 43rd Asian Conference on Remote Sensing (ACRS 2022). However, everyone can join the conference and it will be free for all, including those not even registered for the ACRS.

Society News



Call for Proposals - ISPRS Scientific Initiatives 2023

In accordance with the statutory mission and activities of ISPRS, the Society shall provide funds to support scientific and other initiatives, which will further improve its international status in the field of the photogrammetry, remote sensing and spatial information sciences, and will therefore benefit all ISPRS members. For 2023, the ISPRS Council is making up to 70,000 Swiss francs (CHF) available to support new scientific initiatives. The maximum funding assigned to any one scientific project shall be CHF 10,000 per annum. Projects should commence on January 1, 2023 and typically last up to 12 months. In exceptional cases, applications for projects lasting up to 24 months will be considered. Projects of greater than one-year duration will be subject to annual review before subsequent funding will be released.

ISPRS Working Group Officers are invited to submit applications to their respective Technical Commission President by the deadline below, using the template provided (download the template here). The submission must be compiled in one PDF document. Further details, including information on the topics and the application process, are available in Appendix 9a of the Orange Book at:

All applications will be reviewed based on the following criteria:

  • Topic and objectives
  • Scientific method and/or contribution
  • Value to ISPRS (e.g., enhancing ISPRS reputation or promoting ISPRS)
  • Quality of proposal
  • Budget

Any queries should be addressed to the ISPRS Treasurer, Stewart Walker, at


  • Announcement of Scientific Initiatives: September 19, 2022.
  • Deadline for submission of proposals from WG Officers to TCPs: November 18, 2022.
  • Deadline for submission of recommendation from TCPs to ISPRS Treasurer: December 2, 2022.
  • Announcement of successful awards by Council: December 23, 2022.
  • Funding available from: January 1, 2023.

Geospatial Week 2023 Geospatial Week 2023

Geospatial Week 2023 News

The first Geospatial Week in Africa and the Middle East, taking place in Cairo, Egypt, from 2-7 September 2023, will offer a number of workshops that represent the state-of-the-art and future trends in geospatial technologies. To date, GSW2023 has received proposals for 13 workshops.

Important Dates

Paper submissions

  • Full paper submission (Annals): March 2023 (hard deadline, no extension)
  • Abstract submission (Archives): April 2023 (hard deadline, no extension)
  • Abstract submission (Archives): April 2023 (hard deadline, no extension)
  • Full paper Author notification: May 2023
  • Camera- ready paper submission: July 2023

Registration deadlines

  • Early bird registration deadline: May 1, 2023
  • Late registration deadline: July 1, 2023

Find out more here…

And visit

Nice 2022 Nice 2022

Nice Congress Forum Track

A forum track was included in the Nice Congress. This took place in parallel with the scientific sessions with the objective of addressing the interactions between science, public organizations, industry and decision-makers on hot topics of the geospatial community. The forum was not a place to make research presentations but the proper place to address the impact of innovations and the role that our community could play in this changing context for “building a better future together by providing collective visions and/or roadmaps”.

Each forum organiser had produced a report which sets out the state of the art of the forum theme and will act as a guide to Council on the way forward. These reports have been edited by the ISPRS International Science Advisory Committee (ISAC) and the ISPRS International Policy Advisory Committee (IPAC) and incorporated into a single document which sets out future directions for ISPRS.

The reports generated by each forum organiser have been edited into a consistent format to emphasise the main conclusions from the fora. Each forum put emphasis on different aspects of the discussion and conclusions, so there are differences in presentation. The report includes a summary of conclusions which suggest actions for ISPRS Council. Note that any reference to Working Groups is to the Groups established in the 2016 -2022 period.

There are a number of common themes to the recommendations that are summarised here:

  • Formation of new working groups
  • Organisation of meetings
  • International collaboration, particularly with GEO and industry
  • Education of the public, other geoscience organisations and students
  • Standards and documentation.


Details of these proposals can be found in the individual reports.

Ian Dowman, Chair of ISAC, 2016-2022
Gunter Schreier, Chair if IPAC, 2016-2022
Laurent Polidori, Chair of Nice Congress Forum Track Committee

Announcements of Scientific Meetings                (see also ISPRS Calendar)


SCA’22 SCA’22

ISPRS WG IV/1 - SCA’22 - The 7th International Conference on Smart City Applications

18-20 Oct 2022
Castelo Branco, Portugal


39th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment (ISRSE-39)

From Human Needs to SDGs
24-28 April 2023
Antalya, Turkey
Read the invitation here…



9th International Conference on Geographical Information Systems Theory, Applications and Management
25-27 April 2023
Prague, Czech Republic

Event Reports


2022 Virtual Summer School on Resilient Cities 2022 Virtual Summer School on Resilient Cities

2022 Virtual Summer School on Resilient Cities

25-29 July 2022
Jointly organized by ISPRS Student Consortium (ISPRS SC) and Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture (BUCEA)

Read the report here…

Online Training Course Online Training Course

Short Online Training Course on "Natural Resources Satellite Remote Sensing Technologies and Applications"

29 August-2 September and 5-9 September 2022

Read the report here…

ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information — Open Access Journal


ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information — Open Access Journal ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information — Open Access Journal

New publications
Volume 11, Issue 07 (July 2022)

Spatial-Temporal Attentive LSTM for Vehicle-Trajectory Prediction
Jiang, Rui, Xu, Hongyun, Gong, Gelian, Kuang, Yong, Liu, Zhikang
No: 354

Low-Frequency Trajectory Map Matching Method Based on Vehicle Heading Segmentation
Yu, Qingying, Hu, Fan, Chen, Chuanming, Sun, Liping, Zheng, Xiaoyao
No: 355

Associative Analysis of Inefficiencies and Station Activity Levels in Emergency Response
Tiam-Lee, Thomas James, Henriques, Rui, Manquinho, Vasco
No: 356

An Augmented Geospatial Service Web Based on QoS Constraints and Geospatial Service Semantic Relationships
Jin, Fengying, Li, Rui, Liang, Jianyuan, Zhang, Xianyuan, Xing, Huaqiao, Gui, Zhipeng, Wu, Huayi
No: 357

Extraction of Continuous and Discrete Spatial Heterogeneities: Fusion Model of Spatially Varying Coefficient Model and Sparse Modelling
Inoue, Ryo, Den, Koichiro
No: 358

Ecological Impact Prediction of Groundwater Change in Phreatic Aquifer under Multi-Mining Conditions
Zhou, Shenghui, Liu, Tingxi, Duan, Limin
No: 359

Geographic Knowledge Graph Attribute Normalization: Improving the Accuracy by Fusing Optimal Granularity Clustering and Co-Occurrence Analysis
Yin, Chuan, Zhang, Binyu, Liu, Wanzeng, Du, Mingyi, Luo, Nana, Zhai, Xi, Ba, Tu
No: 360

Open Geospatial System for LUCAS In Situ Data Harmonization and Distribution
Landa, Martin, Brodský, Lukáš, Halounová, Lena, Bouček, Tomáš, Pešek, Ondřej
No: 361

