Honor Roll of 2008 Grantees
The XXI ISPRS Congress in Beijing has been the predominant event in 2008. With thanks to our Donors, event sponsors and grant evaluation committees we are pleased to announce that The ISPRS Foundation (TIF) funding for the Beijing Congress was provided in the four TIF grant categories of:
″Awards″ ″Workshops″
″Travel Grants″
″Tools & Literature″
Grants for Awards
Congratulations to the following awardees honored at the XXI ISPRS Congress.
Prof. Wang Zhizhuo Award -
for significant achievement in the spatial information sciences (Award sponsored by Chinese Society of Geodesy, Photogrammetry & Cartography) CHF 2,500 to Dr. Christopher Gold, University of Galmorgan, United Kingdom
Young Authors Award -
for best paper on Space Science or Real-time Photogrammetry (Award sponsored by Dr. Sherman S.C. Wu) US$ 2,500 to Mr. Yunhang Chen - Ohio State University for his paper ″Bundle Adjustment of Mars HiRISE Orbiter Stereo Images based on the Rigorous Sensor Model″
CATCON5 Awards -
the 5th Computer Aided Teaching Contest (CATCON5) promotes the development and dissemination of effective and user-friendly software packages, videos and data sets designed and used specifically for computer assisted teaching. The software or data set should be non-commercial, i.e. provided to users without license charges or other fees. The 2008 winners were selected from a demonstration of nine software and E-Learning materials presented at the Congress.
(Awards sponsored by Prof. Dr. Shunji Murai, ISPRS Honorary Member)
US$ 1,000 Gold Prize Award for ″CityGML″
to Mr. Robert Kaden, Berlin University of Technology, Germany
US$ 750 Silver Prize Award for ″Limulator 2.0″
to Mr. Bharat Lohahi, IIT Kanpur, India
US$ 500 Bronze Prize Award for ″ITC GEONETCast Toolbox″
to Mr. Ben Maathuis, International Institute for Geo-Information Science & Earth Observation, The Netherlands
Workshop Grants
Funding provided for Workshop materials for the 50 participants from 12 countries plus local students to the ″ISPRS WG VI/5 and Student Consortium 3rd Summer School″ (See photo.), a pre-Congress Workshop held during 26 June - 1 July at Nanjing Normal University, China.
Travel Grants
(Grants sponsored by the "Trust Fund Amsterdam 2000")
Funding provided for travel and related expenses for the following 12 grantees from eight countries to participate in the XXI ISPRS Congress in Beijing, China during 2-11 July 2008. Congratulations to the following Grantees:
Mr. Elvis Fang - University of Yaounde
Ms. Xi Zhao - International Institute for Geo-Information Science & Earth Observation (The Netherlands)
Ms. Ivana Dabanovic - State Geodetic Administration
Mr. Romeji Sinjh Ngangbam - Indian Institute of Technology
Mr. Milap Punia - Jawaharial Nehru University
Ms. Roshannak Darvishzadeh - International Institute for Geo-Information Science & Earth Observation (The Netherlands)
Mr. Hamid Reza Ghafarian - Yazd Municipality
Mr. Sohrabi Hormoz - Tarbiat Modares University
Ms. Zahra Azizi - Tarbiat Modares University
Ms. Nadia Shakak - Ministry of Irrigation and Water Resources
Mr. Adam Patrick Nyaruhuma - Ministry of Lands, Housing & Settlements Development
Mr. Saygin Abdikan - Yildiz Technical University
Tools & Literature Grants
As a result of the generous In-Kind support of 15 donor companies and organizations a fund-raising raffle was held during the Congress. Congress attendees were offered the opportunity to purchase raffle tickets and given the choice of which company prizes they wished to be awarded. TIF offers thanks to the In-Kind donors listed below and gives congratulations to the following 35 prize winners from 19 countries.
