WG I/1 - Multi- and Hyperspectral Sensing
Jean-Baptiste Féret
Key Support Personnel
Jorge Centeno
Key Support Personnel
Jakub Bieniarz
WG I/1 Terms of Reference
- Design, calibration, simulation and physical modelling of hyperspectral and multispectral sensors
- Imaging spectroscopy based on snapshot frame- and line-based camera systems in the VNIR, SWIR and LWIR spectral ranges
- Sensor-oriented / physically-motivated hyperspectral data processing for performance analysis
- Feasibility study for the integration of emerging technologies such as smartphone spectrometers for validation purposes
- System performance investigations based on multi-sensor data fusion and multi- and hyperspectral applications
WG I/2 - LiDAR, Air- and Spaceborne Optical Sensing
José Alberto Gonçalves
Key Support Personnel
Antonio M. G. Tommaselli
Key Support Personnel
Hussein Abdulmuttalib
Key Support Personnel
Mahmoud Reza Delavar
Key Support Personnel
Haiyan Guan
Key Support Personnel
Samsung Lim
WG I/2 Terms of Reference
- Design and assessment of topographic and bathymetric LiDAR sensor systems (e.g., multi-pulse, full-waveform, multi-/hyper-spectral, single-photon) mounted on airborne and spaceborne platforms
- Geometric and radiometric evaluation of optical sensor systems mounted on airborne and spaceborne platforms
- Data quality and performance validation of LiDAR and optical systems for digital surface modelling and 3D feature reconstruction
- Development and evaluation of innovative algorithms and software tools towards real-time LiDAR and optical data processing onboard airborne and spaceborne platforms
- Investigation and evaluation of systems integrating LiDAR and optical sensors
WG I/3 - SAR and Microwave Sensing
WG I/3 Terms of Reference
- Investigations on recent and upcoming spaceborne SAR sensors
- SAR big data and global coverage from Sentinel1 mission
- Investigations on new airborne SAR systems
- Evaluation of advanced SAR sensor modes and SAR constellations (e.g. bi-static, multi-baseline, multi-aspect, multi-frequency, polarimetry etc.)
- Fusion of SAR data and complementary data (e.g. optical imagery)
- Liaison with other groups and societies, mainly TCIII-2, TCIII-3, as well as IEEE-GRSS
WG I/4 - Calibration and Validation of Satellite Sensors
Karsten Jacobsen
WG I/4 Terms of Reference
- Parameter design and simulation of space borne optical system
- Geometric/radiometric calibration and validation including laboratory and in-flight calibration of space borne optical sensors
- Geometric imaging modeling of space borne optical sensors and/or LiDAR systems
- Analysis of direct sensor orientation accuracy and changes during the lifetime of sensors
- Evaluation of space borne sensors for DEM/DSM and DOM generation (cooperation with one working group of Commission II)
WG I/5 - New 3D Sensors for Metrology and Industrial Vision
Anttoni Jaakkola
WG I/5 Terms of Reference
- Developments and investigations on modern active sensing techniques (single photon detection, amplifying, statistics, etc.)
- Metric quality and (self-)calibration of low-cost 3D sensors (structured light cameras, time-of-flight cameras, etc.)
- Analysis of low-cost / micro-LIDAR and micro-RADAR systems
- Advances in industrial applications of 3D sensors (metric measurements, hand-eye-calibration, real-time object identification/recognition)
WG I/6 - Multi-sensor Integration and Fusion
Key Support Personnel
Sherin Youssef
Key Support Personnel
Xiaoji Niu
Key Support Personnel
Harri Kaartinen
Key Support Personnel
Marco Piras
Key Support Personnel
Yangbin Lin
WG I/6 Terms of Reference
- Multi-sensor system design and on-board processing;
- Cross-platform sensing with land-, air-, and space-borne platforms;
- Data quality control/assurance and enhancement for multi-sensor multi-platform solutions;
- Ubiquitous sensing solutions with non-conventional low cost sensors in mobile devices;
- GNSS/IMU/image/ranging sensor integration and fusion for positioning and navigation ( for indoor and outdoor);
- Inter-sensor synchronization and In-situ stability analysis of system calibration parameters.
WG I/7 - Mobile Mapping Technology
Key Support Personnel
Antonio Vettore
Key Support Personnel
Xiaoji Niu
Key Support Personnel
Aboelmagd Noureldin
Key Support Personnel
Marco Piras
Key Support Personnel
Sudhagar Nagarajan
Key Support Personnel
You Li
WG I/7 Terms of Reference
- Design, development and evaluation of mobile mapping systems
- Design and development of real-time data processing algorithms for mobile mapping systems
- Automation of information extraction from land-based mobile imaging and ranging sensor data
- Development of novel applications in virtual reality, GIS, transportation infrastructure mapping and assessment, including pavement and asset mapping, emergency response
- Cooperation with ICA, IAG, FIG, and other ISPRS WGs on 3D mobile mapping; image indexing and retrieval; 3D object reconstruction and city modelling; sensor integration and multiple sensing solutions; and applications in LBS and disaster management.
