ISPRS e-Bulletin: May 2022

ISPRS e-Bulletin
Issue No 2 - 2022


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•  TIF News
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Lena Halounova      

Welcome to the XXIV ISPRS Congress, 6–11 June 2022

by Lena Halounová, ISPRS Secretary General

The covid virus has changed our lives in many aspects. While ISPRS usually holds its Congresses in the quadrennial cycle, the last occasion to meet friends and create new ones at an ISPRS Congress was in Prague in 2016. The younger generation has had no opportunity to take part in an ISPRS Congress. Six years is a long time; more than a normal university degree takes, more than a Ph.D. We have missed personal contacts. It is just one example of the negative side of this ongoing pandemic.

People are inventive and operational. We have replaced restrictions by using already existing technologies. Their existence and amazing boom have allowed us to organise virtual events and on-line meetings, including for education, concerts, exhibitions, etc.

The ISPRS Congress, originally planned for July 2020, was replaced in 2020 by a virtual presentation of all papers of authors willing to present them to the community - already in August and September 2020. The Congress Director and his team used tools for these virtual meetings, as one of first scientific organisers, for the 2020 ISPRS Congress Edition. This event, attended by more than one thousand persons, became the 2020 edition of the XXIV Congress.

The year of 2021 did not bring any relief, and the physical meeting of the XXIV Congress and its General Assembly could still not be carried out in Nice. While the organisers had opened a call for papers, they had no choice but to carry on and process the reviewing of submissions, and once again had to change the in-person event to a digital one.

In 2022, life has slowly returned to normal. The Congress Director and his colleagues have been tirelessly continuing to prepare the 2022 Edition of the XXIV ISPRS Congress in Nice – as promised in 2016 – with new dates, 6-11 June 2022.

They have received more than one thousand contributions, accepted hundreds of papers, arranged their reviews, checked for plagiarism, checked the paper formats, arranged the publication of the Congress proceedings, and elaborated the programme of the scientific tracks, together with Technical Commission Presidents and Working Group Chairs. Besides these scientific tracks of the ISPRS Commissions, one specific track of the Congress is dedicated to Fora with invited speakers to discuss selected hot topics for our community. Another key track is the technology track, giving the opportunity to sponsors and industry to present their latest remarkable developments connected with ISPRS commissions. The Congress also offers an educational programme - half day or full day tutorials the day before the beginning of the Congress, and a Summer School for young researchers the week after the Congress (more at

To enable those unable to travel due to Covid-19 restrictions to partake in the Congress, new paths have been opened. Remote Congress presenters will be allowed to present their papers in the Congress rooms via pre-recorded videos; the plenary sessions (including the 10 keynote speeches and the award ceremonies) and many key sessions will be available in live streaming and also in replay for registered participants; the General Assembly will be held in hybrid form, and voting of Ordinary Members will be performed via digital voting, both on site and remotely.

The technologies which allowed people to continue their activities throughout the pandemic have been widely used to organise three editions of the XXIV ISPRS Congress, including digital or hybrid, for the very first time. It is the only way to combine our efforts of co-operation in science, research, education and industry, regardless of the restrictions keeping many participants from travelling to Nice.

Let me welcome you on behalf of France, on behalf of Congress Director Nicolas Paparoditis and his team, ISPRS Council and all who have been helping to prepare the XXIV ISPRS Congress. Your presence will be greatly appreciated by the people who have had to deal with unexpected changes and have had to organised three large events instead of just one.

I am looking forward to meeting you and your colleagues and students in Nice in June 2022.


The ISPRS Foundation (TIF) News



Donation from Indian Society of Remote Sensing

The ISPRS Foundation (TIF) is delighted to announce that it has received a generous donation of $10,000 (US dollars) from the Indian Society of Remote Sensing (ISRS). This will be added to TIF funds and used in the future to support grants, for example for travel to ISPRS-sponsored events. Stewart Walker, chair of the board of trustees of TIF, commented, “We are thrilled to have received such a major donation. We are extremely grateful to president Shri Nilesh Desai, his Executive Council and the members of ISRS. This will help us towards our goal of expanding TIF’s activities to support more students and early-career professionals in the future.”




TIF makes Awards to support attendance at XXIV Congress

Applications for grants to support attendance at the XXIV Congress in Nice, France, were assessed by TIF’s Grants Evaluation Committee. There are 63 successful candidates.

The grants are in two parts: fee waivers in euros (€), funded by the French organization IRD (Institut de recherche pour le développement); and cash travel grants awarded from TIF funds in US dollars ($). The amounts awarded are as follows:

  1. Fee waiver only – 10 awards for a total of €5,600
  2. Fee waiver and cash travel grants – 29 awards for a total of €11,550 for fee waivers and $17,300 cash travel grants
  3. Cash travel grants – 24 awards for a total of $17,300.

TIF is planning a small reception in Nice to honor these award winners, thanks to the generosity of a sponsor. Also invited will be TIF donors and trustees, and ISPRS Council. Further details will be circulated as soon as the date, time and venue are finalized.


ISPRS Student Consortium News

ISPRS Student Consortium


ISPRS Student Consortium announces new Board of Directors for the term 2022 – 2026

Name Country Position
Laxmi Thapa Nepal President
Nicolas Pucino Australia Vice President
Sunni Kushwaha India Newsletter Editor-in-Chief
Miguel Luis Lagahit Philippines Social Media Administrator
Yogender Yadav India Website Administrator
Chukwuma Okolie Nigeria Board Member

The online elections were held from March 1-8, 2022. We have a voter turnout of 29% (147 of 500 individual members). For the official election results, please follow this link:

We will be transitioning the responsibilities from the current to our newly elected Board of Directors until the ISPRS Congress in June, where they will be officially inducted.

We hope that you will join us in congratulating our incoming officers! We also look forward to your continued participation in the Consortium’s activities!


The ISPRS SC Board of Directors

2016 – 2022



Society News

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Bids and Nominations for the 2022-2026 Inter-Congress Period bar

(listed in alphabetical order)

Canada, Toronto    Congress Director: Derek Lichti, University of Calgary
China, Wuhan Congress Director: Huayi Wu, Wuhan University;
see as well the video
Korea, Daegu Congress Director: Woosug Cho, Inha University,
see as well the eBook



Commission I - Sensor Systems

Chinese Society for Geodesy Photogrammetry and Cartography

Proposed President: TANG Xinming, Land Satellite Remote Sensing Application Center, Ministry of Natural Resources of the People’s Republic of China
Proposed Vice-president:     Antonio Maria Garcia Tommaselli, São Paulo State University, Brazil
Proposed Secretary: ZHANG Tao, Land Satellite Remote Sensing Application Center, Ministry of Natural Resources of the People’s Republic of China


Commission II – Photogrammetry

1. Chinese Society for Geodesy Photogrammetry and Cartography

Proposed President: YANG Bisheng, Wuhan University, China
Proposed Vice-president:     Hyyppä Juha, Finnish Geospatial Research Institute, Finland
Proposed Secretary: CHEN Chi, Wuhan University, China

2. American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing

Proposed President: Alper Yilmaz, The Ohio State University, USA
Proposed Vice-president:     Jan Dirk Wegner, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
Proposed Secretary: Rongjun Qin, The Ohio State University, USA


Commission III - Remote Sensing

1. Indian Society of Remote Sensing

Proposed President: Prakash Chauhan, National Remote Sensing Centre, ISRO, Hyderabad
Proposed Vice-president:     Sultan Kocaman, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey
Proposed Secretary: Sameer Saran, Indian Institute of Remote Sensing, Indian Space Research Organisation

