ISPRS - Technical Commission III 2016-2022

Remote Sensing


Jie Jiang, PresidentJie Jiang
School of Geomatics and Urban Spatial Informatics
Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture
No.1 Zhanlanguan Road
Xicheng District
Beijing, 100044
+86 13910602658



Ahmed Shaker, Vice-PresidentAhmed Shaker
Department of Civil Engineering
Faculty of Engineering and Architecture Science
Ryerson University
350 Victoria Street,
Toronto, Ontario, M5B 2K3
+1 416-831-9874
+1 416-979-5122



Hongping ZHANG, SecretaryHongping ZHANG
National Geomatics Center of China
28 Lianhuachi West Road
Beijing 100830
+86 10 63881266
+86 10 63881219


Terms of Reference
  • Focus on physical modelling of electromagnetic radiation, the analysis of spectral signatures, image classification, data fusion,pattern recognition, and quality control;
  • Enhance the applications in monitoring and assessing environment, landuse/landcover, nature resources, weather/atmosphere and climate, cryosphere, coastal and ocean, forestry/agricultural and ecosystems/biodiversity
  • Integrate the global efforts by effective out-reach through data/algorithms sharing and capacity building, cooperates intensively with national space agencies, alliance with the International Committee On Remote Sensing of Environment (ICORSE)


WG III/1 - Thematic Information Extraction

Xianlian Liang

State Key Laboratory of Information Engineering in Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing
Wuhan University
Luoyulu 129
430079 Wuhan

Maria Teresa Melis

TeleGIS Laboratory, Department of Chemical and Geological Sciences
University of Cagliari
51 Trentino St
09127, Cagliari
0039 0706757788

Brigitte Leblon

University of New Brunswick
Room NF 210, P.O. Box 4400,
New Brunswick, E3B 5A3
+1 506-453-4924
+1 506-453-3538

Serkan Ural

Geomatics Engineering
Hacettepe University
06800 Beytepe
+90 312-780-5785
WG III/1  Terms of Reference
  • Promote scientific studies of new technologies and methodologies of thematic information extraction with emphases on the diachronic, multi-scale and multi-sensor approaches.
  • Develop data architecture tackling with big data and crowd sourcing data for thematic information and its dynamics
  • Virtual reality for thematic information demonstration
  • Promote the technique transfers through collaboration and networking between universities, research organizations, national space/mapping agencies, and policy makers
  • Promote the education, communication and collaborations through courses, articles and workshops
  • Collaborate with RS National and International forums and organization (GEO, GEOSS, CEOS, etc) and interact with international agencies of environmental research and protection (IPCC, WMO, UNEP, IMD, Mountain Partnership, GLISPA, etc.).


WG III/2 - Microwave Remote Sensing

Batuhan Osmanoglu

Biospheric Sciences Laboratory
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
8800 Greenbelt Rd.
Bldg 33 G426
Greenbelt, MD 20771
+ 1 301 614 6690

Susaki Junichi

Geoinformatics Lab.
Graduate School of Engineering
Kyoto University
C1-1-206, Kyotodaigaku-katsura, Nishikyo-ku, Kyoto
615-8540, JAPAN
+ 81 75 383 3300
+ 81 75 383 3300

Zhenhong Li

College of Geological Engineering and Geomatics
Chang'an University
Xi'an 710054
+86 (0)29-82339036

Saygin Abdikan

Geomatics Engineering Department
Hacettepe University
Beytepe 06800 Ankara
+90 312 297 69 90/125
+90 312 297 61 67

Key Support Personnel
Fusun Balik Sanli

YTÜ Davutpaşa Kampüsü
Harita Mühendiskiği Bölümü 34220-Esenler İstanbul
+90 212 383 5331

