Where to Send Your Donations

Check Donations

Donations in US dollars (US$) are preferred to avoid currency conversion fees. Other currencies, especially Euros (EUR) and Swiss francs (CHF), also are accepted

Nota Bene: Write in the endorsement area on the back of your check ″Payable only to The ISPRS Foundation″.


Donors should mail their check donations to the following address:

The ISPRS Foundation
Prof. Dr. Marguerite Madden
Center for Geospatial Research (CGR)
Department of Geography
University of Georgia
210 Field Street
Athens, GA 30602


Wire Transfer Donations

Donors may also send their donation for direct deposit into a TIF banking institution or by wire. Donors are requested to pay for wire fees. Direct deposit donations and donations by wire may be sent in US$, EUR, or CHF. To submit a donation by direct deposit or wire, please submit the relevant Donation Form and request TIF Finance Officer to provide instructions for making your direct deposit. Banking institutions do not always pass on donor information. Informing TIF Finance Officer will assure donor recognition.

For further details contact TIF Finance Officer by email foundation@isprs.org


Credit Card/PayPal Donations





The ISPRS Foundation, Inc. (TIF) is an independently registered entity that has been established to provide financial assistance and in-kind support solely for benevolent purposes that are pursued by The International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS).

Useful External Links

Our Contact

The ISPRS Foundation
Dr. Senthil Kumar
Former Director, Indian Institute of Remote Sensing
104, Sri Ruby Gardens
Erode, TN 638012
Email: foundation@isprs.org