Mapping and Geographic Information Systems
Roy A. Welch
University of Georgia
Center for Remote Sensing and Mapping Science
Department of Geography
Athens, GA 30602-2403
+1-706-542 2359
+1-706-542 2358
- Analog and digital mapping procedures and products
- Revision of topographic maps and map databases
- Data acquisition, data processing, analysis of data and visual representation in GIS
- Application of GIS to land related record management (e.g., multipurpose cadastre and utility mapping) and decision making tasks
- Radar and planetary mapping
- Digital elevation models
WG IV/1 - GIS Data and Applications
Chairperson: Dr. E. Lynn Usery, Athens, Georgia, USA
WG IV/2 - International Mapping from Space
Chairperson: Prof. Dr. Gottfried Konecny, Hannover, Germany
WG IV/3 - Map and Database Revision
Chairperson: Paul R. T. Newby, Hants, United Kingdom
WG IV/4 - Digital Elevation Models and Digital Orthoimages for Mapping/GIS Applications
Chairperson: Dr. Luiz Alberto Vieira Dias, Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil
WG IV/5 - Extraterrestrial Mapping
Chairperson: Dr. Sherman S. C. Wu, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
WG IV/6 GIS and Expert Systems for Global Environmental Databases
Chairperson: Dr. Ryutaro Tateishi, Chiba, Japan
IWG III/IV - Conceptual Aspects of GIS
Chairperson: Prof. Dr. Martien Molenaar, AH Wageningen, Netherlands