Key Support Personnel
Fabiana Calò

IREA-CNR Diocleziano, 328
80124 Napoli
+39 081-76206 33

Key Support Personnel
Antonio Pepe

Adress: IREA-CNR Diocleziano, 328
80124 Napoli
+39 081 76206 17

Key Support Personnel
Mahmut Arıkan

2628 VG
The Netherlands
+31 6 413 65 412
WG III/2  Terms of Reference
  • Promote advanced research, engineering development, and operational use of theories, methods, systems for the analysis of remotely sensed microwave observations of the Earth from air- , space- and ground-borne sensors;
  • Focus on physical modelling of microwave radiation, the analysis of spectral signatures, radar image classification, data fusion, pattern recognition, and quality control;
  • Enhance the applications in monitoring and assessing environment, geohazards, landuse/landcover, nature resources, weather/atmosphere and climate, cryosphere, coastal and ocean, forestry/agricultural and ecosystems/biodiversity;
  • Integrate the global efforts by effective out-reach through data/algorithms sharing and capacity building, cooperates intensively with international professional societies, national space agencies, and alliance with the International Committee On Remote Sensing of Environment (ICORSE).


WG III/3 - SAR-based Surface Generation and Deformation Monitoring

Uwe Soergel

Institute for Photogrammetry
University Stuttgart
Geschwister-Scholl-Str. 24D
D-70174 Stuttgart
+49 711-685-83336

Mattia Crespi

Geodesy and Geomatics Division
Department of Civil, Building, and Environmental Engineering
University of Rome "La Sapienza"
Palazzina di Construzioni Idrauliche e Geodesia - 3° piano, via Eudossiana, 18
00184 Roma
+39 0644585097

Michele Crosetto

Geomatics Division
Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya (CTTC)
Avinguda Gauss 7
E-08860 – Castelldefels, Barcelona
+34 93 6452900

Bahram Salehi

College of Environmental Science and Forestry (ESF)
State University of New York (SUNY)
416 Baker Lab
1 Forestry Dr
Syracuse NY 13210
+1 315-470-6550
WG III/3  Terms of Reference
  • Generation and accuracy assessment of DEM from SAR imagery
  • Object extraction from InSAR data
  • Differential SAR Interferometry and Persistent Scatterer Interferometry
  • Ground based SAR Interferometry


WG III/4 - Hyperspectral Image Processing

Eija Honkavaara

Finnish Geospatial Research Institute in National Land Survey of Finland
P.O. Box 84
FI-00521 Helsinki
+358 40-1920835

Konstantinos Karantzalos

National Technical University of Athens
Heroon Polytechniou 9
Zographos, 15780
+30 2107721673
+30 2107722594

Baoxin Hu

Department of Earth and Space Science and Engineering
Petrie 121
York University
4700 Keele St.
Toronto ON M3J 1P3
+416 736-2100 ext. 20557
+416 736-5817

Ilkka Pölönen

University of Jyväskylä
Department of Mathematical Information Technology
P.O. Box 35
FI-40014, University of Jyväskylä
+358 400 248 140
WG III/4  Terms of Reference
  • Visible, Ultraviolet, NIR, SWIR and thermal imaging spectroscopy from satellite, aerial, UAV and ground platforms
  • Processing and analysis of 1D signals, 2D images, 3D hypercubes and 4D hyperspectral video datasets
  • Radiometric, atmospheric and geometric calibration/corrections of hyperspectral data
  • Efficient hyperspectral image classification and analysis for the consistent estimation of geo- and bio-physical parameters, mapping, vegetation analysis in agriculture, forestry and others, and environmental remote sensing
  • Fusion of hyperspectral data, other sensor data (e.g., Lidar, SAR) and a priori information
  • Processing and interpretation of hyperspectral image data from low-cost, miniaturized sensors from UAV and other platforms
  • Detection, classification and tracking of moving objects/phenomena in hyperspectral video sequences
  • Efficient hyperspectral data processing through parallel programming, graphic card implementation and FPGAs


WG III/5 - Information Extraction from LiDAR Intensity Data

Marco Scaioni

Dept. of Architecture, Built Environment, and Construction Engineering
Politecnico Milano
Via Ponzio 31
20133 Milano
+39 02 2399 6515

Guoqing ZHOU

Guilin University of Technology
12 Jiangan Road
Guilin, Guanxi 541004
+ 86 773 5896073
+ 86 773 589 2786

Ana Paula Baungarten Kersting

Teledyne Optech
300 Interchange Way
Vaughan ON
L4K 5Z9 Canada
+ 1 905 660 0808

Luigi Barazzetti

Dept. of Architecture, Built Environment, and Construction Engineering
Politecnico Milano
Polo Territoriale di Lecco
23900 Lecco
+39 02 2399 8779