A Technical and Operational Perspective on Quality Analysis of Stitching Images with Multi-Row Panorama and Multimedia Sources for Visualizing the Tourism Site of Onshore Wind Farm
Lai, Jhe-Syuan, Tsai, Yi-Hung, Chang, Min-Jhen, Huang, Jun-Yi, Chi, Chao-Ming
No: 362

Editorial Commentary on the IJGI Special Issue “Mapping Indigenous Knowledge in the Digital Age”
Thumbadoo, Romola V., Taylor, D. R. Fraser
No: 363

A Multiobjective Land Use Design Framework with Geo-Big Data for Station-Level Transit-Oriented Development Planning
Dong, Shihai, Wang, Yandong, Dou, Mingxuan, Gu, Yanyan, Zhang, Peiqi, Gong, Jianya
No: 364

Relation between the Views and the Real Estate Application to a Mediterranean Coastal Area
Castro Noblejas, Hugo, Vías Martínez, Jesús, Mérida Rodríguez, Matías F.
No: 365

An Indoor Space Model of Building Considering Multi-Type Segmentation
Pang, Yueyong, Miao, Lizhi, Zhou, Liangchen, Lv, Guonian
No: 367

Combining Telecom Data with Heterogeneous Data Sources for Traffic and Emission Assessments—An Agent-Based Approach
Grujić, Nastasija, Brdar, Sanja, Osinga, Sjoukje, Hofstede, Gert Jan, Athanasiadis, Ioannis N., Pljakić, Miloš, Obrenović, Nikola, Govedarica, Miro, Crnojević, Vladimir
No: 366

Sub-Surface Geotechnical Data Visualization of Inaccessible Sites Using GIS
Awan, Tariq Ahmed, Arshid, Muhammad Usman, Riaz, Malik Sarmad, Houda, Moustafa, Abdallah, Mirvat, Shahkar, Muhammad, Aghdam, Mirsina Mousavi, Azab, Marc
No: 368

Exploring the Interactive Associations between Urban Built Environment Features and the Distribution of Offender Residences with a GeoDetector Model
Wan, Tao, Shi, Buhai
No: 369

Mapping Urban Forms Worldwide: An Analysis of 8910 Street Networks and 25 Indicators
Zhou, Qi, Bao, Junya, Liu, Helin
No: 370

Novel MLR-RF-Based Geospatial Techniques: A Comparison with OK
Ahmed, Waqas, Muhammad, Khan, Glass, Hylke Jan, Chatterjee, Snehamoy, Khan, Asif, Hussain, Abid
No: 371

Perspectives on “Earth Observation and GIScience for Agricultural Applications”
Lupia, Flavio, Arsanjani, Jamal Jokar, Fonte, Cidália Costa, Pulighe, Giuseppe
No: 372

Modelling and Analyzing the Semantic Evolution of Social Media User Behaviors during Disaster Events: A Case Study of COVID-19
Han, Xuehua, Wang, Juanle
No: 373

Generation Method for Shaded Relief Based on Conditional Generative Adversarial Nets
Li, Shaomei, Yin, Guangzhi, Ma, Jingzhen, Wen, Bowei, Zhou, Zhao
No: 374

Harmonizing Full and Partial Matching in Geospatial Conflation: A Unified Optimization Model
Lei, Ting L., Lei, Zhen
No: 375

3D Visualisation of the Historic Pre-Dam Vltava River Valley—Procedural and CAD Modelling, Online Publishing and Virtual Reality
Janovský, Michal, Tobiáš, Pavel, Cehák, Vojtěch
No: 376

Revealing Taxi Interaction Network of Urban Functional Area Units in Shenzhen, China
Lai, Guijun, Shang, Yuzhen, He, Binbao, Zhao, Guanwei, Yang, Muzhuang
No: 377

Rapid Extreme Tropical Precipitation and Flood Inundation Mapping Framework (RETRACE): Initial Testing for the 2021–2022 Malaysia Flood
Tew, Yi Lin, Tan, Mou Leong, Juneng, Liew, Chun, Kwok Pan, Hassan, Mohamad Hafiz bin, Osman, Sazali bin, Samat, Narimah, Chang, Chun Kiat, Kabir, Muhammad Humayun
No: 378

A Moving Object Tracking Technique Using Few Frames with Feature Map Extraction and Feature Fusion
Abdulaziz AlArfaj, Abeer, Mahmoud, Hanan Ahmed Hosni
No: 379

A Spatial Decision Support Approach for Flood Vulnerability Analysis in Urban Areas: A Case Study of Tehran
Afsari, Rasoul, Nadizadeh Shorabeh, Saman, Kouhnavard, Mostafa, Homaee, Mehdi, Arsanjani, Jamal Jokar
No: 380

STSGAN: Spatial-Temporal Global Semantic Graph Attention Convolution Networks for Urban Flow Prediction
Zhou, Junwei, Qin, Xizhong, Yu, Kun, Jia, Zhenhong, Du, Yan
No: 381

Certainty Factor Analyses and Spatiotemporal Characteristics of Landslide Evolution: Case Studies in the Chishan River Watershed in Taiwan
Wu, Chunhung
No: 382

An Accurate and Efficient Quaternion-Based Visualization Approach to 2D/3D Vector Data for the Mobile Augmented Reality Map
Wang, Chenliang, Huang, Kejia, Shi, Wenjiao
No: 383

Multi-Criterion Spatial Optimization of Future Police Stations Based on Urban Expansion and Criminal Behavior Characteristics
Jiang, Yuncheng, Guo, Baoyu, Yan, Zhigang
No: 384

GeoAI for Large-Scale Image Analysis and Machine Vision: Recent Progress of Artificial Intelligence in Geography
Li, Wenwen, Hsu, Chia-Yu
No: 385

The Interplay between Spatial Urban Expansion and Morphologic Landscapes East of Cairo, Egypt Using Time Series Satellite Imagery
Shalaby, Heidi, Hermas, ElSayed, Khormi, Hassan, Farghaly, Abudeif M., ElSayed, Ayman M., Alqurashi, Abdullah, Ascoura, Ibrahim
No: 386

Automatic Georeferencing of Topographic Raster Maps
Milleville, Kenzo, Verstockt, Steven, Van de Weghe, Nico
No: 387

Crop Identification Based on Multi-Temporal Active and Passive Remote Sensing Images
Zhang, Hebing, Yuan, Hongyi, Du, Weibing, Lyu, Xiaoxuan
No: 388

Effects of Terrain Parameters and Spatial Resolution of a Digital Elevation Model on the Calculation of Potential Solar Radiation in the Mountain Environment: A Case Study of the Tatra Mountains
Ďuračiová, Renata, Pružinec, Filip
No: 389

Satellite Image for Cloud and Snow Recognition Based on Lightweight Feature Map Attention Network
Yang, Chaoyun, Zhang, Yonghong, Xia, Min, Lin, Haifeng, Liu, Jia, Li, Yang
No: 390

Enhancing the Accuracy of Land Cover Classification by Airborne LiDAR Data and WorldView-2 Satellite Imagery
Wei, Chun-Ta, Tsai, Ming-Da, Chang, Yu-Lung, Wang, Ming-Chih Jason
No: 391

General Data Search Algorithms for Earth Simulation Systems with Cyclic Boundaries
Cao, Yu, Chen, Yan, Wang, Huizan, Zhang, Xiaojiang, Zhao, Wenjing
No: 392

