Spatial Information Systems and Digital Mapping
President | |
| Costas Armenakis
Scientific Secretary | |
| Yuk-Cheung Lee
Administrative Secretary | |
| Florin Savopol
Terms of Reference
- Fundamentals of spatial modeling and spatial data structures
- Integration of image analysis and spatial information systems;
- Spatial database design and spatial data access
- Metadata and clearinghouses
- Dynamic spatial information systems and spatial data revision processes
- Digital landscape modeling and visualization, orthoimages, digital terrain models and 3D city models
- Interfacing 3D city models and Computer Aided Facility Management
- Spatial data base generation from SAR, interferometric SAR, lidar, laser, and other aerial and satellite sensor systems
- Digital topographic, thematic and global mapping
- Extraterrestrial mapping
WG IV/1 - Spatial and temporal data modelling and analysis
Wenzhong (John) Shi
WG IV/1 Terms of Reference
- Fundamentals of spatio-temporal spaces
- Spatio-temporal database design and development
- Spatio-temporal query and analysis
- Three-dimensional GIS modelling
- Multi-dimension and multi-scale models in GIS
- Spatial data quality and spatial model quality in the context of spatio-temporal GIS
WG IV/2 - Federated databases and interoperability
WG IV/2 Terms of Reference
- Conceptual aspects of inter-operable database environments
- Distributed spatial data models
- Connectivity, data sharing, open models and transparent geo-processing
- Link and integration of imagery, DEM, attribute and vector data from federated databases
- Generic access, search and retrieval methods for heterogeneous databases
- Concurrence control and data security for federated databases
- Spatial data standardization (OGC, ISO/TC211)
- Inter-operation specifications for spatial data
- Internet GIS, based on heterogeneous databases
- Collaboration with Commission II (WG II/3, II/4)
WG IV/3 - Data Generalization and Data Mining
Dianne Richardson
WG IV/3 Terms of Reference
- Methods for the generalization, aggregation and abstraction of image and vector data
- Data structures for the representation, processing and integration of multi-source and multi-scale data
- Concepts and techniques for hierarchical data analysis related to image and map object classification
- Methods and algorithms for the cartographic presentation of spatial objects with special focus on real-time, integrated approaches
- Enhancement of spatial data mining through inference using hierarchical classification and aggregation techniques, and synergy between image and map objects
- Cooperation with the ICA Commission on Map Generalization
WG IV/4 - Spatial data infrastructures
Shefali Agrawal
WG IV/4 Terms of Reference
- Design and access of large spatial databases
- Development of comprehensive metadata, quality evaluation procedures and their standardization
- Development of techniques for data integration in spatial information systems
- Logical and mathematical data modelling for mapping of spatial data infrastructures
- Development of basic framework concepts for the selection, aggregation and integration of fundamental data
WG IV/5 - Image-based Geospatial Databases
Dimitris Papadias
WG IV/5 Terms of Reference
- Design aspects and characteristics of image-based geospatial databases
- Image queries and content-based geospatial information retrieval methods
- Geospatial knowledge management, synthesis, propagation, and communication in image databases
- Integration of digital images and GIS for spatial reasoning
- Imagery in digital libraries and web-based GIS environments
- Multimedia in integrated spatial information systems
- Cooperation with WG II/5
WG IV/6 - Landscape Modelling and Visualization
Thomas R. Jordan
WG IV/6 Terms of Reference
- Assessment of traditional and new remote sensing data for generating and visualizing landscape models (e.g., orthoimages, DSMs, DTMs and 3D city models)
- Integration of multi-source and multi-scale data in local and regional landscape modelling and visualization applications
- Application and examination of dynamic and kinematic models for integrating multi-temporal landscape data sets and revising spatial databases
- Application and assessment of advanced visualization, virtual reality and multimedia methods for 2-D, 3-D and 4-D mapping tasks in stand-alone or web-based environments
- Cooperation with WG III/7
WG IV/7 - Data Integration and Digital Mapping
Ryosuke Shibasaki
WG IV/7 Terms of Reference
- Determination of the characteristics and issues related to data fusion at image, feature and information level.
- Integration of multi-type air- and spaceborne imagery as well as GIS and map data for the enhancement of spatial databases
- Techniques for high quality topographic, thematic and 3D urban mapping requirements and applications using multi-source data
- Mapping from high resolution satellite imagery
- Quality estimation and evaluation of the fused spatial data
- Monitoring of object changes from multi-source and multi-temporal data
- Integration of 3D spatial databases with simulation models for event representation
WG IV/8 - Global environmental databases
WG IV/8 Terms of Reference
- Collection and dissemination of state-of-the-art information and knowledge on development of global environmental databases
- Evaluation, characterization and assessment of global environmental databases
- Promotion of integrated global environmental databases
- Cooperation with related initiatives -Kyoto Protocol, Global Mapping, UN Cartographic Initiative addressing environmental global databases management
- Publication of the second volume of the book ″Global Environmental Databases″
- Cooperation with WG VI/4 and VII/6
WG IV/9 - Extraterrestrial mapping
Jan-Peter Muller
WG IV/9 Terms of Reference
- Status and technical definition of coordinate systems and geodetic control networks for mapping of planets and satellites
- Documentation of basic spacecraft data-sets for extraterrestrial mapping, current and planned extraterrestrial map-making activities, and planetary cartographic products
- Development and documentation of new techniques for data acquisition and extraterrestrial mapping
- Development of GIS applications to support extraterrestrial exploration and science
- Web-based delivery of extraterrestrial map products and GIS data
- Cooperation with related working groups from ICA, IAU, NASA and ESA