2. Société Française de Photogrammétrie et de Télédétection

Proposed President: Laurent Polidori, Universidade Federal do Pará, Brazil, and Centre d’Etudes Spatiales de la Biosphère, France
Proposed Vice-president:     Alessandra Gomes, Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais, Brazil
Proposed Secretary: Jean-François Faure, Institute of Research for Development, France


Commission IV - Spatial Information Systems

Surveying and Spatial Sciences Institute, Australia

Proposed President: Sisi Zlatanova, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
Proposed Vice-president:     Maria Antonia Brovelli, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Proposed Secretary: Hao Wu, National Geomatics Center of China, Beijing, China


Commission V - Education and Outreach

Philippine Geosciences and Remote Sensing Society

Proposed President: Gay Jane Perez, Philippine Space Agency, Philippines
Proposed Vice-president:     Josefino Comiso, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, USA
Proposed Secretary: Ayin Tamondong, University of the Philippines, Diliman, Philippines



President: Lena Halounová, Czech Republic
Vice President:     Nicolas Paparoditis,  France
Secretary General: Jie Jiang, China
Treasurer: Stewart Walker, USA
Past President: The position will be filled by appointment.
Christian Heipke, the current president has indicated his willingness to serve in this office from 2022-2026.


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ISPRS announces Recipients of additional Awards to be presented at the XXIV IS-PRS Congress in Nice, June 6-11, 2022 bar

Award Awardee(s)
Otto von Gruber Award Chenglu Wen (CN)
Samuel Gamble Award Ruisheng Wang (CA)
U.V. Helava Award 2020/21 Andrea Meraner, Patrick Ebel, Xiao Xiang Zhu, Michael Schmitt (DE)
Jack Dangermond Award 2020/21 Godwin Yeboah et al. (UK)
Young Author's Award 2022 TC I: Kyriaki Mouzakidou (CH)
TC II: Corinne Stucker (CH)
TC III: Mirjana Voelsen (DE)
TC IV: Xiaodan Shi (JP)
TC V: Juan Fernando Toro (IT)
President's Honorary Citations 2022 TC I: Rupert Müller (DE)
TC II: Devis Tuia (CH)
TC III: Mitsunori Yoshimura (JP)
TC IV: Zhizhong Kang (CN), Kourosh Khoshelham (AU), Lucía Díaz Vilariño (ES)
TC V: Sultan Kocaman (TR)

The ISPRS Council wholeheartedly congratulates all awardees to their splendid success! We also thank all nominators, jury members and everybody else who had a part in selecting the awardees. More information on ISPRS awards can be found at



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New Fellows nominated for 2022 bar

Due to the extended ISPRS period 2021-2022, Council decided to ask the Fellows Nomination Committee to select 2 further Fellows to be elected at the General Assembly.

Of the seven worthy candidates, Council is very pleased to congratulate Jon Mills and Sisi Zlatanova who were chosen to be elected in 2022.



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GSW 2023 Egypt – The First Geospatial Week in Africa and The Middle East bar

The Arab Academy for Science, Technology, and Maritime Transport (AASTMT) will host the first Geospatial Week in Africa and Middle East, held under the auspices of H.E Secretary-General of the League of Arab States. The conference will be held in September 2023, at the InterContinental Cairo City stars Cairo, Egypt.

Read the welcome address here…



General Announcements

Byoungkil Lee      

Korean Ordinary member, KSGPC announces new President

The Korean Ordinary member to ISPRS, Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry, and Cartography, recently elected Byoungkil Lee as the new president of the Society.

ISPRS Council congratulates Byoungkil Lee on his new position and wishes him success in his new role. We look forward to close collaboration in the coming years under his leadership.



Belt and Road      

Call for Participation: 2022 Belt and Road International Student Competition on Digital Architectural Design

The 2022 Belt and Road International Student Competition on Digital Architectural Design is an ISPRS co-sponsored event aiming aims to promote the international communication of students, especially in the pandemic situation. It is organized and hosted by Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture (BUCEA). The theme of the competition is “Railway: A New Bond Along the Silk Road”, focusing on construction and management of railways and facilities, urban renewal, architectural heritage protection, environmental monitoring, and other topics. The 3 categories of the competition will be Architectural Design, Structural Design, and Scene Modelling and Visualization.

Participants of the registration‐fee‐free design competition should be full time students. Submissions will be reviewed by an international jury and will be awarded in October. The event is jointly supported by UNESCO, ISPRS and other academic organizations.


Submission Deadline: July 29, 2022

Award ceremony & work exhibition: October 2022

Contact Information: Ms. LI Yang

Tel: +86‐10‐68327443




Announcements of Scientific Meetings                (see also ISPRS Calendar)


12th IAPR - Workshop on Pattern Recognition in Remote Sensing, as part of ICPR 2022


Montreal, Canada
August 21, 2022

Paper submission deadline: May 16, 2022
Workshop information:
Conference information:

See flyer here…


Commercial UAV Expo      

Commercial UAV Expo


Caesars Forum, Las Vegas, USA
September 6 – 8, 2022

September 6: Pre-Conference, Demos & Workshops
September 7 – 8: Conference Programming & Exhibits

For more information visit

or contact



58th Photogrammetric Week '22


Advancement in Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Geoinformatics

September 13-16, 2022
Stuttgart, Germany

Detailed information can be found in the programme or on the website.

The registration via ConfTool is now open.



Asian Conference on Remote Sensing (ACRS)


October 3-7, 2022
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

Read more here…



UPINLBS 2022      


7th International Ubiquitous Positioning, Indoor Navigation and Location-Based Services (UPINLBS) Conference
18-19 Mar 2022
Wuhan, China

Read the report here…


ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information — Open Access Journal

ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information — Open Access Journal      

New publications in the ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information
Open Access Journal
Volume 11, Issue 03 (March 2022)

Detecting People on the Street and the Streetscape Physical Environment from Baidu Street View Images and Their Effects on Community-Level Street Crime in a Chinese City
Yue, Han, Xie, Huafang, Liu, Lin, Chen, Jianguo
No: 151

Spatial Patterns of the Spread of COVID-19 in Singapore and the Influencing Factors
Ma, Jianfang, Zhu, Haihong, Li, Peng, Liu, Chengcheng, Li, Feng, Luo, Zhenwei, Zhang, Meihui, Li, Lin
No: 152

The Use of Spatial Interpolation to Improve the Quality of Corn Silage Data in Case of Presence of Extreme or Missing Values
Koutsos, Thomas M., Menexes, Georgios C., Eleftherohorinos, Ilias G.
No: 153

Quantitative Analysis of Land Subsidence and Its Effect on Vegetation in Xishan Coalfield of Shanxi Province
Ma, Ding, Zhao, Shangmin
No: 154

Monitoring Coastal Vulnerability by Using DEMs Based on UAV Spatial Data
Minervino Amodio, Antonio, Di Paola, Gianluigi, Rosskopf, Carmen Maria
No: 155

Integrating Visualization and Interaction Tools for Enhancing Collaboration in Different Public Participation Settings
Postert, Patrick, Wolf, Anna E. M., Schiewe, Jochen
No: 156

Aquaculture Site Selection of Oncorhynchus Mykiss (Rainbow Trout) in Markazi Province Using GIS-Based MCDM
Aghmashhadi, Amir H., Azizi, Ali, Hoseinkhani, Maryam, Zahedi, Samaneh, Cirella, Giuseppe T.
No: 157