A Progressive Simplification Method for Buildings Based on Structural Subdivision
Zhai, Renjian, Li, Anping, Yin, Jichong, Du, Jiawei, Qiu, Yue
No: 393

Assessing Park Accessibility Based on a Dynamic Huff Two-Step Floating Catchment Area Method and Map Service API
Wang, Huimin, Wei, Xiaojian, Ao, Weixuan
No: 394

Terrain Segmentation Using a U-Net for Improved Relief Shading
Farmakis-Serebryakova, Marianna, Heitzler, Magnus, Hurni, Lorenz
No: 395

Identification of Metropolitan Area Boundaries Based on Comprehensive Spatial Linkages of Cities: A Case Study of the Beijing–Tianjin–Hebei Region
Zhang, Xiaoyuan, Wang, Hao, Ning, Xiaogang, Zhang, Xiaoyu, Liu, Ruowen, Wang, Huibing
No: 396

Extracting Human Activity Areas from Large-Scale Spatial Data with Varying Densities
Shen, Xiaoqi, Shi, Wenzhong, Liu, Zhewei, Zhang, Anshu, Wang, Lukang, Zeng, Fanxin
No: 397

Landslide Susceptibility Prediction Based on High-Trust Non-Landslide Point Selection
Zhang, Yizhun, Yan, Qisheng
No: 398

Posyandu Application for Monitoring Children Under-Five: A 3-Year Data Quality Map in Indonesia
Rinawan, Fedri Ruluwedrata, Faza, Afina, Susanti, Ari Indra, Purnama, Wanda Gusdya, Indraswari, Noormarina, Didah, Ferdian, Dani, Fatimah, Siti Nur, Purbasari, Ayi, Zulianto, Arief, Sari, Atriany Nilam, Yulita, Intan Nurma, Rabbi, Muhammad Fiqri Abdi, Ridwana, Riki
No: 399

Crime Prediction and Monitoring in Porto, Portugal, Using Machine Learning, Spatial and Text Analytics
Saraiva, Miguel, Matijošaitienė, Irina, Mishra, Saloni, Amante, Ana
No: 400

Hybrid Machine Learning Approach for Gully Erosion Mapping Susceptibility at a Watershed Scale
Hitouri, Sliman, Varasano, Antonietta, Mohajane, Meriame, Ijlil, Safae, Essahlaoui, Narjisse, Ali, Sk Ajim, Essahlaoui, Ali, Pham, Quoc Bao, Waleed, Mirza, Palateerdham, Sasi Kiran, Teodoro, Ana Cláudia
No: 401

Accurate Extraction of Ground Objects from Remote Sensing Image Based on Mark Clustering Point Process
Zhang, Hongyun, Liu, Jin, Liu, Jie
No: 402

The Missing Millions in Maps: Exploring Causes of Uncertainties in Global Gridded Population Datasets
Kuffer, Monika, Owusu, Maxwell, Oliveira, Lorraine, Sliuzas, Richard, van Rijn, Frank
No: 403

Achieving Differential Privacy Publishing of Location-Based Statistical Data Using Grid Clustering
Yan, Yan, Sun, Zichao, Mahmood, Adnan, Xu, Fei, Dong, Zhuoyue, Sheng, Quan Z.
No: 404

Multipurpose GIS Portal for Forest Management, Research, and Education
Zápotocký, Martin, Koreň, Milan
No: 405

Analysis of the Spatio-Temporal Characteristics of Nanjing’s Urban Expansion and Its Driving Mechanisms
Tao, Yiming, Ye, Ruhai
No: 406

Assessment of Spatio-Temporal Changes in Water Surface Extents and Lake Surface Temperatures Using Google Earth Engine for Lakes Region, Türkiye
Albarqouni, Mohammed M. Y., Yagmur, Nur, Bektas Balcik, Filiz, Sekertekin, Aliihsan
No: 407

Structural Connectivity of Asia’s Protected Areas Network: Identifying the Potential of Transboundary Conservation and Cost-Effective Zones
Penagos Gaviria, Melissa, Kaszta, Żaneta, Farhadinia, Mohammad S.
No: 408

Adaptive Spatio-Temporal Query Strategies in Blockchain
Chen, Haibo, Liang, Daolei
No: 409

Tracing the Scientific Trajectory of Volunteered Cartography: The Case of OpenStreetMap
Pizzolotto, Roberto
No: 410

Parametric and Visual Programming BIM Applied to Museums, Linking Container and Content
Lo Turco, Massimiliano, Giovannini, Elisabetta Caterina, Tomalini, Andrea
No: 411

Similarity Search on Semantic Trajectories Using Text Processing
Ribeiro de Almeida, Damião, de Souza Baptista, Cláudio, de Andrade, Fabio Gomes
No: 412

The Reflection of Income Segregation and Accessibility Cleavages in Sydney’s House Prices
Ng, Matthew Kok Ming, Roper, Josephine, Lee, Chyi Lin, Pettit, Christopher
No: 413

An Assessment of the Accessibility of Multiple Public Service Facilities and Its Correlation with Housing Prices Using an Improved 2SFCA Method—A Case Study of Jinan City, China
Yang, Luoan, Zhang, Shumin, Guan, Mei, Cao, Jianfei, Zhang, Baolei
No: 414


Volume 11, Issue 08 (August 2022)

Interactive Visualization and Representation Analysis Applied to Glacier Segmentation
Zheng, Minxing, Miao, Xinran, Sankaran, Kris
No: 415

Identifying Suitable Watersheds across Nigeria Using Biophysical Parameters and Machine Learning Algorithms for Agri–Planning
Panjala, Pranay, Gumma, Murali Krishna, Ajeigbe, Hakeem Ayinde, Badamasi, Murtala Muhammad, Deevi, Kumara Charyulu, Tabo, Ramadjita
No: 416

Evaluation of Spatial Thinking Ability Based on Exposure to Geographical Information Systems (GIS) Concepts in the Context of Higher Education
Duarte, Lia, Teodoro, Ana Cláudia, Gonçalves, Hernâni
No: 417

Mining Type-β Co-Location Patterns on Closeness Centrality in Spatial Data Sets
Zou, Muquan, Wang, Lizhen, Wu, Pingping, Tran, Vanha
No: 418

Exploring the Spatial Heterogeneity and Driving Factors of UAV Logistics Network: Case Study of Hangzhou, China
He, Hongbo, Ye, Huping, Xu, Chenchen, Liao, Xiaohan
No: 419

Patch-Based Local Climate Zones Mapping and Population Distribution Pattern in Provincial Capital Cities of China
Zhou, Liang, Ma, Lei, Johnson, Brian Alan, Yan, Ziyun, Li, Feixue, Li, Manchun
No: 420

Refined Urban Functional Zone Mapping by Integrating Open-Source Data
Deng, Yue, He, Rixing
No: 421

Global Spatial Suitability Mapping of Wind and Solar Systems Using an Explainable AI-Based Approach
Sachit, Mourtadha Sarhan, Shafri, Helmi Zulhaidi Mohd, Abdullah, Ahmad Fikri, Rafie, Azmin Shakrine Mohd, Gibril, Mohamed Barakat A.
No: 422

