Sensors, Platforms and Imagery
President | |
 | Stanley Morain
Secretary | |
 | Amy Budge
Terms of Reference
- Design and realization of aerial and spaceborne missions for earth observation
- Standardization of definitions and measurements of sensor related parameters
- Design, construction, characterization, installation, testing, calibration and evaluation of imaging sensors and scanners
- Integration of imaging and other systems
- Design, performance and techniques of data reception and pre-processing
- Geometric and radiometric properties of image data, quality standards, and factors (environmental and others) affecting data quality
- Technical systems for recording sensor data, film scanners and auxiliary data (time, position, attitude, etc.) and media (film, magnetic, optical, etc.)
WG I/1 - Define Standards for Sensor Parameters
WG I/1 Terms of Reference
- Identify and define a common set of sensor and sensor system parameters
- Promote adoption of standardized parameters among sensor manufacturers
- Participate in ISO TC 172/SC1, SC9
- Design data model for, and populate, an electronic database of sensors, platforms, and launch status of new satellite sensors
- Collaborate with CEOS to develop a comprehensive database of sensor and platform specifications
- Pursue organizations to collaborate in support of data model and database maintenance
- Participate in ISO TC 172/SC1, SC9
- Liaise with CEOS member organizations to identify and appoint cross-over WG membership
WG I/2 - Sensor Calibration and Testing
Veljko M. Jovanovic
WG I/2 Terms of Reference
- Radiometric and geometric calibration of wide-swath and multi-viewing angle sensors
- Techniques for laboratory calibration of sensors
- In-flight sensor calibration and development of calibration test sites
- inventory of existing and planned calibration test fields and their characteristics
- Calibration and evaluation of image scanners
- Assess effects of viewing angle on spectral and radiometric data from wide-swath and multi-viewing angle satellite sensors
- Liase with CEOS WGCV, ISO TC 172/SC9, ISO TC 42/WG3 and WG20 and related organizations
WG I/3 - Active Sensor Systems
Anthony J. Lewis
WG I/3 Terms of Reference
- Collaborate with CEOS to identify global test sites for evaluating SAR, LIDAR, and INSAR systems
- Assess precision and accuracy of active sensors that generate DEM data sets
- Evaluate data recording and pre-processing systems to generate optimal data sets for analysis and measurement
- Recommend best practices for integrating attitude and position information with data processing algorithms
WG I/4 - Advanced Sensor Systems
WG I/4 Terms of Reference
- Small satellites for Earth observation-complexity, reliability, and comparative costs
- Platform guidance, navigation and positioning, integration of GPS, and orientation systems
- Performance of high resolution and hyperspectral imaging systems for Earth system science
- Monitor and report developments of new sensors such as smart sensors, polarization sensors, pollution monitors, laser altimeters, and precipitation radar
WG I/5 - Platform and Sensor Integration
WG I/5 Terms of Reference
- Define best practices for recording and presenting sensor data together with auxiliary platform data-GPS, INS, orbital definition
- Liaise with Commission-III
- Capability of high resolution earth observation systems
- Relation and long-time stability of attitude and position information to sensor orientation
WG I/6 - Airborne Optical Sensor Systems
WG I/6 Terms of Reference
- Assess data quality for advanced aerial digital camera and video systems
- Integrate airborne digital camera and video systems into user applications
- Install, test, and calibrate airborne digital camera and video systems on aerial platforms
- Develop guidelines for designing aerial missions for small format and video data acquisitions