RepDarkNet: A Multi-Branched Detector for Small-Target Detection in Remote Sensing Images
Zhou, Liming, Zheng, Chang, Yan, Haoxin, Zuo, Xianyu, Liu, Yang, Qiao, Baojun, Yang, Yong
No: 158

Road Network Generalization Method Constrained by Residential Areas
Lyu, Zheng, Sun, Qun, Ma, Jingzhen, Xu, Qing, Li, Yuanfu, Zhang, Fubing
No: 159

All Burglaries Are Not the Same: Predicting Near-Repeat Burglaries in Cities Using Modus Operandi
Borg, Anton, Svensson, Martin
No: 160

(Of) Indigenous Maps in the Amazon: For a Decolonial Cartography
Breda, Thiara Vichiato
No: 161

DeepWindows: Windows Instance Segmentation through an Improved Mask R-CNN Using Spatial Attention and Relation Modules
Sun, Yanwei, Malihi, Shirin, Li, Hao, Maboudi, Mehdi
No: 162

Land Use/Land Cover Change and Their Driving Factors in the Yellow River Basin of Shandong Province Based on Google Earth Engine from 2000 to 2020
Cui, Jian, Zhu, Mingshui, Liang, Yong, Qin, Guangjiu, Li, Jian, Liu, Yaohui
No: 163

Exploring the Strategy Goals and Strategy Drivers of National Mapping, Cadastral, and Land Registry Authorities
Hämäläinen, Erik, Krigsholm, Pauliina
No: 164

Multi-Resolution Transformer Network for Building and Road Segmentation of Remote Sensing Image
Sun, Zhongyu, Zhou, Wangping, Ding, Chen, Xia, Min
No: 165

Modeling Buildings in CityGML LOD1: Building Parts, Terrain Intersection Curve, and Address Features
Shirinyan, Evgeny, Petrova-Antonova, Dessislava
No: 166

A Cybercartographic Atlas of the Sky: Cybercartography, Interdisciplinary and Collaborative Work among the Pa Ipai Indigenous Families from Baja California, Mexico
Domínguez Núñez, Martín Cuitzeo
No: 167

Nonparametric Regression Analysis of Cyclist Waiting Times across Three Behavioral Typologies
Walker, Jeremy, Poliziani, Cristian, Tortora, Cristina, Schweizer, Joerg, Rupi, Federico
No: 169

Optimizing the Sampling Area across an Old-Growth Forest via UAV-Borne Laser Scanning, GNSS, and Radial Surveying
Sferlazza, Sebastiano, Maltese, Antonino, Dardanelli, Gino, La Mela Veca, Donato Salvatore
No: 168

Characteristics and Influencing Factors of Spatial Differentiation of Market Service Industries in Rural Areas around Metropolises—A Case Study of Wuhan City’s New Urban Districts
Chen, Jie, Jiang, Liang, Luo, Jing, Tian, Lingling, Tian, Ye, Chen, Guolei
No: 170

Street Patrol Routing Optimization in Smart City Management Based on Genetic Algorithm: A Case in Zhengzhou, China
Jiang, Yirui, Li, Hongwei, Feng, Binbin, Wu, Zekang, Zhao, Shan, Wang, Zhaohui
No: 171

Modeling as a Critical Process of Knowledge: Survey of Buildings in a State of Ruin
Paris, Leonardo, Rossi, Maria Laura, Cipriani, Giorgia
No: 172

3D Modeling of Individual Trees from LiDAR and Photogrammetric Point Clouds by Explicit Parametric Representations for Green Open Space (GOS) Management
Suwardhi, Deni, Fauzan, Kamal Nur, Harto, Agung Budi, Soeksmantono, Budhy, Virtriana, Riantini, Murtiyoso, Arnadi
No: 174

Structure Monitoring with BIM and IoT: The Case Study of a Bridge Beam Model
Scianna, Andrea, Gaglio, Giuseppe Fulvio, La Guardia, Marcello
No: 173

Extracting Spatio-Temporal Information from Chinese Archaeological Site Text
Yuan, Wenjing, Yang, Lin, Yang, Qing, Sheng, Yehua, Wang, Ziyang
No: 175

Interactive Geological Data Visualization in an Immersive Environment
Chen, Xiaojian, Wang, Hailong, Zhu, Yu, Wang, Hansheng, Su, Mingjun, Bao, Shuyu, Wu, Yiping
No: 176

Uncertainty of Historic GLAD Forest Data in Temperate Climates and Implications for Forest Change Modelling
Price, Clare, Elsner, Paul
No: 177

A Map-Based Recommendation System and House Price Prediction Model for Real Estate
Mubarak, Maryam, Tahir, Ali, Waqar, Fizza, Haneef, Ibraheem, McArdle, Gavin, Bertolotto, Michela, Saeed, Muhammad Tariq
No: 178

GIScience and Historical Cartography for Evaluating Land Use Changes and Resulting Effects on Carbon Balance
Manniello, Canio, Cillis, Giuseppe, Statuto, Dina, Di Pasquale, Andrea, Picuno, Pietro
No: 179

Geography Education in a Collaborative Virtual Environment: A Qualitative Study on Geography Teachers
Jochecová, Kateřina, Černý, Michal, Stachoň, Zdeněk, Švedová, Hana, Káčová, Natálie, Chmelík, Jiří, Brůža, Vojtěch, Kvarda, Ondřej, Ugwitz, Pavel, Šašinková, Alžběta, Fořtová, Nicola Catherine, Šašinka, Čeněk
No: 180

IAGC: Interactive Attention Graph Convolution Network for Semantic Segmentation of Point Clouds in Building Indoor Environment
Zhai, Ruoming, Zou, Jingui, He, Yifeng, Meng, Liyuan
No: 181

An Application of Improved MODIS-Based Potential Evapotranspiration Estimates in a Humid Tropic Brantas Watershed—Implications for Agricultural Water Management
Astuti, Ike Sari, Wiwoho, Bagus Setiabudi, Purwanto, Purwanto, Wagistina, Satti, Deffinika, Ifan, Sucahyo, Hetty Rahmawati, Herlambang, Gilang Aulia, Alfarizi, Imam Abdul Gani
No: 182

Location Optimization of VTS Radar Stations Considering Environmental Occlusion and Radar Attenuation
Huang, Chuan, Lu, Jing, Sun, Li-Qian
No: 183

Modeling of Time Geographical Kernel Density Function under Network Constraints
Yin, Zhangcai, Huang, Kuan, Ying, Shen, Huang, Wei, Kang, Ziqiang
No: 184

Predicting Taxi-Calling Demands Using Multi-Feature and Residual Attention Graph Convolutional Long Short-Term Memory Networks
Mi, Chunlei, Cheng, Shifen, Lu, Feng
No: 185

B-GPS: Blockchain-Based Global Positioning System for Improved Data Integrity and Reliability
Lee, Seunghyeon, Seok, Hong-Woo, Lee, Ki-rim, In, Hoh Peter
No: 186

Point Event Cluster Detection via the Bayesian Generalized Fused Lasso
Masuda, Ryo, Inoue, Ryo
No: 187

A Lightweight Object Detection Method in Aerial Images Based on Dense Feature Fusion Path Aggregation Network
Zhou, Liming, Rao, Xiaohan, Li, Yahui, Zuo, Xianyu, Qiao, Baojun, Lin, Yinghao
No: 189

Clustering Methods Based on Stay Points and Grid Density for Hotspot Detection
Wang, Xiaohan, Zhang, Zepei, Luo, Yonglong
No: 190

