Likelihood-based classification of high resolution images to generate the initial topology and geometry of land cover segments
Ali A. Abkar, Nanno J. Mulder
Page(s) 7
Conference Paper (PDF, 410 KB)
System calibration, geometric accuracy testing and validation of DEM & orthoimage data extracted from SPOT stereo pairs using commercially available image processing systems
N. Al-Rousan, G. Petrie
Page(s) 8
Conference Paper (PDF, 233 KB)
Automated discrimination between built up and nonbuilt-up as a settlement detection technique for population census base map revision
E. Amamoo-Otchere, R.O. Oyinloye, A.P. Ozah, F.B. Agbo
Page(s) 2
Conference Paper (PDF, 316 KB)
Topographic, soil, hydrologic and land cover data layering for querying in spatial definition of effective buffer for protecting riparian bio-diversity
E. Amamoo-Otchere, R.O. Oyinloye, A.P. Ozah, N. Erharuyi
Page(s) 2
Conference Paper (PDF, 316 KB)
The generation of true orthophotos using a 3D building model in conjunction with a conventional DTM
Fahmi Amhar, Josef Jansa, Christine Ries
Page(s) 7
Conference Paper (PDF, 2150 KB)
Mapping potential of the IRS-1C Pan satellite imagery
Costas Armenakis, Florin Savopol
Page(s) 4
Conference Paper (PDF, 194 KB)
Integrated sensors for improved 3D interpretation
Peter Axelsson
Page(s) 8
Conference Paper (PDF, 622 KB)
Experimental studies into automated DTM generation on the DPW770
Uwe Bacher
Page(s) 7
Conference Paper (PDF, 498 KB)
DTM and orthoimage generation - A thorough analysis and comparison of four digital photogrammetric systems
Emmanuel Baltsavias, Christoph Kaeser
Page(s) 10
Conference Paper (PDF, 744 KB)
Design and first steps in the development of OPALIS
A. Bergmann, H. Gärtner, M. Breunig, A. B. Cremers, R. Dikau
Page(s) 7
Conference Paper (PDF, 333 KB)
Updating topographic databases with ARC INFO; client fitted creation of change-only information
Jan Beyen, Jeanne Henrion
Page(s) 6
Conference Paper (PDF, 196 KB)
A context sensitive model for sharing distributed geospatial information
Yaser A. Bishr, M. Molenaar, M. Radwan
Page(s) 6
Conference Paper (PDF, 227 KB)
Delineation of eco watersheds by integration of Remote Sensing and GIS techniques for management of water and land resources
Rajashree V. Bothale, Vinod M. Bothale, J. R. Sharma
Page(s) 6
Conference Paper (PDF, 289 KB)
Fast production of virtual reality city models
Claus Brenner, Norbert Haala
Page(s) 8
Conference Paper (PDF, 1387 KB)
Model based road extraction for the registration and interpretation of remote sensing data
Jürgen Bückner, WG III/1
Page(s) 6
Conference Paper (PDF, 610 KB)
Revision of built-up areas in a GIS using satellite imagery and GIS data
Andreas Busch
Page(s) 8
Conference Paper (PDF, 1329 KB)
Describing topological relations with Voronoi-based 9-intersection model
Jun Chen, Zhilin Li, Chengming Li, C. M. Gold
Page(s) 6
Conference Paper (PDF, 271 KB)
Event-based spatio-temporal database design
Jun Chen, Jie Jiang
Page(s) 5
Conference Paper (PDF, 214 KB)
Integration of image analysis and GIS for 3D city modeling
Xiaoyong Chien, Shunji Murai
Page(s) 6
Conference Paper (PDF, 923 KB)
New theoretical interpretation of images of double out-of-Galactic radiosources
Alexander Cherny
Page(s) 5
Conference Paper (PDF, 251 KB)
3D spatial data integration for avalanche risk management
Marco Ciolli, Stefano Tabarelli, Paolo Zatelli
Page(s) 7
Conference Paper (PDF, 840 KB)
Optical and radar data fusion for DEM generation
Michele Crosetto, Bruno Crippa
Page(s) 7
Conference Paper (PDF, 470 KB)
Using B-spline surfaces for chromatic attachment of digital orthophotos
F. Crosilla, I. Barbacetto, A. Facchin
Page(s) 8
Conference Paper (PDF, 729 KB)
High resolution digital terrain models of shallow lake basins - Towards modelling dynamics of sedimentation for multithematic ecosystems research
Elmar Csaplovics
Page(s) 4
Conference Paper (PDF, 286 KB)
Assessing thematic map using sampling technique
Ali A. Darvishsefat
Page(s) 5
Conference Paper (PDF, 199 KB)
