WG VII/1: Fundamental Physics and Modelling
Assessment and analysis of dem accuracy generated from SPOT-5 HRS imagery
Wujun Gaoaa, Jixian Zhanga, Qin Yan, Zhicheng Qiua
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Herpetological species mapping for the meditteranean
A.K. Skidmore, A.G. Toxopeus, K. de Bie, F. Corsi, V. Venus, D.P. Omolo, J. Marquez, Raimundo Real Giménez
Page(s) 7
Conference Paper (PDF, 455 KB)
Combining water vapor data from gps and meris.
Roderik Lindenbergh, Maxim Keshin, Hans van der Marel, Ramon Hanssen
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Conference Paper (PDF, 1548 KB)
Detecting shadows in quickbird satellite images
V. Arévalo, J. González, J. Valdes, G. Ambrosi
Page(s) 6
Conference Paper (PDF, 960 KB)
Indicator system, model application and integration in the regional sustainable development decision support system — take example for zhengding county hebei province china
Mei Xin, Cui Weihong, Niu Zhenguo
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Conference Paper (PDF, 98 KB)
Monitoring crop growth conditions using the global water satisfaction index and remote sensing
G.J.A. Nieuwenhuis, A.J.W de Wit, D.W.G. van Kraalingen, C.A. van Diepen, H.L. Boogaard
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Conference Paper (PDF, 246 KB)
Segmentation of satellite images by means of morphological and object-oriented approaches
G. Ignatov, H. Nikolov, D. Petkov, G. Georgiev
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Towards red-edge positions less sensitive to canopy biophysical parameters using prospect-sailh simulated data
Moses Azong Cho, Andrew K. Skidmore, Clement Atzberger
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Variability in leaf optical properties of Norway spruce crowns
Z. Malenovský, Z. Lhotáková, J. Albrechtová, J.G.P.W. Clevers, M.E. Schaepman, P. Cudlín
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A Robust adaptive Image Smoothing Algorithm
Qin Zhiyuan, Zhang Weiqian, Zhang Zhanmu, Wu Bing, Rui Jie, Zhu Baoshan
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Meteosat-8: from temperature to rainfall
B.H.P. Maathuis, A.S.M. Gieske, V. Retsios, B. v. Leeuwen, C.M. Mannaert, J.H.M. Hendrikse
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Directional sensitivity analysis of vegetation indices from multi-angular chris/proba data
J. Verrelst, B. Koetz, M. Kneubühler, M. Schaepman
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WG VII/2: Information Extraction from SAR data
Detection of along-track ground moving targets in high resolution spaceborne sar images
D. Weihing, S. Hinz, F. Meye, A. Laika, R. Bamler
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Conference Paper (PDF, 3785 KB)
Performance characteristics of different two-channel gmti detectors
A. Laika, F. Meyer, S. Hinz, S. Suchandt, R. Bamler
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Real-time sar simulation of complex scenes using programmable graphics processing units
Timo Balz
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The thematic information extraction from polinsar data for urban planning and management
D. Amarsaikhan, M. Sato, M. Ganzorig
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Automatic thresholding for edge detection in sar imagery
Junyi LIU, Deren LI, Wei LI, Haigang SUI
Page(s) 4
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Urban Change Detection Using Coherence and Intensity Characteristics of Multi-temporal ERS-1/2 Imagery
M.S. Liao, M. Jiang, H. Lin, D.R. Li
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WG VII/3: Information Extraction from Hyperspectral Data
Deriving regional scale forest structural variables using eo-1 hyperion data in combination with an inverted geometric-optical model
Yuan Zeng, Michael E. Schaepman, Bingfang Wu, Jan G.P.W. Clevers, Arnold K. Bregt
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Investigating of geometrical and asymptotical properties of hyperspectral data for discriminant analysis
B. Mojaradi, M.J. Valadan Zoej, Habrishami Moghadam
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Monitoring vegetation biomass in river floodplains using imaging spectroscopy
L. Kooistra, H. van Dobben, M.E. Schaepman, M.D. Suarez Baranco
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Patterns in water quality products of the north sea: variogram analyses of single and compound seawifs chl & spm grids
M.A. Eleveld, H.J. van der Woerd
Page(s) 7
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Quantitative retrieval of Soil Organic Carbon using laboratory spectroscopy and spectral indices
Harm Bartholomeus, Michael Schaepman, Lammert Kooistra, Antoine Stevens, Willem Hoogmoed, Otto Spaargaren
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Spatial object definition for vegetation parameter estimation from hymap data
E. A. Addink, S. M. de Jong, E. J. Pebesma
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Using spectral information at the nir water absorption features to estimate canopy water content and biomass
J.G.P.W. Clevers, L. Kooistra
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Weighted combination of multiple classifiers for the classification of hyperspectral images using a genetic algorithm
M.J.Valadan Zoej, B. Mojaradi
Page(s) 7
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Wavelet Based reduction OF Acquisition conditions effects on Hyperspectral Data
