ISPRS Council Meeting in Bangkok, Thailand, April 1999

19-21 April 1999

Council Attendees

President:               Lawrence Fritz (LF)
Secretary General:       John Trinder (JT)
First Vice President:    Shunji Murai (SM)
Congress Director:       Klaas Beek (KB)
Treasurer:               Heinz Rüther (HR)

In attendance

Jose Luis Aguirre (JA)   Representing Marcio Barbosa (MB)


  1. Opening remarks and approval of Agenda
  2. Review of minutes of previous Council meetings in Stuttgart
  3. Policy
    • Strategic Planning
    • Statutes & Bylaws
    • Guidelines
    • CIPA Statutes
    • IPC
    • Industry Forum
    • Education Task Force
    • ISPRS Exhibit plan
  4. Inter-Organizational
    • IUSM
    • UN
    • ICSU & UATI
    • Other Organizations
  5. Awards
  6. Congress
  7. Technical Commissions
  8. Reports of Council
  9. Membership
  10. Publications
    • Highlights
    • Home Page & Journal
  11. Action Items (JT)
  12. Future Meetings (JT)
  13. Other
  14. Adjourn


1. Opening remarks and approval of Agenda

President Fritz welcomed Council to the meeting, including Jose Luis Aguirre who was representing Marcio Barbosa, the Second Vice President. In his opening remarks, President Fritz stated that some important decisions had to be made at the meeting, especially review of actions from the Strategic Planning meeting, determination of the Statutes and Bylaws, ISPRS relations with other organisations, the developments of plans for the Amsterdam Congress in July 2000 and consideration of officers for the period 2000-2004.

Some changes were made to the order of the agenda.

2. Minutes of the Council Meeting in Stuttgart were reviewed.

Matters arising from the Minutes:

(i) Prepatration of a new document on the results of the Strategy Meeting for distribution and comment.

Action 99/208: LF to prepare new Strategy document.

(ii) A meeting of the Education Opportunities Task Force was held in Santos Brazil at the Brazilian Remote Sensing Conference in September 1998, comprising Marco Barbosa, John Trinder and Tania Sausen. A report has been prepared on the meeting.

(iii) André Streilein was ratified as the ISPRS ex-officio representative on the CIPA Committee.

3. Policy

3.1 Strategic Planning

Each of the actions listed in the Actions and Responsibilities document prepared at the May 98 Strategy Meeting were discussed, and a program of further actions developed.

(a) Actions Completed
1-1. TCP's and WG Chairs have been requested to prepare draft resolutions in by March 2000. Bylaw changes have been formulated.
1-2. TCP's have reported on implementation status of Vienna Resolutions at September 1998 Joint Meeting.
1-5. Commission Guidelines have been modified to define technical scope of Symposia held in developing countries.
1-6. A commitment Guideline has been prepared for condition of appointment of new WG Chairpersons.
2-7. Relations with FAO have been initiated.
3-1. An International Policy Advisory Committee (IPAC) has been established.
3-3. A joint activity with CEOS to create an Industry Forum dialog group has been initiated.
4-1. Common activity matrices of ISPRS with Regional Members and with other external organizations have been drafted to support Council decision making.
5-7. A jobs directory has been developed on the ISPRS Home Page.
7-1. An ISPRS Exhibit has been created.
7-4. An ISPRS sub-title has been identified.

(b) All other actions are being addressed
(c) Further actions

These Minutes will identify the 'Strategy Actions' separately from Actions arising from the Minutes.

Strategy Action 1-3:

Some Commissions included inter-disciplinary presentations in their Symposium, notably Commissions I, II, V and VII. The Congress will include a number of inter-disciplinary sessions. JT to follow up this action in Guidelines.

Action 99/209: JT to add request for inter-disciplinary papers in the Guidelines

Strategy Action 1-7: Funding is expected to be available for the Young Authors' Awards.

New Strategy Action 1-9: Council agreed to establish an International Science Advisory Committee (ISAC) within ISPRS to consider and advise Council on guiding the furture science and technology activities in ISPRS, such as ToRs of Commissions and WGs, Resolutions, areas of study of ISPRS, with SM as Chair.

Action 99/221: Council to provide further advice to LF on membership of ISAC. LF to draft ISAC ToR.

Strategy Action 2-1: The action is to be redefined as 'Rank relevance of participation with international groups'. Revisions were made to the relevance ranking of international bodies.

