October 22 - 25, 2024, Fremantle, Perth, Australia

Paper Submission and Publication

Accepted papers will be published in the ISPRS Annals or the ISPRS Archives. Both types of publications are listed in the ISI Conference Proceedings Citation Index (CPCI) of the Web of Science, SCOPUS, the E/I Compendex, and the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ).

Prospective authors are encouraged to consider the following possibilities for submission:


  • Full paper submission (ISPRS Annals):  Authors are invited to submit full anonymised papers (min 6 and max 8 pages) in ISPRS format. Upon acceptance, the authors are requested to submit a final paper in ISPRS format for final papers. Papers not accepted for ISPRS Annals might be considered for the ISPRS Archives. Accepted Annals submissions will have the opportunity to present at the conference as an oral presentation.
  • Extended abstract submission (ISPRS Archives): Authors are invited to submit extended abstracts (1000-1500 words) in ISPRS format. After acceptance, the authors are requested to revise the paper according to the reviewers and submit a final paper (min 6 and max 8 pages)  in ISPRS formal for final papers. The final paper will not be reviewed. The extended abstract on its own will not be published. Accepted Archives submissions will have the opportunity to present at the conference as a poster or oral presentation.
  • Abstract-only submission (no publication): Authors are invited to submit an abstract (min 1 and max 2 pages without references) in free format. After acceptance, the authors will be invited to present their work  (oral/poster/demo). The abstract on its own will not be published.

 LATEX and DOC templates are available here.

Authors of selected papers might be invited to extend their paper for possible publication in ISPRS Journals.

Submission of Extended Abstracts/ Full Papers                                          Sun 31 Mar, 2024

Notification of authors                                                                                        Wed 01 May, 2024

Final papers submitted                                                                                       Sun 26 May, 2024

Abstract-only submissions (no publication)                                                    Sat 01 June, 2024

Notification of abstract-only acceptance                                                        Thu 06 June, 2024

Note* Authors, who have submitted abstracts-only by 31st of March 2024 will be notified by Wed 01 May. 2024

To recognise the presented research, the following awards will be handed out:

  • Best Paper award (800 CHF) + 1 free/discount paper in ISPRS IJGI journal (sponsored by the ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information (IJGI)).
  • Best Oral/Poster Presentation (400 CHF) + 1 free/discount paper in ISPRS IJGI journal (sponsored by the ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information (IJGI)).

The award winners will be selected by Jury composed by the Chairs and the members of the Scientific committee. 

The ISPRS Foundation Travel Grants to participate in the ISPRS Midterm Symposia 2024

Applications for the ISPRS Foundation Travel Grants to participate in the ISPRS TC IV Midterm Symposia 2024 are announced here

Applications can be submitted between 6th of April and 4th of May 2024, here.

Early bird registration:
August 10th, 2024