Modeling and Querying Fuzzy SOLAP-Based Framework
Keskin, Sinan, Yazıcı, Adnan
No: 191

Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Target Tracking Based on OTSCKF and Improved Coordinated Lateral Guidance Law
Jiang, Wei, Lyu, Yongxi, Shi, Jingping
No: 188

Geospatial Information Technologies for Mobile Collaborative Geological Mapping: The Italian CARG Project Case Study
Gencarelli, Christian Natale, Voltolina, Debora, Hammouti, Mohammed, Zazzeri, Marco, Sterlacchini, Simone
No: 192

SmartEle: Smart Electricity Dashboard for Detecting Consumption Patterns: A Case Study at a University Campus
Jing, Changfeng, Guo, Shasha, Zhang, Hongyang, Lv, Xinxin, Wang, Dongliang
No: 194

Spatial-Temporal Diffusion Convolutional Network: A Novel Framework for Taxi Demand Forecasting
Luo, Aling, Shangguan, Boyi, Yang, Can, Gao, Fan, Fang, Zhe, Yu, Dayu
No: 193

Modeling the Spatial and Temporal Spread of COVID-19 in Poland Based on a Spatial Interaction Model
Werner, Piotr A., Kęsik-Brodacka, Małgorzata, Nowak, Karolina, Olszewski, Robert, Kaleta, Mariusz, Liebers, David T.
No: 195

Development of Big Data-Analysis Pipeline for Mobile Phone Data with Mobipack and Spatial Enhancement
Witayangkurn, Apichon, Arai, Ayumi, Shibasaki, Ryosuke
No: 196

Mapping of Rill Erosion of the Middle Volga (Russia) Region Using Deep Neural Network
Gafurov, Artur
No: 197

Modelling Fire Behavior to Assess Community Exposure in Europe: Combining Open Data and Geospatial Analysis
Palaiologou, Palaiologos, Kalabokidis, Kostas, Day, Michelle A., Ager, Alan A., Galatsidas, Spyros, Papalampros, Lampros
No: 198

Assessing the Spectral Information of Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Satellites for Above-Ground Biomass Retrieval of a Tropical Forest
Stratoulias, Dimitris, Nuthammachot, Narissara, Suepa, Tanita, Phoungthong, Khamphe
No: 199

Ownership Protection on Digital Elevation Model (DEM) Using Transform-Based Watermarking
Amhar, Fahmi, Giri, Endang Purnama, Silalahi, Florence Elfriede Sinthauli, Neyman, Shelvie Nidya, Anggrahito, Ramdani, Dadan, Jaya, Danang, Sutrisno, Dewayany, Kolopaking, Sandi Adhitya, Rachma, Tia Rizka Nuzula, Murdaningsih
No: 200

Contact-Fraud Victimization among Urban Seniors: An Analysis of Multilevel Influencing Factors
Zhang, Chunxia, Liu, Lin, Zhou, Suhong, Feng, Jiaxin, Chen, Jianguo, Xiao, Luzi
No: 201

Consistency Analysis and Accuracy Assessment of Three Global Ten-Meter Land Cover Products in Rocky Desertification Region—A Case Study of Southwest China
Wang, Jun, Yang, Xiaomei, Wang, Zhihua, Cheng, Hongbin, Kang, Junmei, Tang, Hongtao, Li, Yan, Bian, Zongpan, Bai, Zhuoli
No: 202

A Fine-Grain Batching-Based Task Allocation Algorithm for Spatial Crowdsourcing
Jiao, Yuxin, Lin, Zhikun, Yu, Long, Wu, Xiaozhu
No: 203

Temperature Accuracy Analysis by Land Cover According to the Angle of the Thermal Infrared Imaging Camera for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
Lee, Kirim, Lee, Won Hee
No: 204

Crowd Anomaly Detection via Spatial Constraints and Meaningful Perturbation
Feng, Jiangfan, Wang, Dini, Zhang, Li
No: 205

Population Space–Time Patterns Analysis and Anthropic Pressure Assessment of the Insubric Lakes Using User-Generated Geodata
Vavassori, Alberto, Oxoli, Daniele, Brovelli, Maria Antonia
No: 206

Fusion Scheme and Implementation Based on SRTM1, ASTER GDEM V3, and AW3D30
Zhao, Shangmin, Liu, Jiao, Cheng, Weiming, Zhou, Chenghu
No: 207

A Geospatial Platform for Crowdsourcing Green Space Area Management Using GIS and Deep Learning Classification
Puttinaovarat, Supattra, Horkaew, Paramate
No: 208

A Novel Traffic Flow Reduction Method Based on Incomplete Vehicle History Spatio-Temporal Trajectory Data
Yang, Bowen, Liu, Zunhao, Cai, Zhi, Li, Dongze, Su, Xing, Guo, Limin, Ding, Zhiming
No: 209

An Urban Hot/Cold Spot Detection Method Based on the Page Rank Value of Spatial Interaction Networks Constructed from Human Communication Records
Zhang, Haitao, Shen, Huixian, Ji, Kang, Song, Rui, Liu, Jinyuan, Yang, Yuxin
No: 210


New publications in the ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information
Open Access Journal
Volume 11, Issue 04 (April 2022)

Predicting Terrorism in Europe with Remote Sensing, Spatial Statistics, and Machine Learning
Buffa, Caleb, Sagan, Vasit, Brunner, Gregory, Phillips, Zachary
No: 211

Nominal Land Valuation with Best-Worst Method Using Geographic Information System: A Case of Atakum, Samsun
Ayalke, Zelalem, Sisman, Aziz
No: 213

Is One-Way Multi-Station Feasible? Influence of Value and Cost on Travel Intention of Urban Agglomeration in the Guangdong–Hong Kong–Macao Greater Bay Area
Su, Haiyang, Chen, Chaolong
No: 212

The Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation Method for the Ming and Qing Dynasties’ Official-Style Architecture Roof Considering the Construction Regulations
Dong, Youqiang, Li, Yihao, Hou, Miaole
No: 214

Exploring the Relationship between the Spatial Distribution of Different Age Populations and Points of Interest (POI) in China
Huang, Yiyi, Lin, Tao, Zhang, Guoqin, Zhu, Wei, Hamm, Nicholas A. S., Liu, Yuqin, Zhang, Junmao, Yao, Xia
No: 215

Intelligent Mining of Urban Ventilated Corridor Based on Digital Surface Model under the Guidance of K-Means
Chen, Chaoxiang, Ye, Shiping, Bai, Zhican, Wang, Juan, Nedzved, Alexander, Ablameyko, Sergey
No: 216

A Knowledge Discovery Method for Landslide Monitoring Based on K-Core Decomposition and the Louvain Algorithm
Wang, Ping, Deng, Xingdong, Liu, Yang, Guo, Liang, Zhu, Jun, Fu, Lin, Xie, Yakun, Li, Weilian, Lai, Jianbo
No: 217

A Generalized 9-Intersection Model for Topological Relations between Regions with Holes
Leng, Liang, Wang, Fengyan, Wang, Mingchang, Yang, Guodong, Niu, Xuefeng, Zhang, Xuqing
No: 218

Daily Human Mobility: A Reproduction Model and Insights from the Energy Concept
Wang, Weiying, Osaragi, Toshihiro
No: 219

A Novel Composite Index to Measure Environmental Benefits in Urban Land Use Optimization Problems
Rahman, Md. Mostafizur, Szabó, György
No: 220

