With thanks to our Donors, event sponsors and selection committees we are pleased to announce that 21
Grants have been awarded in 2006 to deserving grantees.
CATCON4 Winners
CATCON4 (4th Computer Aided Teaching Contest) Awards - The contest promotes the development and dissemination of
effective and user-friendly software packages, videos and data sets designed and used specifically for computer
assisted teaching. In general, the software or data set should be non-commercial and provided to users without
license charges or other fees. The 2006 winners were selected from a demonstration of 14 software entries presented
at the Commission VI Symposium.
Congratulations to the following Grantees:
- $1,000 Gold Award for 'E-Tutor for GIS'
to Dr. Mrs. P. Venkatachalam, Indian Institute of Technology, INDIA
- $700 Silver Award for 'CARST 1.0-Computer Assisted Remote Sensing Training ver. 1.0'
to Dr. Nguyen Dinh Duong, Institute of Geography, VAST, VIETNAM
- $500 Bronze Award for 'SV3DVISION-Satellite Image 3D Presentation System for Education'
to Mr. Diego Gonzalez Aguilera, University of Salamanca, SPAIN
Travel Grant Awardees
(Sponsored by the Trust Fund Amsterdam 2000)
Travel Grants were provided for 18 grantees from 14 countries to participate in 2006 ISPRS Symposia convened by Commissions:
- IV - "Geospatial Databases for Sustainable Development", Goa, India
- V - "Image Engineering & Vision Metrology", Dresden, Germany
- VI - "E-Learning & the Next Steps for Education", Tokyo, Japan
- VII - "Remote Sensing: From Pixels to Processes", Enschede, The Netherlands
Congratulations to the following Grantees:
Mr. Salim Chitroub, USTHB
Mr. Mahmudur Rahman, Bangladesh Space Research & Remote Sensing Organisation
Mr. Thiago de Alencar, Universidade Federal de Mines Gerais
Mr. Y. S. Shimabukuro, Federal University at Rio Grande do Sul
Ms. Denitsa Borisova, Solar Terrestrial Influences Laboratory
Mr. Talaat M. Ramadan, National Authority for Remote Sensing & Space Sciences
Mr. R. Jaishanker, IIITM
Mr. Paul Manoj, School of Information Technology
Mr. Shaban Shataee, University of Gorgan
Dr. Wilber K. Ottichilo, Regional Centre for Mapping of Resources for Development
Ms. Aicha Chalabi, Institute of Oceanography, Kolej University
Dr. Ganiy Ishola Agbaje, National Space Research & Development Agency
Dr.Olajide Kufoniyi, Regional Centre for Training in Aerospace Surveys
Dr. Rhodora M. Gonzalez, University of the Philipppines
Mr. Georgeta Manea, Technical University of Civil Engineering
Mr. Goksel Akkoca, Istanbul Technical University
Mr. Tarik Turk, Yildiz Technical University
Ms. Thi Hoa Binh Truong, Vietnamese Academy of Science & Technology