WG I/8 - Satellite Constellations for Remote Sensing
WG I/8 Terms of Reference
- Geometric and radiometric characterization of satellite constellations data
(e.g. Planet, RapidEye, DMCII, etc.), spectral interpretability analysis.
- Comparison of constellations and with monolithic systems in algorithms and applications
- Data quality, usability, availability and timeliness; geometric, radiometric characterization of data from satellite constellations, spectral interpretability through remote sensing studies
- Advancements in image time series analysis through satellite constellations
- Evaluation of new applications with single or multiple satellite constellations, e.g. traffic monitoring using video from the space, time series 3D mapping with data from satellite constellations
- Development and evaluation of new algorithms and software tools of processing high temporal and spatial resolution data
- Collaborate with ISPRS WGs and other societies, including AGU, IEEE-GRSS,CV and other communities (Civil, Environmental, hydrology, etc.), to promote the use of satellite constellations for remote sensing applications.
WG I/9 - Integrated Sensor Orientation, Calibration, Navigation and Mapping
WG I/9 Terms of Reference
- General rigorous modeling of positioning and attitude sensors.
- Spatial absolute, relative and temporal modeling of non-standard sensors (low-cost, new-geometry, combined-geometry configurations).
- Use of Stochastic Differential Equations in orientation and calibration for photogrammetric applications.
- Orientation/calibration with UAV and micro aerial vehicles.
- Photogrammetric/LiDAR orientation and calibration: measurement techniques and models.
WG I/10 - Sensor Systems Verification, Benchmarks, Evaluation
Dorota Iwaszczuk
Krzysztof Bakuła
Key Support Personnel
Jakub Kolecki
Key Support Personnel
David Belton
WG I/10 Terms of Reference
- Characterisation of sensor behaviour from UV to LWIR, RADAR
- Traceability
- Image (data) quality (PSF & SNR)
- Prerequisites (Lab equipment): Radiation sources, collimators, integrating spheres
- Spatial, radiometric, etc. characterization on sensor level
- Linearity, PTC, PRNU, DSNU, CTE, …
- MTF, keyston, smile, etc.
- Algorithms and data evaluation, Usability
ICWG I/II - UAS & Small Multi-sensor Platforms: Concepts & Applications
Görres Grenzdörffer
Costas Armenakis
Filliberto Chiabrando
Industrial Representative
Jakub Karas
Industrial Representative
Bastien Mancini
Industrial Representative
Christof Strecha
Industrial Representative
Tautvydas Juskauskas
Regional Representative
(East Asia)
Taejung Kim
Regional Representative
(North Africa)
Mourad Bouziani
Regional Representative
(East Europe)
Václav Šafář
ICWG I/II Terms of Reference
- UAS navigation and positioning in outdoor and indoor environments
- UAS data processing and analysis for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing applications (Scientific Research, Commercial, Defense)
- UAS platforms, payloads, instruments and their on board integration for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (LIDAR, Multi and hyperspectral, Thermal, SAR, gas detectors, etc.)
- Integration of UAS data with information acquired by different platforms (satellite, airborne and terrestrial) and sensors (active and passive)
- Documentation and comparison of innovative UAS systems and sensors in Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
- Comparison of UAS regulations and contribution to new regulations in different countries
- Dissemination of learning and teaching material on the use of UAS in Academia
- Collaboration with other scientific communities and associations involved in UAS applications (EuroSDR, robotics, computer vision, electronics, etc.)
- Cooperation and involvement of industrial partners in ISPRS activities
ICWG I/IV - Robotics for Mapping and Modelling
Ville V. Lehtola
Key Support Personnel
Edward Verbree
Key Support Personnel
John Shi Wen-zhong
ICWG I/IV Terms of Reference
- Address challenges in employing robotics for mapping and challenges in map representations for robotics and autonomous vehicle navigation
- Assess robotic mapping platforms for indoor and outdoor environments
- Evaluate localisation and mapping sensors for indoor and outdoor robotics
- Investigate the use of on-board sensors of autonomous vehicles for mapping and map updating purposes
- Research and apply spatial representations, data structures and database technologies for large scale mapping and map updating
- Address the derivation and updating of sustainable urban and building models
- Investigate the semantic enrichment of urban and indoor models, specifically for analysis and autonomous navigation purposes
- Exploit synergies between indoor mobile mapping and building information modelling (BIM)
- Investigate new robotic and indoor mobile mapping applications
- Develop and implement indoor mobile mapping benchmarks
- Establish and strengthen contacts with the robotics community