Accuracy Issues for Spatial Update of Digital Cadastral Maps
Pullar, David, Donaldson, Stephen
No: 221

Utilizing Geospatial Data for Assessing Energy Security: Mapping Small Solar Home Systems Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and Deep Learning
Ren, Simiao, Malof, Jordan, Fetter, Rob, Beach, Robert, Rineer, Jay, Bradbury, Kyle
No: 222

Perspective Charts in a Multi-Foci Globe-Based Visualization of COVID-19 Data
MacTavish, Mia, Wecker, Lakin, Samavati, Faramarz
No: 223

A Robustness Study for the Extraction of Watertight Volumetric Models from Boundary Representation Data
Jahn, Markus Wilhelm, Bradley, Patrick Erik
No: 224

Using TanDEM-X Global DEM to Map Coastal Flooding Exposure under Sea-Level Rise: Application to Guinea-Bissau
Fandé, Morto Baiém, Ponte Lira, Cristina, Penha-Lopes, Gil
No: 225

The Use of Machine Learning Algorithms in Urban Tree Species Classification
Cetin, Zehra, Yastikli, Naci
No: 226

Similarity Analysis: Revealing the Regional Difference in Geomorphic Development in Areas with High and Coarse Sediment Yield of the Loess Plateau in China
Yang, Hui, Liu, Jinhong, Bai, Leichao, Luo, Mingliang
No: 227

Identification and Classification of Routine Locations Using Anonymized Mobile Communication Data
Ferreira, Gonçalo, Alves, Ana, Veloso, Marco, Bento, Carlos
No: 228

Moderating Effect of a Cross-Level Social Distancing Policy on the Disparity of COVID-19 Transmission in the United States
Luo, Zhenwei, Li, Lin, Ma, Jianfang, Tang, Zhuo, Shen, Hang, Zhu, Haihong, Wu, Bin
No: 229

OSM Science—The Academic Study of the OpenStreetMap Project, Data, Contributors, Community, and Applications
Grinberger, A. Yair, Minghini, Marco, Juhász, Levente, Yeboah, Godwin, Mooney, Peter
No: 230

An Occupancy Information Grid Model for Path Planning of Intelligent Robots
Zhang, Jinming, Wang, Xun, Xu, Lianrui, Zhang, Xin
No: 231

EU Net-Zero Policy Achievement Assessment in Selected Members through Automated Forecasting Algorithms
Tudor, Cristiana, Sova, Robert
No: 232

Method to Determine the Centroid of Non-Homogeneous Polygons Based on Suspension Theory
Ni, Jianhua, Chen, Jie, Wu, Yanlan, Chen, Zihao, Liang, Ming
No: 233

A Vector Data Model for Efficiently Rendering Large Vector Maps on Global 3D Terrain Surfaces
Wang, Ganlin, Chen, Jing
No: 234

Using GIS to Understand Healthcare Access Variations in Flood Situation in Surabaya
Nurwatik, Nurwatik, Hong, Jung-Hong, Jaelani, Lalu Muhamad, Handayani, Hepi Hapsari, Cahyono, Agung Budi, Darminto, Mohammad Rohmaneo
No: 235

Hydrological Web Services for Operational Flood Risk Monitoring and Forecasting at Local Scale in Niger
De Filippis, Tiziana, Rocchi, Leandro, Massazza, Giovanni, Pezzoli, Alessandro, Rosso, Maurizio, Housseini Ibrahim, Mohamed, Tarchiani, Vieri
No: 236

Revealing Dynamic Spatial Structures of Urban Mobility Networks and the Underlying Evolutionary Patterns
Liu, Chun, Chen, Li, Yuan, Quan, Wu, Hangbin, Huang, Wei
No: 237

Digitalization and Classification of Cesare Battisti’s Atlas of 1915
Zatelli, Paolo, Gabellieri, Nicola, Besana, Angelo
No: 238

Towards a Sensitive Urban Wind Representation in Virtual Reality
Giraldo, Gabriel, Servières, Myriam, Moreau, Guillaume
No: 239

Virtual 3D City Models
Stouffs, Rudi
No: 240

Evaluation of Street Space Quality Using Streetscape Data: Perspective from Recreational Physical Activity of the Elderly
Du, Ying, Huang, Wei
No: 241

Incorporating Spatial Autocorrelation in Machine Learning Models Using Spatial Lag and Eigenvector Spatial Filtering Features
Liu, Xiaojian, Kounadi, Ourania, Zurita-Milla, Raul
No: 242

Precise Indoor Path Planning Based on Hybrid Model of GeoSOT and BIM
Zhang, Huangchuang, Li, Ge
No: 243

Visual Analysis of Vessel Behaviour Based on Trajectory Data: A Case Study of the Yangtze River Estuary
Li, Ye, Ren, Hongxiang
No: 244

Automatic Classification of Photos by Tourist Attractions Using Deep Learning Model and Image Feature Vector Clustering
Kim, Jiyeon, Kang, Youngok
No: 245

Urban Change Detection from Aerial Images Using Convolutional Neural Networks and Transfer Learning
Fyleris, Tautvydas, Kriščiūnas, Andrius, Gružauskas, Valentas, Čalnerytė, Dalia, Barauskas, Rimantas
No: 246

An Efficient Plane-Segmentation Method for Indoor Point Clouds Based on Countability of Saliency Directions
Ge, Xuming, Zhang, Jingyuan, Xu, Bo, Shu, Hao, Chen, Min
No: 247

Metric Rectification of Spherical Images
Barazzetti, Luigi
No: 248

Quantification of Spatial Association between Commercial and Residential Spaces in Beijing Using Urban Big Data
Zhou, Lei, Liu, Ming, Zheng, Zhenlong, Wang, Wei
No: 249

A Tourist Behavior Analysis Framework Guided by Geo-Information Tupu Theory and Its Application in Dengfeng City, China
Tian, Zhihui, Liu, Yi, Wang, Yongji, Wu, Lili
No: 250

Bibliometric Analysis of OGC Specifications between 1994 and 2020 Based on Web of Science (WoS)
Huang, Mingrui, Fan, Xiangtao, Jian, Hongdeng, Zhang, Hongyue, Guo, Liying, Di, Liping
No: 251

Fine Crop Classification Based on UAV Hyperspectral Images and Random Forest
Wang, Zhihua, Zhao, Zhan, Yin, Chenglong
No: 252

Automatic Positioning of Street Objects Based on Self-Adaptive Constrained Line of Bearing from Street-View Images
Li, Guannan, Lu, Xiu, Lin, Bingxian, Zhou, Liangchen, Lv, Guonian
No: 253

Geospatial Web Services Discovery through Semantic Annotation of WPS
Halilali, Meriem Sabrine, Gouardères, Eric, Gaio, Mauro, Devin, Florent
No: 254

HDRLM3D: A Deep Reinforcement Learning-Based Model with Human-like Perceptron and Policy for Crowd Evacuation in 3D Environments
Zhang, Dong, Li, Wenhang, Gong, Jianhua, Huang, Lin, Zhang, Guoyong, Shen, Shen, Liu, Jiantao, Ma, Haonan
No: 255

An Adaptive Embedding Network with Spatial Constraints for the Use of Few-Shot Learning in Endangered-Animal Detection
Feng, Jiangfan, Li, Juncai
No: 256

Assessment of Groundwater Potential Zones Using GIS and Fuzzy AHP Techniques—A Case Study of the Titel Municipality (Northern Serbia)
Radulović, Mirjana, Brdar, Sanja, Mesaroš, Minučer, Lukić, Tin, Savić, Stevan, Basarin, Biljana, Crnojević, Vladimir, Pavić, Dragoslav
No: 257

