Geodatabases and Digital Mapping
President | |
| Marguerite Madden
Secretary | |
| Thomas R. Jordan
Terms of Reference
- Development, access and management of spatio-temporal databases;
- Spatial data infrastructures;
- Image-based geospatial databases;
- Data libraries, data clearinghouses, data warehouses, distributed archives and access to remote data sources, including metadata and digital data standards;
- Web based access, retrieval and dissemination of spatial data, including web-based location-based services;
- Integration of spatial information systems and image analysis for database-driven change detection, data capture and updating;
- Dynamic spatial information systems, spatial data revision and versioning;
- Interfacing 3D models with facility management systems;
- Database generation for digital topographic and thematic mapping (including Ortho-images and digital terrain models);
- Digital landscape modelling and visualisation, and large scale urban models;
- Global environmental databases and mapping;
- Extraterrestrial mapping and spatial information systems;
- Analysis of systems and their components for automated and semi-automated digital mapping and geoinformation systems;
- Analysis of industry needs and design of systems for production and update of geoinformation.
WG IV/1 - Geospatial Data Infrastructure
E. Pattabhi Rama Rao
WG IV/1 Terms of Reference
- Development and management of multi-level (national, regional and global) geospatial databases
- Synchronization of disparate geospatial resources to provide a useful, usable, and enabling framework that can be integrated with environmental and socio-economic data for research, discovery and web services characterized by broad access and ″end-to-end″ coordination
- Further development of high performance networks and communication technologies for efficient data handling, distributed and federated repositories, human-centred visualization, and applications to improve web-based geospatial services and analysis
- Contribution towards open source principles, metadata and open standards of service, system architectures, and geospatial information
- Cooperation and liaison with international efforts (GEOSS, Digital Earth, UNSDI, INSPIRE and GMES), and organizations (GSDI, WGISS, ICA, OGC, W3C, ISO and EuroSDR)
WG IV/2 - Automatic Geospatial Data Acquisition and Image-Based Databases
WG IV/2 Terms of Reference
- Research using multi-modal images for dynamic updating of geodatabases linked to sensor networks
- Characteristics of multi-dimensional, multi-scale, spatio-temporal image databases
- Use of innovative methods for creating, accessing, indexing, and analyzing spatio-temporal image databases
- Evaluation and use of semi-automated and automated algorithms for update, change detection and quality control using image-based databases
- Facilitation of the integration of these algorithms into digital photogrammetric and GIS workstations, enterprise and web-based photogrammetric systems
- Collaboration with ISPRS TC II, TC III, TC IV WGs, IC WG IV/VIII and EuroSDR
WG IV/3 - Mapping from High Resolution Data
WG IV/3 Terms of Reference
- To investigate the update of topographic vector datasets, digital terrain models, orthoimages and thematic (landcover) datasets from high-resolution satellite and airborne imagery with emphasis on mapping in a production environment
- To assess links between high resolution images and mapping tools, developed through research and their implementation in mapping agencies
- To investigate how synergy may be achieved between the various sensors (high resolution and other), for topographic and thematic mapping
- To determine optimum methodologies for the integration of mapping data with high resolution images, to aid in the extraction of terrain information
- In collaboration with other ISPRS Working Groups, evaluate the information content and accuracy of the new high-resolution sensors
- To contribute to work on standardising the description of raster and vector contents of digital maps
WG IV/4 - Virtual Globes and Context-Aware Visualisation
Maged N Kamel Boulos
WG IV/4 Terms of Reference
- Assessment of remote sensing data for generating and visualizing landscape and models
- Database generation for digital topographic and thematic mapping (including orthoimages and digital terrain models)
- Integration of multi-source and multi-scale data in local and regional landscape modelling and visualization applications
- Application of dynamic models for integrating multi-temporal landscape data sets
- Application and assessment of advanced visualization, virtual reality and multimedia methods for 2-D, 3-D and 4-D mapping tasks in stand-alone, mobile or web-based environments
- Use of virtual globes for geospatial data integration, visualization and analysis
- Assessment of context-aware visualization and analysis of image data and geodatabases
WG IV/5 - Distributed and Web-Based Geoinformation Services and Applications
Maria Antonia Brovelli
Suzana Dragicevic
WG IV/5 Terms of Reference
- Development of web-based geospatial data processing, integration, services and applications
- Web-based geospatial information visualization, including raster-based spatial analysis with integration of web-based visualisation systems and web-based spatiotemporal analysis
- Integration of open source solutions and open standards/specifications
- Development of web-based spatial decision support systems, public participation GIS, and disaster management support systems
- Development of mobile and ubiquitous geospatial services and applications with adaptive and context-aware processing and visualisation
- Integration of spatial data in information-mobility services and development of Internet and web-based virtual and collaborative geospatial environments
- Development and applications of web-based multidimensional GIS
- Quality assessment of Internet- and web-based geospatial processes and applications
- Cooperation with related commissions and/or working groups, ICA (Internet and Mapping Commission), WGISS, FIG, etc.
