Honor Roll of 2011 Grantees
With thanks to our Donors, event sponsors and grant evaluation committees we are pleased to announce that
The ISPRS Foundation (TIF) funding for 2011 has been provided in the four TIF grant categories of:
″Research Initiatives″ ″
Travel Grants″ ″
Grants for Research Initiatives
Following projects were supported in 2011:
Travel Grants
Travel grants have been given for:
- Travel Grants ISRSE, Sydney (2,000 USD)
- Commission III Symposium (1,758.64 USD)
- Commission IV Symposium (1,580 USD)
- Joint SSGA/ISPRS/FIG /ICA/Mongolia
State University of Agriculture, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia (4,000 USD)
Workshop Grants
Following international workshops were provided:
- ISPRS SC Summer School, Fayetteville, North Carolina, USA (5 200 USD)
- Lake Victoria Urbanization Project, Nairobi, Africa (10 000 USD)