The greatest reward for making a donation is the warm feeling one receives by helping advance the sciences and technologies
from which one has benefited in their career. The financial assistance provided by The ISPRS Foundation (TIF) makes an
important contribution by enabling grant recipients to better develop their expertise in the photogrammetry,
remote sensing and spatial information sciences.
The vast majority of grants are provided to individuals and organizations in developing and reform countries. These
include grants that support education and applications for emerging markets in many regions of the world.
The awarding of grants is a result of a rigorous process in which multi-national committees and juries evaluate documentation
submitted by numerous candidates in order to qualify the most deserving applicants for selection. This process is conducted
wholly by volunteer specialists to ensure that your donations are being wisely invested in the future of the profession.
Donor names are automatically posted on the TIF website, unless they request anonymity. The Board of Trustees have decided
that repeat donors will receive special recognition.
TIF will endeavor to issue press releases to the ISPRS and spatial information communities giving recognition to donors of
large and special donations.
And for many donors, a tangible reward is that their charitable donation often qualifies for tax deduction or tax relief in
their country. This tax relief is a result of The ISPRS Foundation having established and continuing to maintain its entity
registration status as a not-for-profit, public, educational and scientific foundation according to US Code 501 (c)(3).
Donors are encouraged to consult with their accountant or tax advisor to receive this relief. Donors are provided with a
TIF receipt every time they make a donation.