WG VI/1 - Web Based Education
Katri Koistinen
WG VI/1 Terms of Reference
Exchange information and expertise and stimulate the development of tools and methods for web based education and e-learning with emphasis on the following topics:
- The use of open source material
- E-learning methods
- Modern trends: Social software
- Use of web tool for teaching, e.g. Wiki
- Availability of courseware (software) for teaching on the web
- Maintain and update information on education and open source material on ISPRS Website
- Didactical aspects of e-learning
- Modern trends in teaching: blogs, podcast, RSS feeds, social networking, Wiki
- Tools for web based training and education
- Requirements for e-learning
WG VI/2 - E-Delivery of Education Services
Peter Tian-Yuan Shih
Christiane Katterfeld
WG VI/2 Terms of Reference
Exchange information and expertise and stimulate the development of e-delivery of educational services with emphasis on the following topics:
- Collection, analysis, dissemination and promotion of material, software and data (hardcopy and/or softcopy) for e-learning including computer assisted teaching and distance learning
- Investigation of the role of e-learning in modern education and training such as material, methodologies and tools
- Assessment and evaluation of highly interactive multimedia material and the transformation of tertiary level courses in remote sensing, photogrammetry and SIS
- Denominate best practice examples
- Collecting of information on distance education courses
- Organization of software contest CATCON for promotion and dissemination of free educational software
WG VI/3 - Cross-Border Education 1: Frameworks for Cross-Border Education
WG VI/3 Terms of Reference
Cross-Border Education 1: Frameworks for Cross-Border Education (no longer exists!)
WG VI/4 - Frameworks for Cross-Border Education and Joint Educational Programs
Olajide Kufoniyi
WG VI/4 Terms of Reference
Exchange information and expertise and stimulate the development of cross-border educational services with emphasis on the following topics:
- Inventory & evaluation of joint educational programs (JEPs)
- Classification of existing JEPs
- Development of core curricula & educational modules
- Decentralized delivery chains for educational services
- Capacity building
- Best practices for joint education
WG VI/5 - Promotion of the Profession to Young People
Nguyen Dinh Duong
Student Consortium Board Chair
Cemal Özgür Kıvılcım
WG VI/5 Terms of Reference
- Promotion of advances in photogrammetry, remote sensing and spatial information sciences to undergraduate and postgraduate students and young researchers.
- Promotion of international cooperation and social cohesion among the youth
- Creation of adequate conditions and platforms for broader and more efficient involvement of youth into ISPRS activities, including financial aspects, facilitating their ISPRS participation and activities, and support by sponsors
- Promotion and support of the Student Consortium (SC)
- Close cooperation with the SC, advice and support in preparing activity plans, organization of summer schools and other activities deofficer2d in the ISPRS SC Statutes. Organisation of youth events, where SC has no local support and main responsibility for organising the technical programme of SC activities during Congresses.
- Facilitation of the continuity of the SC and provision of an interface to TC VI, Council, other ISPRS TCs and WGs and regional and international organisations, especially sister societies and ISPRS members. Cooperation, especially with the WG VI/6 : The Technology Transfer Caravan.
- Promotion of international mobility for undergraduate and postgraduate students and young researchers, making also use of international funding capabilities, like EU research programmes, and encouragement of relevant organisations to facilitate international student exchange and training programs at various levels
WG VI/6 - Special Interest Group "Technology Transfer CARAVAN"
Shunji Murai (Asia)
Petros Patias (Europe, in particular Balkan countries)
Regional Coordinator
Vincent Tao (North America, Great China Region)
Regional Coordinator
Lal Samarakoon (South East Asia, also serving JAXA as interf
Regional Coordinator
Heinz Ruether (Africa)
WG VI/6 Terms of Reference
- Transfer of knowledge and technology by initiating and organizing seminars, tutorials and workshops with special consideration of the needs of developing countries.
- Focus on countries with less favourable opportunities for advanced education, also particularly in Africa and Latin America
- Establishment of links to Balkan countries.
- Preparation and delivery of seminars for PhD level summer schools
- Development of teaching material for mobile, caravan-type teaching and training projects.
- Initiation and support of e-learning and remote teaching activities with focus on integration of high-tech elements in teaching and training.
- Support of events with strong participation of young scientists and students.
- Solicitation of support from potential sponsors (system manufacturers, government agencies, NGO/NPOs, foundations etc.) for the projects and activities.