- Tutorial on Interferometry (Units on InSAR,
Interferometric SAR image processing and interpretation, SAR interferometry: applications and limits),
by Igor Musihin – State Academy of Godesy, Novosibirsk, 2012
- The Remote Sensing Core Curriculum,
an ASPRS Initiative for Space Age International Education
- The use of Satellite Remote Sensing,
CIESIN Thematic Guides
- NASA's Remote sensing Tutorial
- Remote Sensing and Image Analysis lecture,
Berkeley lecture
- Workshop ″Satellite-based Photogrammetry″,
La Habana, Cuba, 9-13 February 2009
International School on LiDAR Technolohy 2008, 31 March to 4 April 2008,
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
- Workshop on 'Remote Sensing and GIS for Watershed Managment',
by ISPRS Special Interest Group 'Technology Transfer Caravan'
- Extraction of Geospatial Information from High Resolution Optical
Satellite Sensors, ISPRS Technical Commission IV Symposium 'Geospatial Databases for
Sustainable Development', Goa, India, 27-30 September 2006
- ″Space technologies to support the conservation
of natural and cultural sites″, 25-27 November 2005, Campeche, Mexico
Tutorials in GIS
- From SDI to Service and Application,
Africa GIS 2005 Tutorial (Pretoria, South Africa), by Jiang Jie, National Geomatics Center of China (10 MB)
- How to get base geospatial data for SDI from high-resolution satellite images, Africa GIS 2005 Tutorial
(Pretoria, South Africa), by Manos Baltsavias, ETH Zurich:
part 1 (1.7 MB),
part 2
(2.1 MB),
part 3
(3.2 MB)
Multi-View Geometry, by Richard Hartley, Tutorial at CVPR 1999, 20 pag., PDF file, 5 Mb
- 3D modeling from images,
by Marc Pollefeys, Lectures Notes at ECCV2000
Understanding Projective Geometry, by University of Toronto
Concepts from projective geometry, by Paul Beardsley - University of Edinburgh
- Tutorial on Visual-Geometric 3D Scene
Reconstruction from uncalibrated Image Sequences , by Reinhard Koch and Jan-Michael Frahm,
DAGM-Symposium 2001, München (4MB PDF file, 53 pp)
Self-calibration, Epipolar geometry and the fundamental matrix
An Introduction to Projective Geometry (for computer vision), by Stan Birchfield
If you have some particular link and you want to include it in this list or you find a wrong address, please
contact us