Session 1: Techniques for Terrestrial and Airborne Laser-Scanning
Terrestrial Laser-Scanning - New Perspectives in 3D-Surveying
C. Fröhlich, M. Mettenleiter
Page(s) 7
Conference Paper (PDF, 748 KB)
Performance Capabilities of Laser-Scanners - An Overview and Measurement Principle Analysis
K.-H. Thiel
Page(s) 5
Conference Paper (PDF, 714 KB)
Unique Airborne Fiber Scanner Technique for Application-Oriented LIDAR Products
K. Schnadt, R. Katzenbeißer
Page(s) 5
Conference Paper (PDF, 573 KB)
LiteMapper-5600 - A Waveform-Digitizing LIDAR Terrain and Vegetation Mapping System
C. Hug, A. Ullrich, A. Grimm
Page(s) 6
Conference Paper (PDF, 934 KB)
iQSun 880 - A New Modular Concept for 3D-Laser Scanning
R. Becker, H. Volz
Page(s) 3
Conference Paper (PDF, 468 KB)
Session 2: Object Extracting Algorithms and Pattern Recognition Based on Laser-Scanner Data
Recognising Structure in Laser-Scanner Point Clouds
G. Vosselman, B. Gorte, G. Sithole, T. Rabbani
Page(s) 6
Conference Paper (PDF, 481 KB)
Reconstruction of Laser-Scanned Trees using Filter Operations in the 3D-Raster Domain
B. Gorte, D. Winterhalder
Page(s) 6
Conference Paper (PDF, 19412 KB)
Object Classification in Laser-Scanning Data
D. Tóvári, T. Vögtle
Page(s) 5
Conference Paper (PDF, 451 KB)
Development of Filtering, Segmentation and Modelling Modules for LIDAR and Multispectral Data as a Fundament of an Automatic Forest Inventory System
H. Weinacker, B. Koch, U. Heyder, R. Weinacker
Page(s) 6
Conference Paper (PDF, 605 KB)
Session 3: Processing Methods for Applied Analysis of Laser-Scanner Data
Robust Filtering of Airborne Laser-Scanner Data for Vegetation Analysis
W. Wagner, C. Eberhöfer, M. Hollaus, G. Summer
Page(s) 6
Conference Paper (PDF, 2749 KB)
Concepts for Internal and External Evaluation of Automatically Delineated Tree Tops
B.-M. Straub, C. Heipke
Page(s) 4
Conference Paper (PDF, 420 KB)
Assessing the 3D-Frequency Distribution of Airborne and Ground-Based LIDAR Data for Red Pine and Mixed Deciduous Forest Plots
L. Chasmer, C. Hopkinson, P. Treitz
Page(s) 5
Conference Paper (PDF, 748 KB)
Algorithms for the Automatic Detection of Trees in Laser-Scanner Data
T. Aschoff, H. Spiecker
Page(s) 5
Conference Paper (PDF, 299 KB)
Modelling of Tree Cross Sections from Terrestrial Laser-Scanning Data with Free-Form Curves
N. Pfeifer, D. Winterhalder
Page(s) 6
Conference Paper (PDF, 493 KB)
Session 4: Algorithm Development and Processing Methods for Analysis of Forests and Landscapes
Algorithms and Methods of Airborne Laser-Scanning for Forest Measurements
J. Hyyppä, H. Hyyppä, P. Litkey, X. Yu, H. Haggrén, P. Rönnholm, U. Pyysalo, J. Juho Pitkänen, M. Maltamo
Page(s) 8
Conference Paper (PDF, 247 KB)
TREESVIS - A Software System for Simultanious 3D-Real-Time Visualisation of DTM, DSM, Laser Raw Data, Multispectral Data, Simple Tree and Building Models
H. Weinacker, B. Koch, R. Weinacker
Page(s) 6
Conference Paper (PDF, 1078 KB)
Effects of Flight Altitude on Tree Height Estimation Using Airborne Laser-Scanning