Key Support Personnel
Mattia Previtali

Dept. of Architecture, Built Environment, and Construction Engineering
Politecnico Milano
Polo Territoriale di Lecco
23900 Lecco
+39 02 2399 8767
WG III/5  Terms of Reference
  • Development and research of non-topographic LiDAR data applications for surface condition assessment
  • Geophysical parameters retrieval from LiDAR intensity data
  • Development and evaluation of new methods and algorithms of laser intensity-based classification and segmentation
  • Integration and performance evaluation of LiDAR data intensity and other data types for synergy of new information
  • Data processing and application of multi-wavelength and full-waveform LiDAR
  • Development and dissemination of new methodic and technology of exploiting intensity data from terrestrial laser scanning sensors for surface condition assessment
  • Processing of intensity data from bathymetric LiDAR for quality assessment of underwater conditions
  • Promoting applications based on LiDAR intensity data, also integrated with other data sources, to cope with societal challenges


WG III/6 - Remote Sensing Data Fusion

Jixian Zhang

National Quality Inspection and Testing Center for Surveying and Mapping Products
International Journal of Image and Data Fusion
Chinese Academy of Surveying and Mapping
No.28, Lianhuachi West Road, Haidian District
Beijing 100830
+ 86 10 63881816
+ 86 10 63881809

Wei Yao

The Department of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics,
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University,
181 Chatham Road South,
Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Hong Kong
+852 2766-4304
+852 2330-2994

Anna Brook

University of Haifa
Department of Geography and Environmental Studies
Center for Spatial Analysis Research (UHCSISR)
Spectroscopy and Remote Sensing Laboratory
Abba Khoushy Ave 199
3498838, Haifa
+972 (0)4 824 96 12 (Office)
+972 (0)4 824 96 05 (Fax)

Xiangguo Lin

Institute of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
Chinese Academy of Surveying and Mapping
No.28, Lianhuachi West Road, Haidian District
Beijing 100830
+ 86 10 6388 0605
+ 86 10 6388 0535
WG III/6  Terms of Reference
  • Pixel, feature and decision level fusion algorithms and methodologies
  • Automatic geometric registration for fusing images with different spatial, spectral, temporal resolutions; phase information; or acquired in different modes
  • Data assimilation
  • Multi-source data fusion based classification and information extraction
  • Multi-modal sensor data fusion
  • Multi-temporal data fusion
  • Image and data mining from multi-platform, multi-source, multi-scale, multi-temporal data sets
  • Data fusion applications in geographic-related fields such as topographic mapping, GIS, forest mapping and natural hazard monitoring, etc.


WG III/7 - Landuse and Landcover Change Detection

Ammatzia Peled

University of Haifa, Center for Spatial Information Systems Research (UHCSISR)
Department of Geography and Environmental Studies
Haifa, 31905
+ 972 48 240148 (o)

Yongnian Zeng

Central South University,
School of Geosciences and Info-Physics
Center for Spatial Information Technology and Sustainable Development Research
Changsha 410000
+86 13787795922

Md. Surabuddin Mondal

Dept. of Surveying Engineering
Wollega University
WG III/7  Terms of Reference
  • To investigate and enhance algorithms and methodologies for land-use and land-cover change-detection
  • To suggest advanced solutions for monitoring land –cover changes
  • To further the study of the dynamics of land-use and land-cover change in different regions of the world
  • To further the research and investigations into predicting land-use changes
  • To study urban land-use development cycles and changes in rural land-cover and land-use (e.g. Agriculture, forestry, recreation), based on data and information fusion
  • To further the research into automatic updating of spatial data bases
  • To foster investigations and research toward autonomous updating of core spatial data bases using spectral and non-spectral remotely sensed data fused with data and information acquired by other sources.
  • To cooperate with other Geospatial Information societies such as ICA and FIG on Change detection based on remotely sensed data and updating of spatial data bases.