Action 99/210: HR to draft relevance ranking of all international bodies for review.

Strategy Action 2-2:

ISPRS representatives on ISO TC/211 will be Hans Knoop (Germany) and Norman Andersen (USA).

On the participation of ISPRS in other ISO/TCs, a position paper was presented by Hartmut Ziemann at the Vienna Congress.

Action 99/211: LF, SM, JT to determine ISPRS participation after reviewing the Ziemann paper and decide whether an advertisement should be placed in ISPRS Highlights as given in Strategy Action 2-2.

Strategy Action 2-7:

A draft MoU will be prepared between ISPRS and FAO to pursue collaboration in training in such topics as resource management for sustainable development and sustainable forest management, using remote sensing.

Action: 99/212: JT to write to Loiusa Fresco in FAO for items of collaboration between ISPRS and FAO.

Strategy Action 3-4 :

Individual Membership was not supported, but a decision was made to introduce a category 'ISPRS Subscriber', that will be managed by GITC. It has already been agreed that the price for subscriptions to ISPRS Highlights will be $35 for institutions, $28 for individuals for 4 issues.

Action 99/213: JT to contact Johan Boesjes to investigate progress on ISPRS Subscribers.

Strategy Action 4-1:

The matrix prepared by LF is intended to cover overlaps between ISPRS activities and Regional Members and other international societies. Some designated actions by Council have not yet been completed.

Action: 99/214: JT to send the matrix to Regional Members for verification.

Following feedback from Regional Members, ISPRS WGs will be asked to assess quality of activity of potential participation with these groups and elicit participation, if this potential is strong. For participation with international societies, there should be contact from President to President to initiate collaboration, following which, WGs Chairs/Co-Chairs will establish contact with appropriate personnel.

Strategy Action 5-1

Action 99/215: MB, HR, JT and LA to review the function of Commission VI and consider new terms of reference in Bylaw 13.

Action 99/216: MB to contact all TCPs for advice on revising the Terms of Reference for their Commissions in Bylaw 13.

Strategy Action 5-2.

WG VI/4 should advertise in ISPRS Highlights for assistance from members, and seek assistance from Dr Moriyama, Chair of the CEOS WGISS committee, the ISPRS/WGISS liaison group, and Regional Members for gathering information on links to relevant Web sites containing freeware, feeware, data and educational courses.

Action 99/217: JT to request WGs VI/1 and VI/4 to contact appropriate groups for assistance in compiling links for the Web Page.


3.2 Statutes & Bylaws Revisions

JA and LF presented documents for revising the structure of membership. Council discussed opportunities to ensure full and equitable representation of P & RS & SIS in the General Assembly by society(s) in a country. A revised document was developed at the meeting that will be considered by Council in the next 3 months. JA and MB to develop a new version of the draft document for consideration by Council.

Action 99/220: MB/JA and LF to prepare a new Statutes and Bylaws document

Action 99/219: MB to arrange for better communication links with Council.


Guidelines for Symposium were approved, subject to several minor changes.

Minor changes were considered for Guidelines for Hosting ISPRS Technical Commissions and the TCP responsibilities in the Orange Book.

Draft procedures for implementing the resolutions at the 2000 Congress were considered and will be revised by SM.

Guidelines for ISPRS Council Spending, prepared by Council were noted.


3.4 CIPA Statutes

Action 99/222: HR to draft response for Council to review.


The International Policy Committee (IPC) will be named IPAC (International Policy Advisory Committee). The report by the Chair, Ray Harris (RH) was discussed, including the Terms of Reference and the Membership.

Action 99/223: LF to work with Ray Harris to finalise the ToR of IPAC


3.5 ISPRS-CEOS industry Forum

The proposal for ISPRS to jointly lead an Industry Forum in collaboration with CEOS was discussed. It is proposed to implement the Forum during the ISPRS Congress in July 2000, once it has been adequately developed.

Action 99/224: Council to provide comments to LF on Industry Forum document


3.6 Education Task Force

The plans to develop a pilot program for educational opportunities in Brazil have not been successful, with only one student undertaking the ISPRS sponsored current training program in INPE. The program clearly needs to be redefined, if it is to continue.


3.7 Other

Action 99/225: JT to respond to A. Nwosu letter in the December issue of Geo-Informatics.


