Orange Book


Guidelines for Preparation and Maintenance of ISPRS Web Pages

Version June 2024


1. Introduction

The primary function of these web pages is to convey, share and distribute information. Conveyance of important information is paramount. Therefore, the web pages must be informative, creative, and entertaining, constituting an intelligent, practical and resourceful promotion of the ISPRS and its activities.

2. Responsibility to Prepare Web Pages

All ISPRS TCs and WGs should use web pages to promote their work related to their area of expertise.

ISPRS is promoting the use of modern web page technology, with the emphasis on both the clarity of the message conveyed and the innovative creativity that will go into their creation.

ISPRS web pages are not only for ISPRS Members, but also for the larger world audience that is interested in the fields of photogrammetry, remote sensing, spatial sciences and related technologies and issues. Therefore, ISPRS encourages the creation of creative and entertaining web pages that will appeal to a larger audience.

A downloadable web page that can be used as a basic template upon which a webpage can be built is provided by the ISPRS Webmaster.

3. Web Page Design and Content

All ISPRS web pages are to be clearly and logically organised, so that their purpose and information can be easily and quickly understood. The information should be concise, accurate and simply laid out.

All ISPRS web pages should clearly and prominently display the official ISPRS logo on every webpage, see

A reference to the ISPRS and the function of the Working Group or Technical Commission must be stated clearly at the front of the webpage.

Image acquisition, management and processing are the main activity of ISPRS. Therefore, an array of images that demonstrate ISPRS activities should be included where possible.

All ISPRS web pages must include hypertext links to the ISPRS Home Page and to other ISPRS Technical Commissions when appropriate. Links to associated sister- organisations can also be provided.

ISPRS web pages should include the following:

  • the name and address of the Webmaster, as well as the date of the last update to the webpage
  • highlights of new items clearly and prominently (e.g. by placing a “What’s New” item on each webpage)
  • links to pages related to interest areas of the ISPRS Member Organisations, Technical Commission, and Working Group
  • coordination between all Working Groups in a particular Commission with regard to similarities in webpage design, form or activities

Technical Commission web pages should contain at least the following: the name and Terms of Reference of the Technical Commission; names, photographs, and complete addresses of all Commission and Working Group officers; information about Symposia and Commission/WG events with on-line registration forms; and hyperlinks to its Working Group web pages, the ISPRS Home Pages and to other important websites.

Working Group web pages should contain at least the following: the name and Terms of Reference of the Working Group; names, photographs, and complete addresses of the Working Group officers; dates and locations of WG meetings and workshops with on-line registration forms; and necessary hyperlinks.

4. Other Issues

All ISPRS web pages shall be in English. Creation of web pages in a language other than English is encouraged as long as an English version of the web page is available.

It is appropriate to list the public domain software used in constructing web pages.

As ISPRS is an international organisation, with webpage readers from all over the world, comments and statements that could be misconstrued by readers from different cultures must be avoided.

The following phrases (or variants of them) should be considered for inclusion in web pages:

  • “Inclusion in this page is not to be taken as an advertisement or endorsement, nor an exclusion as a criticism” or
  • “The authors will not be held responsible for any actions arising from the use of the included data, although the utmost care has been taken to ensure its accuracy. Please contact the authors at the address below.”

Data or articles made available through an ISPRS web page should be available for copying or downloading. Sensitive data or copyrighted articles can be requested by e-mail or from a reference URL.



The International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing is a non-governmental organization devoted to the development of international cooperation for the advancement of photogrammetry and remote sensing and their applications. The Society operates without any discrimination on grounds of race, religion, nationality, or political philosophy.

Our Contact

Leibniz University Hannover
Institute of Photogrammetry and GeoInformation
Nienburger Str. 1
D-30167 Hannover