WG III/8 - Remote Sensing of Atmospheric Environment

Lixin WU

School of Geoscience and Info-Physics
Central South University
Lushan South Road 932
Changsha, 410083, Hunan
P.R. China
+ 86 0731-88830573

Diego Loyola

German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Remote Sensing Technology Institute Oberpfaffenhofen
82234 Wessling

Pradeep Khatri

Center for Oceanic and Atmospheric Studies
Tohoku University
+81 22-795-6743

Kai Qin

School of Environment Science and Spatial Informatics,
China University of Mining & Technology
Nanhu Campus
Xuzhou, 221116, Jiangsu
P.R. China
+ 86 516 83591306
WG III/8  Terms of Reference
  • Development of satellite observations on atmospheric environment including air pollutants, aerosol and its dynamic process
  • Development of new models for estimating atmospheric aerosol optical depth, characteristics and particulate matters (PMs) concentration
  • Development of new models for extracting atmospheric parameters through sounders/GPS/LiDAR/radio occultation, etc.
  • Development of spatio-temporal methodologies and GIS-based systems for atmospheric environment analysis
  • Evaluation and validation of satellite observations on atmospheric components and PMs concentration
  • Assessment of the impact of urbanization and fossil energy on atmosphere environment
  • Collaborate with GEO to serve for public affairs and human health with data and maps


WG III/9 - Cryosphere and Hydrosphere

Rongxing (Ron) Li

College of Surveying and Geoinformation
Tongji University
1239 Siping Road
CHINA 200092
+ 86 21 65980773
+ 86 21 65985123

Beata Csatho

Department of Geology
University at Buffalo, SUNY
126 Cooke Hall
Buffalo, NY, 14260-1350
+1 716-645-4325
+ 1 716-645-3999

Vittorio Barale

European Commission
DG Joint Research Centre
Directorate D – Sustainable Resources
Unit D.02 Water and Marine Resources
Office 27 00/32 – T.P. 270, Via E. Fermi 2749, I-21027 Ispra (VA)
+39 0332 789274
+39 0332 789034

Gang Qiao

College of Surveying and Geoinformation
Tongji University
1239 Siping Road
Shanghai, 200092
+ 86 21 6598640
+ 86 21 65985123
WG III/9  Terms of Reference
  • Develop remote sensing data for assimilation in cryospheric and hydrological models
  • Conduct assessment of errors in the retrieval of satellite cryospheric and hydrological parameters
  • Assemble historical records of consistently derived geophysical parameters for studies of changes and trends in the cryosphere and hydrosphere
  • Assess glacier and ice sheet mass loss and relationships to sea level rise with consideration of thermal expansion, tectonic causes and other factors.
  • Investigate the asymmetry in the changes of sea ice in the Arctic and Antarctic regions
  • Study trends and changes in albedo at high latitudes and relationships with changes in snow cover and melt patterns
  • Monitor variability and trends in surface temperature and how they affect snow cover, sea ice extent, glaciers and ice sheet volume, soil moisture and the permafrost regions
  • Measure, characterize, understand, and predict the storage and transport of momentum, heat, water (salinity), and greenhouse gases in the ocean and the surface signatures (temperature, salinity, dynamic topography) of the ocean’s response to surface forcing (wind stress, fresh water, turbulent and radiative heat flux) from diurnal to decadal time scales, and from coastal to open oceans
  • Understand the oceans’ role in the changes and interactions amongst the biological, chemical, and energy/water cycles in the oceans and their influence on terrestrial and cryospheric changes
  • Help coordinate present and future remote sensing missions especially those related to ocean, snow/ice, and terrestrial hydrological observations, and provide expertise in the calibration, validation, and dissemination of the resulting data
  • Develop early warning systems for natural disasters like droughts and floods


WG III/10 - Agriculture and Natural Ecosystems Modelling and Monitoring

Mitsunori Yoshimura

Center for Spatial Information Science
the University of Tokyo
4-6-1, Komaba, Meguro-ku
Tokyo 153-8505
+ 81 3 3715 4011

Francesco Pirotti

Interdepartmental Research Center in Geomatics
Department of Land, Environment, Agriculture and Forestry
University of Padova
Via dell'Università, 16
35020 - Legnaro (PD)
+39 049 827 2710
+39 049 827 2750

