
October 22 - 25, 2024, Fremantle, Perth, Australia

The symposium covers a broad range of topics, in line with the terms of reference of the WGs:

Symposium Themes

WG 1: Spatial Data Representation and Interoperability

  • Data interoperability (data models, formats, metadata, etc.)
  • Conceptual models for spatial data representation and associated data
  • The use of international standards for scalability and reusability
  • Disconnected developments and interoperability
  • Good practices for data management, storage, processing and exchange
  • Semantic technologies, ontologies and linked data
  • Big data spatial representation, mapping, connection and federation of disconnected data models 
  • Solutions for effective and meaningful spatial data integration
  • Collaboration with standardisation organisations (OGC, buildingSMART, W3C…)
  • Practices and research related to use of spatial data spaces

WG 2: Artificial Intelligence and Uncertainty Modeling in Spatial Analysis

  • Data mining, machine learning and artificial intelligence methods
  • Spatial statistics for uncertainty assessment
  • Methods to assess quality of spatial decision-making processes
  • Big spatial data collection, fusion, mining, and assessment
  • Artificial intelligence algorithms for spatial analysis, spatial statistics and uncertainty modeling
  • Uncertainty modelling and visualisation
  • Sensors and their calibration, fusion and information extraction
  • Data quality and uncertainty assessment
  • Intelligent and generally accepted quality control techniques and standards
  • Uncertainty assessment, deep web, linked data etc.

WG 3: Geo-computation and Geo-simulation

  • High-performance Geocompuation/Geosimulation techniques
  • Reliable Geocompuation/Geosimulation techniques to resolve uncertainties
  • Knowledge-based Geocompuation/Geosimulation techniques
  • Complex network analysis methods to detect patterns and analyse their vulnerability, reliability and resilience
  • Agent-based simulation and cellular automata
  • Effective integration of Geocomputation/Geosimulation techniques in spatial decision support systems
  • OGC standards for Geocomputation/Geosimulation (e.g. web processing service)

WG 4: Data Management for Spatial Scenarios

  • Advanced interfaces for spatial data interoperability, spatial analysis and artificial intelligence, geosimulation, spatially enabled digital twins, point cloud processing
  • OGC/ISO standards
  • Model, store, integrate, and manage voluminous and heterogeneous geospatial data
  • Semantically rich spatial data structures, spatial indexing schemes and generic analytical tools
  • Intelligent data preparation and analysis, geospatial data access methods
  • Geometric and topological relations, data aggregation, integration, and scalability
  • Federated spatial data models and linked data
  • Strategies for fusion of multi-dimensional spatial models
  • Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI), socio-economic models, and IoT data

WG 5: Extended Reality and Visual Analytics

  • Human factors in geovisualisation
  • Evaluations of geovisualisation/AR/VR design
  • Spatial cognition in geovisualisation/AR/VR
  • Asssessments of geovisualisation/AR/VR methods and techniques
  • Open source and open content geovisualisation/AR/VR development
  • Novel use cases and applications of geovisualisation/AR/VR, e.g., in the context of metaverse
  • Visual analytics for (small and) big data exploration including machine learning and artificial intelligence based methods
  • New extended reality tools for exploring phenomena considering dimensions of space, place and time
  • New and novel visualisation techniques and tools, e.g., AI/ML based content creation
  • Visualisation of heterogeneous geographical data, building information models (BIM), big data sets

WG 6: Human Behaviour and Spatial Interactions

  • Novel models for understanding human behaviour
  • Challenges and issues in human behaviour uncertainties
  • Mechanisms of the interactions between human behaviour and living environments
  • New spatial analysis technologies for understanding individual and collective behaviour uncertainties
  • Understanding and assurance of spatial data quality of human-generated spatial content
  • Methods for visualisation of human behavior
  • Strategies for handling geo-privacy and ethical issues
  • Spatial behaviour theory of human activity modeling
  • Understanding and modelling human behavior

WG 7: Intelligent Systems in Sensor Web and IoT

  • Fusion and integration of data from sensors, IoT devices, and crowd sources
  • New methods and techniques for analyzing, predicting, and simulating data from sensors
  • Ethical use of and trust in data
  • Sensor web, IoT, crowdsourcing
  • Participatory and intelligent systems for user-centered planning and decision support
  • Intelligent use of data from sensors, IoT devices, crowdsourcing, and intelligent/participatory systems
  • Implementation of UNs’ SDGs