Ophir Almog, Maxim Shoshany, Victor Alchanatis
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A study on information extraction from hyper spectral image based on samc & epv
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Dehydration and oxidation of pyrite mud and potential acid mine drainage using hyperspectral dais 7915 data (aznalcóllar, spain)
C. Ong, A. Müller
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Geologic surface compositional mapping from thermal infrared sebass data
C.A. Hecker
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Process-based mapping using spectral indicators in an image template matching approach
F.J.A. van Ruitenbeek, H.M.A. van der Werff, F.D. van der Meer
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A spatial-spectral approach for visualization of vegetation stress resulting from pipeline leakage
M. van der Meijde, H.M.A. van der Werff, J.F. Kooistra, F.D. van der Meer
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Hyperspectral vegetation indices for estimation of leaf area index
R. Darvishzadeh, C. Atzberger, A.K. Skidmore
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WG VII/4: Advanced Classification Techniques
Automatic Recognition and Extraction of Oil Tanks from High-Resolution Remotely Sensed Images
Hui Li
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Crack detection at concrete construction units from photogrammetric data using image processing procedures
J. Lange, W. Benning, K. Siering
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Combined use of lidar and quickbird data for the generation of land use maps
O. Viñas, A. Ruiz, R. Xandri, V. Palà, R. Arbio
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Comparison of multi-scale images of an agricultural land using polygon-based classification techniques
A. Ozdarici, M. Turker
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Delineation of palm swamps using segmentation of radarsat data and spatial knowledge
Thiago de Alencar Silva, Philippe Maillard
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Theoretical aspects of evidence — inference relationships in remote sensing expert systems
Maxim Shoshany
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From pixels to buildings
B.C. Gruber-Geymayer, L. Zebedin, K. Karner
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Generating Image-based Features for Improving Classification Accuracy of High Resolution Images
H. Ashoori, A. Alimohammadi, M.J. Valadan Zoej, B. Mojarradi
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Investigation of the internal structure changes of ulaanbaatar city using rs and gis
B. Chinbat, M. Bayantur, D. Amarsaikhan
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Land cover classification in ukrainian carpathians using the meris terrestrial chlorophyl index and red edge position from envisat meris data
Z.M. Shportyuk, A.I. Sakhatsky, O.N. Sibirtseva
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Modeling land features dynamics by using cellular automata techniques
Saturnino Leguizamón
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Neuro-fuzzy modeling for crop yield prediction
D. Stathakis, I. Savin, T. Nègre
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On the Use of Ancillary Data by Applying the Concepts of the Theory of Evidence to Remote Sensing Digital Image Classification
Rodrigo Lersch, Victor Haertel, Yosio Shimabukuro
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Geometrical correction of satellite images by generic models
F. Samadzadegan, A. Milanlak, M.Gh. Majdabadi
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Profile based sub-pixel-classification of hemispherical images for solar radiation analysis in forest ecosystems
Ellen Schwalbe, Hans-Gerd Maas, Manuela Kenter, Sven Wagner
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Pixel-based sea ice classification using the magsic system
Philippe Maillard, David A. Clausi
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Segmentation of lidar data using measures of distribution
Marc Bartels, Hong Wei
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The effect of stratified topographic correction on land cover classification in tropical mountainous regions
A. Twele, M. Kappas, J. Lauer, S. Erasmi
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Spectral-textural image classification in a semi arid environment
Philippe Maillard
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A comparison of the performance of fuzzy algorithm versus statistical algorithm based sub-pixel classifier for remote sensing data
Anil Kumar, S.K. Ghosh, V.K. Dadhwal
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A trained segmentation technique for optimization of object-oriented classification
Yun Zhang, Travis Maxwell
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Analysis of spatial variations of abuja land use and land cover from image classification algorithms
Lazarus M. Ojigi
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Automatic recognition of bridges over water and registration in remotely sensed images with gis data
Haigang Sui, Jianya Gong, Jun Xiao, Min Li
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Classification of multi spectral images by fuzzy and neural network approaches
