Orange Book


Outline for Preparation of the ISPRS Biennial Report

Version June 2024


The ISPRS Biennial Report fulfils a dual role: (a) It serves as a medium to communicate to the outside scientific and non-scientific world what ISPRS is, what ISPRS is doing and what has happened in the society in the past 24 months. The report needs to be attractive in content and design in order to be noticed and to create a positive image for the society, as a leading scientific organisation. (b) Generating the report is also a time where the authors of the individual contributions and the society as a whole, pauses for a moment to enumerate and summarise its activities, its achievements and its failures over the past 24 months, in order to evaluate the results and to steadily improve the work and the impact of the society. Each contribution should be viewed from both these angles.

The contents for the report looks like this:

  • About ISPRS
  • Table of Content
  • Message from the President ( one page)
  • Message from the Secretary General ( one page)
  • Message from the Congress Director ( one page)
  • Commission activities: two pages for each TC: short description of the area of study and scientific challenges, relevant achievements in the past 24 months, view into the future (responsibility is with the TCPs, WG officers to provide input if requested by TCPs). 
  • Meeting reports of selected ISPRS events (one or two pages per report; responsibility is with the TCPs, reports to be provided by the event organisers).
  • Project reports: 2 or 3, different from year to year,   e. g. results of Scientific Initiatives (responsibility is with project leaders).
  • Contributions from ISAC, IPAC and Editors-in-Chief of ISPRS Journals as appropriate (responsibility is with Committee Chairs and Editors-in-Chief).
  • Some statistics: list of ISPRS events, list of Archives and Annals published, contact addresses of authors, etc. (responsibility is with SG).

The ISPRS Biennial Report is published in March of the even years. The sections of the report are provided to the Secretary General by Dec. 31 of the year before. The Secretary General is responsible for the production of the ISPRS Biennial Report.



The International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing is a non-governmental organization devoted to the development of international cooperation for the advancement of photogrammetry and remote sensing and their applications. The Society operates without any discrimination on grounds of race, religion, nationality, or political philosophy.

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Institute of Photogrammetry and GeoInformation
Nienburger Str. 1
D-30167 Hannover