Editorial on Geomatic Applications to Coastal Research: Challenges and New Developments
Ponte Lira, Cristina, González-Villanueva, Rita
No: 258

Analyzing Air Pollutant Reduction Possibilities in the City of Zagreb
Kranjčić, Nikola, Dogančić, Dragana, Đurin, Bojan, Siročić, Anita Ptiček
No: 259

Spatiotemporal Analysis of Traffic Accidents Hotspots Based on Geospatial Techniques
Hazaymeh, Khaled, Almagbile, Ali, Alomari, Ahmad H.
No: 260

Toward User-Generated Content as a Mechanism of Digital Placemaking—Place Experience Dimensions in Spatial Media
Główczyński, Maciej
No: 261

Optimization of Shelter Location Based on a Combined Static/Dynamic Two-Stage Optimization Methodology: A Case Study in the Central Urban Area of Xinyi City, China
Zhong, Guangchun, Zhai, Guofang, Chen, Wei
No: 262

Hybrid-TransCD: A Hybrid Transformer Remote Sensing Image Change Detection Network via Token Aggregation
Ke, Qingtian, Zhang, Peng
No: 263

A Distributed Hybrid Indexing for Continuous KNN Query Processing over Moving Objects
Bareche, Imene, Xia, Ying
No: 264

Structural Differences of PM2.5 Spatial Correlation Networks in Ten Metropolitan Areas of China
Zhang, Shuaiqian, Tao, Fei, Wu, Qi, Han, Qile, Wang, Yu, Zhou, Tong
No: 267

An Information Fusion Model between GeoSOT Grid and Global Hexagonal Equal Area Grid
Li, Qingmei, Chen, Xin, Tong, Xiaochong, Zhang, Xuantong, Cheng, Chengqi
No: 265

Increasing Access to Cultural Heritage Objects from Multiple Museums through Semantically-Aware Maps
Portalés, Cristina, Casanova-Salas, Pablo, Sevilla, Javier, Sebastián, Jorge, León, Arabella, Samper, Jose Javier
No: 266

Quantitative Relations between Topological Similarity Degree and Map Scale Change of Contour Clusters in Multi-Scale Map Spaces
Wang, Rong, Yan, Haowen, Lu, Xiaomin
No: 268


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ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing

ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing      

New publications in the ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Volume 186 (April 2022)

PolGAN: A deep-learning-based unsupervised forest height estimation based on the synergy of PolInSAR and LiDAR data
Qi Zhang, Linlin Ge, Scott Hensley, Graciela {Isabel Metternicht}, Chang Liu, Ruiheng Zhang
Pages: 123-139

GeoRec: Geometry-enhanced semantic 3D reconstruction of RGB-D indoor scenes
Linxi Huan, Xianwei Zheng, Jianya Gong
Pages: 301-314

Refraction and coordinate correction with the JONSWAP model for ICESat-2 bathymetry
Dongfang Zhang, Yifu Chen, Yuan Le, Yusen Dong, Guangming Dai, Lizhe Wang
Pages: 285-300

An enhanced relation-aware global-local attention network for escaping human detection in indoor smoke scenarios
Yakun Xie, Jun Zhu, Jianbo Lai, Ping Wang, Dejun Feng, Yungang Cao, Tanveer Hussain, Sung {Wook Baik}
Pages: 140-156

Mapping corn and soybean phenometrics at field scales over the United States Corn Belt by fusing time series of Landsat 8 and Sentinel-2 data with VIIRS data
Yu Shen, Xiaoyang Zhang, Zhengwei Yang
Pages: 55-69

Modelling people’s perceived scene complexity of real-world environments using street-view panoramas and open geodata
Fangli Guan, Zhixiang Fang, Lubin Wang, Xucai Zhang, Haoyu Zhong, Haosheng Huang
Pages: 315-331

Gapless-REMA100: A gapless 100-m reference elevation model of Antarctica with voids filled by multi-source DEMs
Yuting Dong, Ji Zhao, Caiyong Li, Mingsheng Liao
Pages: 70-82

DKDFN: Domain Knowledge-Guided deep collaborative fusion network for multimodal unitemporal remote sensing land cover classification
Yansheng Li, Yuhan Zhou, Yongjun Zhang, Liheng Zhong, Jian Wang, Jingdong Chen
Pages: 170-189

Cloud detection with boundary nets
Kang Wu, Zunxiao Xu, Xinrong Lyu, Peng Ren
Pages: 218-231

Continuous space ant colony algorithm for automatic selection of orthophoto mosaic seamline network
Qingyang Wang, Guoqing Zhou, Ruhao Song, Yongfan Xie, Mengyuan Luo, Tao Yue
Pages: 201-217

Deformations monitoring in complicated-surface areas by adaptive distributed Scatterer InSAR combined with land cover: Taking the Jiaju landslide in Danba, China as an example
Zhiliang Zhang, Qiming Zeng, Jian Jiao
Pages: 102-122

VD-LAB: A view-decoupled network with local-global aggregation bridge for airborne laser scanning point cloud classification
Jihao Li, Martin Weinmann, Xian Sun, Wenhui Diao, Yingchao Feng, Stefan Hinz, Kun Fu
Pages: 19-33

Airborne imaging spectroscopy for assessing land-use effect on soil quality in drylands
Nathan Levi, Arnon Karnieli, Tarin Paz-Kagan
Pages: 34-54

3D-CSTM: A 3D continuous spatio-temporal mapping method
Yangzi Cong, Chi Chen, Bisheng Yang, Jianping Li, Weitong Wu, Yuhao Li, Yandi Yang
Pages: 232-245

A machine learning approach for identifying and delineating agricultural fields and their multi-temporal dynamics using three decades of Landsat data
Ting Li, Kasper Johansen, Matthew F. McCabe
Pages: 83-101

Parameter selection of Touzi decomposition and a distribution improved autoencoder for PolSAR image classification
Jianlong Wang, Biao Hou, Bo Ren, Yake Zhang, Meijuan Yang, Shuang Wang, Licheng Jiao
Pages: 246-266

Direct photogrammetry with multispectral imagery for UAV-based snow depth estimation
Kathrin Maier, Andrea Nascetti, Ward {van Pelt}, Gunhild Rosqvist
Pages: 1-18

Meta captioning: A meta learning based remote sensing image captioning framework
Qiaoqiao Yang, Zihao Ni, Peng Ren
Pages: 190-200

Hysteretic mapping and corridor semantic modeling using mobile LiDAR systems
Pengxin Chen, Zhipeng Luo, Wenzhong Shi
Pages: 267-284

Adjusting solar-induced fluorescence to nadir-viewing provides a better proxy for GPP
Dalei Hao, Yelu Zeng, Zhaoying Zhang, Yongguang Zhang, Han Qiu, Khelvi Biriukova, Marco Celesti, Micol Rossini, Peng Zhu, Ghassem R. Asrar, Min Chen
Pages: 157-169


New publications in the ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Volume 187 (May 2022)

Editorial Board
Pages: ii

Leveraging vocabulary tree for simultaneous match pair selection and guided feature matching of UAV images
San Jiang, Wanshou Jiang, Bingxuan Guo
Pages: 273-293

Spatiotemporal distribution of labeled data can bias the validation and selection of supervised learning algorithms: A marine remote sensing example
Andy Stock
Pages: 46-60

