Council Meeting
Albuquerque, 17th-21th October 2000
President John Trinder (JT)
Secretary General Ian Dowman (ID)
First Vice President Lawrence Fritz (LF)
Congress Director Orhan Altan (OA)
Treasurer Ammatzia Peled (AP)
Second Vice President Gerard Begni (GB)
In attendance for certain items
Editor ISPRS Journal Manos Baltsavias (MB)
1. Opening (JT)
2. Approval of Agenda (JT)
3. Review of previous Council Meetings in Friesland and Amsterdam (JT/ID)
4. Actions of Council (JT)
4.1 Strategy Meeting actions
4.2 Continued actions from the previous Council
4.3 Council responsibilities
4.5 Task Forces
- Educational Opportunities
- Communications
- Remote Sensing for International Policies and Treaties
5. Review of Technical Commission Plans (JT)
6. Exchange of views from Council. (Council)
A brain-storming session about the role of the Council, the contributions that each member can make and
perceived innovations and developments that should be made in the next 4 years.
7. Ratification of Commission Plans
7.1 Working Groups
7.2 Dates, locations and themes of Symposia, tutorials and other ISPRS meetings
7.3 Distribution of WGs on a National Basis
7.4 Other Matters
8. Congress (OA)
8.1 Lessons learned from Amsterdam Congress (Technical Program, Registration, Exhibition, Abstract and paper
submissions, Poster sessions and attendance, social program, General Assembly, National Reports)
8.2 Plans for Istanbul
8.3 Archives - hardcopy/CD
9. ISPRS Membership (ID)
9.1 Ordinary Members
9.2 Associate Members
9.3 Sustaining Members and fees
9.4 Regional Members
9.5 Actions on defaulting Members
10. ISPRS Publications
10.1 ISPRS Journal (EB/JT)
10.2 ISPRS Bulletin, including Calendar, Editorials (ID)
10.3 Brochure (ID)
10.4 Home Page (ID)
10.5 Archives and RICS contract
11. Financial Affairs (AP)
11.1 Handover to new Treasurer
12. Relations with International and other Organisations
12.1 MARISY2000
12.2 OICC
12.3 CEOS
12.4 Joint Board
12.6 UATI
12.7 Others
13. Other Business
COMMENT: We usually us Ordinary Member, Sustaining Members etc ie with CAPS, so it is clear what the words refer to.
1. Introduction
Stan Morain welcomed Council and formally thanked NASA for funding the meeting
JT thanked Stan Morain and Amy Budge for organising the meeting.
JT welcomed Council to the first meeting and stresses that we will be working together as a team. The main issue
for the meeting is to set the direction of commissions and to take note of ISAC comments, including the ISAC
recommendation to restructure the commissions.
2. The agenda was revised
to include the contract for the Congress (8.4) and the blue book (10.6). Item
6 was postponed to the next meeting.
3. Minutes of previous meetings
JT reviewed the minutes of the Friesland meeting and the following actions were to be followed up:
- 9.1 AP to follow up rejection of sustaining members.
- ACTION 00/18 AP to confirm elimination of defaulting sustaining members.
Council to get copy of guidelines prepared by HR
- ACTION 00/19 HR to send the 5 year financial plan to Council
ID reviewed the minutes from Amsterdam .
4. Actions of Council
4.1 Strategy Meeting actions
4.1.1 LF requested Council to review the Strategic Plan and to note the actions for which they are
responsible. A more thorough review will be covered in the next CM. AP asked what to do with regional
promotion. ISPRS ought to have joint activities as set forth in the Plan. But what about overlap? This will
be on the agenda for the next meeting and Council should prepare for this. The matrices of links are to be assigned to WG VI/3.
ACTION 00/20 ID to put regional promotion on agenda of next Council Meeting.
4.1.2 International Industry Forum
LF reported on progress as referred in an email from John Neer. (CM4.1). Industry is unwilling to proceed at
present as hoped. The issue will be taken forward in January.
ACTION 00/21 LF to continue acting on IIF, JT to report to CEOS.
4.2 Continued actions from the previous Council and regular actions were reviewed and adjusted.
The revised lists are at appendix CM4.2
The following new items were noted for action:
ACTION 00/22 SG to gather all ald and new TCP reports for Annual Report.
ACTION 000/23 OA to organise meeting of sustaining members at InterGEO Frankfurt in 2002.
4.3 Council and TCP responsibilities
The list of responsibilities was reviewed and is included at appendix CM4.3
ACTION 00/24 ID to make sure organisations know about our representation
4.4 ISAC and IPAC
- The terms of reference and membership were reviewed.
