Resource and Environmental Monitoring
Roberto Pereira da Cunha
INPE - National Institute of Space Research
CRI - Coordination for Institutional Relations
Av. dos Astronautas 1758
Caixa Postal 515
12201-970 Sao José dos Campos SP
+55-123-22 9816
+55-123-21 8743
- Methodology of visual image interpretation
- Methodology of computer-aided analysis of sensor data
- Spectral, spatial and temporal radiation properties of objects
- Environmental studies, resources inventories, and interpretative aspects of thematic mapping as applied in studies of vegetation, forestry, agriculture, soils, land and water use, geology, geomorphology, hydrology, oceanography, coastal zones, snow and ice, atmospheric sciences, archaeology, human settlements and engineering
- Integration of remote sensing and GIS techniques for the monitoring of resources and environment
WG VII/1 - Physical Measurements and Signatures in Remote Sensing
Chairperson: Dr. Gérard Guyot, Montfravet, France
WG VII/2 - Resource and Environmental Monitoring Using Radar Data
Chairperson: Hiroyuki Wakabayashi, Tokyo, Japan
WG VII/3 - Renewable Resources
Chairperson: Frank Hegyi, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
WG VII/4 - Geological and Mineral Resources
Chairperson: Dr. James Taranik, Reno, Nevada, USA
WG VII/5 - Terrestrial Ecosystem Monitoring
Chairperson: Dr. Paul Curran, Southampton, United Kingdom
WG VII/6 - Land Degradation and Desertification
Chairperson: M. G. Chandrasekhar, Bangalore, India
WG VII/7 - Hazardous Waste and Environmental Pollution
Chairperson: Dr. Vernon Singhroy, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
WG VII/8 - Snow, Ice, Ocean and Coastal Zone Monitoring
Chairperson: Dr. Shintaro Goto, Ishikawa, Japan
WG VII/9 - Human Settlement
Chairperson: Dr. Bruce Forster, Kensington, New South Wales, Australia
WG VII/10 - Global Monitoring
Chairperson: Dr. Sergio Camacho-Lara, Vienna, Austria