Volume XVIII - Part 6
Technical Commission VI Symposium
Cross-Border Education for Global Geo-information
Enschede, The Netherlands
June 2-4, 2010
Editors: Martien Molenaar, Tsehaie Woldai, Saskia Tempelman
Welcome by Rector ITC
We are happy to see you in The Netherlands and more specifically here in Enschede at ITC. We have been known for 60 years as an institute for capacity building in the field of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation. Our research and PhD program, our educational programmes and project services focus especially on the needs of the lesser developed countries. We have about 20,000 alumni in more than 170 countries.
In the last years, ITC has put a major effort in the development of e-learning in the form of distance short courses, MSc supervision on a distance, e-support to Joint Education Programmes, and multi-usable courseware. Now that ITC joined the Dutch University System as a Faculty of the University of Twente, we will further develop our activities on e-learning and cross-border education and capacity development in this new setting. Therefore we are happy to host this Symposium. On behalf of the ITC community I wish you a fruitful and enjoyable Symposium.
Tom Veldkamp
Rector ITC
Welcome by the Conference Chair
Dear Colleagues,
Technical Commission VI has always been a special member of the ISPRS family. The other seven commissions deal with different aspects of the academic and professional domain of ISPRS. They are the platforms where the professionals and researchers present, demonstrate and discuss the latest development. Especially young researchers find their challenges in the further development of the technology and its applications. But new developments become relevant only if they are properly communicated to those who should use them.
During the last two decades we saw a growing interconnectedness of professional and scientific communities around the world. They are involved in world-wide information production chains and they use geo-information for solving the global problems of today. This means that new developments should be communicated fast through these world-wide communities and should be absorbed in the training and education programs for young professionals and for upgrading the knowledge of active professionals.
That is why the modern technology and educational approaches for transferring this new knowledge is of great importance for the ISPRS community. ISPRS TC VI focuses its activities in this 2008-2012 inter-congress period on issues of e-learning, cross-border education and capacity development. But education and training are only effective if there are young people interested in a career in the field of geo-information and earth observation, therefore we will spend special attention to the recruitment of young professionals.
This Symposium will be a good opportunity to discuss these topics face-to-face. The organizing committee was very happy with the response to the call for papers and for participation. We did our very best to prepare this Symposium on "Cross Border Education for Global Geo-information". It is now up to you to make it a success.
Martien Molenaar
President ISPRS TC VI
Scientific programme committee
- Prof. Martien Molenaar – President ISPRS Commission VI
- Dr. Henny Mills – Chair ISPRS WG VI/1
- Joel Fisler – Co-Chair ISPRS WG VI/1
- Dipl.-Inform Gerhard König – Chair ISPRS WG VI/2
- Dr. Peter Tian-Yuan Shih – Co-Chair ISPRS WG VI/2
- Drs. Sjaak J.J. Beerens – Chair ISPRS WG VI/3
- Dr. Tao Cheng – Co-Chair ISPRS WG VI/3
- Dr. Jide Kufoniyi – Chair, ISPRS WG VI/4
- Dr. V.K. Dadhwal – Co-Chair, ISPRS WG VI/4
- Dr. Manos Baltsavias – Chair, ISPRS WG VI/5
- Dr. Nguyen Dinh Duong – Co-Chair, ISPRS WG VI/5
- Cemal Özgür Kivilcim – Chair Student Consortium Board, ISPRS WG VI/5
- Prof. Armin Gruen – Chair, ISPRS WG VI/6
- Prof. Shunji Murai – Co- Chair, ISPRS WG VI/6
- Dr. Chris Mannaerts – ITC
- Dr. Rob Lemmens – ITC
- Dr. Marie-José Verkroost – ITC
Local organising committee
- Martien Molenaar
- Tsehaie Woldai
- Saskia Tempelman
Programme and abstract book
Group photograph