Economics, Professional Matters and Education
Li Deren
Wuhan Technical University of Surveying and Mapping
Department of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
39 Loyu Road
China 430070
+68-27-783 1224
+68-27-781 4185
- Collection, analysis and comparison of educational and training programs and changes in photogrammetry, remote sensing and GIS/LIS
- Investigation of cost and efficiency models in photogrammetric and remote sensing operations
- Investigation of operational management aspects for remote sensing and GIS technology
- Collection and synthesis of reports on national and regional activities
- Promotion and dissemination of information
- Promotion of computer assisted teaching
- Identification of the proper channels for international technical cooperation
- Completion of the History of Photogrammetry
- Promotion of the inclusion of other languages in the Multilingual Dictionary
- Development of recommendations for standards of competence in photogrammetric and remote sensing practice
WG VI/1 - Education, Training and Educational Standards for Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and GIS/LIS
Chairperson: Prof. Dr. Jozef J. Jachimski, Krakow, Poland
WG VI/2 - Computer Assisted Teaching
Chairperson: Dr. Kohei Cho, Tokyo, Japan
WG VI/3 - Terminology and ISPRS Multilingual Dictionary
Chairperson: Dr. Gerhard Lindig, Frankfurt, Germany
WG VI/4 - International Cooperation and Technology Transfer
Chairperson: Dr. Stanley A. Morain, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA
WG VI/5 - Tutorials
Chairperson: Dr. Th. Bouloucos, Enschede, Netherlands
WG VI/6 - Economics and Business Management
Chairperson: Dr. Gérard Bégni, Ramonville, France