2-3 APRIL 1997
The visit was partly sponsored by SELPER and Instituto Geografico Militar (IGM).
Lawrence Fritz and John Trinder were given a very interesting tour of the advanced surveying and mapping facilities of IGM, which are based on digitized analogue, analytical and digital stereoplotters for the production of map scales from 1:1,000 to 1: 50,000. The facilities are impressive and demonstrate the advanced level of mapping technology in Chile. Following an official lunch hosted by IGM, we met the Director, General Enrique Gillmore, who was presented with an official ISPRS plaque by President Fritz. Gifts were also exchanged. In the evening we attended a dinner and show, hosted by Colonel Gonzales (Sub Director).
The General and Professor Mauricio Araya were most cordial, and we are indebted to their sponsorship and assistance during our meeting. The welcome demonstrates the high esteem of ISPRS in Chile. We are most appreciative of Professor Araya's contribution to ISPRS through his editing of ISPRS Highlights and we are sure that it will make a major contribution to communications within ISPRS.
- Content policy
- Proposals by LF for the annual cycle of content
- Inclusion of keynote papers, book reviews, WG Newsletters
- Conference reports
- Sub-editors
- Editorial page
- Photos of Council and TCP meetings
- Events calendar format review
- News and reports received from others
- Managing number of pages per issue
- Solicitation of photos
- Communications
- Publication schedule
- Approval of table of contents
- Provision of time for SG to edit
- Alert of potential delay
- Procedure for managing delays
- Editor preferred formats and media
- Advertisers
- Advertisement policy
- How to increase advertisers
- Management of advertisement funds
- SELPER costs for advertisements
- Addition of Pages to Trade-off costs of Printing Costs
- Proposal by Araya to include more pages on other Members' news and
- trade-off of costs
- Other proposals by Araya
- Finances
- Start-up costs
- Per page cost options
- Postal cost options
- Payment schedules
- Contingencies & Limitations
- Web page entry of ISPRS Highlights
- Labels and mailing policy
- Detailed review of Editor contract
1. Content policy
Lawrence Fritz presented his proposed Annual Content Plan, as shown in
Attachment H1. This plan was endorsed with minor modifications. The April issue will be the largest. There was considerable discussion on the inclusion of keynote papers, with M. Araya suggesting that each edition should include 2 such papers. However, it was concluded by L. Fritz (LF) and J. Trinder (JT) that there was the potential for the ISPRS Highlights to compete with the ISPRS Journal, and hence it was concluded that a maximum of one technical paper should be included in ISPRS Highlights covering a range of topics. The selection of this paper should be made following communication with the new Editor-in-Chief of ISPRS Journal, Dr. Manos Baltsavias to ensure that ISPRS Highlights does not use papers that are more appropriately printed in ISPRS Journal.
The length of each Highlights Issue should normally be expected to be in complements of 16 page signatures, eg. issue lengths will normally be 32, 48, 64, 80, 96 pages. However, at an increase in production cost we can use 8 page signatures which will allow issue lengths of 40, 56, 72, 88 pp. . MA agreed to provide all copy received for Highlights to be sent to JT for content approval before beginning any publication preparations.
Each Working Group report should be limited to 1/2 page as prescribed in the Advertisement Policy Document in Attachment H2, prepared by L. Fritz as modified at the meeting. Each WG will be entitled to 2 such reports per year. WG Chairs will be requested to submit a 1/2 page summary for publication in ISPRS Highlights. A WG report editor should be enlisted to generate these summaries. Council will be asked for their views for selection of a suitable summary editor.
News of ISPRS sponsored meetings will be sent to JT for transmission to Mauricio Araya (MA). News of other events received by MA will be sent to JT for approval for inclusion. The general policy is that such reports will not be printed unless they are of special interest to ISPRS. Book reviews will also be included where appropriate. A special editor will be sought with the assistance of Council.
LF with the assistance of Joanne Heckman will be responsible for the Events Calendar. He showed the new format for the calendar to suit the Highlights page size, and while he preferred it not to be changed by MA in its production, because of the PageMaker software being used, it is necessary for it to be reformatted. MA will ensure that no errors are be introduced in the reformatting stage. It was agreed that the first entry in each edition of the calendar will be 1 month after the due date for publication of each Issue of the ISPRS Highlights, in order to avoid publication of out of date entries.
The editorial page will be prepared by Council according to the schedule in Attachment H1. The Annual Report will always include an editorial by LF.
Photos of ISPRS CM and JM will be restricted to details of Council and TCPs at work and demonstrations of the sponsorship of the Ordinary Member. Only a limited number of photos will be printed which display social events associated with business meetings.
The matter of management of the number of pages was considered under item 4.
Photos of WG chairs have been solicited and a number have already been sent to MA. They will be printed in the July 1997 issue when the WG ToRs will be printed. JT will remind WG officers of this plan.
It was agreed that regular sections should be established in ISPRS Highlights. These sections would be set out in a distinctive manner in each edition with its own color if possible. The suggested sections are:
- Editorial
- Keynote Paper
- News from Commission or WGs (One or the other)
- Reports from Council (minutes and other such items)
- Book Reviews
- Congress News
- Other Events
- Calendar of Events
Items that can be used as 'fillers' are Archives details, RICS Books listings of Archives for sale, and a summary of the Archives availability listing.
Action Item - LF to loan MA a few copies of the ISPRS Journal to show how end binding will fit.