WG 8: Digital Twins for Mobility and Navigation

  • Conceptual frameworks for a digital twin
  • Development of algorithms and standards for semantic and topological modelling
  • Tracking and data mining for way-finding, traffic monitoring, behavioural control, multi-modal mobility in indoor/outdoor environments
  • Digital twins for navigation, location based services and mobility in indoor/outdoor
  • Quality of semantic and topological modelling methods, standards and algorithms
  • OGC/ISO standards for mobility and navigation
  • Adapted mobility and navigation solutions for vulnerable and aging people
  • Green and resilient mobility and navigation solutions for sustainable cities

WG 9: Spatially Enabled Urban and Regional Digital Twins

  • Artificial intelligence-based methods for real-time data analysis and data fusion
  • Innovative geospatial models for building, urban and regional digital twins
  • Methodologies for BIM, GIS, sensors, and IoT data integration
  • Testing, adapting and development of semantically rich and standardized 3D city models
  • Best practices and lessons learned to understand common problems and implement solutions
  • Implications associated with the adoption of digital twins in the real-world

WG 10: Applied Spatial Science for Public Health

  • Spatial technologies for public health
  • Citizen science for the collection of infectious, chronic, and vector-borne diseases
  • Spatial statistics for public health
  • Multi-dimensional spatial data handling and management
  • Mechanism for insights and patterns on multi-dimensional data
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) for hotspot detection and early warning systems
  • Dedicated health open GIS resources repositories

WG 11: Cultural Heritage Visualization and Virtual Restoration

  • Cultural heritage cognition and conceptual modelling
  • Data integration and knowledge discovery
  • Deterioration monitoring and assessment of culture heritage
  • Deep learning of heritage deteriorations: symptom classification and visualisation
  • Dynamic monitoring of heritage deteriorations based on hyperspectral and X-ray techniques
  • Evaluation and preventive protection of heritage deteriorations
  • Digital twins and virtual restoration of cultural heritage
  • Digital storytelling presentation and interpretation of cultural heritage (space, material, value)
  • Conservation and sustainable development based on multi-source information fusion
  • Digital cultural heritage applications and services

ICWG IV/III: Global Mapping for SDGs

  • Scientific and technological challenges in support of SDG monitoring
  • Use of geospatial information and earth observation for measuring and monitoring SDGs
  • Novel and innovative methods for deriving essential geospatial variables for SDGs
  • Geospatial knowledge services and collaborative platforms
  • Understanding of the role of geospatial information and earth observation in monitoring SDGs
  • Capacity building for monitoring SDGs in developing countries
ICWG IV/III/II: Openness in Geospatial Science and Remote Sensing
  • State of the art of openness (data, software, infrastructures, standards, policies and initiatives)
  • Barriers for the development of open approaches
  • Open science and reproducibility of research
  • Good practices to adoption and engagement (e.g. capacity building, open competitions, hackathons, etc.)
  • Communication and data exchange between stakeholders and practitioners
  • Educational and training activities
  • Best practices relevant to openness in geospatial and remote sensing
UPINLBS: Ubiquitous positioning,Indoor Navigation and Location-based Service 
  • Advanced Technologies of High Accuracy Indoor Positioning
  • Indoor and Outdoor Seamless Positioning
  • GNSS+5G Positioning and Communication
  • Multi-sensor Integrated·Indoor Outdoor·Positioning·and·Navigation
  • Indoor Mobile Mapping
  • Underground Space Positioning and Navigation
  • Marine Geodetic Positioning and Marine Resilient PNT
  • Deep Space Positioning and Autonomous Navigation
  • Smart Wearable Positioning
  • Visual Perception and Visual Positioning
  • Robot Localization and Perception
  • LEO Navigation Augmentation
  • Human Body Interior Space Navigation and Positioning
  • Information Perception, Localization and Semantic Mapping of Underwater Environment
  • Location-based Knowledge Mining and Services
  • Privacy-preserving Localization and Location-based Service
  • New Advances in Ubiquitous Positioning

FOSS4G Perth topics: Check for details.