The Influence of Data Density and Integration on Forest Canopy Cover Mapping Using Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Time Series in Mediterranean Oak Forests
Nasiri, Vahid, Sadeghi, Seyed Mohammad Moein, Moradi, Fardin, Afshari, Samaneh, Deljouei, Azade, Griess, Verena C., Maftei, Carmen, Borz, Stelian Alexandru
No: 423

Object-Based Automatic Mapping of Winter Wheat Based on Temporal Phenology Patterns Derived from Multitemporal Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Imagery
Wang, Limei, Jin, Guowang, Xiong, Xin, Zhang, Hongmin, Wu, Ke
No: 424

Domain-Specific Language for Land Administration System Transactions
Pržulj, Đorđe, Dejanović, Igor, Stefanović, Miroslav, Lolić, Teodora, Sladojević, Srđan
No: 425

Vegetation Greenness Trend in Dry Seasons and Its Responses to Temperature and Precipitation in Mara River Basin, Africa
Zhu, Wanyi, Zhang, Zhenke, Zhao, Shuhe, Guo, Xinya, Das, Priyanko, Feng, Shouming, Liu, Binglin
No: 426

Grid-Scale Regional Risk Assessment of Potentially Toxic Metals Using Multi-Source Data
Chen, Mulin, Cai, Hongyan, Wang, Li, Lei, Mei
No: 427

Explore the Correlation between Environmental Factors and the Spatial Distribution of Property Crime
Sun, Lijian, Zhang, Guozhuang, Zhao, Dan, Ji, Ling, Gu, Haiyan, Sun, Li, Li, Xia
No: 428

Beyond Accessibility: A Multidimensional Evaluation of Urban Park Equity in Yangzhou, China
Li, Zhiming, Liang, Zhengyuan, Feng, Linhui, Fan, Zhengxi
No: 429

Adaptive Geometric Interval Classifier
Li, Shuang, Shan, Jie
No: 430

Uncovering Factors Affecting Taxi Income from GPS Traces at the Directional Road Segment Level
Jin, Shuxin, Wu, Zhouhao, Shen, Tong, Wang, Di, Cai, Ming
No: 431

Visualization and Analysis of Transport Accessibility Changes Based on Time Cartograms
Wang, Lina, Li, Xiang, Ding, Linfang, Yu, Xinkai, Hu, Tao
No: 432

Effects of Climate Change on Corn Yields: Spatiotemporal Evidence from Geographically and Temporally Weighted Regression Model
Yang, Bing, Wu, Sensen, Yan, Zhen
No: 433

Identification of Urban Functional Zones Based on the Spatial Specificity of Online Car-Hailing Traffic Cycle
Deng, Zhicheng, You, Xiangting, Shi, Zhaoyang, Gao, Hong, Hu, Xu, Yu, Zhaoyuan, Yuan, Linwang
No: 435

Optimal Routing of Wide Multi-Modal Energy and Infrastructure Corridors
Salamati, Mehdi, Wang, Xin, Winter, Jennifer, Zareipour, Hamidreza
No: 434

Improving the Spatial Accessibility of Community-Level Healthcare Service toward the ‘15-Minute City’ Goal in China
Song, Genxin, He, Xinxin, Kong, Yunfeng, Li, Ke, Song, Hongquan, Zhai, Shiyan, Luo, Jingjing
No: 436

Measure of Utilizing Space Database Information for Improvement of Efficient Disaster Management (Focusing on Nuclear Power Plant Accidents)
Lee, Bomi, Kang, Aetti, Ham, Sungil
No: 438

Integrating Post-Processing Kinematic (PPK)–Structure-from-Motion (SfM) with Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Photogrammetry and Digital Field Mapping for Structural Geological Analysis
Cirillo, Daniele, Cerritelli, Francesca, Agostini, Silvano, Bello, Simone, Lavecchia, Giusy, Brozzetti, Francesco
No: 437

Raster Map Line Element Extraction Method Based on Improved U-Net Network
Ran, Wenjing, Wang, Jiasheng, Yang, Kun, Bai, Ling, Rao, Xun, Zhao, Zhe, Xu, Chunxiao
No: 439

Using Attributes Explicitly Reflecting User Preference in a Self-Attention Network for Next POI Recommendation
Li, Ruijing, Guo, Jianzhong, Liu, Chun, Li, Zheng, Zhang, Shaoqing
No: 440

High-Precision Dynamic Traffic Noise Mapping Based on Road Surveillance Video
Sun, Yanjie, Wu, Mingguang, Liu, Xiaoyan, Zhou, Liangchen
No: 441

Prediction of Urban Sprawl by Integrating Socioeconomic Factors in the Batticaloa Municipal Council, Sri Lanka
Seevarethnam, Mathanraj, Rusli, Noradila, Ling, Gabriel Hoh Teck
No: 442

Exploring the Impact of Floating Population with Different Household Registration on Theft
Xu, Chong, Chen, Xi, Chen, Jianguo, Chen, Debao
No: 443

Correction: Shi et al. Spatio-Temporal Variation Analysis of the Biological Boundary Temperature Index Based on Accumulated Temperature: A Case Study of the Yangtze River Basin. ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 2021, 10, 675
Shi, Guangxun, Ye, Peng, Yang, Xianwu
No: 444

VHRShips: An Extensive Benchmark Dataset for Scalable Deep Learning-Based Ship Detection Applications
Kızılkaya, Serdar, Alganci, Ugur, Sertel, Elif
No: 445

Factors That Affect Spatial Data Sharing in Malaysia
Hamamurad, Qasim Hamakhurshid, Mat Jusoh, Normal, Ujang, Uznir
No: 446

Characterizing Production–Living–Ecological Space Evolution and Its Driving Factors: A Case Study of the Chaohu Lake Basin in China from 2000 to 2020
Zhang, Ruyi, Li, Songnian, Wei, Baojing, Zhou, Xu
No: 447

RDQS: A Geospatial Data Analysis System for Improving Roads Directionality Quality
Salama, Abdulrahman, Hampshire, Cordel, Lee, Josh, Sabour, Adel, Yao, Jiawei, Al-Masri, Eyhab, Ali, Mohamed, Govind, Harsh, Tan, Ming, Agrawal, Vashutosh, Maresov, Egor, Prakash, Ravi
No: 448

Measuring COVID-19 Vulnerability for Northeast Brazilian Municipalities: Social, Economic, and Demographic Factors Based on Multiple Criteria and Spatial Analysis
Figueiredo, Ciro José Jardim de, de Miranda Mota, Caroline Maria, de Araújo, Kaliane Gabriele Dias, Rosa, Amanda Gadelha Ferreira, de Souza, Arthur Pimentel Gomes
No: 449

House Price Valuation Model Based on Geographically Neural Network Weighted Regression: The Case Study of Shenzhen, China
Wang, Zimo, Wang, Yicheng, Wu, Sensen, Du, Zhenhong
No: 450

Assessing Multi-Temporal Global Urban Land-Cover Products Using Spatio-Temporal Stratified Sampling
Gong, Yali, Xie, Huan, Jin, Yanmin, Tong, Xiaohua
No: 451

