Remote Sensing Applications and Policies
President | |
 | Vinay Kumar Dadhwal
Vice-President | |
 | MVR Sesha Sai
Secretary | |
 | P.L.N. Raju
TC Webmaster | |
 | A. Vijay Banu
Terms of Reference
- Information support for disaster and risk reduction: Early warning systems, impact assessment, monitoring, resilience and risk reduction
- Space based inputs for health services: disease epidemiology, predictive modelling and decision support systems
- Environmental pollution: assessment and impacts
- Improvements in space based geo-physical products: Radiative forcing, weather forecasting and climate change analyses
- Hydrologic modelling: Improved parameterization, scaling from river basin to micro-watershed, water and energy cycle, including interactions
- Integration of remotely sensed inputs on Geology, Geomorphology and Pedology with the Earth Science Applications
- Multi-scale crop monitoring for growth and stress for sustainable agricultural production and Conservation agriculture
- Integration of spatio-temporal satellite data products for analyses on climate change / variation
- Global and regional dynamics of land use / land cover, bio-diversity, nexus of degradation, desertification and drought, bio-geo-chemical cycles
- Carbon fluxes in soils, vegetation and inland, coastal and ocean waters
- Physical and biological oceanographic parameters and assimilation in coupled models
- Geophysical products for Cryospheric studies: Status, response and trends
- Data Policies on sharing, access and outreach, Collaborate with GEO tasks and other select international programmes on the Earth observation applications, wherever applicable
WG VIII/1 - Disaster and Risk Reduction
Fabio Giulio Tonolo
P.K. Champati Ray
WG VIII/1 Terms of Reference
- Generation of vulnerability and hazard zone maps for different type of disasters, such as forest fire, cyclone, floods, drought, volcano eruptions, earthquakes, landslides etc. and identification & assessment of potential risk zones
- Integrate remotely sensed observations and communication strategies with enhanced predictive modelling capabilities for disaster detection, early warning, monitoring, damage assessment and response
- Development of disaster management plans for pre, during and post disaster situations and enhance support for early warning systems, emergency events mitigation and decision making.
- Collaborate with ISPRS TC 1 & other relevant Working Groups as well as international bodies such as GEO, CEOS, IGOS & ICSMD
WG Webmaster
Peggy Harper
Regional Coordinator
Abdulkader A. Murad
Regional Coordinator
Yves M. Tourre
Regional Coordinator
Masami Onoda
WG VIII/2 Terms of Reference
- Integrate Earth observation products with predictive models for environmental health tracking and early warning, and for disease surveillance in cooperation with other international, national, and regional organizations and activities.
- Collaborate with the International Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU) to support initiatives of mutual interest.
- Contribute to the GEO Health Societal Benefit Area
- Bridge the Earth observing communities of practice and health communities of practice by including health professionals in ISPRS sanctioned technical sessions, workshops, and symposia
- Provide scholarly contributions to advance knowledge and practice of Earth observation for public health through collaboration among working group members
- Build capacity to enhance interdisciplinary research collaborations in the fields of remote sensing and public health.
WG VIII/3 - Weather, Atmosphere and Climate Studies
WG VIII/3 Terms of Reference
- Enhance retrieving and monitoring status and effects of clouds and aerosols.
- Enhance retrieving and monitoring status and effects of atmospheric greenhouse gases, like carbon dioxide, methane, etc.
- Enhance retrieving and monitoring capabilities of atmospheric minor constituents and aerosols both in stratosphere and troposphere.
- Enhance the monitoring capabilities of atmospheric winds.
- Increase the accuracy of atmospheric radiative forcing to contribute to the climate models.
- Increase the knowledge of atmospheric processes to improve the climate models.
- Improve the quality of remote sensing data input to numerical weather forecast system to increase the accuracy of weather forecasting and now-casting.
- Collaborate with GEO and take part in GEO task where appropriate
Sat Kumar Tomer
WG VIII/4 Terms of Reference
- Early warning systems for natural disaster like droughts and floods.
- Upscaling/Downscaling the soil moisture and latent heat retrieved from the satellites.
- Improvement in the hydrological/soil parameterization by using the satellite products.
- Global and regional dynamics of desertification and drought.
- Assimilation of satellite data into a crop/hydrological model.
- Collaborate with GEO and take part in GEO task where appropriate.
WG VIII/5 - Energy & Geological Applications
Regional coordinator (Europe)
Derek Rust
Regional coordinator (Asia)
Rao Divi
Regional coordinator (SEA and Australia)
C.J. Kumanan
WG VIII/5 Terms of Reference
- Generation of spectral library of rock forming minerals, rock types, metaliferous host rocks and the alteration zones, integrating ground based spectral reflectance data and multi-sensor satellite data
- Adoption of multi- sensor, multi- resolution and hyper spectral remote sensing data and GIS based 3D visualization of deep seated mineral Deposits to the exploration of non Renewable Resources, radioactive and geothermal resources
- 3 dimensional visualization of probable hydro carbon / Gas bearing deep seated geological structures, growth faults connecting such deep seated structures to the surface expressed active faults and detection of zones of degasification along such active faults using Digital elevation models of geophysical, bore hole lithological and surface topographical data.
