ISPRS SC Webinar Series 2023 on May 23, 2023
ISPRS SC is proud to provide you with the first webinar of this year 2023, where Dr. Franz Meyer will present to us SAR-based monitoring of global ice masses, the analysis of permafrost change, and the assessment of natural hazards related to volcanoes, earthquakes, and flooding. The presentation will also include a summary of the Alaska Satellite Facility (ASF)’s training and capacity building activities, aimed at improving the capacity of the science and applications communities to leverage SAR data. This is a hot topic today (see abstract) brought to you by a great scientist (see speaker bio) and we encourage you all to join us in this free event!
Title: The Alaska Satellite Facility: Radar-based Earth Observation from the Center of Alaska
Registration Fees: Free
Date: 23 May
Time:3:30-5:00 PM , GMT + 0
REGISTRATION LINK: https://sc.isprs.org/sc_news/isprs-sc-webinar-series-2023/
Embedded in the University of Alaska Fairbanks, the Alaska Satellite Facility (ASF) is NASA's data center for Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data. With more than 20 petabyte of SAR data in its archive, ASF is offering access to the full archive of ESA's Sentinel-1 SAR constellation and will be the main data center for the L-band portion of the upcoming NASA-ISRO SAR (NISAR) mission.In addition to summarizing ASF's work on making SAR data more accessible, the presentation will touch on the many remote sensing research activities that are led by our team. Topics will include the SAR-based monitoring of global ice masses, the analysis of permafrost change, and the assessment of natural hazards related to volcanoes, earthquakes, and flooding. The presentation will also include a summary of our training and capacity building activities, aimed at improving the capacity of the science and applications communities to leverage SAR data.
Speaker (BIO): https://asf.alaska.edu/spotlights/franz-meyer-phd/