Coupling a Physical Replica with a Digital Twin: A Comparison of Participatory Decision-Making Methods in an Urban Park Environment
Luo, Junjie, Liu, Pengyuan, Cao, Lei
No: 452

Modelling the Mobility Changes Caused by Perceived Risk and Policy Efficiency
Wu, Sijin, Grant-Muller, Susan, Yang, Lili
No: 453

Discovering Spatio-Temporal Co-Occurrence Patterns of Crimes with Uncertain Occurrence Time
Chen, Yuanfang, Cai, Jiannan, Deng, Min
No: 454

Spatial Pattern and Formation Mechanism of Rural Tourism Resources in China: Evidence from 1470 National Leisure Villages
Xie, Yuchen, Meng, Xiangzhuang, Cenci, Jeremy, Zhang, Jiazhen
No: 455

Identification of Urban Agglomeration Spatial Range Based on Social and Remote-Sensing Data—For Evaluating Development Level of Urban Agglomeration
Zhang, Shuai, Wei, Hua
No: 456

Make It Simple: Effective Road Selection for Small-Scale Map Design Using Decision-Tree-Based Models
Karsznia, Izabela, Wereszczyńska, Karolina, Weibel, Robert
No: 457


Volume 11, Issue 09 (September 2022)

Extraction of Urban Quality of Life Indicators Using Remote Sensing and Machine Learning: The Case of Al Ain City, United Arab Emirates (UAE)
Yagoub, Mohamed. M., Tesfaldet, Yacob T., Elmubarak, Marwan G., Al Hosani, Naeema
No: 458

Assessment of Morphometric Parameters as the Basis for Hydrological Inferences in Water Resource Management: A Case Study from the Sinú River Basin in Colombia
López-Ramos, Alvaro, Medrano-Barboza, Juan Pablo, Martínez-Acosta, Luisa, Acuña, Guillermo J., Remolina López, John Freddy, López-Lambraño, Alvaro Alberto
No: 459

Web Mapping and Real–Virtual Itineraries to Promote Feasible Archaeological and Environmental Tourism in Versilia (Italy)
Luppichini, Marco, Noti, Valerio, Pavone, Danilo, Bonato, Marzia, Ghizzani Marcìa, Francesco, Genovesi, Stefano, Lemmi, Francesca, Rosselli, Lisa, Chiarenza, Neva, Colombo, Marta, Picchi, Giulia, Fontanelli, Andrea, Bini, Monica
No: 460

Pattern Recognition and Segmentation of Administrative Boundaries Using a One-Dimensional Convolutional Neural Network and Grid Shape Context Descriptor
Yang, Min, Huang, Haoran, Zhang, Yiqi, Yan, Xiongfeng
No: 461

OSO-YOLOv5: Automatic Extraction Method of Store Signboards in Street View Images Based on Multi-Dimensional Analysis
Dai, Jiguang, Gu, Yue
No: 462

A Lightweight Long-Term Vehicular Motion Prediction Method Leveraging Spatial Database and Kinematic Trajectory Data
Tao, Lu, Watanabe, Yousuke, Takada, Hiroaki
No: 463

Uncovering the Relationship between Urban Road Network Topology and Taxi Drivers’ Income: A Perspective from Spatial Design Network Analysis
Yuan, Changwei, Zhao, Jiannan, Mao, Xinhua, Duan, Yaxin, Ma, Ningyuan
No: 464

A Complete Reinforcement-Learning-Based Framework for Urban-Safety Perception
Wang, Yaxuan, Zeng, Zhixin, Li, Qiushan, Deng, Yingrui
No: 465

Commuting Analysis of the Budapest Metropolitan Area Using Mobile Network Data
Pintér, Gergő, Felde, Imre
No: 466

Metric, Topological, and Syntactic Accessibility in Three-Dimensional Urban Networked Spaces: Modeling Options and Visualization
Dao, Thi Hong Diep, Thill, Jean-Claude
No: 467

HBIM Meta-Modelling: 50 (and More) Shades of Grey
Attenni, Martina, Bianchini, Carlo, Griffo, Marika, Senatore, Luca James
No: 468

Heri-Graphs: A Dataset Creation Framework for Multi-Modal Machine Learning on Graphs of Heritage Values and Attributes with Social Media
Bai, Nan, Nourian, Pirouz, Luo, Renqian, Pereira Roders, Ana
No: 469

Spatial Prediction of COVID-19 Pandemic Dynamics in the United States
Ak, Çiğdem, Chitsazan, Alex D., Gönen, Mehmet, Etzioni, Ruth, Grossberg, Aaron J.
No: 470

A Forest of Forests: A Spatially Weighted and Computationally Efficient Formulation of Geographical Random Forests
Georganos, Stefanos, Kalogirou, Stamatis
No: 471

HBIM Open Source: A Review
Diara, Filippo
No: 472

Mapping Climate Parameters over the Territory of Botswana Using GMT and Gridded Surface Data from TerraClimate
Lemenkova, Polina
No: 473

Potential Ecological Distributions of Urban Adapters and Urban Exploiters for the Sustainability of the Urban Bird Network
Winarni, Nurul L., Fuad, Habiburrachman A. H., Anugra, Bhisma G., Kaunain, Nabilla Nuril, Anisafitri, Shania, Atria, Mega, Putrika, Afiatry
No: 474

Identification of Road Network Intersection Types from Vehicle Telemetry Data Using a Convolutional Neural Network
Erramaline, Abdelmajid, Badard, Thierry, Côté, Marie-Pier, Duchesne, Thierry, Mercier, Olivier
No: 475

Spatio-Temporal Sentiment Mining of COVID-19 Arabic Social Media
Elsaka, Tarek, Afyouni, Imad, Hashem, Ibrahim, Al Aghbari, Zaher
No: 476

Spatial Interaction Analysis of Shared Bicycles Mobility Regularity and Determinants: A Case Study of Six Main Districts, Beijing
Hu, Lujin, Wen, Zheng, Wang, Jian, Hu, Jing
No: 477

Early Detection of Suspicious Behaviors for Safe Residence from Movement Trajectory Data
Cheng, Junyi, Zhang, Xianfeng, Chen, Xiao, Ren, Miao, Huang, Jie, Luo, Peng
No: 478

Exploring Landscape Composition Using 2D and 3D Open Urban Vectorial Data
Pedrinis, Frédéric, Samuel, John, Appert, Manuel, Jacquinod, Florence, Gesquière, Gilles
No: 479

Extracting Skeleton Lines from Building Footprints by Integration of Vector and Raster Data
Chen, Guoqing, Qian, Haizhong
No: 480

Exploring the Applicability of Self-Organizing Maps for Ecosystem Service Zoning of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area
Yan, Yingwei, Deng, Yingbin, Yang, Ji, Li, Yong, Ye, Xinyue, Xu, Jianhui, Ye, Yuyao
No: 481

SocialMedia2Traffic: Derivation of Traffic Information from Social Media Data
Zia, Mohammed, Fürle, Johannes, Ludwig, Christina, Lautenbach, Sven, Gumbrich, Stefan, Zipf, Alexander
No: 482

Research on the Dynamic Evolution of the Landscape Pattern in the Urban Fringe Area of Wuhan from 2000 to 2020
Long, Yan, Luo, Shiqi, Liu, Xi, Luo, Tianyue, Liu, Xuejun
No: 483