X. Yu, J. Hyyppä, H. Hyyppä, M. Maltamo
Page(s) 6
Conference Paper (PDF, 198 KB)
The Effects of Footprint Size and Sampling Density in Airborne Laser-Scanning to Extract Individual Trees in Mountainous Terrain
Y. Hirata
Page(s) 6
Conference Paper (PDF, 430 KB)
Errors in LIDAR Ground Elevation and Wetland Vegetation Height Estimates
D. Hopkinson, L.E. Chasmer, G. Zsigovics, I.F. Creed, M. Sitar, P. Treitz, R.V. Maher
Page(s) 6
Conference Paper (PDF, 531 KB)
A Case Study of Terrestrial Laser-Scanning in Erosion Research: Calculation of Roughness Indices and Volume Balance at a Logged Forest Site
T. Schmid, H. Schack-Kirchner, E. Hildebrand
Page(s) 5
Conference Paper (PDF, 655 KB)
Reconstruction of Tree Structure from Laser-Scans and Their Use to Predict Physiological Properties and Processes in Canopies
S. Fleck, D. van der Zande, M. Schmidt, P. Coppin
Page(s) 5
Conference Paper (PDF, 444 KB)
Laser-Scanning and 1D-Wavelets Transforms for Artificial Drainage Network Detection in Mediterranean Rural Landscapes
J.-S. Bailly, C. Millier, D. Saidouni, P. Lagacherie
Page(s) 5
Conference Paper (PDF, 2594 KB)
3D-Landscape Metrics to Modelling Forest Structure and Diversity Based on Laser-Scanning Data
T. Blaschke, D. Tiede, M. Heurich
Page(s) 4
Conference Paper (PDF, 543 KB)
Session 5: Applications of Laser-Scanner Data for Forest Management
Summary of the ScandLaser 2003 Workshops and Recent Developments in Sweden
H. Olsson
Page(s) 6
Conference Paper (PDF, 222 KB)
Forest Inventory and Biomass Assessment by the Use of Airborne Laser Scanning Method (Example from Siberia)
I. Danilin, E. Medvedev
Page(s) 6
Conference Paper (PDF, 571 KB)
Estimation of Above- and Below-Ground Biomass in Boreal Forest Ecosystems
E. Naesset
Page(s) 4
Conference Paper (PDF, 208 KB)
Estimation of Aboveground Forest Biomass Using Airborne Scanning Discrete Return LIDAR in Douglas-fir
K. Lim, P. Treitz
Page(s) 4
Conference Paper (PDF, 395 KB)
Identifying and Quantifying Heterogenous Boreal Forest Structures Using Laser-Scanner Data
M. Maltamo, P. Packalén, X. Yu, K. Eerikäinen, J. Hyyppä, J. Pitkänen
Page(s) 4
Conference Paper (PDF, 288 KB)
Large Scale Airborne Laser-Scanning of Forest Resources in Sweden
J. Holmgren
Page(s) 4
Conference Paper (PDF, 269 KB)
Remote Sensing of Forest Health
S. Solberg, E. Naesset, H. Lange
Page(s) 6
Conference Paper (PDF, 442 KB)
Forest Inventory by Means of Tree-Wise 3D-Measurements of Laser-Scanning Data and Digital Aerial Photographs
M. Holopainen, M. Talvitie
Page(s) 6
Conference Paper (PDF, 279 KB)
Assessing Forest Gap Dynamics and Growth Using Multi-Temporal Laser-Scanner Data
B. St-Onge, U. Vepakomma
Page(s) 6
Conference Paper (PDF, 414 KB)
Approaches for Recognition of Wood Quality of Standing Trees Based on Terrestrial Laser-Scanner Data
C. Schütt, T. Aschoff, D. Winterhalder, M. Thies, U. Kretschmer, H. Spiecker
Page(s) 4
Conference Paper (PDF, 635 KB)
Clustering of Point Patterns Derived from LIDAR Canopy Height Data