Jaime Hernández Palma

Laboratorio de Geomática y Ecología del Paisaje
Facultad de Cs. Forestales y de la Conservación de la Naturaleza
Universidad de Chile
Santa Rosa 11315
La Pintana, Santiago
+56 2 9785873
+56 2 5414952
WG III/10  Terms of Reference
  • Development of new methodologies and algorithms for improving the contribution of remote sensing towards knowledges related to agriculture and natural ecosystems
  • Test and assess new remote sensing algorithms for monitoring natural and anthropogenic ecosystems
  • Apply remote sensing for supporting precision agriculture by spectral signature in crops for smart farm management
  • Support climate change studies through remote sensing applications for global and regional scales dynamics monitoring and modelling
  • Collaborate with related academia, researchers, industry and other stakeholders


ICWG III/II - Planetary Remote Sensing and Mapping

Kaichang DI

Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth
Chinese Academy of Sciences
PO.Box 9718, Datun Road, Chaoyang District
Beijing 100101
P.R. China
+ 86 10 64868229

Jürgen Oberst

German Aerospace Center
Institute for Planetary Research
Planetary Geodesy
Rutherfordstrasse 2
D-12489 Berlin
+ 49 30 67055 336
+ 49 30 67055 402

Irina Karachevtseva

Moscow University of Geodesy and Cartography (MIIGAiK)
MIIGAiK Extraterrestrial Laboratory (MExLab)
Gorokhovsky pereulok, 4
105064, Moscow
+7 499 267-35-13
+7 499 267-35-13

Bo Wu

Department of Land Surveying & Geo-Informatics
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Hung Hom, Kowloon
Hong Kong
+852 2766 4335
+852 2330 2994
ICWG III/II  Terms of Reference
  • Development of new methodologies and algorithms for sensor calibration, data fusion and information extraction from planetary remote sensing data
  • Development of advanced techniques in planetary photogrammetry and robotic vision for the mapping of celestial bodies
  • Evaluation and refinement of reference systems, coordinate systems, control networks, map sheet definitions, etc. and their standardization
  • Development of spatial information systems to support extra-terrestrial exploration and science
  • Cooperation with related planetary exploration working groups in space agencies and organizations, and liaisons with the ICA Commission on Planetary Cartography


ICWG III/IVa - Disaster Assessment, Monitoring and Management

Tullio Joseph TANZI

Institut Mines-Telecom - Telecom ParisTech.
Télécom ParisTech - LabSoC, c/o EURECOM
Campus SophiaTech Les Templiers
450 route des Chappes
06410 Biot
+33 (0)4 93 00 84 11


Istanbul Technical University
Department of Geomatics
34469 Ayazaga-Istanbul
+(90) 532 446 4409


Chemnitz University of Technology,
Head of Microwave Eng. and Electromagnetics
+49 37153133168


Chemnitz University of Technology
Microwave Eng. and Electromagnetics
+49 37153133164
ICWG III/IVa  Terms of Reference
  • Generation of vulnerability and hazard zone maps for different type of disasters, such as forest fire, cyclone, floods, drought, volcano eruptions, earthquakes, landslides etc. and identification & assessment of potential risk zones
  • Integrate remotely sensed observations and communication strategies with enhanced predictive modelling capabilities for disaster detection, early warning, monitoring, damage assessment and response
  • Development of disaster management plans for pre, during and post disaster situations and enhance support for early warning systems, emergency events mitigation and decision making.
  • Collaborate with international bodies such as GEO, JBGIS, ICSU GeoUnions, IRDR
  • Continue to organize Gi4DM Conference series and ISPRS-URSI Special Sessions on Disaster Management during URSI GA’s and ISPRS Congresses.
  • Organise, develop and conduct supporting educational activities (training courses, workshops, webinars, etc.) in the interdisciplinary area of remote sensing and disaster management. The educational activities will contribute to further education and professional development of both experienced and early-stage remote sensing scientists and engineers.