Soft Integration of Geo-Tagged Data Sets in J-CO-QL+
Fosci, Paolo, Psaila, Giuseppe
No: 484

Exploring Spatial Features of Population Activities and Functional Facilities in Rail Transit Station Realm Based on Real-Time Positioning Data: A Case of Xi’an Metro Line 2
Wang, Di, Dewancker, Bart, Duan, Yaqiong, Zhao, Meng
No: 485

Exploring the Inter-Monthly Dynamic Patterns of Chinese Urban Spatial Interaction Networks Based on Baidu Migration Data
Jiang, Heping, Luo, Shijia, Qin, Jiahui, Liu, Ruihua, Yi, Disheng, Liu, Yusi, Zhang, Jing
No: 486

Road Intersection Recognition via Combining Classification Model and Clustering Algorithm Based on GPS Data
Liu, Yizhi, Qing, Rutian, Zhao, Yijiang, Liao, Zhuhua
No: 487

PM2SFCA: Spatial Access to Urban Parks, Based on Park Perceptions and Multi-Travel Modes. A Case Study in Beijing
Luo, Shijia, Jiang, Heping, Yi, Disheng, Liu, Ruihua, Qin, Jiahui, Liu, Yusi, Zhang, Jing
No: 488

Generalization of Linear and Area Features Incorporating a Shape Measure
Blana, Natalia, Tsoulos, Lysandros
No: 489

Climate Justice in the City: Mapping Heat-Related Risk for Climate Change Mitigation of the Urban and Peri-Urban Area of Padua (Italy)
Todeschi, Valeria, Pappalardo, Salvatore Eugenio, Zanetti, Carlo, Peroni, Francesca, Marchi, Massimo De
No: 490

Design and Application of Multi-Dimensional Visualization System for Large-Scale Ocean Data
Lv, Teng, Fu, Jun, Li, Bao
No: 491

MSEN-GRP: A Geographic Relations Prediction Model Based on Multi-Layer Similarity Enhanced Networks for Geographic Relations Completion
Huang, Zongcai, Qiu, Peiyuan, Yu, Li, Lu, Feng
No: 493

Sensing Tourist Distributions and Their Sentiment Variations Using Social Media: Evidence from 5A Scenic Areas in China
Wang, Jingbo, Xia, Yu, Wu, Yuting
No: 492

Reverse Difference Network for Highlighting Small Objects in Aerial Images
Ni, Huan, Chanussot, Jocelyn, Niu, Xiaonan, Tang, Hong, Guan, Haiyan
No: 494

Aquifer and Land Subsidence Interaction Assessment Using Sentinel-1 Data and DInSAR Technique
Rafiei, Fatemeh, Gharechelou, Saeid, Golian, Saeed, Johnson, Brian Alan
No: 495


ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing


ISPRS Journal ISPRS Journal

New publications
Volume 190 (August 2022)

Editorial Board
Pages: ii

An adaptive scalloping suppression method for spaceborne ScanSAR images based on pre-estimation and weighted filtering
Jianghao Tian, Yonghua Cai, Weidong Yu, Huaitao Fan
Pages: 267-278

Marine bubble flow quantification using wide-baseline stereo photogrammetry
Mengkun She, Tim Weiß, Yifan Song, Peter Urban, Jens Greinert, Kevin Köser
Pages: 322-341

Error analysis and 3D reconstruction using airborne array InSAR images
Fengming Hu, Feng Wang, Yexian Ren, Feng Xu, Xiaolan Qiu, Chibiao Ding, Yaqiu Jin
Pages: 113-128

An automatic approach for tree species detection and profile estimation of urban street trees using deep learning and Google street view images
Kwanghun Choi, Wontaek Lim, Byungwoo Chang, Jinah Jeong, Inyoo Kim, Chan-Ryul Park, Dongwook W. Ko
Pages: 165-180

Deep learning feature representation for image matching under large viewpoint and viewing direction change
Lin Chen, Christian Heipke
Pages: 94-112

Georeferencing oblique PhenoCam imagery
Youssef O Kaddoura, Benjamin Wilkinson, Trina Merrick, Grenville Barnes, Katharyn Duffy, Eben Broadbent, Amr Abd-Elrahman, Michael Binford, Andrew D Richardson
Pages: 301-321

The estimation of hourly PM2.5 concentrations across China based on a Spatial and Temporal Weighted Continuous Deep Neural Network (STWC-DNN)
Zhen Wang, Ruiyuan Li, Ziyue Chen, Qi Yao, Bingbo Gao, Miaoqing Xu, Lin Yang, Manchun Li, Chenghu Zhou
Pages: 38-55

Evaluation of synthetic aerial imagery using unconditional generative adversarial networks
Matthew Yates, Glen Hart, Robert Houghton, Mercedes {Torres Torres}, Michael Pound
Pages: 231-251

Learning for mismatch removal via graph attention networks
Xingyu Jiang, Yang Wang, Aoxiang Fan, Jiayi Ma
Pages: 181-195

Measuring residents’ perceptions of city streets to inform better street planning through deep learning and space syntax
Lei Wang, Xin Han, Jie He, Taeyeol Jung
Pages: 215-230

Characterising retrieval uncertainty of chlorophyll-a algorithms in oligotrophic and mesotrophic lakes and reservoirs
Mortimer Werther, Daniel Odermatt, Stefan G.H. Simis, Daniela Gurlin, Daniel S.F. Jorge, Hubert Loisel, Peter D. Hunter, Andrew N. Tyler, Evangelos Spyrakos
Pages: 279-300

Detecting tiny objects in aerial images: A normalized Wasserstein distance and a new benchmark
Chang Xu, Jinwang Wang, Wen Yang, Huai Yu, Lei Yu, Gui-Song Xia
Pages: 79-93

UNetFormer: A UNet-like transformer for efficient semantic segmentation of remote sensing urban scene imagery
Libo Wang, Rui Li, Ce Zhang, Shenghui Fang, Chenxi Duan, Xiaoliang Meng, Peter M. Atkinson
Pages: 196-214

A twenty-years remote sensing study reveals changes to alpine pastures under asymmetric climate warming
Lilin Zheng, Dahui Li, Jianhua Xu, Zilong Xia, Haichao Hao, Zhongsheng Chen
Pages: 69-78

Coal fire identification and state assessment by integrating multitemporal thermal infrared and InSAR remote sensing data: A case study of Midong District, Urumqi, China
Bing Yu, Jie She, Guoxiang Liu, Deying Ma, Rui Zhang, Zhiwei Zhou, Bo Zhang
Pages: 144-164

A novel full-polarization SAR image ship detector based on scattering mechanisms and wave polarization anisotropy
Chuan Zhang, Gui Gao, Linlin Zhang, C. Chen, S. Gao, Libo Yao, Qilin Bai, Shiquan Gou
Pages: 129-143

A linear pushbroom satellite image epipolar resampling method for digital surface model generation
Puyun Liao, Guanzhou Chen, Xiaodong Zhang, Kun Zhu, Yuanfu Gong, Tong Wang, Xianwei Li, Haobo Yang
Pages: 56-68