4. Inter-Organizational Matters

4.1 IUSM

LF will attend the IUSM meeting planned for Ottawa in August 1999 during the ICA Congress, to discuss proposals on reforming the activities of IUSM. ISPRS will support bilateral agreements, especially those with ICA and IAG. ISPRS will continue to invite representatives from ICA and IAG to its Congresses, free of charge.


4.2 UNISPACE III (sessions, exhibit)

Delegates from ISPRS will be: LF, JT, HR and KB who will attend to the exhibit, SM who will represent Japan, and MB representing Brazil.

JT and KB will Co-chair the ISPRS Workshop

HR and Robin Vaughan will Co-chair the ISPRS/EARSeL Workshop

LF and Alex Tuyahov will Co-chair the ISPRS/NASA Workshop and Ray Harris (UCL, UK) and Charles Hutchinson will Co-chair the panel discussion.

Action 99/226: LF to provide details of ISPRS representation to H. George in OOSA

NASA will print papers for the Workshops in which ISPRS is participating, abstracts should be prepared by 15 May, final versions of papers must be delivered at the conference. Other papers will be acceptable for the proceedings. All participants must send a completed application form to JT by mid June. Participants should be encouraged to attend Unispace III.

The Exhibit will be held from 18-23 July. KB will secure the exhibition space and will have overall responsibility. Peter Waldhaeusl will be asked to help in managing the exhibit and replenish supplies of publicity material. Details provided on the exhibit will include ISPRS Highlights (400 copies needed) and a subscription form, details of the Congress, awards brochure, application forms and calls for papers of ISPRS events, ISPRS posters, details of Archives, Journal and subscription form, brochure of workshops at Unipace III etc.

Action 99/227: JT to prepare ISPRS poster

Action 99/228: KB to inform where exhibit items are to be sent. JT to assign actions for the exhibit.

Action 99/229: JT to inform PW of details of exhibition and confirm his willingness to assist


4.3 UN Conferences on Cartography/GIS

Action: LF will reply to letter regarding the First Meeting of the Committee on Development Information, to be held in Addis Ababa from 28 June to 2 July.

Action 99/230: HR to attend UN conference in Addis Ababa and provide an ISPRS related paper


4.4. ICSU & UATI

ICSU - There are no new developments on ISPRS full membership.

UATI - LF attended the Genaral Assembly of UATI in Paris in March. There are no developments on ISPRS requests for subventions from UNESCO.

Action 99/231: LF to review of ISPRS status in UATI after consulting its Statutes and Bylaws

UATI has an elevated status function in UNESCO, as an NGO, a function that ISPRS should aim for. Currently it is necessary to go through an organisation such as UATI to gain access to UNESCO funds.

Action 99/232: LF to investigate its status with UNESCO


4.5 Other Societies - SDH; CMSG; Stds; ICRSE; OICC)


Collaboration between ISPRS and related bodies such as Spatial Data Handling (SDH), Coordinate Measurement Systems Committee (CMSC), and International Center for Remote Sensing of the Environment (ICRSE) should be based on letter of intent to cooperate, including co-sponsorship of meetings. Meetings of ISPRS with these bodies should be planned so that they are held at the same time, or are well clear of each other.

Action 99/233: JT to initiate preparation of letter of intent between ISPRS and SDH

Action 99/234: JT to initiate preparation of letter of intent between ISPRS and CMSC

Standards - ISO/TC211

No-one from ISPRS can participate in the Work Group at this stage.

Action 99/235: JT to request ISO/TC211 that ISPRS be informed of developments in the Work Group on standards for qualifications of personnel employed in GIS.

OICC has been offered Regional Membership in ISPRS. OICC will convene its 25th Anniversary symposium and a representative from ISPRS is requested.

Action 99/236: LF to continue dialogue with OICC

UN Meeting in Beijing

This UN/OOSA Conference coincides with ISPRS Council meeting and therefore Honorary Member G. Konecny will represent ISPRS in Beijing, China at the conference on "Space Applications for Promoting Sustainable Agriculture", 14-17 Sep 1999.


5. Awards

A document on the Brock Award was received from ASPRS. The document has not addressed the terms relating to an unfulfilled trust fund and hence must be referred back to ASPRS

The updated terms of reference of the Cassinis Award sponsored by the Societa Italiana di Forogrammetria e Topografia were approved subject to editorial modifications.

