ISPRS - Technical Commission V 2000-2004

Close-Range Vision Techniques


Petro Patias, PresidentPetro Patias
The Aristotle University
Faculty of Surveying Engineering
Department of Cadastre, Photogrammetry and Cartography
Unive Box 473, GR-54006 Thessaloniki
+30 231 0 99 61 16
+30 231 0 99 61 28



Alexandra Koussoulakou, SecretaryAlexandra Koussoulakou
The Aristotle University
Faculty of Surveying Engineering
Department of Cadastre, Photogrammetry and Cartography
Unive Box 473, GR-54006 Thessaloniki
+30 231 0 99 61 38
+30 231 0 99 61 28


Terms of Reference
  • Investigation of systems and algorithms for real-time imaging
  • Development, evaluation and promotion of vision metrology technology with special consideration of CAD/CAAD and spatial information systems
  • Integration of three-dimensional modelling concepts into image analysis processes
  • Integration of multiple sensors and data fusion for advanced object extraction
  • Design and development of image sequence analysis procedures
  • Development of vision-based techniques for visualization, virtual environments and animation
  • Support and promotion of a variety of existing and potential applications, eg industrial, heritage, mobile mapping, medical, biomechanics and robotics.




ICWG V/III - Image Sequence Analysis

Marc Pollefeys

K.U. Leuven - ESAT - PSI
Kard. Mercierlaan 94
B-3001 Heverlee

Guoqing Zhou

Old Dominion University
Dept. of Civil Engineering and Technology
Kaufman Hall, Rm 214
Norfolk, VA 23529
+1 -757 -683-3619
+1 -757 -683-3698, 757 -683-5655
ICWG V/III  Terms of Reference
  • Algorithms and processes in image sequence analysis, temporal analysis, time-constrained solutions and dynamic analysis and tracking
  • Integration of image data with navigation sensor data and multi-sensor information
  • Devices for image sequence acquisition and storage
  • Systems and applications in robot vision, machine vision, medical imaging, autonomous navigation, motion analysis, deformation analysis and data capture for VR


WG V/1 - Automation for Vision Metrology Systems and Industrial Applications

Stuart Robson

University College London
Department of Geomatic Engineering
Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT
United Kingdom
+44 -171 504 2726
+44 -171 380 0453

Thomas Luhmann

Fachhochschule Oldenburg
Institut fuer Angewandte Photogrammetrie und Geoinformatik
Ofener Strasse 16/19
D-26121 Oldenburg
+49 -441 7708 - 172
+49 -441 7708 - 170
WG V/1  Terms of Reference
  • Development of off-line and on-line systems, digital imaging systems and solutions for metrology and robot vision
  • Development of algorithms and procedures for automated sensor orientation and system calibration
  • Mathematical models and algorithms for vision metrology with emphasis in automation
  • System performance evaluation in theoretical and practical aspects in collaboration with WG III/8
  • Sensor fusion and the integration of disparate data types
  • Target and feature recognition in multi-image correspondence
  • Range image acquisition, localisation and segmentation
  • New sensors and areas of application for vision metrology
  • Cooperation with CMSC


WG V/2 - Scene Modelling and Virtual Reality

Sabry El-Hakim

National Research Council
Institute for Information Technology
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0R6
+1-613 991 6381
+1-613 952 0215

George Karras

National Technical University of Athens
Department of Rural and Surveying Engineering
GR-15780 Athens
+30 -1-7722685
+30 -1-7722677
WG V/2  Terms of Reference
  • Creation of accurate and realistic looking virtual reality (VR) models from real scenes and objects
  • Knowledge-assisted 3D scene understanding and reconstruction for VR applications
  • Integration of computer graphics and VR technology with close-range vision techniques
  • Improvement of performance aspects, such as speed and automation, of all procedures of 3D- scene reconstruction
  • Design strategies for multi-sensor data collection and integration for complex scenes and environments
  • Identifying new VR applications requiring high precision 3-D models created with photogrammetric techniques
  • Increasing the collaboration between ISPRS and computer graphics, computer vision, and computational geometry groups