A. Milan lak, M.GH. Majdabadi
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Imu/dgps-supported automatic image measuring
Xu Ji, Zhang Jixian, Yan Qin
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Full wave form analysis: ice sat laser data for land coverclassification
Hieu Duong, Norbert Pfeifer, Roderik Lindenbergh
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Pca based on bottom classification applied in remote sensing bathymetry of shallow seawat
Dong Wen Qing, Pang Lei, Yan Qin, Zhang Yongong, Meng Wen Li
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Study of mixed kernel effect on classification accuracy using density estimation
Anil Kumar, S.K. Ghosh, V.K. Dadhwal
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Using mixed pixels for the training of a maximum likelihood classification
J. Lesparre, B.G.H. Gorte
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Development of forest fire risk information management system using gis technology
K. H. Chi, J. G. Han
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Colour map object separation
Amândio Cordeiro, Pedro Pina
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The role of remotely sensed image texture in estimating forest stand structural complexity
C. Simpson
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WG VII/5: Processing of Multitemporal Data and Change Detection
Assessment of Natural Vegetation Clearing and Re-Growth in Southern Gadarif (Sudan) Using Change Vector Analysis Based on Remote Sensing and Field Data
H.M. Sulieman, M.F. Buchroithner
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Building ndvi-phenology comparison method to detect growing periods during 1982~1999a in northeast china
X. X. Zhang, M. J. Wang, J. Y. Zheng, Q. K. Zhu, J. Ma
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Change detection based on fractional tree cover derived from MODIS data
Markus Schwarz, Lars T. Waser, Niklaus E. Zimmermann
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Detection of the pine trees damaged by pine wilt disease using high spatial remote sensing data
S.H. Lee, H.K. Cho
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Enhanced filtering of modis time series data for the analysis of desertification processes in northeast brazil
Stefan Erasmi, Mirko Bothe, Reinaldo Petta
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Conference Paper (PDF, 2711 KB)
Evaluating trends in spatial relationship between noaa/avhrr-ndvi and rainfall as computed by geographically weighted regression: a case study from a dry region in the middle Kazachstan
Pavel A. Propastin, Martin Kappas, Nadiya R. Muratova
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Conference Paper (PDF, 405 KB)
Improving geo-information reliability by centralized change detection management
Ben Gorte, Carla Nardinocchi, Ivo Thonon, Elisabeth Addink, Rob Beck, Marc van Persieen, Henk Kramer
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Multi-temporal land use/cover change detection in the spanish mediterranean coast
E. Symeonakis, P.A. Caccetta, J.F. Wallace, S. Koukoulas
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Moving vehicle detection using a single set of quickbird imagery - an initial study
Yun Zhang, Zhen Xiong
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Mapping regions of high temporal variability in africa
René R. Colditz, Christopher Conrad, Martin Schmidt, Matthias Schramm, Michael Schmidt, Stefan Dech
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Multi-temporal classification of asar images in agricultural areas
M. Tavakkoli, P. Lohmann
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Object-oriented per-parcel land use change detection integrating gis and remote sensing
Jianmei Wang, Wenzhong Qin, Deren Li
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Quantitative approach for satellite monitoring of locusts mass breeding areas
V.I. Gornyy, S.G. Kritsuk, I.Sh. Latypov, A.A. Tronin
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Radiometric normalization of landsat etm+ data for multitemporal analysis
M. Caprioli, B. Figorito, E. Tarantino
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Reclaimed areas mapping by remotely sensed data
H. Nikolov D. Borisova, M. Mircheva
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Determining the overburden dumps by sub-pixel method
D. Borisova, H. Nikolov, S. Ivanova
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Robust vehicle tracking in video images being taken from a helicopter
Fatemeh Karimi Nejadasl, Ben G.H. Gorte, Serge P. Hoogendoorn
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Regional scale land use/land cover classification using temporal series of modis data
M. Jonathan, M.S.P. Meirelles, J-P. Berroi, I. Herlin
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The study of spatio-temporal data model in land use dynamic monitoring
Zhong Yong
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A spatio-temporal assessment of back-barrier salt marsh change: a comparison of multidate aerial photography and spatial landscape indices
J.N. Halls, L.M. Kraatz
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Applications of spatio-temporal data mining and knowledge discovery (stdmkd) for forest fire prevention
T. Cheng J. Wang
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A distance-based kernel change detection algorithm