S. Magnussen, M.A. Wulder
Page(s) 4
Conference Paper (PDF, 271 KB)
Adaptive Methods for Individual Tree Detection on Airborne Laser Based Canopy Height Model
J. Pitkänen, M. Maltamo, J. Hyyppä, X. Wei Yu
Page(s) 5
Conference Paper (PDF, 319 KB)
Evaluation and Future Prospects of Terrestrial Laser-Scanning for Standardized Forest Inventories
M. Thies, H. Spiecker
Page(s) 6
Conference Paper (PDF, 705 KB)
Automatic Segmentation and Characterisation of Forest Stand Parameters using Airborne LIDAR data, Multispectral and Fogis Data
O. Diedershagen, B. Koch, H. Weinacker
Page(s) 5
Conference Paper (PDF, 913 KB)
Quantifying Vertical Forest Stand Structure Using Small Footprint Lidar to Assess Potential Stand Dynamics
A. Lee, R. Lucas, C. Brack
Page(s) 5
Conference Paper (PDF, 409 KB)
Tree Crown Delineation from Digital Elevation Models and High Resolution Imagery
C. Mei, S. Durrieu
Page(s) 6
Conference Paper (PDF, 351 KB)
Effects of Forest Growth on Laser Derived Canopy Metrics
T. Gobakken, E. Naesset
Page(s) 4
Conference Paper (PDF, 224 KB)
Automated Tree Detection and Measurement in Temperate Forests of Central Europe Using Laser-Scanning Data
M. Heurich, H. Weinacker
Page(s) 6
Conference Paper (PDF, 161 KB)
Tree Species Classification of Individual Trees in Sweden by Combining High Resolution Laser Data with High Resolution Near-Infrared Digital Images
A. Persson, J. Holmgren, U. Söderman, H. Olsson
Page(s) 4
Conference Paper (PDF, 360 KB)
Predicting Forest Height from Ikonos, Landsat and LIDAR Imagery
P.J. Watt, D.N.M. Donogue, K.B. McManus, R.W. Dunford
Page(s) 4
Conference Paper (PDF, 340 KB)
Traffic Construction Analysis by Use of Terrestrial Laser-Scanning
U. Kretschmer, T. Abmayr, M. Thies, C. Fröhlich
Page(s) 5
Conference Paper (PDF, 1107 KB)
Session 6: Use of Laser Scanner Data for Landscape and Regional Management Tasks
Laser-Scanning for Landscape Planning: Implications for Policy and Practice from an End-User’s Perspective
S. Sheppard
Page(s) 10
Conference Paper (PDF, 988 KB)
Airborne Laser-Scanning Technology for Glaciological Applications - Results from the OMEGA Project
T. Geist, J. Stötter
Page(s) 1
Conference Paper (PDF, 177 KB)
Integrating Multiple Datasets for the Remote Quantification of Woodland Bird Habitat Quality
R.A. Hill, S.A. Hinsley, P.E. Bellamy
Page(s) 6
Conference Paper (PDF, 443 KB)
Estimating Forest Structure Indices for Evalution of Forest Bird Habitats by an Airborne Laser-Scanner
H. Hashimoto, J. Imanishi, A. Hagiwara, Y. Morimoto, K. Kitada
Page(s) 4
Conference Paper (PDF, 220 KB)
Revealing Historical Landscapes by Using Airborne Laser-Scanning - A 3D-Modell of Ridge and Furrow in Forests near Rastatt (Germany)
B. Sittler
Page(s) 4
Conference Paper (PDF, 596 KB)
High-Definition Surveying (HDS): A New Era in Reality Capture
E. Frei, J. Kung, R. Bukowski
Page(s) 10
Conference Paper (PDF, 1071 KB)
Poster Session
Comparison of Aerial Photographs and Laser-Scanning Data as Methods for Obtaining 3D-Forest Stand Parameters
