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ISPRS Archives – Volume XXXVI-1/W41, 2006

WG I/5, I/6
Topographic Mapping from Space (with Special Emphasis on Small Satellites)
February 14-16, 2006,
Ankara, Turkey

1st Session

Issues For Efficient Earth Observation For The Future
John Trinder

Calibration of Imaging Satellite Sensors
K. Jacobsen
Page(s) 7
Conference Paper (PDF, 717 KB)

Geometry of ORBVIEW-3 Images
G. Buyuksalih, H. Akcin, K. Jacobsen
Page(s) 4
Conference Paper (PDF, 314 KB)

Mathematical Modeling of Ikonos Geo Image
M.J. Valadan Zoej, S. Yavari, S. Sadeghian
Page(s) 5
Conference Paper (PDF, 496 KB)

Geometric Camera Calibration of the BiLSAT Small Satellite: Preliminary Results
Jurgen Friedrich, U. M. Leloglu, E. Tunali
Page(s) 6
Conference Paper (PDF, 381 KB)

2nd Session

Mapping from Space
Gottfried Konecny

High-resolution Satellite Imaging for Digital Surface Models
J. Poon, C. Fraser
Page(s) 6
Conference Paper (PDF, 973 KB)

A Multiresolution and Optimization-Based Image Matching Approach: An Application to Surface Reconstruction from Spot5-Hrs Stereo Imagery
M. Pierrot-Deseilligny, N. Paparoditis
Page(s) 5
Conference Paper (PDF, 1356 KB)

Generation of DEM and Orthoimages from SPOT HRS Stereo Data without using GCP
P. Reinartz, R. Müller, M. Lehner, M. Schroeder
Page(s) 9
Conference Paper (PDF, 494 KB)

3rd Session

Potential and Shortcoming of Small Satellite for Topographic Mapping
Rainer Sandau
Page(s) 7
Conference Paper (PDF, 208 KB)

Preparing The Use of Peiades-Hr Images for Mapping Purposes : Preliminary Assessments at IGN France
G. Maillet, D. Flamanc, H. Buissart, J.Ph. Cantou
Page(s) 6
Conference Paper (PDF, 563 KB)

Orthorectification of BiLSAT Imagery Using Rigorous and Simple Geometric Models
A.O. Ok, M. Turker
Page(s) 6
Conference Paper (PDF, 300 KB)

Orthorectification of Monoscopic BİLSAT Images by a New Differential Image Rectification Method
M. O. Karslioglu, J. Friedrich, O. H. Bettemir
Page(s) 8
Conference Paper (PDF, 1045 KB)

4th Session

3D City Modeling from High Resolution Satellite Images
S. Kocaman, Z. Li, A. Gruen
Page(s) 6
Conference Paper (PDF, 854 KB)

Automatic Building Detection and Delineation from High Resolution Space Images Using Model-Based Approach
D. Koc San, M. Turker
Page(s) 6
Conference Paper (PDF, 1323 KB)

An Investigation of Industrial Plant Pollution Using Satellite Imagery as a Tool in Zonguldak Costs, Turkey
Y. Yildirim, G. Buyuksalih, Murat Oruc
Page(s) 6
Conference Paper (PDF, 401 KB)

Radiometric Camera Calibration of the BiLSAT Small Satellite: Preliminary Results
Jurgen Friedrich, U. M. Leloglu, E. Tunali
Page(s) 6
Conference Paper (PDF, 695 KB)

Priorities in designing earth observation satellites for Turkey's natural resources potential and disaster mitigation
K. S. Kavak
Page(s) 4
Conference Paper (PDF, 450 KB)

5th Session

An Integrated System For Semi-Automated Segmentation of Remotely Sensed Imagery
E. H. Kok, M. Turker
Page(s) 6
Conference Paper (PDF, 659 KB)

An Approach to Quantify Sediment Yield in Vast Areas
M. A. Ali, M. Q. I. Khan
Page(s) 4
Conference Paper (PDF, 470 KB)

Effects and Performance of Speckle Noise Reduction Filters on Active Radar and Sar Images
M. A. Rajabi, M. Mansourpour
Page(s) 6
Conference Paper (PDF, 700 KB)

Detection of Rounabouts in Satellite Images
Jean Baptiste Bordes
Page(s) 6
Conference Paper (PDF, 179 KB)

Comparison of Different Mathematical Models on the Accuracy of the Orthorectification of Aster Imagery
A.O. Ok, M. Turker
Page(s) 6
Conference Paper (PDF, 677 KB)

6th Session

Accuracy And Morphological Analyses of GTOPO30 and SRTM X -C Band DEMs in the Test Area Istanbul
N. Yastikli, G. Kocak, G. Buyuksalih
Page(s) 6
Conference Paper (PDF, 794 KB)

Information Contents of Orbview-3 For Topographic Mapping
H. Topan, G. Büyüksalih, K. Jacobsen
Page(s) 6
Conference Paper (PDF, 1058 KB)

Assessment of The VHRS Images for Elaboration of the Topographic Data Base 1: 10 000 in Poland
Wieslaw Wolniewicz, Zdzislaw Kurczynski
Page(s) 6
Conference Paper (PDF, 469 KB)

7th Session

3D Spatial Information Extraction from Stereo Combination of Two Different Satellite Images
M.J. Valadan Zoej, H. Ebadi, A. Rahimi
Page(s) 6
Conference Paper (PDF, 345 KB)

Temporal Analysis of Multi Epoch LANDSAT Geocover Images in Zonguldak Testfield
H. Sahin, M. Oruc, G. Buyuksalih
Page(s) 5
Conference Paper (PDF, 1468 KB)

Tehran City Clutter Map For Radio Propagation and Geographic Radio Coverage Analyses
Nilhan Ciftci

Analysis of Segmentation Parameters in Ecognition Software Using High Resolution Quickbird MS Imagery
S. Karakis, A. M. Marangoz, G. Buyuksalih
Page(s) 4
Conference Paper (PDF, 427 KB)

Analysis of Object-Oriented Classification Results Derived From Pansharpened LANDSAT 7 Etm+ and ASTER Images
A. M. Marangoz, S. Karakis, M. Oruc
Page(s) 5
Conference Paper (PDF, 969 KB)

Verification of Automatic and Manual Road Extraction Methods Using Quickbird Imagery
M. Alkan, A. M. Marangoz, S. Karakis, G. Buyuksalih
Page(s) 4
Conference Paper (PDF, 747 KB)

Protection of Natural Catchment Areas Supplying Water to Istanbul and Monitoring Illegal Construction with Periodically Collected IKONOS Imagery
Tuna Uysal
Page(s) 2
Conference Paper (PDF, 548 KB)




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