A unified probabilistic framework of robust and efficient color consistency correction for multiple images
Yinxuan Li, Hongche Yin, Jian Yao, Hanyun Wang, Li Li
Pages: 1-24

Physically explainable CNN for SAR image classification
Zhongling Huang, Xiwen Yao, Ying Liu, Corneliu Octavian Dumitru, Mihai Datcu, Junwei Han
Pages: 25-37

Mapping corn dynamics using limited but representative samples with adaptive strategies
Yanan Wen, Xuecao Li, Haowei Mu, Liheng Zhong, Han Chen, Yelu Zeng, Shuangxi Miao, Wei Su, Peng Gong, Baoguo Li, Jianxi Huang
Pages: 252-266


New publications
Volume 191 (September 2022)

Editorial Board
Pages: ii

Sentinel-2 sampling design and reference fire perimeters to assess accuracy of Burned Area products over Sub-Saharan Africa for the year 2019
Daniela Stroppiana, Matteo Sali, Lorenzo Busetto, Mirco Boschetti, Luigi Ranghetti, Magí Franquesa, M. Lucrecia Pettinari, Emilio Chuvieco
Pages: 223-234

Scribble-based boundary-aware network for weakly supervised salient object detection in remote sensing images
Zhou Huang, Tian-Zhu Xiang, Huai-Xin Chen, Hang Dai
Pages: 290-301

Cross-spatiotemporal land-cover classification from VHR remote sensing images with deep learning based domain adaptation
Muying Luo, Shunping Ji
Pages: 105-128

Automatic recognition of earth rock embankment leakage based on UAV passive infrared thermography and deep learning
Renlian Zhou, Zhiping Wen, Huaizhi Su
Pages: 85-104

Convolutional neural network model for discrimination of harmful algal bloom (HAB) from non-HABs using Sentinel-3 OLCI imagery
Jisun Shin, Boo-Keun Khim, Lee-Hyun Jang, Jinwook Lim, Young-Heon Jo
Pages: 250-262

CG-SSD: Corner guided single stage 3D object detection from LiDAR point cloud
Ruiqi Ma, Chi Chen, Bisheng Yang, Deren Li, Haiping Wang, Yangzi Cong, Zongtian Hu
Pages: 33-48

Real-world remote sensing image super-resolution via a practical degradation model and a kernel-aware network
Runmin Dong, Lichao Mou, Lixian Zhang, Haohuan Fu, Xiao Xiang Zhu
Pages: 155-170

Simulation of solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence in a heterogeneous forest using 3-D radiative transfer modelling and airborne LiDAR
Sicong Gao, Alfredo Huete, Hideki Kobayashi, Tanya M. Doody, Weiwei Liu, Yakai Wang, Yongguang Zhang, Xiaoliang Lu
Pages: 1-17

Task-specific contrastive learning for few-shot remote sensing image scene classification
Qingjie Zeng, Jie Geng
Pages: 143-154

An improved approach of dry snow density estimation using C-band synthetic aperture radar data
Min Li, Pengfeng Xiao, Xueliang Zhang, Xuezhi Feng, Liujun Zhu
Pages: 49-67

Uncertainty quantification in land surface temperature retrieved from Himawari-8/AHI data by operational algorithms
Yuhei Yamamoto, Kazuhito Ichii, Youngryel Ryu, Minseok Kang, Shohei Murayama
Pages: 171-187

Fast and accurate multi-class geospatial object detection with large-size remote sensing imagery using CNN and Truncated NMS
Yanyun Shen, Di Liu, Feizhao Zhang, Qingling Zhang
Pages: 235-249

Fully-weighted HGNN: Learning efficient non-local relations with hypergraph in aerial imagery
Yu Tian, Xian Sun, Ruigang Niu, Hongfeng Yu, Zicong Zhu, Peijin Wang, Kun Fu
Pages: 263-276

Historical mapping of rice fields in Japan using phenology and temporally aggregated Landsat images in Google Earth Engine
Luis Carrasco, Go Fujita, Kensuke Kito, Tadashi Miyashita
Pages: 277-289

Effects of satellite temporal resolutions on the remote derivation of trends in phytoplankton blooms in inland waters
Yuchao Zhang, Kun Shi, Zhen Cao, Lai Lai, Jianping Geng, Kuiting Yu, Pengfei Zhan, Zhaomin Liu
Pages: 188-202

EGDE-Net: A building change detection method for high-resolution remote sensing imagery based on edge guidance and differential enhancement
Zhanlong Chen, Yuan Zhou, Bin Wang, Xuwei Xu, Nan He, Shuai Jin, Shenrui Jin
Pages: 203-222

Connectivity-aware Graph: A planar topology for 3D building surface reconstruction
Shengming Yang, Guorong Cai, Jing Du, Ping Chen, Jinhe Su, Yundong Wu, Zongyue Wang, Jonathan Li
Pages: 302-314

Spatio-temporal characterization of surface water dynamics with Landsat in endorheic Cuvelai-Etosha Basin (1990–2021)
Eliakim Hamunyela, Martin Hipondoka, Frans Persendt, Hilma {Sevelia Nghiyalwa}, Chris Thomas, Kenneth Matengu
Pages: 68-84

Adding single tree features and correcting edge tree effects enhance the characterization of seedling stands with single-photon airborne laser scanning
M. Imangholiloo, T. Yrttimaa, T. Mattsson, S. Junttila, M. Holopainen, N. Saarinen, P. Savolainen, J. Hyyppä, M. Vastaranta
Pages: 129-142

PKS: A photogrammetric key-frame selection method for visual-inertial systems built on ORB-SLAM3
Arash Azimi, Ali {Hosseininaveh Ahmadabadian}, Fabio Remondino
Pages: 18-32


New publications
Volume 192 (October 2022)

Editorial Board
Pages: ii

SignHRNet: Street-level traffic signs recognition with an attentive semi-anchoring guided high-resolution network
Yongtao Yu, Tao Jiang, Yinyin Li, Haiyan Guan, Dilong Li, Lianghai Chen, Changhui Yu, Li Gao, Shangbing Gao, Jonathan Li
Pages: 142-160

A downscaling model for derivation of 3-D flood products from VIIRS imagery and SRTM/DEM
Sanmei Li, Donglian Sun, Mitchell D. Goldberg, Satya Kalluri, Bill Sjoberg, Dan Lindsey, Jay P. Hoffman, Mike DeWeese, Brian Connelly, Paul Mckee, Kris Lander
Pages: 279-298

Estimation of building height using a single street view image via deep neural networks
Yizhen Yan, Bo Huang
Pages: 83-98

A frame-based probabilistic local verification method for robust correspondence
Liang Shen, Zhou Xu, Jiahua Zhu, Xiaotao Huang, Tian Jin
Pages: 232-243

Utilising Sentinel-1’s orbital stability for efficient pre-processing of sigma nought backscatter
Claudio Navacchi, Senmao Cao, Bernhard Bauer-Marschallinger, Paul Snoeij, David Small, Wolfgang Wagner
Pages: 130-141

Determining pseudo-invariant calibration sites for comparing inter-mission ocean color data
Jun Chen, Na Xu, Xianqiang He, Wenting Quan, Qingyin He, Qijin Han, Delu Pan
Pages: 377-394