Action 99/237: HR to invoice Mussio for Swf 2500 for Cassinis Award.

EB has announced that the winner of the Best Paper Award in the ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing for 1996 is M. Sinning-Meister, A. Gruen and H. Dan for the paper entitled "3D City Models for CAAD-Supported Analysis and Design of Urban Areas".

Procedures submitted by SM for the determination of Awards, and where applicable, members of the juries, were presented and agreed to by Council.

Action 99/238: JT to revise Awards brochure and send to Council


6. Congress

The 2nd announcement is now being distributed. The announcement for exhibitors is currrently in draft form. The 2nd Announcement was discussed in detail.

Action 99/239: JT to draft letters to Members about scientific exhibit for KB

Details of Opening Plenary Sessions

9.30-11.00 - (nominally 75 minutes)

20 minutes for entertainment
1 short keynote speech of 20 min
Congress Director, President, President of Netherlands Society each 5 minutes
Presentations of Honorary Memberships, Brock Medal and von Gruber Award (5 minutes each)

11-11.30 Opening of exhibit

11.30-13.00 Plenary Debate of future directions of ISPRS, by prominent people in the field and related to the field

Council are required to finalise 4-8 speakers for the planned special sessions by September CM; contact KB if there is a financial problem.

Action 99/240: Council to finalise special sessions by September 1999.

Action 99/241: JT/LF to provide an inventory of items for running the Council office during the Congress.


7. Technical Commissions

It was agreed that a letter should be sent to WG Chairs and their employers thanking them for their contributions to ISPRS scientific work. A list of TCP/WG employers' addresses will be required. The letters will be distributed on or close to the last day of the Congress.

A report on WG activities was presented by JT. Some WGs need to be followed up on their future activities.

The Rational Functions working party has been inactive.

Action 99/242: LF to contact DF to determine status of working group


8. Reports of Council (Pres, SG, 1V, 2V, Treas)

Reports from Council received.

The Treasurer's Report was presented and approved by Council, subject to minor corrections. It is subject to auditing by the Financial Commission.


9. Membership (Ordinary Members, Associate Members, Regional Members, Sustaining Members)

Report on the status of membership was presented by JT. Ballots for the admission of 6 new members are underway.

JT & LF reported on their meeting at the Commission VI Symposium with officers of ASEAM FLAG organization seeking formal relations with ISPRS. Sustaining Membership was recommended.

Action 99/243: JT to contact Hunegi to become Associate Member


10. Publications

10.1 ISPRS Highlights

Report of visit by JT to GITC was presented. ISPRS is generally very happy with publication

Action 99/244: JT to contact GITC on their proposal to maintaining the address labels for ISPRS and whether it can be placed on-line.

Secretary General will need feedback on changes that are applied to the addresses.


10.2 Home Page

A report was given on progress, but no action is necessary.


10.3 Journal

Negotiation period for Journal, which is the last 6 months of 1999, is approaching.


10.4 Archives

Several Archives have been produced without following all of the Guidelines, thus causing quality/integrity concerns.

Action 99/247: JT to review process of publication of Archives and quality management.


11. Action Items

Actions items were reviewed. 38 were completed, 23 items are still open, 4 items were overcome by events.


12. Future Meetings

The next JM and CM will be held in Enchede and Istanbul. Details have already been distributed.

Notifications of future meetings have already been circulated.

At the Congress in July 2000, Council will meet on Wednesday 13 July and Thursday 14 July, and prepare for the Congress on Friday 15 July. Ordinary Member credentials will be received on-site during 15-16 July. The first Council Meeting will convene on Sunday 17 July where proposals for the 2004 term and Congress will be presented.


13. Other

The documentation on the World Conference on Science was discussed.

Formal proposals by Ordinary Members for hosting Congress and Commissions were received and suggestions for soliciting officer candidates and potential country hosts were discussed.


14. Adjourn

SM was thanked for the excellent hospitality and arrangements provided for the Council Meeting. The Meeting adjourned at 6.30 pm on Wednesday 21 April 1999.

J. C. Trinder
Secretary General
May 1999



The International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing is a non-governmental organization devoted to the development of international cooperation for the advancement of photogrammetry and remote sensing and their applications. The Society operates without any discrimination on grounds of race, religion, nationality, or political philosophy.

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