Extracting planar roof structures from very high resolution images using graph neural networks
Wufan Zhao, Claudio Persello, Alfred Stein
Pages: 34-45

Water body classification from high-resolution optical remote sensing imagery: Achievements and perspectives
Yansheng Li, Bo Dang, Yongjun Zhang, Zhenhong Du
Pages: 306-327

Remote sensing of total suspended matter concentration in lakes across China using Landsat images and Google Earth Engine
Zhidan Wen, Qiang Wang, Ge Liu, Pierre-Andre Jacinthe, Xiang Wang, Lili Lyu, Hui Tao, Yue Ma, Hongtao Duan, Yingxin Shang, Baohua Zhang, Yunxia Du, Jia Du, Sijia Li, Shuai Cheng, Kaishan Song
Pages: 61-78

Change detection-based co-seismic landslide mapping through extended morphological profiles and ensemble strategy
Xin Wang, Xuanmei Fan, Qiang Xu, Peijun Du
Pages: 225-239

A new East African satellite data validation station: Performance of the LSA-SAF all-weather land surface temperature product over a savannah biome
T.P.F. Dowling, M.F. Langsdale, S.L. Ermida, M.J. Wooster, L. Merbold, S. Leitner, I.F. Trigo, I. Gluecks, B. Main, F. O'Shea, S. Hook, G. Rivera, M.C. {De Jong}, H. Nguyen, K. Hyll
Pages: 240-258

Downscaling land surface temperature: A framework based on geographically and temporally neural network weighted autoregressive model with spatio-temporal fused scaling factors
Jinhua Wu, Linyuan Xia, Ting {On Chan}, Joseph Awange, Bo Zhong
Pages: 259-272

Deep residential representations: Using unsupervised learning to unlock elevation data for geo-demographic prediction
Matthew Stevenson, Christophe Mues, Cristián Bravo
Pages: 378-392

Weakly supervised semantic segmentation of airborne laser scanning point clouds
Yaping Lin, George Vosselman, Michael Ying Yang
Pages: 79-100

The effects of Landsat image acquisition date on winter wheat classification in the North China Plain
Lingling Fan, Jing Yang, Xiao Sun, Fen Zhao, Shefang Liang, Dingding Duan, Hao Chen, Lang Xia, Jing Sun, Peng Yang
Pages: 1-13

Field-level crop yield estimation with PRISMA and Sentinel-2
Michael Marshall, Mariana Belgiu, Mirco Boschetti, Monica Pepe, Alfred Stein, Andy Nelson
Pages: 191-210

A training dataset for semantic segmentation of urban point cloud map for intelligent vehicles
Hamin Song, Kichun Jo, Jieun Cho, Youngrok Son, Chansoo Kim, Kwangjin Han
Pages: 159-170

Hybrid retrieval of crop traits from multi-temporal PRISMA hyperspectral imagery
Giulia Tagliabue, Mirco Boschetti, Gabriele Bramati, Gabriele Candiani, Roberto Colombo, Francesco Nutini, Loredana Pompilio, Juan Pablo Rivera-Caicedo, Marta Rossi, Micol Rossini, Jochem Verrelst, Cinzia Panigada
Pages: 362-377

Mapping the distribution of invasive tree species using deep one-class classification in the tropical montane landscape of Kenya
Hengwei Zhao, Yanfei Zhong, Xinyu Wang, Xin Hu, Chang Luo, Mark Boitt, Rami Piiroinen, Liangpei Zhang, Janne Heiskanen, Petri Pellikka
Pages: 328-344

Multi-modal temporal attention models for crop mapping from satellite time series
Vivien {Sainte Fare Garnot}, Loic Landrieu, Nesrine Chehata
Pages: 294-305

FCCDN: Feature constraint network for VHR image change detection
Pan Chen, Bing Zhang, Danfeng Hong, Zhengchao Chen, Xuan Yang, Baipeng Li
Pages: 101-119

Taxonomy of seasonal and diurnal clear-sky climatology of surface urban heat island dynamics across global cities
Zihan Liu, Wenfeng Zhan, Jiameng Lai, Benjamin Bechtel, Xuhui Lee, Falu Hong, Long Li, Fan Huang, Jiufeng Li
Pages: 14-33

Individual tree detection and estimation of stem attributes with mobile laser scanning along boreal forest roads
Raul de Paula Pires, Kenneth Olofsson, Henrik Jan Persson, Eva Lindberg, Johan Holmgren
Pages: 211-224

Fusion of optical, radar and waveform LiDAR observations for land cover classification
Huiran Jin, Giorgos Mountrakis
Pages: 171-190

Predicting annual PM2.5 in mainland China from 2014 to 2020 using multi temporal satellite product: An improved deep learning approach with spatial generalization ability
Zhige Wang, Bifeng Hu, Bo Huang, Ziqiang Ma, Asim Biswas, Yefeng Jiang, Zhou Shi
Pages: 141-158

Modeling and SAR imaging of the sea surface: A review of the state-of-the-art with simulations
Igor G. Rizaev, Oktay Karakuş, S. John Hogan, Alin Achim
Pages: 120-140

Implementing urban canopy height derived from a TanDEM-X-DEM: An expert survey and case study
Johannes Schreyer, Blake {Byron Walker}, Tobia Lake
Pages: 345-361


New publications in the ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Volume 188 (June 2022)

Editorial Board
Pages: ii

SAR image classification based on spiking neural network through spike-time dependent plasticity and gradient descent
Jiankun Chen, Xiaolan Qiu, Chibiao Ding, Yirong Wu
Pages: 109-124

Beyond single receptive field: A receptive field fusion-and-stratification network for airborne laser scanning point cloud classification
Yongqiang Mao, Kaiqiang Chen, Wenhui Diao, Xian Sun, Xiaonan Lu, Kun Fu, Martin Weinmann
Pages: 45-61

TimeMatch: Unsupervised cross-region adaptation by temporal shift estimation
Joachim Nyborg, Charlotte Pelletier, Sébastien Lefèvre, Ira Assent
Pages: 301-313

A visual saliency-driven extraction framework of smoothly embedded entities in 3D point clouds of open terrain
Reuma Arav, Sagi Filin
Pages: 125-140

Can linguistic features extracted from geo-referenced tweets help building function classification in remote sensing?
Matthias Häberle, Eike Jens Hoffmann, Xiao Xiang Zhu
Pages: 255-268

Deep transfer learning of global spectra for local soil carbon monitoring
Zefang Shen, Leonardo Ramirez-Lopez, Thorsten Behrens, Lei Cui, Mingxi Zhang, Lewis Walden, Johanna Wetterlind, Zhou Shi, Kenneth A Sudduth, Philipp Baumann, Yongze Song, Kevin Catambay, Raphael A. {Viscarra Rossel}
Pages: 190-200

A new snow bidirectional reflectance distribution function model in spectral regions from UV to SWIR: Model development and application to ground-based, aircraft and satellite observations
Linlu Mei, Vladimir Rozanov, Ziti Jiao, John P. Burrows
Pages: 269-285

A new weakly supervised approach for ALS point cloud semantic segmentation
Puzuo Wang, Wei Yao
Pages: 237-254

A coarse-to-fine weakly supervised learning method for green plastic cover segmentation using high-resolution remote sensing images
Yinxia Cao, Xin Huang
Pages: 157-176

Monitoring vegetation dynamics with open earth observation tools: the case of fire-modulated savanna to forest transitions in Central Africa
Le Bienfaiteur Takougoum Sagang, Pierre Ploton, Gaëlle Viennois, Jean-Baptiste Féret, Bonaventure Sonké, Pierre Couteron, Nicolas Barbier
Pages: 142-156

