Sensors and Platforms for Remote Sensing
President | |
 | Charles K Toth
Vice-President | |
 | Boris Jutzi
Terms of Reference
- Data acquisition and pre-processing
- On-board pre-processing of data and autonomous systems
- Systems and media for recording sensor data, auxiliary data (time, position, attitude, etc.)
- Image technologies and data transfer standards
- Integration of various imaging sensors with other relevant systems
- Design and realization of digital aerial and spaceborne missions for Earth observation
- Design, construction, characterization, and installation of imaging and non-optical imaging sensors (including optical, IR, SAR, IfSAR, LiDAR, etc.)
- Standardization of definitions and measurements of active and passive imaging sensor parameters
- Geometric and radiometric properties, quality standards, and factors affecting data quality
- Testing, calibration and evaluation of imaging and non-optical imaging sensors (including laboratory, in-flight /in-situ, inter-calibration and test fields)
- Integrated platform guidance, navigation, direct georeferencing (positioning and orientation) and integrated sensor orientation
WG I/1 - Standardization of Airborne Platform Interface
Randy T. Albertson
Philip R.A. Brown
Key Support Personnel
DOU Changyong
WG I/1 Terms of Reference
- Discussion and coordination with international partners (new or current) on activities which foster cooperation to include ways on improving transnational or interagency access
- How the working group standard formats, developed by the previous working group, are being implemented for use on their national airborne platforms and instrument operations; including suggested improvements or new standards to explore
- National airborne platform inventory of research science aircraft
- Promotion of education and outreach programs by their airborne science community
- The expert workshops (platform or instrument that they supported or established)
WG I/2 - LiDAR, SAR and Optical Sensors for Airborne and Spaceborne Platforms
Dorota Iwaszczuk
Key Support Personnel
Timo Balz
WG I/2 Terms of Reference
- Assessment of active sensor systems for airborne and spaceborne platforms
- Data quality and performance validation of SAR, LIDAR and optical systems for DEM generation
- Investigation and evaluation of systems integrating LiDAR, SAR and optical data
- Evaluation of Multi-pulse and full-waveform LiDAR
- Address challenges in low-frequency spaceborne SAR system design and data processing
- Address challenges and applications of high-resolution spaceborne SAR systems (e.g. TerraSAR-X, TanDEM-X, Cosmo Skymed)
- Evaluation of Multi-frequency SAR, polarimetric InSAR systems
- Liaison with external groups such as CEOS, IGARSS and EuroSDR
- Associations to other professional societies:
- German Society for Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Geoinformation (DGPF), e.g. Working Group Sensors and Platforms
WG I/3 - Multi-Platform Multi-Sensor System Calibration
WG I/3 Terms of Reference
- System calibration of multi-sensor data acquisition systems (sensor and inter-sensor calibration)
- System calibration of land-, air-, and space-borne imaging and ranging systems
- In-situ calibration of multi-unit mapping systems
- Stability analysis of system calibration parameters
- Standards for the QC of the system calibration and stability analysis
- Collaborate with EuroSDR in the development of commonly accepted standards procedures for multi-platform and multi–sensor system calibration and testing
- Liaison with EuroSDR COM I
WG I/4 - Geometric and Radiometric Modeling of Optical Airborne and Spaceborne Sensors
Karsten Jacobsen
Mehdi Ravanbakhsh
Key Support Personnel
Hüseyin Topan
WG I/4 Terms of Reference
- Geometric/radiometric calibration/evaluation of optical airborne and space borne sensors including laboratory and in-flight calibration activities (connections to CEOS working group IVOS)
- Comparison of existing and evolving algorithms for geometrical modeling of optical remote sensing images
- Analysis of available direct sensor orientation and modeling changes during sensor lifetime
- Evaluation of line sensors for DEM generation (cooperation with WG VII/x Digital Elevation Models by Radar)
WG I/5 - Satellite Systems for Earth Observation
WG I/5 Terms of Reference
- Algorithmic aspects of direct georeferencing of active and passive sensors used in marine, land, airborne, and spaceborne environments
- Navigation technology and the methods of sensor orientation in urban, indoor and forested environments
- Co-registration of heterogeneous data sets for integrated sensor navigation, orientation and calibration
- Georeferencing by integrated sensor orientation: models and adjustment procedures
- Investigate challenges and implementation issues of real-time georeferencing
- Navigation redundancy, robustness and reliability: impact of system integration
- Standards and protocols in direct georeferencing and sensor orientation.
ICWG I/Va - Mobile Scanning and Imaging Systems for 3D Surveying and Mapping
Antonio M.G. Tommaselli
Alberto Guarnieri
Key Support Personnel
Stephan Nebiker
Key Support Personnel
José Alberto Gonçalves
Key Support Personnel
Pedro Arias-Sánchez
Key Support Personnel
Bisheng Yang
ICWG I/Va Terms of Reference
- Exploration, development, and demonstration of multi-sensor integrated scanning and imaging systems onboard land-based, waterborne and indoor mobile platforms for geospatial data collection with emphasis on the accuracy, reliability and standardization of orientation, calibration and georeferencing procedures;
- Development and evaluation of innovative algorithms and software tools towards real-time scanning and imaging data processing onboard mobile platforms;
- Development and evaluation of algorithms and software tools for automated extraction of spatial information from point clouds and images acquired by various mobile scanning and imaging systems;
- Development and evaluation of novel applications in 3D mapping of transportation infrastructure, open-pit mines, shorelines/waterways, heritage sites, and indoor scenes;
- Cooperation with ICA Commission on Mapping from Remote Sensor Imagery, IAG Commission 4 on Positioning and Applications, FIG Commission 4 on Hydrography, FIG Commission 5 on Positioning and Measurement, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society, EuroSDR Commission 1 on Sensors, Primary Data Acquisition and Georeferencing, mainly for joint events, publications and reference data archives.
ICWG I/Vb - Unmanned Vehicle Systems (UVS): Sensors and Applications
Görres Grenzdörffer
Costas Armenakis
ICWG I/Vb Terms of Reference
- UVS navigation and position/orientation determination in outdoor and indoor environments
- UVS platforms, payloads and instruments for photogrammetry and remote sensing
- UVS swarm formations and sensor fusion
- UVS as a tool for remote sensing instrument prototyping
- UVS as a tool for teaching all aspects of photogrammetry [&] remote sensing
- Document and compare UVS systems in photogrammetry and remote sensing, in terms of cost, performance, application and quality
- Remote sensing and photogrammetry applications of UVS (Scientific Research, Commercial, Defense)
- Liaison with Com III, VIII, EuroSDR and robotic mapping communities