Ma Guorui, Sui Haigang, Li Pingxiang, Qin Qianqing
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A strategy of change detection based on remotely sensed imagery and gis data
Zhang Xiaodong, Gong JianYa, Li Deren
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Caspian coastal zone environment and river deltas dynamics: investigations by multitemporal space images
V.I. Kravtsova, V.N. Mikhailov
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Processing of multi-temporal satellite data for locust mass breeding control in the west Siberia
A.A. Tronin
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Redistribution of global precipitation observed in the el niño events by using multi-temporal remote sensing
L. Vasiliev
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Spatial assessment of the change of mountain range farmland use based on rs and gis
Kaiwen Zhong, Jingliang Li, Xiaodong Zhang
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Specialist and local knowledge as essential input in change detection
Dick van der Zee
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Study of natural and economical objects dynamics by color composition of multitemporal images
V.I. Kravtsova, E.A Baldina
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Change detection - cellular automata method for urban growth modeling
Sharaf Alkheder, Jun Wang. Jie Shan
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Mapping flood recessional grasslands used by overwintering geese: a multi-temporal remote sensing application
Jan de Leeuw, Si Yali, Zeng Yuandi, Lei Gang, Li Lin, Liu Yaolin
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Accuracy of aster geolocation and dem and their application
Hiroshi Watanabe
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WG VII/6: Remote Sensing Data Fusion
Detecting shadows in quickbird satellite images
V. Arévalo, J. González, J. Valdes, G. Ambrosio
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Conference Paper (PDF, 925 KB)
An Optimal Fusion Approach for Optical and SAR Images
Oguz Gungor, Jie Shan
Page(s) 6
Conference Paper (PDF, 735 KB)
Comparison and analysis of remote sensing data fusion techniques at feature and decision levels
Yu Zeng, Jixian Zhang, J.L. Van Genderen
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Conference Paper (PDF, 82 KB)
Classification from airborne sar data enhanced by optical image using an object-oriented approach
Sun Xiao-Xa, Zhang Ji-Xiana, Liu Zheng-Jun, Zhao Zheng
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Conference Paper (PDF, 319 KB)
Gis and uncertainty management
Dana Klimešová
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Quantifying the particle size of intertidal sediments with satellite remote sensing in the visible light, thermal infrared and microwave spectral domain
D. van der Wal, P.M.J. Herman
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Conference Paper (PDF, 1399 KB)
Unmixing-based Landsat and MERIS image fusion for land cover mapping over the Netherlands
R. Zurita-Milla, M.L. Guillen-Climent, J.G.P.W. Clevers, M.E. Schaepman
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Conference Paper (PDF, 298 KB)
Use of landsat tm fraction images to quantify the optical and sar data relationships for land cover discrimination in the brazilian amazonia
Yosio E. Shimabukuro, Raimundo Almeida-Filho, Tatiana M. Kuplich, Ramon M. de Freitas
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Conference Paper (PDF, 3454 KB)
Urban land cover mapping using object/pixel-based data fusion and ikonos images
A. Darvishi Boloorani, S. Erasmi, M. Kappas
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Unsupervised image endmemeber definition in multisensor image data
A. Greiwe
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Advanced fusion techniques for automated detection of settlement areas
Ulrich Michel, Manfred Ehlers, Guido Bohmann, Daniel Tomowski
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Application of multisource data for urban land cover mapping
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Analysis and comparision of different high-resolution data sets for urban applications
Uwe Weidner
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A study of high-resolution remote sensing image data fusion based on multi-level techniques
Jianzhong Feng, Linyan Bai, Zhenqi Hu
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An efficient algorithm for satellite images fusion based on contourlet transform
C. Gonzalo-Martina, M. Lillo-Saavedrab
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Classifying microwave radar images using decision based data fusion
Markus Törmä, Marcus Engdahl
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Data fusion for multi-scale colour 3d satellite image generation and global 3d visualization
Yun Zhang, Pingping Xie, Hui Li
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Evaluation of use of remote-sensing imagery in refinement of geologic mapping for seismic hazard zoning in northern los angeles county, California
F. G. Perez, C. T. Higgins, C. R. Real
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Floodplain roughness mapping synergy: lidar and spectral remote sensing
M. Straatsma
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Fusion of satellite images by spectral signatures method