WG V/3 - Medical Image Analysis and Human Motion

Frank van den Heuvel

Delft University of Technology
Faculty of Aerospace Engineering
Kluyverweg 1
2629 HS Delft
The Netherlands
+31 -15-2787609
+31 -15-2782348

Hans-Peter Meinzer

German Cancer Research Center
Dept. Medical and Biological Informatics
Im Neuenheimer Feld 280
D-69120 Heidelberg
+49 -6221-42 2366
+49 -6221-42 2345
WG V/3  Terms of Reference
  • Development of real-time medical imaging systems
  • Use of photogrammetric and computer vision techniques for data analysis in medical imagery
  • Dynamic analysis of human motion
  • 3D medical imaging for anthropometry and expression analysis
  • 3D representation and visualization and medical VR, including support to tele-medicine
  • Fostering cooperation between ISPRS and the communities of medical/biomedical engineering, sports science and human/apparel engineering


WG V/4 - Image Analysis and Spatial Information Systems for Applications in Cultural Heritage

Hirofumi Chikatsu

Tokyo Denki University
Department of Civil Engineering
Hatoyama, Saitama, 350-03
+81 492 96 2911
+81 492 96 6501

Gabriele Fangi

Dipartimento di Scienze dei Materiali e della Terra
Facolta di Ingegneria - Universita di Ancona
Via Brecce Bianche, 60131 Ancona
WG V/4  Terms of Reference
  • Development and integration of close-range vision techniques and spatial information systems for recording, 3D reconstruction, modeling and visualization of structures and items of Cultural Heritage
  • Incorporation of innovative technologies and development of new products
  • Development of low-cost and rapid techniques in documentation and monitoring of the cultural heritage
  • Development of standard procedures and products in cooperation with related disciplines
  • Use of Internet and VR techniques to facilitate promotion of cultural heritage
  • Close cooperation with national and international groups (e.g. CIPA), as well as ISPRS WGs VII/4 and VII/5.


WG V/5 - Quick Response and Distributed Computing for Close-Range Applications

Antony Stefanidis

University of Maine
Dept. of Spatial Information Engineering
5711 Boardman Hall #348
Orono, ME 04469-5711
+1 207 581-2127
+1 207 581-2206

Vincent Tao

Canada Research Chair in Geomatics
Dept of Earth and Atmospheric Science
Faculty of Science and Applied Science
York University
4700 Keele Street, Toronto ON, M3J 1P3
+1-(416) 736-2100 ext 20585
+1-(416) 736-5817
WG V/5  Terms of Reference
  • Methodologies and applications of integrating close range and air-/space-borne imagery.
  • Integration of office-to-field solutions for data collection, remote data access, and mobile management
  • Integration of indoor and outdoor 3-D models in urban and industrial areas
  • Distributed multimedia geospatial databases incorporating close range imagery and other types of geospatial information
  • Wireless field computing applications for geodata acquisition and processing


WG V/6 - Visualization and Animation

Armin Gruen

Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
Institute of Geodesy and Photogrammetry

Shunji Murai

The University of Tokyo
Institute of Industrial Science
No.Ce508, 5 FL. C Building
4-6-1 Komaba, Meguro, Tokyo 153-8505
WG V/6  Terms of Reference
  • Development of image-based techniques for integration of live figures and environment generation tasks into the animation process and procedures
  • Study of methods and techniques to support the interaction of real and virtual objects
  • Encouragement of collaboration with the computer animation community for the exchange of knowledge, techniques and applications
  • Promotion of application-specific photogrammetric technology through cooperation with related ISPRS Working Groups and through presentations at technical meetings of the animation community



The International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing is a non-governmental organization devoted to the development of international cooperation for the advancement of photogrammetry and remote sensing and their applications. The Society operates without any discrimination on grounds of race, religion, nationality, or political philosophy.

Our Contact

Leibniz University Hannover
Institute of Photogrammetry and GeoInformation
Nienburger Str. 1
D-30167 Hannover