ISPRS Joint Meeting in Albuquerque, USA, October 2000

Joint Meeting of Council and Technical Commission Presidents

Albuquerque, 18th-20th October 2000


President John Trinder (JT)
Secretary General Ian Dowman (ID)
First Vice President Lawrence Fritz (LF)
Congress Director Orhan Altan (OA)
Treasurer Ammatzia Peled (AP)
President Commission I Stan Morain (SM)
President Commission II Chen Jun (CJ)
President Commission III Franz Leberl (FL)
President Commission IV Costas Armenakis (CA)
President Commission V Petros Patias (PP)
President Commission VI Tania Maria Sausen (TMS)
President Commission VII Rangnath Navalgund (RN)


Second Vice President Gerard Begni (GB)

In attendance for certain items

Editor ISPRS Journal Manos Baltsavias (MB)
Webmaster Fabio Remondino (FR)


1. Opening (JT)

1.1 Introduction

1.2 Purpose and Objectives of meeting

2. Review of Minutes C & TCP Meetings (ID)

2.1 Acceptance of minutes of Amsterdam meeting

2.2 Ongoing actions and actions carried over from previous period

3. Review of material distributed in Amsterdam (ID)

4. Review of communication lists of C & TCP (ID)

5. Review of Amsterdam Resolutions (LF)

6. Presentation of Commission Plans for Working Group ToRs and Chairs (TCPs)

6.1 Terms of Reference

6.2 Chair, Co-Chairs, members

6.3 Addresses, phone, fax, E-mail

6.4 Confirmation of Symposium dates, location, theme

6.5 Planned colloquium meetings, tests etc

6.6 Tutorials, contents, timing, place

6.7 Schedule of Workshops in 2001

6.8 Contract for Symposia

7. Proposed Intercommission and other Working Groups as a result of discussion and Council initiative (JT)

8. Guidelines and Publications Policy (JT/ID)

8.1 Format, cover, copyright of Archives. Instructions for preparation of the Archives of the Symposia

8.2 Authors' Guide

8.3 Presenters' Manual

8.4 RICS Contract for Sale of Archives

9. Plans for Congress (OA)

9.1 Location

9.2 Draft Program for Congress

10. ISPRS Publications

10.1 Journal (EB)

10.2 ISPRS Highlights, reports, announcements, cover images, Calendar (ID)

10.3 Home Page (ID)

11. Relationships with International and Other Organisations (JT)

11.1 MARISY2000

11.2 OICC meeting in Cairo

11.3 Others

12. Future Technical Commission Presidents Meetings (JT)

13. Other Business

14. Close


1. Opening

JT welcomed TCPs to the first joint meeting and outlined the structure and activities of ISPRS and highlighted important areas for the next four years.

The main purposes of meeting were to get to know each other and to ensure that everyone understands the functioning of ISPRS; to set up WGs to understand communication procedures : congress, co-operating bodies; prepare future meetings.


2. Review of Minutes C & TCP Meetings

2.1 The minutes were reviewed and accepted as correct.


2.2 The action items for TCPs were reviewed.


3. Review of material distributed in Amsterdam

ID noted the importance of the information in the Orange Books and asked TCPs to keep him informed of any changes that were necessary.


4. Review of communication lists of C & TCPs

The list of responsibilities of Council and TCPs were reviewed and accepted. Attached as appendix CM4.3/JM4


5. Review of Amsterdam Resolutions

The resolutions had been circulated in advance and were used to test the relevance of WG Terms of Reference.


6. Presentation of Commission Plans for Working Group ToRs and Chairs

6.1, 6.2, 6.3 Each TCP presented their proposals and these were discussed by Council. The ToRs and chairs of the WGs proposed by Commissions II, VI and VII were agreed but are subject to submission in the format required for the Silver Book. SM, FL, CA and PP were required to discuss certain of their proposals with WG chairs and to submit revised ToRs to ID as soon as possible. A summary of the proposed working groups is attached at appendix JM6.

The following actions were required:

ACTION 00/52: SM, FL, CA and PP to submit revised ToRs to ID as soon as possible.
ACTION 00/53: RN to propose chair and co-chair for WG VII/3
ACTION 00/54: All TCPs to submit full list of WGs with ToRs Chairs and Co-chairs to ID by 30th November in format required for Silver Book


6.4 The proposed dates of Symposia were discussed and are given at appendix CM7.2/JM6.4

ACTION 00/55: TCPs to confirm Symposium dates, location and theme as soon as possible.


6.5 TCPs reported on planned colloquium meetings, tests etc in the WG proposals. TCPs were reminded that when dates were confirmed they should seek approval from ID.


6.6 No tutorials were planned in 2001


6.7 Contract for symposium

A number of issues were raised which included how to apply the surcharge and how to pay it to ISPRS because of problems with university regulations. TCPs were asked to investigate locally what the problems were and to discuss these with Council.

ACTION 00/56: TCPs to investigate possible problems relating to contract and report to Council.


7. Proposed Intercommission and other Working Groups as a result of discussion and initiative.

The full list of proposed working groups are given in Appendix JM6. This includes 2 intercommission working groups.


8. Guidelines and Publications Policy

8.1 Format, cover, copyright of Archives. Instructions for preparation of the Archives

ID announced the colour of the archives and reminded TCPs that guidelines for publication of the Archives were in the Orange Book.

8.2, 8.3 The Authors' Guide and Presenters' Manual are also in the Orange Book

8.4 RICS Contract for Sale of Archives

ID reported that the contract with RICS Books for Sale of Archives would terminate at the end of the year. Details of the new arrangements would be disseminated as soon as possible. There will be a requirement for TCPs to produce a number of hardcopies of the Archives for sale, but they may also produce CDs


9. Plans for Congress

OA described the plans for the Congressand gave proposed dates for deadlines. Email addresses of participants were required.
ACTION 00/57 ID to get emails and address information from Amsterdam Congress and make available to Congress Director and TCPs as required.


10. ISPRS Publications

10.1 EB distributed a paper on the Journal which was discussed.

ACTION 00/58: TCPs send email addresses of WG chairs to EB

ACTION 00/59: TCPs to submit proposals for a theme issue of the Journal by 31.3.01

ACTION 00/60: TCPs to Promote subscriptions to the Journal

EB described a proposal to publish books. There was concern about the possible price of books, EB said discount of 50% would be applied for individual members. The TCPs were generally in favour of the proposal.


10.2 ID outlined the inputs required for ISPRS Highlights which include reports, announcements, cover images and the Calendar. The requirements for the annual report were also outlined.
EB suggested that calendar be reduced in size to allow more space for other items.

ACTION 00/61: ID to review content and presentation of information in Highlights.


10.3 FR reported on changes which have been made to Home Page. The TCPs would be recipient of queries on technical issues made through the home page.
TCPs are required to prepare a home page for each commission, the address to be consistent:

ACTION 00/62: FR to investigate setting up format for addresses and report to TCPs


11. Relationships with International and Other Organisations

11.1 MARISY2000.
GB and CA will be attending.


11.2 OICC meeting in Cairo. A Council member will attend and SM may attend.
A MoU has been proposed with OICC.


11.3 COPUOS.
The UN and US State Department is making funds available to fund workshops with ISPRS. TCPs were asked to provide details of suitable meetings. (Note: see minutes of Council Meeting for list of possible venues.)


12. The next meeting

will be in London during the period 9th -13th September 2001.


12.1 Other Business
ACTION 00/63: ID to add commission secretaries names to mailing list
ACTION 00/64: ID to find out what is happening about additional volumes from Amsterdam


Ian Dowman 6th November 2000

Secretary General



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