Norbert Pfeifer |
- shirt, cap, 512 MB flash drive
- In-Kind Donor ASD, Inc. www.asdi.com |
Megan Lewis |
- Book-Manual of Photogrammetry, 5th Edition
- In-Kind Donor American Society ASPRS www.asprs.org |
David Bruce |
- one year ASPRS membership with electronic P&RS Journal subscription
- In-Kind Donor ASPRS www.asprs.org |
Kazimierz Becek |
- one year licensed copy of Leica Photogrammetric & Remote Sensing Suite (LPS)
- In-Kind Donor ERDAS www.erdas.com |
Jinfei Wang |
- shirt, cap, 512 MB flash drive
- In-Kind Donor ASD, Inc. www.asdi.com |
Richard Sims |
- ESRI Map Book, vol. 22
- In-Kind Donor ESRI www.esri.com |
Gunho Sohn |
- MS Office Professional 2007
- In-Kind Donor Microsoft office.microsoft.com |
Bryan Mercer |
- MS Office for Mac 2008
- In-Kind Donor Microsoft www.microsoft.com/mac/products/ |
Lifeng Yuan |
- Book GIS Spatial Analysis & Modeling
- In-Kind Donor ESRI www.esri.com |
Wang DeHui |
- Licenses for ScanMagic software and ScanImages Processor, Conference registration
- In-Kind Donor ScanEx www.scanex.ru/en/company |
Wang Yi Nan |
- Map/Editor for MicroStation for editing DGN files and book ′Alaska- North to the Future, vol. III′
- In-Kind Donor DAT/EM www.datem.com |
Ms. Marieke Cruchant |
- Stereoscope, 1 GB flash drive, 120 GB hard drive, Turkish cup
- In-Kind Donor Turkish Society TNSPRS www.hgk.mil.tr |
Michel Roux |
- One full and complete licensed copy of PHOTOMOD photogrammetric system
- In-Kind Donor Racurs www.racurs.ru |
Andreas Bolten |
- One full and complete licensed copy of PCI Geomatica 10.1 software system
- In-Kind Donor PCI Geomatics www.pcigeomatics.com |
Peter Reinartz |
- Book about Turkey, 1 GB flash drive, porcelain Turkish coffee cup set
- In-Kind Donor Turkish Society TNSPRS www.hgk.mil.tr |
Mrs. Joanna Patias |
- licenses for ScanMagic software and ScanImages Processor, Conference registration
- In-Kind Donor ScanEx www.scanex.ru/en/company |
Ms. Vienna Lee |
- Subscription to Position Magazine
- In-Kind Donor Asian Surveying & Mapping www.asmmag.com |
Dr. Nanda Kumar |
- MS Office Visio Professional 2007
- In-Kind Donor Microsoft www.office.microsoft.com/en-us/visio |
Kevin Mooney |
- Book DEM Users Manual, 2nd Edition
- In-Kind Donor ASPRS www.asprs.org |
Dr. Kohei Cho |
- licenses for ScanMagic software and ScanImages Processor, Conference registration
- In-Kind Donor ScanEx www.scanex.ru/en/company |
Dr. Hiromichi Fukui |
- Microfleece pullover
- In-Kind Donor LizardTech www.lizardtech.com |
Bernard Lawes, Jr. |
- Subscription to Position Magazine
- In-Kind Donor Asian Surveying & Mapping www.asmmag.com |
Aung Lwin |
- shirt, 2 GB thumb drive, special prize
- In-Kind Donor ESRI www.esri.com |
Dr. Jide Kufoniyi |
- One single-user, stand alone IDRISI Andes License
- In-Kind Donor Clark Labs www.clarklabs.org |
Ionel Sion |
- MS Office Professional 2007
- In-Kind Donor Microsoft office.microsoft.com |
Dr. Manos Baltsavias |
- licenses for ScanMagic software and ScanImages Processor, Conference registration
- In-Kind Donor ScanEx www.scanex.ru/en/company |
Ms. Jane Drummond |
- One single-user, stand alone IDRISI Andes License
- In-Kind Donor Clark Labs www.clarklabs.org |
Dr. Samantha Lavender |
- MS Office Project 2007
- In-Kind Donor Microsoft office.microsoft.com/en-us/project |
Dr. Marguerite Madden |
- One year CIG Membership with Geomatica subscription
- In-Kind Donor Canadian Institute of Geomatics www.cig-acsg.ca |
Mike Renslow |
- MS Office Project 2007
- In-Kind Donor Microsoft office.microsoft.com/en-us/project |
Dr. John Townshend |
- calendar, poster, demo CD, souvenir kit
- In-Kind Donor Geokosmos www.geokosmos.com |
Martin Ruzek |
- MS Office Visio Professional 2007
- In-Kind Donor Microsoft office.microsoft.com/en-us/visio |
Dr. Chris McGlone |
- shirt, cap, two 512 MB flash drives
- In-Kind Donor Microsoft office.microsoft.com/en-us/project |
Jim Weber |
- MS Office Professional 2007, MS Office for Mac 2008, MS Office Visio Professional 2007
- In-Kind Donor ASD, Inc. www.asdi.com |
Hoa Binh Thi Truong |
- MS Office Project 2007
- In-Kind Donor Microsoft office.microsoft.com/en-us/project |