M. Schardt, W. Hruby, M. Hirschmugl, R. Wack, M. Franke
Page(s) 5
Conference Paper (PDF, 271 KB)
Ground-Based Laser Positioning
R. Glaessner
Page(s) 3
Conference Paper (PDF, 371 KB)
Analysis of Laser-Scanner Data with a Modular and Automatic Softwaretool
A. Hornecker
Page(s) 3
Conference Paper (PDF, 614 KB)
Influences of Vegetation on Laser Altimetry - Analysis and Correction Approaches
N. Pfeifer, B. Gorte, S.O. Elberink
Page(s) 5
Conference Paper (PDF, 174 KB)
Wetland Grass to Plantation Forest - Estimating Vegetation Height from the Standard Deviation of LIDAR Frequency Distributions
C. Hopkinson, K. Lim, L.E. Chasmer, P. Treitz, I.F. Creed, C. Gynan
Page(s) 7
Conference Paper (PDF, 1033 KB)
Production of a High Resolution DEM by Means of Laser-Scanning on a Cross-Border Heritage Area
G. Király, I. Márkus
Page(s) 1
Conference Paper (PDF, 157 KB)
Contributions for the Extraction of Rock Edges from Airborne Laser Scanner Data - Case Study of Elbe Sandstone Formations in the National Park Saxon Switzerland
E. Csaplovics, K. Naumann, M. Trommler
Page(s) 1
Conference Paper (PDF, 164 KB)
Analysis of Laser-Scanner Data with Remote Sensing Techniques for Determining Surface Characteristitcs
Th. Geist, B. Höfle, M. Rutzinger, J. Stötter
Page(s) 1
Conference Paper (PDF, 156 KB)
Estimating Leaf Area Index in Mixed Forest Using an Airborne Laser-Scanner
A. Hagiwara, Y. Imanishi, H. Hashimoto, Y. Morimoto
Page(s) 3
Conference Paper (PDF, 299 KB)
The Earth Observation Mission Carbon-3D - A Synergetic Multi-Sensor Approach to Global Biomass Mapping for an Improved Understanding of the CO2 Balance
S. Hese, C. Schmullius, R. Dubayah, W. Lucht, M. Barnsley
Page(s) 6
Conference Paper (PDF, 385 KB)
Detecting and Measuring Individual Trees with Laser-Scanning in Mixed Mountain Forest of Central Europe Using an Algorithm Developed for Swedish Boreal Forest Conditions
M. Heurich, Ä. Persson, J. Holmgren, E. Kennel
Page(s) 6
Conference Paper (PDF, 218 KB)
How to Evaluate the Quality of Airborne Laser-Scanning Data
J. Luethy, H. Ingensand
Page(s) 5
Conference Paper (PDF, 309 KB)
Applications of TLS to Support Landslides Study: Survey Planning, Operational Issues and Data Processing
A. Giussani, M. Scaioni
Page(s) 6
Conference Paper (PDF, 268 KB)
Separation of Agricultural Aimed Plantations from the Forest Cover by Using the Landsat-5 TM and Spot-4 HRVIR Data in Turkey
Ü. Asan, I. Özdemir
Page(s) 4
Conference Paper (PDF, 480 KB)
Object-Based Semi-Automatic Mapping of Forest Stands with Laser-Scanner and Multi-Spectral Data
D. Tiede, Th. Blaschke, M. Heurich
Page(s) 6
Conference Paper (PDF, 1764 KB)
Determination of Urban Vegetation Volume on the Basis of Laser-Scan Data at Non-Leaf Aerial Flight Times
G. Meinel, R. Hecht
Page(s) 6
Conference Paper (PDF, 879 KB)
Spatial Pattern of Forest Resources in a Multifunctional Landscape
L. Mathys, N.E. Zimmermann, A. Guisan
Page(s) 3
Conference Paper (PDF, 408 KB)