- Membership of ISAC is now as follows:
Prof. Dr. Michael F. Goodchild, USA
Prof. Dr. Martien Molenaar, ITC, Netherlands
Prof. Dr. David Rhind, City Univ., UK
Prof. Dr. Clive Fraser, University of Melbourne, Australia
Prof. Armin Gruen, ETH, Switzerland (Chair)
Prof. Edward Mikhail, Purdue University, USA
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang F�rstner
Remote Sensing
Prof. Dr. Paul Curran, UK
Dr. David G. Goodenough, Canada
Professor Howard Zebker
ACTION 00/25 JT to contact Ray Harris to ask him to renew membership of IPAC.
4.5 Task Forces
- It was noted that the role of a Task Force is to advise Council, and that task forces normally last no longer
than a four year period. The current Task Forces were reviewed:
- The role of the Education Task Force to be transferred to Comm VI
- The Communication Task Force was closed before the Congress.
- Task Force on UN protocols could go into Comm VII but it is probably best if independent of a Commission.
- ACTION 00/26 JT to approach individuals who might be interested.
5. Review of TC plans
Council reviewed all proposals and their conclusions were put to the TCPs at the Joint Meeting.
6. Brainstorming session
Postponed to next meeting.
7. Ratification of Commission Plans
7.1 Working Groups
Council discussed the plans put by TCPs during the Joint Meeting and it was agreed that the proposals were generally
good and a productive four years was predicted. Some outstanding items remained and ID would summarise these and remind
TCPs that revised proposals should be submitted as soon as possible but by 30th November at the latest for
Council approval.
7.2 Dates, locations and themes of Symposia, tutorials and other ISPRS meetings
The dates were approved subject to confirmation of I, III and VII and are given in appendix CM7.2
7.3 Distribution of WGs on a National Basis
The distribution was satisfactory in general but Commission I, which has not yet finalised chair and co-chairs,
was asked to reduce the number of chairs from USA.
7.4 Contract
It was reported that it was agreed in Friesland that 3% of exhibition revenue shall come to ISPRS. OA noted that
he has faced with this as a new fact and he needs time to act on this. He will prepare a proposal for this item in the contract.
Free registration for Council to be added to contract.
8. Congress
8.1 Lessons learned from Amsterdam. A general discussion generated the following points for consideration:
- Attendance at first GA was poor and needs to be addressed.
- Length of the exhibit on each day a problem for exhibitors - to end earlier.
- The scientific and national exhibition is supposed to be free..
- Registration of delegates for GA immediately before the GA commences, could be done by someone responsible only for that task. Room near to GA would be helpful.
- Congress Director should be responsible for guidelines for presentation and preparation of manuscripts.
- ACTION: 00/28 AO to review guidelines for presentations at Symposia and Congress
- Lesson - things get done properly if the right people are responsible.
- Technical programme must be in control of TCPs
- Match room size with expected numbers.
- All award winners to be announced at beginning of the Congress.
- Accommodation for supported people from developing countries should be of reasonable standard.
- Printed programme needs to be clear and easy to follow.
- Special sessions should not conflict with technical sessions
- The Joint Meeting in March 2004 should be able to review the programme.
- Archives A: need to start collecting material during 4 years and at Congress.
- National reports need attention - revised guidelines required
- Tutorials were successful but workshops were not.
8.2 Contract for Congress
Revisions agreed:
Para 4 Payback of seed funding to be : 50% on contract, 20% in 6 months, 30% 12 months
Add archives A in appendix B
ACTION 00/29: JT to revise contract for signature
9. ISPRS Membership
9.1, 9.2, 9.4 Ordinary and Regional members
The following actions were agreed:
ACTION 00/30: ID should check all changes made at Amsterdam and update address lists.
ACTION 00/31: ID to send out certificates to new members .
ACTION 00/32: ID to prepare new certificates for members, awards and special occasions, and prepare plaques for presentation
ACTION 00/33: LF to send ID examples of certificates
ACTION 00/34: ID to produce new certificates (See Office professional 2000)
9.3 Sustaining Members
It was agreed to increase rates for sustaining members from the current rates of:
A SwF2800, B SwF1400 C SwF700 D SwF350
A: SwF3000, B SwF1500, C SwF800, DSwF400
Treasurer should refer to Friesland Minutes for action on delinquent Sustaining Members.
It was agreed that all fees should also be quoted also in $US , the amounts to be fixed for a certain period.
9.5 Actions on defaulting Members
ACTION 00/35: AP to send reminders and ask members to contact JT if a there is a problem in payment. . Council to
reconsider the position at next meeting.
10. ISPRS Publications
10.1 ISPRS Journal
EB introduced his paper and highlighted important points for discussion which include the replacements for Advisory
Board and the book series.
Council discussed membership of Advisory Board and agreed on 12 possible new members.
Book series: Council expressed doubts about whether there would be enough input to maintain a good series.
LF suggested that we need to get competitive bids from other publishers, EB said this is not a problem but Elsevier
knows ISPRS. It was proposed to publish 2 books per annum.
