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ISPRS Archives – Volume XXXVI-8/W48, 2006

ISPRS WG VIII/10 Workshop 2006
Remote Sensing Support to Crop Yield Forecast and Area Estimates
November 30 - December 1, 2006
Stresa, Italy
Editor(s): B. Baruth, A. Royer, G. Genovese

List of Keywords

Accuracy 79, 85, 135
Acreage 85
Acreage Estimate 39
Aerial Survey 51
Agriculture 3, 45, 53, 65, 79, 91, 97, 123, 139
Agriculture Production Forecasting 39
Agrometeorological Model 105
Application 123
Area Estimates 135
Area Frame Segment 135
Awifs 97
Backscattering 103
Change Detection 31
China 15
Classification 97, 139
Climate 79
Crop 79, 123, 139
Crop Area Estimates 19, 51
Crop Area Estimations 59
Crop Classification 45
Crop Growth Monitoring 129
Crop Monitoring 15, 25, 105
Crop Phenological Model 19
Crop Type Classification & Spatial Analysis 51
Crop Yield 45, 117
Crop Yield Forecast 71
Crop Yield Forecasting 129
Cropland Data Layer 97
Crops 65
Data Dissemination 7
Data Editing 7
Decision Support 79, 123
Developing Countries 53, 79
Drought 117
Drought Monitoring 25
Early Warning 105
Error 39
Estimation 65, 139
Evapotranspiration 117
FAST 117
Flood Monitoring 25
Food Security 105
Forecast 117
Forward-Chaining 103
Geoland 117
Geoland-GMES 19
GMES 117
GMFS 117
Impact Analysis 79
Indicators 31
Informative System 7
Land Cover 1, 3, 65
Land Use 103
Landsat 97
Mapping 53
Meris Data 19
Meteosat 117
Methods Comparison 59
Modelling 53, 71, 123, 139
MODIS Algorithm 45
Monitoring 117, 139
Morocco 1
MSG 117
Multiple Imputation 11
Multitemporal 123
NDVI 1, 105
Operational 45
Optimal Allocation 7
Point Frame 51
Precision 85
Prediction 79, 123
Production 85
Production Forecast 25
Quantitative Yield Forecast 105
Radiation 117
Rainfall 117
Regression 1
Remote Sensing 3, 15, 45, 59, 71, 85, 91, 135
Rule Base Classification 103
Sampling 65
Sampling Design 7
SAR 103
Satellite 31, 53, 117
Satellite Imagery 51
Scale 123
See5 97
Simulation 139
Small Area Models 11
South-East Russia 59
Spatial Autocorrelation 11
SPOT 139
Statistics 65
Subsidy Control 25
Surveying 65
System 15
Temporal 91
Theory 31
Trends Analysis 39
Vegetation 31
Vegetation Indices 91
Visual Basic 7
Waterlog Monitoring 25
Wheat 1, 135
Yield Estimate 39
Yield Forecasting 1
Yield Models 85




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