Volume XVIII - Part 8
Technical Commission VIII Symposium
Networking the World with Remote Sensing
Kyoto, Japan
August 9-12, 2010
Editors: Koji Kajiwara, Kanako Muramatsu, Noriko Soyama, Takahiro Endo, Akiko Ono, Shin Akatsuka
It is my great pleasure to present the proceedings of mid-term ISPRS symposium of Technical Commission VIII "Remote Sensing Applications and Policies". It takes place 9th – 12th August 2010 in Kyoto, JAPAN.
Recently, climate change issues including the increase of natural disasters, desertification, and the reduction of bio-diversity, have been rising continuously. With the economic chaos that started at the end of fall 2008, it is time for human beings to start thinking seriously about the approaching end of humankind on the Earth. Looking back to history, life on the Earth can be divided into four ages: the age of the creation when the earliest form of life started, the age of reconstitution when the eukaryotes were created, the age of diversification when many kinds of animals were created and, at present times the age of the brain with the human being increasingly contributing to the shaping of the Earth system (influence of human activity). Depending on our will, we can decide on what is the ideal way for human life on the Earth. We need to understand the Earth and the human society accurately so that, we can make correct choices. For this purpose, spatial information, and connections between short and long term time sequential information at all scales are crucially needed. Remote sensing is one of the most effective technologies that offer such information to humans.
ISPRS Technical Commission VIII covers almost all fields of Remote Sensing and also includes policies. It is a good opportunity to discuss the way to seek the solution of problems for our future among researchers from many countries. So we decided the theme of this symposium "Networking the world with Remote Sensing".
I am grateful for organizations who co-organize the symposium, i.e. Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT), Group on Earth Observations (GEO). They provide not only their Special Sessions to the symposium, but also exhibition or demonstration booths for this symposium. Also I would appreciate each WG chair and persons who arrange the special sessions for each co-organized organizations.
Researchers from 31 countries submit their paper and totally 245 papers are included in this proceedings. We will have 28 sessions for WG1 to WG10, one policy session, one Inter Commission WG IV/VIII session, one poster session and 10 special sessions from co-organizing organizations.
Finally I would like to thank Prof. Kohei Cho and Prof. Yoshiaki Honda who arranged the sessions, and each member of editor working group who worked on editing the proceedings. Also I would like to thank all staffs for preparing this symposium.
ISPRS Technical Commission VIII President
Haruhisa SHIMODA
Programme Committee
Haruhisa Shimoda |
TC VIII President, Tokai University |
Japan |
Yasushi Horikawa |
TC VIII Vice President, JAXA |
Japan |
Kohei Cho |
TC VIII Scientific Secretary, Tokai University |
Japan |
Yoshiaki Honda |
TC VIII Administrative Secretary, Chiba University |
Japan |
Alfredo R. Huete |
WG VIII/8 Chair, University of Technology, Sydney |
Australia |
Akimasa Sumi |
The University of Tokyo |
Japan |
Amelia M. Budge |
WG VIII/2 Chair, University of New Mexico |
Ammatzia Peled |
ICWG IV/VIII Chair, University of Haifa |
Israel |
Costas Armenakis |
ICWG IV/VIII Co-Chair, York University |
Canada |
Haruo Sawada |
WG VIII/7 Chair, The University of Tokyo |
Japan |
Joji Ishizaka |
Nagoya University |
Japan |
Josefino C. Comiso |
WG VIII/10 Chair, NASA |
Koji Kajiwara |
Chiba University |
Japan |
Mitsuharu Tokunaga |
Kanazawa Institute of Technology |
Japan |
Naoto Ebuchi |
Hokkaido University |
Japan |
Piero Boccardo |
WG VIII/1 Chair, Politecnico di Torino |
Italy |
Rainer Sandau |
IPAC Chair, DLR |
Germany |
Ryosuke Shibasaki |
The University of Tokyo |
Japan |
Shibendu S. Ray |
WG VIII/6 Chair, ISRO |
India |
Shiro Imawaki |
Japan |
Taikan Oki |
WG VIII/4 Chair, The University of Tokyo |
Japan |
Tatsuya Yokota |
WG VIII/3 Chair, NIES |
Japan |
Teruyuki Nakajima |
The University of Tokyo |
Japan |
Thomas Cudahy |
WG VIII/5 Chair, ARRC |
Australia |
Toshiro Saino |
Japan |
W. Timothy Liu |
WG VIII/9 Chair, JPL |
Yoshifumi Yasuoka |
Japan |
Editors Working Group: |
Koji Kajiwara |
Chiba University |
Japan |
Kanako Muramatsu |
Nara Women's University |
Japan |
Noriko Soyama |
Tenri University |
Japan |
Takahiro Endo |
The University of Tokyo |
Japan |
Akiko Ono |
Chiba University |
Japan |
Shin Akatsuka |
Yamanashi Institute of Environmental Sciences |
Japan |
Copyright 2010
Copyright resides with the author(s) of a paper except where it is retained by an author’s employer.
National Institute of Information and Communications Technology
Headquarters Office
4-2-1, Nukui-Kitamachi, Koganei, Tokyo 184-8795 Japan
Remote Sensing Technology Center of JAPAN Headquarters Office
Roppongi First Building 12F
1-9-9, Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0032 Japan
Japan Association of Remote Sensing Administration Office
1-3-4, Koishikawa, Bunkyou-ku, 112-0002 Japan
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
3-2-2, Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8959 Japan