- Elucidation of tectonic evolution offolded mountains using structural trends and the fractures interpreted from satellite stereo images and the shaded relief out puts
- Employ remotely sensed data, mapping lithological, tectonic, geomorphic and hydrologic Anomalies and construct post collision tectonic models and evaluation of their impacts and Control Over mineral, aquifer systems, hydrocarbon, natural disasters and the eco systems.
- Modeling of river basins with special reference to their life histories including erosional-depositional dynamics, catchment erosion /youthful stage behavior, delta building activity and deduction of interface dynamics between the river flow dynamics and the active tectonics, sea level changes, palaeo flood cycle, palaeo climate etc and finally evolve plans for soil conservation, flood rhythmicities and forecasting, secondary minerals, ground water targeting, recharge, command area development, Engineering geology projects etc.
- Remote sensing,analysis of ETOPO data and coastal morphotectonic and morphodynamic modeling Leading to natural resources based, ecosystem sustainable and disaster protective and predictive Developmental planning.
- Application of satellite stereo images, generation of shaded relief maps in mapping the fracture systems and spatio- linear modeling of fractured aquifer systems.
- Help facilitate the development of geological and geomorphological product standards and related error assessment derived from remote sensing data
- Foster technology transfer through the sharing of convincing geological and geomorhological case histories derived from remote sensing data
- Collaboratewith other ICSU GeoUnions; collaborate with GEO and take part in GEO task where appropriate.
Regional Coordinator
Dr. Snehmani
WG VIII/6 Terms of Reference
- Develop remote sensing data for assimilation in models of sea ice cover, glaciers, permafrost and ice sheets.
- Assess errors in the retrieval of satellite cryospheric parameters.
- Develop historical records of polar parameters and non-polar glaciers for trend studies.
- Assess glacier and ice sheet mass loss..
- Study the asymmetry in the changes of sea ice in the Arctic and Antarctic regions.
- Study trends and changes in albedo at high latitudes and relationships with changes in snow cover and melt patterns.
- Monitor surface temperature and snow cover changes in permafrost regions.
- Collaborate with GEO and take part in GEO task where appropriate.
WG VIII/7 - Forestry, Natural Ecosystems & Biodiversity
Y.A. (Yousif) Hussin
Jaime Hernández Palma
Regional Coordinator
Ramakrishna Nemani
WG VIII/7 Terms of Reference
- Development of the Monitoring, Recording and Verification (MRV) system for REDD using RS/GIS.
- VHRS images, Lidar and Photogrammetry 3D point cloud for modeling and mapping forest Biomass/Carbon stock.
- Modeling carbon emission from forest fire using RS/GIS
- Advanced Mapping and Monitoring Deforestation and Forest Degradation using latest Development of RS Sensor, Methods and Techniques.
WG VIII/8 - Land Cover and its Dynamics, Including Agricultural & Urban Land Use
Prasad S. Thenkabail
Regional Coordinator
Barbara Koch
WG VIII/8 Terms of Reference
- Advance remote sensing of land cover land use change (LCLUC);
- Develop methods, protocols, and algorithms for remote sensing of global cropland monitoring, mapping, and modelling;
- Promote journal articles and special issues pertaining to global LCLUC, agriculture, and water issues;
- Conduct, promote, participate in remote sensing workshops and symposiums on issues pertaining to global LCLUC, agriculture, and water;
- Address issues pertaining to global food security through remote sensing data, products, models, and maps;
- Assessment and modelling of biodiversity by remote sensing methods;
- Modelling of renewable energy resources using remote sensing;
- Enhancement of remote sensing for LCLUC, agriculture, water knowledge and risk assessment through use of advanced tools: hyperspectral, hyperspatial, advanced multispectral, radar, Lidar, thermal, and a combination of these satellites and sensors;
- Collaborate with GEO, GEOSS, CEOS, GEOGLAM, and other International and National forums.
WG VIII/9 - Coastal and Ocean Applications
WG VIII/9 Terms of Reference
- Measure, characterize, understand, and predict, the storage and transport of momentum, heat, water (salinity), and greenhouse gases in the ocean and the surface signatures (temperature, salinity, dynamic topography) of the ocean’s response to surface forcing (wind stress, fresh water, turbulent and radiative heat flux) from diurnal to decadal time scales, and from coastal to open oceans.
- Understand the ocean's role in the changes and interaction amongst the biological, chemical, and energy/water cycles in the oceans and their influence on terrestrial and cryospheric changes.
- Work towards an understanding of uncertainty in terms of the satellite data, ancillary data used in the processing and in-situ data used for validation.
- Aid in the coordination of present and future space missions related to ocean observations, and the calibration, validation, and dissemination of the resulting data.
- Collaborate with international activities such as GEO, GHRSST, IOCCG etc and take part where appropriate.