Theory and Concepts of Spatial Information Science
President | |
 | Songnian Li
Vice-President | |
 | Suzana Dragicevic
Terms of Reference
- Fundamentals of spatial information science: spatio-temporal modeling, spatial data structures, spatio-temporal databases structure, spatio-temporal querying;
- Spatial analysis and spatial data mining;
- Spatial reasoning and spatial decision support systems;
- Spatial data and model quality;
- Aggregation, generalization, abstraction and rendering of field-based and object-based spatial data;
- Processing, analysis and modeling of multi-dimensional spatial data;
- Interoperability of heterogeneous spatial information systems and system integration;
- Semantic and geometric integration of heterogeneous spatial information.
- Communication, dissemination and visualization of spatial data;
- Geostatistics, computer graphics and cloud computing for spatial data and information.
WG II/1 - Spatio-temporal Modelling
Wenzhong (John) Shi
WG II/1 Terms of Reference
- Concept and theory of modelling dynamics
- Spatio-temporal data models and structures
- Dynamic data models and structure
- Spatio-temporal and dynamic topology and relationships
- Spatio-temporal data indexing and query for field- and object-based spatial data models
- Computational geometry for spatio-temporal modelling
- Modelling change detection
WG II/2 - Multiscale n-dimensional Spatial Data Representations, Data Structures and Algorithms
Pawel Boguslawski
WG II/2 Terms of Reference
- Topological and geometric data structures for multi-scale data handling, analysis and generalization
- Topological and geometric data structures for representing, handling and analysing n-dimensional spatial data
- Multi-scale modeling and representation of image data- Algorithms for 2D/3D/nD spatial data analysis generalization at multiple scales
- Multiple scale representation: conceptual, logical and physical data modelling and database design, model generalization
- N-dimensional representation: conceptual, logical and physical data modelling and database design - Data enrichment for context aware generalization: extraction of topological structure and semantic information
- Continuous generalization: incremental streaming of multi-scale spatial data
- Multi-scale modeling and representation of image data
- Collaboration with other communities, such as computational geometry, databases, location-based services
WG II/3 - Spatial Analysis and Data Mining
Emmanuel Stefanakis
WG II/3 Terms of Reference
- Spatial analysis models and methods, and GIS modeling
- Knowledge discovery from spatial databases
- Semantic enriched analysis and mining in cooperation with ICWG II/IV
- Spatial analysis and data mining applications
- Spatial-temporal data analysis and mining
WG II/4 - Spatial Statistics and Uncertainty Modeling
WG II/4 Terms of Reference
- Understanding uncertainties in spatial data collected with earth observation techniques and stored in information systems.
- Statistical quality assessment for spatio-temporal data
- Modeling error propagation in spatial analysis
- Issues of scale in spatial objects
- Quality of deterministic model output in space and time
- Trust in spatial data and modeling
- Issues of sampling and monitoring relate the quantified quality of the input to the fitness for use
WG II/5 - GeoComputation and GeoSimulation
Mikhail Kanevski
WG II/5 Terms of Reference
- Geocomputational methods and algorithms for processing spatio-temporal data
- Machine learning methods (Neural networks, Statistical Learning Theory, Genetic algorithms, and Evolutionary computing, etc.)
- Agent-based simulation and cellular automata modeling
- Geostatistics and spatial econometrics
- High performance computation (cloud computing and grid computation)
- Applications in urban studies of geodemographics, health, criminology and transport; in environmental, ecological and biological modeling and analysis; and in modeling mobile, wireless, and location-based service networks
WG II/6 - Geovisualization and Virtual Reality
Victoria Rautenbach
WG II/6 Terms of Reference
- Enhanced communication of geographical data, information, and knowledge
- Geographical visualisation of multi-dimensional data
- Novel methods and tools for exploring and visualizing geographical decision spaces
- Geovisual analytics for usability testing and exploring big data
- Platforms to supporting geographical visualisation including the web and mobile devices
- Geographical visualisation of crowd sourced, social media, and government databases
- Development and application of immersive and semi-immersive virtual reality
- Virtual Reality and augmented reality representations of space, place and time.
WG II/7 - Intelligent Spatial Decision Support
Giuseppina Vacca
WG II/7 Terms of Reference
- Theory, concepts, design and development of Spatial Planning Support Systems (SPSS) and Spatial Decision Support Systems (SDSS);
- Theory, concepts, design and development of Integrated Planning and Decision Support Systems (IPDSS);
- Design and development of Collaborative Spatial Decision Support Systems (CSDSS), considering various modelling techniques and requirements of different user-groups (style, functionality, etc.);
- Theory, concepts and application of Spatial Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis (SMCDA) in single and group environment;
- Multi-dimensional, multi-thematic and multi-resolution spatial information for spatial decision support systems;
- Spatial decision modeling, collaborative and exploratory data analysis, and decision visualization;
- GeoSocial networks, crowdsourcing and public participatory spatial decision support;
- Data-intensive computing and computational intelligence for spatial decision support;
- Web-based and cloud-based spatial decision support systems
WG II/8 - Mobility: Tracking, Analysis and Communication
WG II/8 Terms of Reference
- Acquisition methods for tracking moving objects
- Spatio-temporal data modelling and analysis of moving objects
- Querying and reasoning about movement data
- Generalizing movement data
- Graphical and verbal communication of movement data
- Applications in traffic or wildlife monitoring, emergency management including evacuation, and transportation
ICWG II/IV - Semantic Interoperability and Ontology for Geospatial Information
Mir Abolfazl Mostafavi
Christophe Claramunt
Krzysztof Janowicz
ICWG II/IV Terms of Reference
- Semantic interoperability of geospatial databases
- Knowledge representation and formal languages for Geospatial ontologies
- Semantic mapping and semantic enrichment of geospatial concepts
- Semantic interoperability of web services
- Semantic interoperability in ad-hoc networks of geospatial databases
- Real-time semantic interoperability
- Geospatial semantic Web
- Semantic sensor web and linked data
- Semantics of Volunteered Geographic Information