Session 1 – Geometric reasoning
Geometric reasoning in 3D building models using multivariate polynomials and characteristic sets
Sandra Loch-Dehbi, Lutz Plümer
Page(s) 8
Conference Paper (PDF, 513 KB)
Approximate geometric reasoning with extended geographic objects
Gwen Wilke
Page(s) 8
Conference Paper (PDF, 654 KB)
Learning semantic models and grammar rules of building parts
Youness Dehbi, Jörg Schmittwilken, Lutz Plümer
Page(s) 7
Conference Paper (PDF, 363 KB)
Session 2 – Interpretation and enrichment
A mathematic model for event detection in spatiotemporal city environment
Hongchao Fan, Lu Liu, Liqiu Meng
Page(s) 7
Conference Paper (PDF, 292 KB)
Semi-automatic city model extraction from tri-stereoscopic vhr satellite imagery
Frederik Tack, Rudi Goossens
Page(s) 6
Conference Paper (PDF, 557 KB)
3D city registration and enrichment
Jonathan Quinn, Philip Smart, Christopher Jones
Page(s) 8
Conference Paper (PDF, 723 KB)
3D city GIS for sustaining city infrastructure - the Bentley approach
Benoit Fredericque, Alain Lapierre, Peter Byrn
Page(s) 3
Conference Paper (PDF, 297 KB)
Considering uncertainties within an emergency prediction model in an urban environement
Tonio Fincke, Jochen Schiewe, Karl-Peter Traub
Page(s) 4
Conference Paper (PDF, 796 KB)
Space allocation of educational centers using multiplicatively weighted Voronoi diagram
Firoozeh Karimi, Mahmoodreza Delavar, M. A. Mostafavi
Page(s) 4
Conference Paper (PDF, 303 KB)
Modeling of urban industrial economy through utilization of thermal band
A. Lee, Kwang Hoon Chi
Page(s) 5
Conference Paper (PDF, 748 KB)
Session 3 – Scale issues
Generalization of 3D City Models as a Service
Richard Guercke, Claus Brenner, Monika Sester
Page(s) 6
Conference Paper (PDF, 331 KB)
Terrain-dependent aggregation of 3D citymodels
Timo Götzelmann, Richard Guercke, Claus Brenner, Monika Sester
Page(s) 5
Conference Paper (PDF, 211 KB)
Visual Analytics approach for considering uncertainty information
Jochen Schiewe
Page(s) 5
Conference Paper (PDF, 381 KB)
Session 4 – Technical issues
A framework for generalization of city models based on CityGML and X3D
Bo Mao, Yifang Ban, Lars Harrie
Page(s) 9
Conference Paper (PDF, 653 KB)
Integration of rendering technologies and visualization techniques to improve 3D Mobile GIS applications
Mahdi Farnaghi, Ali Mansourian, Ara Toomanian
Page(s) 6
Conference Paper (PDF, 143 KB)
City model and scale model of the city of Zagreb
Snjezana Franic, Ivan Novaković, Ivan Bacic-Deprato
Page(s) 7
Conference Paper (PDF, 6234 KB)
Session 5 – Quality and applications
Development of an advanced uncertainty measure for classified remotely sensed scenes
Jochen Schiewe, Christoph Kinkeldey
Page(s) 6
Conference Paper (PDF, 723 KB)
Road traffic noise:gis tools for noise mapping and a case study for skåne region
Florentina Farcas, Åke Sivertun
Page(s) 10
Conference Paper (PDF, 6040 KB)
Quality assessment of historical Baalbek’s 3D city model
Ahmed Al Amouri, Thomas Kolbe
Page(s) 5
Conference Paper (PDF, 864 KB)