WG IV/6 - Global DEM Interoperability
WG IV/6 Terms of Reference
- Review technical progress on global DEM creation which meets the GEO goal of public domain, 30m, freely available data of the entire Earth's land surface and the bathymetry of the Earth's continental shelves
- Discuss and promote best methods for characterising the errors of these DEMs including best practice for validation in the context of GEO guidelines on Cal/Val
- Assess co-registration and data fusion based on error characterisation of multiple DEM data sources
- Discuss issues of standardised formats for DEM data and their map visualisations and display
- Discuss and promote best methods for interoperability through OGC-compliant protocols
WG IV/7 - Planetary Mapping and Databases
Marita Wählisch
WG IV/7 Terms of Reference
- Development of advanced techniques in data acquisition, processing, and analysis pertaining to the mapping of celestial bodies
- Definition or evaluation of reference systems, coordinate systems, map sheet definitions, etc. and their standardization
- Development of spatial information systems to support extraterrestrial exploration and science
- Web based delivery of extraterrestrial map products and GIS data
- Cooperation with related working groups viz. IAU, NASA, ESA, ISRO, JAXA and other space organisations and liaisons with the ICA Commission on Planetary Cartography
WG IV/8 - 3D Spatial Data Integration for Disaster Management and Environmental Monitoring
WG IV/8 Terms of Reference
- 3D data models (geometry, topology, semantics), algorithms and standards for integration of data from different domains (e.g. geology, meteorology, ocean)
- 3D data structures, algorithms and standards for integration of BIM, CAD and GIS models for seamless (indoor/outdoor) navigation and evacuation
- 3D data models for management of geo-sensor data and their integration with other 3D information
- Data models allowing for efficient 3D visualization (including indoor) on different front-ends
- Analysis of 3D disaster management and environmental modelling needs for production and updating of spatial information
ICWG IV/II - Geo-Sensor Networking and GEOGRID
Steve H. L. Liang
ICWG IV/II Terms of Reference
- Geo-sensor networks including their use in dynamic scenarios
- Investigate efficient ways to visualise and analyse the resulting, sometimes rather unconventional data streams
- Investigate data models for dynamic management, analysis and archiving of sensor data
- In-network computing versus centralized data processing
- Grid computing for geoinformatics
- Collaboration with ISPRS WG IV/5, IV/8
ICWG IV/VIII - Updating and Maintenance of Core Spatial Databases
Costas Armenakis
ICWG IV/VIII Terms of Reference
- Automated and autonomous processes for imaging data-based updating of core spatial databases
- Development of strategy and processes for efficient maintenance of core spatial databases at the 2 5-D and 3D levels at local, regional and global scales
- Updating process through efficient use of information intelligence embedded within the spatial databases
- Theoretical and operational aspects of incremental updating and versioning of vector and raster core spatial databases
- Automated algorithms for security and commercial-based versioning of core spatial databases
- Study of the special needs for maintaining spatial database subsets for disaster response and recovery efforts and for search and rescue operations
- Collaboration with national mapping agencies for understanding operational needs for updating and maintenance of core databases and other groups, such as EuroSDR, Global Mapping, UNSDI, GSDI and ISPRS WGs