ICWG III/IVb - Remote Sensing Data Quality

Hussein M. Abdulmuttalib

GIS Department, Dubai Municipality
Baniyas Road
Deira, Dubai
+ 971 555500451

Guoman HUANG

Chinese Academy of Surveying and Mapping
No. 28 Lianhuachixi Road
Haidian District
Beijing 100830
P.R. China
+86 10 63880615
+86 10 63880804

Thomas Blaschke

Department of Geoinformatics - Z_GIS
University of Salzburg
Schillerstraße 30
5020 Salzburg
+43 662 8044 7525
+43 662 8044 7589

Árpád Barsi

Department of Photogrammetry and Geoinformatics
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Budapest 1111
Műegyetem rkp. 3
+36 1 463 1186
+36 1 463 3084

Key Support Personnel
Anna Zih

Dubai Municipality GIS Department
Baniyas Road
+ 971 56 4898599
ICWG III/IVb  Terms of Reference
  • Assess the current status of scientific development and applied practices, related to Remote Sensing Data Quality, and suggest development plans, researches, activities and projects for the improvements and advent of the same.
  • Liaison with sister commissions and WGs involved partially with data quality, and also with other International organizations to assist the development and improvement of Remote Sensing Data Quality Standards and Protocols, and promote their implementations worldwide.
  • Inventory and classify the elements of Remote Sensing Data Quality, and relate it to the quality of other disciplines, the usage and fitness of purpose, and to the simulated world model of data and information.
  • Encourage and support scientific works that deal with the improvement of remote sensing data quality processes and management steps, also that clarify and regulate the effects of error propagation due to acquisition, referencing, storing and archiving, processing, analysing, reporting and other operations related to remotely sensed data.
  • Clarify the quality aspects of Remote Sensing data, resulting and inherited from raster or vector-raster operations, such as but not limited to pixel processing, segmentation, classification, object base image analysis, image sensitivity analysis, etc.
  • Study the reliability and quality measures of Remote Sensing data, in relation to the different application areas that encounter remote sensing, such as environmental monitoring and sustainability, urban planning, city smartness and quality of life, also humanitarian projects for the developing world among other areas of application.
  • Assess Remote Sensing Data Quality with respect to the usage of automated major signatures of the electromagnetic spectral different phases, as much as the relations of the type to the sensors used and the area of application, coverage, visits. Sensor positions, sky clearness, etc.


ICWG III/IVc - Environment and Health

Fazlay S. Faruque

Department of Preventive Medicine, GIS & Remote Sensing Program
University of Mississippi Medical Ctr
2500 North State Street
Jackson, MS 39215
+1 601 814 4993

Yves M. Tourre

Anewworld and CNES
21 Bd. Lazare Carnot
31000 Toulouse
+33 53161 7200

Muralikrishna V. Iyyanki

Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO)
Flat 201, Block 4, SMR Acropolis Apt, White field
Kothaguda, Hyderabad 500082
+91 984 804 9624

John B. Malone

College of Veterinary Medicine
Pathobiological Sciences
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, LA 70803
+1 225 578 9692
ICWG III/IVc  Terms of Reference
  • Review the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA) mandate, activities and plan that relate to human health.
  • Advance knowledge in Remote Sensing and other geospatial technologies for applications in Tele-epidemiology.
  • Develop a white paper for clinicians documenting the capability of Remote Sensing and other geospatial technologies in capturing environmental variables to incorporate into clinical practices as a disease risk factor.
  • Bridge the geospatial science, Earth science and health science communities to explore interdisciplinary collaborations to improve our overall health and well-being.
  • Develop two expert groups: 1) Remote Sensing and geospatial technology applications in estimating environmental exposure risk factor for clinical practices and 2) Remote Sensing and geospatial technology applications in ecosystem, climate change and variability, and public health studies.
  • Advance knowledge in estimating allergen abundance.
  • Review current applications of tools, such as, machine learning, in estimating air pollutants using remotely sensed and other data.
  • Contribute to the GEOSS open access public health data resource.



The International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing is a non-governmental organization devoted to the development of international cooperation for the advancement of photogrammetry and remote sensing and their applications. The Society operates without any discrimination on grounds of race, religion, nationality, or political philosophy.

Our Contact

Leibniz University Hannover
Institute of Photogrammetry and GeoInformation
Nienburger Str. 1
D-30167 Hannover