Robust optical displacement measurement of bridge structures in complex environments
Shanshan Yu, Ziyang Su, Jian Zhang
Pages: 395-408

GLF-CR: SAR-enhanced cloud removal with global–local fusion
Fang Xu, Yilei Shi, Patrick Ebel, Lei Yu, Gui-Song Xia, Wen Yang, Xiao Xiang Zhu
Pages: 268-278

Spectral index-driven FCN model training for water extraction from multispectral imagery
Zhenshi Li, Xueliang Zhang, Pengfeng Xiao
Pages: 344-360

Repairing geometric errors in 3D urban models with kinetic data structures
Mulin Yu, Florent Lafarge, Sven Oesau, Bruno Hilaire
Pages: 315-326

Breaking the resolution barrier: A low-to-high network for large-scale high-resolution land-cover mapping using low-resolution labels
Zhuohong Li, Hongyan Zhang, Fangxiao Lu, Ruoyao Xue, Guangyi Yang, Liangpei Zhang
Pages: 244-267

Spatial context-aware method for urban land use classification using street view images
Fang Fang, Linyun Zeng, Shengwen Li, Daoyuan Zheng, Jiahui Zhang, Yuanyuan Liu, Bo Wan
Pages: 1-12

Real-time citywide reconstruction of traffic flow from moving cameras on lightweight edge devices
Ashutosh Kumar, Takehiro Kashiyama, Hiroya Maeda, Hiroshi Omata, Yoshihide Sekimoto
Pages: 115-129

A hybrid image segmentation method for building extraction from high-resolution RGB images
Mohammad D. Hossain, Dongmei Chen
Pages: 299-314

Optimal scan planning for surveying large sites with static and mobile mapping systems
Ernesto Frías, Mattia Previtali, Lucía Díaz-Vilariño, Marco Scaioni, Henrique Lorenzo
Pages: 13-32

Multisource forest inventories: A model-based approach using k-NN to reconcile forest attributes statistics and map products
Ankit Sagar, Cédric Vega, Olivier Bouriaud, Christian Piedallu, Jean-Pierre Renaud
Pages: 175-188

Comparing tree attributes derived from quantitative structure models based on drone and mobile laser scanning point clouds across varying canopy cover conditions
Yangqian Qi, Nicholas C. Coops, Lori D. Daniels, Christopher R. Butson
Pages: 49-65

A novel solution for stereo three-dimensional localization combined with geometric semantic constraints based on spaceborne SAR data
Yitong Luo, Xiaolan Qiu, Lingxiao Peng, Wei Wang, Bei Lin, Chibiao Ding
Pages: 161-174

Assessment of PRISMA water reflectance using autonomous hyperspectral radiometry
Federica Braga, Alice Fabbretto, Quinten Vanhellemont, Mariano Bresciani, Claudia Giardino, Gian Marco Scarpa, Giorgia Manfè, Javier Alonso Concha, Vittorio Ernesto Brando
Pages: 99-114

Semi-supervised adversarial recognition of refined window structures for inverse procedural façade modelling
Han Hu, Xinrong Liang, Yulin Ding, Xuekun Yuan, Qisen Shang, Bo Xu, Xuming Ge, Min Chen, Ruofei Zhong, Qing Zhu
Pages: 215-231

Using the VENµS Super-Spectral Camera for detecting moving vehicles
Manuel Salvoldi, Aviv L. Cohen-Zada, Arnon Karnieli
Pages: 33-48

How can UAV bridge the gap between ground and satellite observations for quantifying the biomass of desert shrub community?
Peng Mao, Junjie Ding, Biqian Jiang, Longjun Qin, Guo Yu Qiu
Pages: 361-376

Semi-supervised thin cloud removal with mutually beneficial guides
Zunxiao Xu, Kang Wu, Wuli Wang, Xinrong Lyu, Peng Ren
Pages: 327-343

Retrieving global leaf chlorophyll content from MERIS data using a neural network method
Mingzhu Xu, Ronggao Liu, Jing M. Chen, Rong Shang, Yang Liu, Lin Qi, Holly Croft, Weimin Ju, Yongguang Zhang, Yuhong He, Feng Qiu, Jing Li, Qinan Lin
Pages: 66-82

A robust registration method for UAV thermal infrared and visible images taken by dual-cameras
Lingxuan Meng, Ji Zhou, Shaomin Liu, Ziwei Wang, Xiaodong Zhang, Lirong Ding, Li Shen, Shaofei Wang
Pages: 189-214


New Events


01 Aug - 30 Nov 2022
2022 International Remote Sensing Image Intelligent Processing Algorithm Contest
Wuhan, China

29 Aug - 09 Sep 2022
2022 Training Course on Satellite Remote Sensing Technologies and Applications
website not yet available
Beijing (online), China

05-07 Sep 2022
SPIE Sensors + Imaging;exhibition
Berlin, Germany

05 Oct 2022
ACRS 2022
ISPRS Technical Commission I WG I/1 and The 43rd Asian Conference on Remote Sensing (ACRS 2022) Joint Session
“Satellite Program Session”
Virtual, -

18-20 Oct 2022
International Conference on Advanced Geospatial Science & Technology
Tunis, Tunisia

19-21 Oct 2022
MetroArcbaeo 2022
2022 IMEKO International Conference on
Metrology for Archaeology and Cultural Heritage
Rende (Cosenza), Italy

01-05 Nov 2022
AGSE 2022
Applied Geoinformatics for Digital Transformation and Environmental Stewardship
Trivandrum, Kerala, India

15-16 Dec 2022
LC3D 2022
LowCost 3D - Sensors, Algorithms, Applications
Würzburg, Germany

15-16 Dec 2022
Optical 3D Metrology
Würzburg, Germany

06-08 Feb 2023
10th EARSeL SIG Workshop Land Ice and Snow
Remote Sensing of the Cryosphere: methods and applications from regional to global scale
Bern, Switzerland

25-27 Apr 2023
9th International Conference on Geographical Information Systems Theory, Applications and Management
Prague, Czech Republic

30 Apr - 04 May 2023
SPIE Defense + Commercial Sensing 2023 (DCS)
Orlando, Florida, USA

10-12 May 2023
International Conference on Geomatics Education – Challenges and Prospect
Hong Kong, China

25-30 Jun 2023
CIPA 2023 Symposium
Documenting, Understanding, Preserving Cultural Heritage.
Humanities and digital technologies for shaping the future
Florence, Italy

» See more

Updated Events


01 Aug - 30 Nov 2022
2022 International Remote Sensing Image Intelligent Processing Algorithm Contest
Wuhan, China

24-28 Apr 2023
39th International Remote Environmental Sensing Symposium
Antalya, Turkiye

02-07 Sep 2023
ISPRS Geospatial Week 2023
Cairo, Egypt

» See more

Job Opportunities


12-Sep-2022 Assistant Professor in Geomatics
College of Science and Technology at North Carolina A&T State University
Deadline: 15-Oct-2022
19-Sep-2022 1-year guest professorship "Cartography and modern teaching"
Dresden University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Deadline: 23-Oct-2022
29-Sep-2022 Graduate Assistantship in Geospatial Engineering
Department of Civil, Environmental and Geospatial Engineering, Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI, USA
Deadline: 16-Oct-2022

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