- Place: City Hall, Zurich, Switzerland
- Number of Images: 15, 1280 x 1000 pixels
- Camera: Fuji DS 300
- Focal Length: 8.62 mm
- Control Point Coordinates: AVAILABLE in the file "Zurich DataSet Description.doc" and here (ZIP, 600 Kb)
- Download a zip file (34Mb) with all the information, CP data and images (.tif)
- Place: City Hall, Zurich, Switzerland
- Number of Images: 16, 1280 x 1024 pixels
- Camera: Olympus C1400L
- Focal Length: photos 1 to 5 and 12 to 16 = 9.000 mm, photos 6 to 11 = 10.600 mm
- Control Point Coordinates: AVAILABLE in the file "Zurich DataSet Description.doc" and here (ZIP, 600 Kb)
- Download a zip file (14Mb) with all the information, CP data and images (.jpg)
Source: Klaus Hanke, Institute of Geodesy, University of Innsbruck, Austria