
Contributions are invited from individuals, businesses and organizations around the world who want to support Foundation goals and programs. Donors may choose to make either a Restricted or an Unrestricted (General) contribution in cash or may choose to make a Special Donation such as in the form of endowments, bequests, trusts, covenants, gifts, legacies, stocks, income-producing property, or in-kind contributions of hardware, software or literature.

Unrestricted and Restricted Donations

The ISPRS Foundation (TIF) is established to support 12 broad-based Categories of scientific and educational philanthropic activities. Unrestricted donations will be used to support any of the 12 Grant Categories.
Restricted donations are designated to the Category specified by the donor thereby enabling them to pre-select how they wish to see their donations used. TIF manages each of the 12 restricted categories separately enabling ISPRS to offer a variety of grant category opportunities on an annual basis (See Grants Process.) Restricted donations are welcome for sponsoring and naming grants that memorialize an individual, award an achievement, honor an event, enable a scholarship, sponsor an initiative, etc. In these instances, TIF will work with the donor in developing Grant Terms of Reference and seeking means of endowment to perpetuate the named grant.

Unrestricted or Restricted Donation by Credit Card/PayPal

Donations are welcome in any currency, but preferably in US Dollars, Euros and Swiss Francs. Currently checks and money orders must be sent by mail or wire. (See How to Make a Donation.)





The ISPRS Foundation, Inc. (TIF) is an independently registered entity that has been established to provide financial assistance and in-kind support solely for benevolent purposes that are pursued by The International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS).

Useful External Links

Our Contact

The ISPRS Foundation
Dr. Senthil Kumar
Former Director, Indian Institute of Remote Sensing
104, Sri Ruby Gardens
Erode, TN 638012