ACTION 00/36 EB to prepare a business plan for Council for 15th November.
ACTION 00/37 EB to preprare letter for ID to send to national members regarding subscription rates.
10.2 ISPRS Highlights, including Calendar, Editorials
The following schedule for preparing editorials for Highlights was agreed: 12/2000 ID
3/01 JT
6/01 OA
9/01 AP
12/01 LF
3/02 JT
6/02 GB
9/02 ID
12/02 OA
Council reviewed the proposed content for December Highlights and agreed that it was not desirable to have such an
emphasis on awards. ID to look at alternatives.
It was noted that a programme for issues related to activities exists and that ID should look at the last version
published in Sept 1997.
ACTION 00/38: ID to review content of Highlights.
10.3 Brochure
ID would update the brochure with input from Orhan and distribute it with Silver Book. JT advised using a graphic designer.
ACTION 00/39: ID to revise Brochure with input from OA.
10.4 Home Page
Fabio Remondino was commended on the excellent way in which he has worked on the web page. A number of issues were discussed:
ACTION 00/40: JT to send webmaster contract to AP.
ACTION 00/41 ID to check on status of archives at ITC.
ACTION 00/42; FR to clear old sites with outdated information.
ACTION 00/43: FR to consider whether services such as sales of publications should be offered on the web site such
as those offered by ASPRS.
10.5 Archives and RICS contract
There was discussion on this issue in the light of RICS Books notice that they would not renew the contract. The
following decisions were made;
The Amsterdam Archives will be distributed by GITC who will handle orders and collect payment.
ACTION 00/44 ID to set up arrangement with GITC
The symposia Archives will be distributed by AP (TCPs will send 20 copies, maybe in batches of 10). All orders and payment will go to AP.
ACTION 00/45: AP to set up system for distribution of all archives for the period 2000-2004
The question of stock was discussed. AP would hold limited current stocks in Israel.
ACTION 00/46: ID would investigate storage for archives currently held by RICS Books.
ACTION 00/47: ID to ask RICS to have sale of current holdings and tell RICS Books that all proceedings to come to
ISPRS in future.
10.6 Blue Book and database
Council approved proposals for GITC to set up and maintain the database and produce the Blue Book. The format proposed
by ID was approved except for a need to rethink the format for ordinary members.
ACTION 00/48: ID to set up arrangement with GITC to and maintain the database and produce the Blue Book.
11. Financial Affairs
11.1 AP reported that the hand over to new Treasurer was not completed. The new signature form were with ID.
11.2 AP proposed that a unique ID-number should be attached to each members in the database.
The database should contain information on the members? record and a link between the Treasurers? databases and by
the general database will be an ID-number.
ACTION 00/49: AP to set up ID-number and inform ID of what is required in database
11.3 AP needs to get PIN number to access account details.
11.4 Agreed that AP should get credit card and investigate getting a cheque book.
ACTION 00/50: AP to get PIN number, cheque book and credit card.
12. Relations with International and other Organisations
12.1 MARISY2000
ISPRS would be represented at the conference by GB and CA.
12.2 OICC
An MOU had been drafted and Council approved this.
JT will attend Cairo meeting.
12.3 CEOS
Noted report on WGISS activities and especially meeting with commercial vendors.
Noted report on CEOS/IGOS disaster management support project.
ID would be attending WGCV meeting and would discuss collaboration with ISPRS. JT would be attending 14th Plenary.
12.4 Joint Board
Council noted minutes of Joint Board meeting. A commitment to offer scholarship of $800 for attendance at workshops was agreed.
ID to contact COPUOS to inform of meetings at which workshops could be held. The following meeting were identified as
potential sites:
Cairo Jan 2001, Mobile Mapping
Cairo February, 2001 OICC
Dar es Salaam March 2002 Education
Brasil 2001 Education
Bangkok, Feb 2001 Cultural Heritage
Bangkok , March 2001 Dynamic GIS
Beijing, August 2001, Map revision (with ICA)
Budapest IAG 2001
ACTION 00/51: ID to contact COPUOS regarding workshops.
12.6 UATI
It was reported that ISPRS would eventually be dropping membership of UATI.
LF reported on UN issues. (See LF report C13)
13. Other Business
It was confirmed that the procedure for distribution of the minutes was:
- Draft to Council
- Final full version to Council.
- Public version produced for TCPs, Web master ((for posting on web), Finance Committee, Editors etc.
- Abbreviated version for Highlights.
Council expressed a preference for all papers for Council meeting to be distributed at the meeting in hard copy.
These could be shipped by courier in advance.
The next meeting would be in Ayuttaya at the end of February, hosted by Shunji Murai. Preferred dates were
24th and 25th February. ID to confirm dates
Ian Dowman 6th November 2000
Secretary General