N. Ouarab, Y. Smara, L. Gueciouer, F. Hasnaoui
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Web-based framework for ps-insar data interpretation assisted by geo-spatial information fusion
Swati Gehlot, Zbigniew A. Perski, Ramon F. Hanssen
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Integration of radarsat-1 and landsat tm images for mineral exploration in east oweinat district, south western desert, egypte
T. M. Ramadan, P A. H. Nasr, A. Mahmood
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Block-regression-based fusion of optical and sar imagery for features enhancement
Zhang Jixian, Yang Jinghui, Zhao Zheng, Zhang Yonghong, Li Haitao
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WG VII/7: Innovative Problem Solving Methodologies for Less Developed Countries
Extraction of flood-modelling related base-data from multi-source remote sensing imagery
H. Shamaoma, N. Kerle, D. Alkema
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Monitoring shoreline change using ikonos image and aerial photographs: a case study of kuala terengganu area, malaysia
A. Chalabi, H. Mohd-Lokman, I. Mohd-Suffian, Masoud Karamali, V. Karthigeyan, M. Masita
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Use of Remote Sensing Data to Detect Environmental Degradation in the Coastal Region of Southern Nigeria
Albert Osei, Edmund C. Merem, Yaw A. Twumasi
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Monsoon flooding response: a multi-scale approach to water-extent change detection
Marco Gianinetto, Paolo Villa
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Monitoring of lake nasser using remote sensing and gis techniques
M. M. Mostafaa, H. K. Soussab
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Modelling of land-use changes in a west african catchment
M. Judex, H.-P. Thamm, G. Menz
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Multi-scale texture and color segmentation of oblique airborne video data for damage classification
A. K. Rasika, N. Kerle, S. Heuel
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Assessment of indian satellite (irs - 1c) imagery for production of 1: 25000 planimetric city maps
Sherif Elghazali
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Quantifying the obvious: encouraging outcome-oriented research in lesser developed countries
Sally E. Goldin, Kurt T. Rudahl
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Remote sensing using autonomous uavs suitable for less developed countries
Simion Dascalu
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Tracing significant losses and limited gains in forest cover for the kakamega-nandi complex in western kenya across 90 years by use of satellite imagery, aerial photography and maps
N. Mitchell, T. Lung, G. Schaab
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Upscaling species invasion patterns from local to regional for forest ecosystem management
Chudamani Joshi, Jan De Leeuw, Andrew K. Skidmore
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Analyzing water system in plain area by remote sensing and dem
Hu Zhuowei, Li Xiaojuan, GONG Huili, Zhao Wenji, Liu Xiaomeng
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Multi-source information integration based remote sensing information retrieval in north hebei province
Jinguo Yuan, Zheng Niu, Wei Wang, Xiaoli Shi
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Nigeria's satellite data utilisation for sustainable development
J. O. Akinyede, G. I. Agbaje
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Preliminary location of the groundwater wells using gis techniques: a case study of the hrh tasneem bint ghazi for technology research station
Nabil S. Al-Daghastani, Khitam J. Al-Maitah
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Conference Paper (PDF, 424 KB)
Water harvesting using morphometric analysis and gis techniques: a case study of the hrh tasneem bint ghazi for technology reserch station
Nabil S. Al-Daghastani, Khitam J. Al-Maitah
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Conference Paper (PDF, 178 KB)
Impact assessment of human activities on coastal zones of eastern saudi arabia using remote sensing and geographic information systems technique
Y. Al-Otaibi, M. Ait Belaid, A. Abdu
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The measurement of aerosol optical thickness in mina during the hajj season 1426h
S.A. Hashim, Sultan Alsultan, M.Z. MatJafri, K. Abdullah, N.M. Salleh
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Remote sensing of pm10 concentration measurement by internet protocol camera
Sultan Alsultan, C.J. Wong, H.S. Lim, M.Z. MatJafri, K. Abdullah, S.A. Hashim, N.M. Salleh
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WG 7-4 (ICWG7-4): Derivation of Global Data, Environmental Change, and Sustainable Indicators
Geoss possibilities and challenges related to nation wide forest monitoring
H. Olsson, M. Nilsson, A. Persson
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Activities for evolving standards in land cover characterization
Martin Herold, John S. Latham, Antonio di Gregorio, Christiane C. Schmullius
Page(s) 6
Conference Paper (PDF, 68 KB)
The role of remote sensing data in studying environmental problems in the southern region of syria
Mohamad Rukieh, B.N. Mojaev
Page(s) 3
Conference Paper (PDF, 566 KB)