The Benchmark Team will not provide any ftp server to upload the results.
Participants have to:
- Upload the results on a file share site (i.e. we transfer, dropbox, etc.). Please, do not use ftp servers to prevent any access problem;
- Send an email to with all requested information for data download.
The Benchmark Team will download the data and will run the evaluation process. The results will be published on the dedicated webpage as soon as possible.
Data Format
Participants are requested to deliver:
- average re-projection error per image; (CVS file with image name, value)
- CPs coordinates in object space (CVS file with CP number, X, Y, Z);
- the sparse tie-points point cloud retrieved within a bundle adjustment method. (point list X,Y,Z or LAS/LAZ file).
Important dates
- October 1st, 2015: submission of results in case the evaluation should be shown during the EuroSDR/ISPRS workshop (either presentation by benchmark organizers or individually by participants)
- October 1st, 2015: submission of results in case the evaluation should be included in a paper which will be written by the benchmark organizers for the ISPRS congress (or for an individual paper by participants, of course)
- March 1st, 2016: submission of results in case the evaluation should be included in a journal paper contribution. Participants can become co-authors of such a paper if they wish.
- March 1st, 2016: submission of results in case the evaluation should be included in a presentation to be given by the benchmark organizers during the ISPRS congress 2016.