Modelling soil organic carbon stock distribution across different land-uses in South Africa: A remote sensing and deep learning approach
Omosalewa Odebiri, Onisimo Mutanga, John Odindi, Rowan Naicker
Pages: 351-362

Cloud and cloud shadow detection for optical satellite imagery: Features, algorithms, validation, and prospects
Zhiwei Li, Huanfeng Shen, Qihao Weng, Yuzhuo Zhang, Peng Dou, Liangpei Zhang
Pages: 89-108

HyperNet: A deep network for hyperspectral, multispectral, and panchromatic image fusion
Kun Li, Wei Zhang, Dian Yu, Xin Tian
Pages: 30-44

Cross-view SLAM solver: Global pose estimation of monocular ground-level video frames for 3D reconstruction using a reference 3D model from satellite images
Mostafa Elhashash, Rongjun Qin
Pages: 62-74

HMSM-Net: Hierarchical multi-scale matching network for disparity estimation of high-resolution satellite stereo images
Sheng He, Shenhong Li, San Jiang, Wanshou Jiang
Pages: 314-330

Point cloud registration and localization based on voxel plane features
Jianwei Li, Jiawang Zhan, Ting Zhou, Virgílio A. Bento, Qianfeng Wang
Pages: 363-379

Deep-learning generation of POI data with scene images
Jinbao Zhang, Xiaojuan Liu, Weilin Liao, Xia Li
Pages: 201-219

Vision based crown loss estimation for individual trees with remote aerial robots
Boon Ho, Basaran Bahadir Kocer, Mirko Kovac
Pages: 75-88

A spectral grouping-based deep learning model for haze removal of hyperspectral images
Xiaofeng Ma, Qunming Wang, Xiaohua Tong
Pages: 177-189

Towards big SAR data era: An efficient Sentinel-1 Near-Real-Time InSAR processing workflow with an emphasis on co-registration and phase unwrapping
Zhangfeng Ma, Jihong Liu, Yosuke Aoki, Shengji Wei, Xiaojie Liu, Yan Cui, Jia Hu, Cheng Zhou, Shuhong Qin, Teng Huang, Zhen Li
Pages: 286-300

A systematic review and meta-analysis of Digital elevation model (DEM) fusion: pre-processing, methods and applications
Chukwuma J. Okolie, Julian L. Smit
Pages: 1-29

Retraction notice to “A novel semi-supervised method for airborne LiDAR point cloud classification” [ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 180 (2021) 117–129]
Xiang Li, Congcong Wen, Qiming Cao, Yanlei Du, Yi Fan
Pages: 141

A new terrain matching method for estimating laser pointing and ranging systematic biases for spaceborne photon-counting laser altimeters
Pufan Zhao, Song Li, Yue Ma, Xinyuan Liu, Jian Yang, Dian Yu
Pages: 220-236

A robust multimodal remote sensing image registration method and system using steerable filters with first- and second-order gradients
Yuanxin Ye, Bai Zhu, Tengfeng Tang, Chao Yang, Qizhi Xu, Guo Zhang
Pages: 331-350


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ISPRS Open Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing

ISPRS Open Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing      

New publications in the ISPRS Open Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Volume 4 (April 2022)

Comparison of neural networks and k-nearest neighbors methods in forest stand variable estimation using airborne laser data
Andras Balazs, Eero Liski, Sakari Tuominen, Annika Kangas
Pages: 100012

Detection of anomalous vehicle trajectories using federated learning
Christian Koetsier, Jelena Fiosina, Jan N. Gremmel, Jörg P. Müller, David M. Woisetschläger, Monika Sester
Pages: 100013

Hybrid georeferencing of images and LiDAR data for UAV-based point cloud collection at millimetre accuracy
Norbert Haala, Michael Kölle, Michael Cramer, Dominik Laupheimer, Florian Zimmermann
Pages: 100014

Geometric calibration of a hyperspectral frame camera with simultaneous determination of sensors misalignment
Lucas D. Santos, Antonio M.G. Tommaselli, Adilson Berveglieri, Nilton N. Imai, Raquel A. Oliveira, Eija Honkavaara
Pages: 100015


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New Events

01 Mar - 30 Nov 2022
The 2022 Belt and Road International Student Competition on Digital Architectural Design
Beijing, China

14 Jun 2022
A beyond state-of-the-art role of geovisualization in the understanding of the world
Vilnius, Lithuania

11-14 Jul 2022
10th International Conference on Agro-Geoinformatics
43rd Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing (hybrid event)
Quebec City, Canada

21 Aug 2022
12th Workshop on Pattern Recognition in Remote Sensing
Montreal, Canada

23-25 Aug 2022
Transforming Construction with Reality Capture Technologies:
The Digital reality of tomorrow
Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada

04-17 Sep 2022
SUNRISE (Seashore and UNderwater documentation of aRchaeological herItage palimpSests and Environment) SUMMER SCHOOL
Sicily, Italy

06-08 Sep 2022
Commercial UAV Expo 2022
Las Vegas, USA

11-15 Sep 2022
XXVII FIG Congress
Warsaw, Poland

03-07 Oct 2022
The 43rd Asian Conference on Remote Sensing
hybrid event
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

18-20 Oct 2022
The 7th International Conference on Smart City Applications
Castelo Branco, Portugal

01-04 Nov 2022
Gi4DM 2022 & Urban Geoinformatics 2022
Beijing, China

14-17 Nov 2022
Geoinformation Week 2022
Johor Bahru, Malaysia

28 Nov - 01 Dec 2022
Pacific Islands GIS and Remote Sensing User Conference
Suva, Fiji

09-11 Dec 2022
International Conference on Geomatics Education – Challenges and Prospect
Hong Kong, China

13-15 Feb 2023
Geo Week
Denver, CO, USA

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Updated Events

15-19 Oct 2022
6th SMPR and 4th GIResearch
ISPRS Geospatial Conference
Tehran, Iran

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Job Opportunities

18-Apr-2022 Tenure-Track Assistant Professor - Geomatics
The College of Science and Technology, North Carolina A&T State University, USA
18-Apr-2022 Lecturer or Teaching Assistant Professor - Geomatics
The College of Science and Technology, North Carolina A&T State University, USA
18-Apr-2022 Post-doc Position
The College of Science and Technology, North Carolina A&T State University, USA
29-Apr-2022 Funded Full-Time PhD Studentship
Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences, Poland
Deadline: 30-Jun-2022

Director, United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs, D2
United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs, Vienna

For this position, applicants from the following Member States, which are unrepresented or underrepresented in the UN Secretariat as of 31 January 2022, are strongly encouraged to apply: Afghanistan, Andorra, Angola, Antigua and Barbuda, Bahrain, Belize, Brunei Darussalam, Cabo Verde, Cambodia, China, Comoros, Cuba, Cyprus, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Djibouti, Dominica, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Grenada, Guinea-Bissau, Haiti, Israel, Japan, Kiribati, Kuwait, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Lesotho, Liberia, Libya, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Marshall Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Monaco, Mozambique, Namibia, Nauru, Norway, Oman, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Qatar, Republic of Korea, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Samoa, San Marino, Sao Tome and Principe, Saudi Arabia, Solomon Islands, Somalia, South Sudan, Timor-Leste, Turkmenistan, Tuvalu, United Arab Emirates, United States of America, Vanuatu, Viet Nam.

Deadline: 12-Jun-2022

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