Photogrammetric Computer Vision and Image Analysis
President | |
| Nicolas Paparoditis
Vice-President | |
| Marc Pierrot-Deseilligny
Secretary | |
| Clément Mallet
Terms of Reference
- Algorithms for geometric analysis of image data regardless of scale;
- Geometric analyses of IR, SAR, IFSAR and LIDAR;
- Automated feature and attribute extraction techniques and methodologies from multi-sensor, multi-resolution, multi-spectral, hyperspectral, and multi-temporal imagery;
- Fundamental research into image understanding for object detection, recognition, identification and reconstruction;
- DEM generation and integration of three-dimensional modelling concepts into image analysis processes;
- Integration of spatial information systems and object models for object recognition;
- Sensor pose determination (including auxiliary information);
- Projective and multi-view geometry;
- Image sequence analysis;
- Algorithms for including features in the orientation processes;
- Spatial, spectral and temporal properties of natural and human-formed objects.
WG III/1 - Pose Estimation and Surface Reconstruction from Image and/or Range Data
Jan-Michael Frahm
Christoph Strecha
WG III/1 Terms of Reference
- Investigating different camera models (perspective, projective, generic, non-linear distortions, frame and line sensors)
- Developing robust self-calibration methods (without markers)
- Developing robust orientation methods without markers
- Using different features: points, lines, conics, silhouettes, etc for image calibration/orientation
- Bundle-block adjustment
- Studying multi-view image matching and surface reconstruction techniques
- Studying optimization-based image matching and surface reconstruction techniques
- Studying the combination of images and other sensors (GPS/INS, terrestrial/aerial laser-scanners) for calibration, orientation and surface reconstruction
- Real-time calibration, orientation and surface reconstruction
- Management of huge image blocks
- Comparison and benchmarking of calibration, orientation, and surface reconstruction techniques
WG III/2 - 3D Point Cloud Processing
George Vosselman
WG III/2 Terms of Reference
- Information extraction from point clouds and surface models
- Registration of point clouds and surface models
- Classification/segmentation of natural and urban areas from point clouds
- Analysis of full-waveform lidar data
- Data management systems
- Feature extraction and 3D modelling
- Quality analysis of the data
WG III/3 - Image Analysis for Indexation and Image Retrieval
Olivier Tournaire
WG III/3 Terms of Reference
- Information mining in large satellite, aerial and street view image archives
- Satellite, aerial and street-view image indexing and retrieval
- Machine learning and context aware image understanding
- Image semantics and knowledge representation
- Integration of heterogeneous features: textural, spectral and geometrical attributes
- Integration of low and high level features (points, segments, regions, graphs, etc) in the indexation and retrieval processes
- Integration of 3D information and spatial relations between the features
- Multi-resolution image indexing
- Image retrieval for georeferencing and pose estimation
- Management of huge heterogeneous data sets
WG III/4 - Complex Scene Analysis and 3D Reconstruction
Franz Rottensteiner
Caroline Baillard
WG III/4 Terms of Reference
- Extraction of buildings, roads, vehicles, vegetation, and other objects for the generation and update of high-resolution 3D city models and road databases from aerial, spaceborne and terrestrial data
- Automatic and semi-automatic urban models with various levels of detail
- Interpreting the image data, by itself and together with information from urban GIS data, CAD models, etc.
- Developing analysis tools and models required to integrate information about multiple object classes and their interconnections within complex scenes
- Study of trade-off between geometry and radiometry/texture for visualization
- Efficiency and quality assessment and dependency on the quality of the input data
WG III/5 - Image Sequence Analysis
Matthias Butenuth
WG III/5 Terms of Reference
- Studying camera and camera network calibration from image sequences including cameras with non-standard geometry and variable frame rates
- Studying ego-motion determination for navigation, georeferencing and object reconstruction
- Studying detection, reconstruction, classification and tracking of single and multiple objects in image sequences
- Studying event reconstruction from image sequences as well as single and multiple video streams
- Investigating the quality assessment of calibration, orientation and object detection using image sequences
- Benchmarking of calibration, orientation and object detection techniques using image sequences
ICWG III/VII - Pattern Recognition in Remote Sensing
ICWG III/VII Terms of Reference
- Statistical and non-statistical methods for pattern recognition
- Pixel-based and object-based methods
- Graphical models (random fields, Bayesian nets) and stochastic grammars
- Scale space methods
- Data fusion
- Quality and uncertainty in pattern recognition
- Benchmarking