Here is a listing of the most frequently asked FAQs. If you have a question not answered on this website then please
send your question to and we will do our
best to satisfy your need. Thank you for visiting our website.
How do I know when to apply for a grant ? |
All grant opportunities will be posted on this website as soon as the Trustees have approved the opportunity.
The opportunity will include qualification guidelines and an application form. Please note: Because of the limited
availability of funding, ad hoc requests for grants cannot be fulfilled. See The Foundation ″How Does it Work″
section on this website for description of the process of when and how opportunities for grants are made. |
What tax benefits will I get? |
All donations to The ISPRS Foundation should qualify for charitable tax deduction or tax relief. Please consult with
your accountant or tax advisor in your country. The Foundation is established as a non-stock, not-for-profit, scientific
and educational foundation per US Code 501 (c)(3). Donors will receive a signed receipt when each payment is received. |
How soon can I reapply if my application was rejected? |
You must wait until the next opportunity is posted before reapplying as only a limited amount of funds are available for
each grant opportunity. An evaluation committee will serve as a jury for qualifying the worthiness of each application received.
Time permitting, the jury may request further information. All selections are final. |
How and where are grant payments delivered? |
Typically grant payments are delivered directly to the grantee at the event (no proxies allowed) by TIF bank cheque in US$.
When grant conditions require a report and/or receipts, the cheque is mailed to the grantee upon receipt of satisfactory report and/or
receipts by the designated TIF/ISPRS official. To avoid payment delay or loss it is essential that grant applicants provide a current
and intelligible postal address including email and phone. |
What if I am selected for a grant, but for reasons beyond my control I cannot fulfill the grant requirement
according to the schedule set forth? |
All grant selections are final. Event grants such as for Travel and Workshops cannot be transferred to surrogates.
Grants such as Research Initiatives or Scholarships may be eligible for deferral if a written request is received and then
approved by the Trustees. |
Can I apply to be a Trustee? |
Yes! The Trustees are appointed for three year terms with a maximum of two renewal terms. Applications
will be accepted at any time and will be held on file until the next Board vacancy occurs. Please review
Article III of the Foundation Bylaws (See The Foundation "Foundation Bylaws" section of this website) to
understand the responsibilities and duties. Send your application to
How much is taken from my donation to cover administration costs? |
Two percent (2%) or less. The Foundation Bylaws require that 98% of all donations are designated for grants and
that costs to administer the Foundation be no more than 2%.
Are Trustees paid?
No. ″Trustees, officers and committee members of The Foundation shall not receive any salaries or compensation
for their services.″ (See The ISPRS Foundation Bylaws, Article III, Section 6. entitled Compensation)
What is the distinction between a ISPRS Foundation Donor and an ISPRS Sustaining Member ? |
The ISPRS Foundation is a separate entity from the ISPRS. Its sole purpose is philanthropy. An ISPRS Sustaining
Member (and Ordinary, Associate, Regional Members) pays an annual subscription fee to cover the administrative costs of
managing the Society.
Who should I contact to request a grant ? |
First read How does it work? Grants are only given for ISPRS sponsored or co-sponsored activities. It is
recommended that you seek others to support your request. That is, contact your ISPRS Member Society and/or a
relevant ISPRS Working Group or Commission member to help justify your request. Then submit your request to a
member of the ISPRS Council. Please note that the request must be covered by one of the
12 grant categories.
Where can I find the TIF logos ? |
click here