Action Item - Council should discuss search strategies to get volunteer editors for (a) WG Newsletter summaries (b) meeting reports (c) calendar.
2. Communications
The publication schedule was confirmed with the following time lines:
Issue Submission Compilation Approval Sent
Date of material by MA of content by JT to Printer In Mail
January 1/12 15/12 22/12 3/1 31/1
April 1/3 15/3 22/3 1/4 30/4
July 1/6 15/6 22/6 1/7 31/7
October 1/9 15/9 22/9 1/10 31/10
Since the content has now been well established according to the Content Plan in Attachment H1, the publication schedule should be easier to maintain. April 1997 edition should be published by about mid May 1997, while the July edition should be on time, since virtually all the material should already be available.
MA, JT and LF to maintain communication on any possible absences that will require modification of the above schedules to ensure that the publication dates are maintained.
MA indicated that there were no problems in reading different formats and hence preferred formats did not need to be defined.
3. Advertisements
The paying advertisers were discussed and the total advertisement revenue determined as outlined in LF Memo Pr-09-193 to HR dated 4 April 97. The status of advertisements for 1997 Issues is as follows:
Action Item 97/60 - MA will ask ITC if they wish to pay to advertise. If no, then HR should deduct from MA payments the one page ITC fee ($1,045) for the ad in the 1997 vol. 2, issue #1. If yes, then HR to invoice ITC for 1997 issues.
ESA, DLR, IGM are not expected to purchase ads for 1997. Their ads in Vol. 2, #1 (DLR, IGM and 2 pp. by SELPER) are a trade-off to cover the 16 extra page costs of Vol. 2 #1.
MA agreed that no ads will be placed without prior approval of HR. MA will provide all advertising copy to HR for invoice approval before beginning any publication preparations.
Action Item - MA recommends that ISPRS engage multiple advertisement agencies on a regional basis to secure ads for negotiated fee per ad. Emerson Granneman, Editor of Factor GIS is interested at 15% fee to solicit in Latin America. Council should discuss and decide how to resolve the issue of increasing advertisement revenue.
4. Addition of Pages to Trade-off Printing Costs
The general view of LF and JT was that in-kind trade-off of costs are not appropriate. It transpired that this may not always be the most economic means of operating in all cases due to currency fluctuations. However it was agreed that this should be the general method of operation.
MA wants more than one technical article per issue. LF & JT said only one technical article per issue (even though MA will fund 16 extra page costs via quid pro quo arrangement with SELPER at a rate of 3 SELPER ads for 16 extra pages of content for any issues which include a 2nd tech article).
Action Item 97/61- MA should expect to be reimbursed for extra page costs. However, he is to propose to JT in writing if SELPER advertisers are willing to pay for extra page costs in trade-off for ads at rate of one ad per every 500 additional copies. JT will decide acceptance/rejection of these proposals on a case by case basis.
ISPRS will pay for all extra page overruns (greater than 48 pp.) on an issue by issue basis. Any quid pro quo arrangement to cover overrun expenses is to be by prior Council approval.
The issue of printing extra copies:
JT & LF agreed that any extra copy tradeoff policy shall be limited to a maximum of 3 ad pages (color or b & w) by any organizational sponsor per issue for extra copies to be printed. (This means from 500 to 1,500 extra copies to be printed for 1 to 3 pages respectively.)
Action Item 97/62 - MA is to provide Council with a proposal which outlines extra copy tradeoffs for organizations (OdM's, RgM's, etc.) to consider. The expected basic proposal will be 500 additional copies for each free color page or 500 additional copies for two b & w pages. MA is to provide Council with production cost for units of 500 additional copies for 32, 48, 64 and 80 page issue lengths. Production costs are to include postage and handling fees. HR is to invoice organizations for these extra copies based on costs determined by MA.
5. Finances
It is clearly evident that Highlights will cost more than expected with regard to postage. Vol. 1, #1 cost over $8K to airmail (premium DHL); Vol. 2, #1 cost about $5,400 to express mail via DHL. Vol. 2, #1 is about $2,500 US higher postage cost than originally expected. However, it is agreed that we must use express mail. Therefore, we should expect costs per year to be $10K more for postage. A sponsor should be sought to support the costs of postage.
Action Item 97/63 - MA is to send copy of actual expenses to produce Vol. 1, #1 and Vol. 2, #2 to JT for distribution to Council for evaluation and Highlights strategic planning.
Action Item - Council discussion is needed to develop strategies and opportunities for obtaining permanent sponsorship to underwrite costs of Highlights
Payment schedules to MA are satisfactory.
6. Web page entry of ISPRS Highlights
The Web Page entry will be reviewed to avoid duplication with entries already in the Home Page. JT will discuss this issue with Andr� Streilein in April. It was agreed that the original plan to ship entire Issues of Highlights for entry on the Web pages should be scrapped. Instead JT will independently provide Council Minutes to Andr� Streilein, similarly LF will provide Andr� with the Events Calendar. No technical/keynote papers will be published on the Web. The Web page is to be structured to have Highlights Sections or hot links to sources of the Highlights Sections (eg. pointers to the WG Newsletters in their entirety at the WG Web sites).
MA is to be requested to put the WWW address in permanent header pages of Highlights
7. Labels and mailing policy
The new method of providing labels to MA is now working satisfactorily.
8. Detailed review of Editor contract
LF to review the contract for modifications in Spring of 1998 before the termination of the first 2 year period.
J. Trinder and L. Fritz
5 April 1997