Crop yield forecast with NOAA and SPOT-VEGETATION data in Morocco
R. Balaghi, B. Tychon, H. Eerens, M. Jlibene
Page(s) 1-2
Conference Paper (PDF, 158 KB)
Crop masking – needs for the MARS crop yield forecasting system
B. Baruth, L. Kucera
Page(s) 3-6
Conference Paper (PDF, 579 KB)
Generalized software tools for crop area estimates and yield forecast
R. Benedetti, R. Catenaro, F. Piersimoni
Page(s) 7-10
Conference Paper (PDF, 402 KB)
EBLUP estimates by using remotely sensed data
R. Benedetti, M. Ciavattella, D. Filippini
Page(s) 11-14
Conference Paper (PDF, 248 KB)
Introduction of China Crop Watch system with remote sensing
W. Bingfang
Page(s) 15-18
Conference Paper (PDF, 245 KB)
Crop area estimates with MERIS data on Belgium and Poland
P. Cayrol, H. Poilvè, V. Lefèvre, P. Duthil
Page(s) 19-24
Conference Paper (PDF, 4307 KB)
CROPMON: Hungarian crop production forecast by remote sensing
G. Csornai, C. Wirnhardt, Z. Suba, G. Nador, L. Tikasz, L. Martinovich, A. Kocsis, G. Zelei, I. Laslo, E. Bognar
Page(s) 25-30
Conference Paper (PDF, 1309 KB)
Agrophenology indicators from remote sensing: state of the art
Y. Curnel, R. Oger
Page(s) 31-38
Conference Paper (PDF, 342 KB)
Respective contribution of yield and area estimates to the error in crop production forecasting
F. Defourny, X. Blaes, P. Bogart
Page(s) 39-44
Conference Paper (PDF, 2329 KB)
Operational prediction of crop yields using MODIS data and products
P. C. Doraiswamy, B. Akhmedov, L. Beard, A. Stern, R. Mueller
Page(s) 45-50
Conference Paper (PDF, 583 KB)
Use of remote sensing in support of crop area estimates in South Africa
S. L. Ferreira, T. Newby, E. du Preez
Page(s) 51-52
Conference Paper (PDF, 183 KB)
Use of remote sensing for crop yield and area estimates in the southern of Brazil
D. C. Fontana, R. W. Melo, A. P. L. Wagner, E. Weber, A. Gusso
Page(s) 53-58
Conference Paper (PDF, 652 KB)
The use of MODIS data in southern Russia for crop acreage estimations and inter-comparison of results from various crop acreage estimation methods
S. Fritz, M. Massart, I. Savin, O. Leo
Page(s) 59-64
Conference Paper (PDF, 270 KB)
Review of the main remote sensing methods for crop area estimates
F. J. Gallego
Page(s) 65-70
Conference Paper (PDF, 259 KB)
A comparison and evaluation of performances among crop yield forecasting models based on remote sensing: Results from the GEOLAND Observatory of Food Monitoring
G. Genovese, S. Fritz, M. Bettio
Page(s) 71-78
Conference Paper (PDF, 477 KB)
Non-parametric crop yield forecasting, a didatic case study for Zimbabwe
R. Gommes
Page(s) 79-84
Conference Paper (PDF, 1268 KB)
Wheat production estimation using remote sensing data - an indian experience
R.S. Hooda, M. Yadav, M.H. Kalubarme
Page(s) 85-90
Conference Paper (PDF, 328 KB)
Extraction of phenological parameteres from temporally smoothed vegetation indices
A. Klisch, A. Royer, C. Lazar, B. Baruth, G. Genovese
Page(s) 91-96
Conference Paper (PDF, 518 KB)
New methods and satellites: A program update on the NASS cropland data layer and acreage program
R. Mueller, R. Seffrin
Page(s) 97-102
Conference Paper (PDF, 937 KB)
Crop area estimates with Radarsat data – Feasibility study in the Toscana Region, Italy.
G. Narciso
Page(s) 103-104
Conference Paper (PDF, 183 KB)
Operational maize yield model development and validation based on remote sensing and agro-meteorological data in Kenya
O. Rojas
Page(s) 105-116
Conference Paper (PDF, 412 KB)
Meteosat based agrometeorological monitoring and crop yield forecasting using the energy and water balance monitoring system
A. Rosema, M. de Weirdt, S. Foppes
Page(s) 117-122
Conference Paper (PDF, 622 KB)
Cotton yield estimation in Uzbekistan integrating MODIS, Landsat ETM+ and field data
G. R. Ruecker, Z. Shi, M. Mueller, C. Conrad, N. Ibragimov, J. P. A. Lamers, C. Martius, G. Strunz, S.W. Dech
Page(s) 123-128
Conference Paper (PDF, 2876 KB)
Crop yield prediction with SPOT VGT in Mediterranean and central Asian countries
I. Savin
Page(s) 129-134
Conference Paper (PDF, 502 KB)
Pilot study on wheat area estimates in Turkey
E. Ünal, A. Mermer, Ö. Urla, N. Ceylan, H. Yildiz, M. Aydogdu
Page(s) 135-138
Conference Paper (PDF, 933 KB)
An optimal temporal resolution of multispectral satellite data for field scale agriculture
R. Vintila, F. Baret
Page(s) 139-142
Conference Paper (PDF, 389 KB)