Analysis of software requirements to represent urban areas with DEMs and 3D visualization of buildings and structures
Luiz Alberto Vieira Dias
Page(s) 4
Conference Paper (PDF, 442 KB)
Towards optimal relief representation from Mars imagery by combination of DEM and shape-from-shading
Egon Dorrer, Xiuguang Zhou
Page(s) 6
Conference Paper (PDF, 946 KB)
Automated procedures for integration of satellite images and map data for change detection: The ARCHANGEL project
Ian Dowman
Page(s) 8
Conference Paper (PDF, 263 KB)
Improvement of the automatic MOMS-2P DTM generation
Dieter Fritsch, Michael Hahn, Michael Kiefner, Dirk Stallmann
Page(s) 6
Conference Paper (PDF, 680 KB)
Integration of cartographic and cadastral data in a common information systems
Giuseppe Gentili
Page(s) 4
Conference Paper (PDF, 768 KB)
Data uncertainty in a hybrid GIS
Michael Glemser, Dieter Fritsch
Page(s) 8
Conference Paper (PDF, 455 KB)
CC-Modeler: A topology generator for 3-D city models
Armin Gruen, Xinhua Wang
Page(s) 9
Conference Paper (PDF, 1164 KB)
GIS design and application for lot creation
M. Ümit Gümüsay, Ayhan Alkis
Page(s) 7
Conference Paper (PDF, 413 KB)
On the use of multispectral and stereo data from airborne scanning systems for DTM generation and landuse classification
Norbert Haala, Dirk Stallmann, Christian Stätter
Page(s) 7
Conference Paper (PDF, 726 KB)
Cooperative algorithms and techniques of image analysis and GIS
Michael Hahn, Emmanuel Baltsavias
Page(s) 8
Conference Paper (PDF, 207 KB)
Development & assessment of the global land one-km base elevation Digital Elevation Model (GLOBE)
David A. Hastings, P.K. Dunbar
Page(s) 4
Conference Paper (PDF, 184 KB)
Data interchange: Helping to survive existing transfer standards
David A. Hastings, Carol N. Gerlitz
Page(s) 4
Conference Paper (PDF, 184 KB)
Land cover classification: Some new techniques, new source data
David A. Hastings, Ryutaro Tateishi
Page(s) 4
Conference Paper (PDF, 183 KB)
High quality DTMs from contourlines by knowledge-based classification of problem regions
David Heitzinger, Helmut Kager
Page(s) 8
Conference Paper (PDF, 2771 KB)
Removal of topographical effect from remote sensing data for thermal inertia modelling
Beata Hejmanowska
Page(s) 9
Conference Paper (PDF, 831 KB)
Integration of vector data and satellite imagery for geocoding
Heiner Hild, Dieter Fritsch
Page(s) 6
Conference Paper (PDF, 712 KB)
The quality control in the Finnish land parcel identification system orthophoto production
Eija Honkavaara, Harri Kaartinen, Risto Kuittinsen, Asko Huttunen, Juha Jaakola
Page(s) 8
Conference Paper (PDF, 554 KB)
High resolution sensor test comparison with SPOT, KFA 1000, KVR1000, IRC-1C and DPA in Lower Saxony
K. Jacobsen, G. Konency, H. Wegmann
Page(s) 10
Conference Paper (PDF, 2810 KB)
A procedure for map updating using digital mono-plotting and DTMs
Manuel Jauregui, José Vilchez, Leira Chacón
Page(s) 6
Conference Paper (PDF, 386 KB)
Hybrid spatial analysis operations as a foundation for integrated GIS
Stefan Jung, Stefan A. Voser, Manfred Ehlers
Page(s) 5
Conference Paper (PDF, 230 KB)
Digital aerial triangulation for DTM and orthophoto generation
Romuald Kaczynski, Jan Ziobro
Page(s) 3
Conference Paper (PDF, 185 KB)
Forest damage assessment by using remote sensing data
Sinasi Kaya, Nebiye Musaoglu, Cankut Ormeci, Oguz Muftuoglu
Page(s) 4
Conference Paper (PDF, 343 KB)
Integrated use of spatial data and learning algorithms to detect water quality trends
Regina T. Kishi, Stephan Fuchs, Hermann H. Hahn
Page(s) 5
Conference Paper (PDF, 289 KB)
Automatic detection of changes in road data bases using satellite imagery
Dan Klang
Page(s) 6
Conference Paper (PDF, 293 KB)
Segmentation of remotely sensed images based on the uncertainty of multispectral classification
Ulrike Klein, Monika Sester, Günter Strunz
Page(s) 7
Conference Paper (PDF, 726 KB)
Mosaicking of Digital Elevation Models derived by SAR interferometry
Walter Knöpfle, Günter Strunz, Achim Roth
Page(s) 8
Conference Paper (PDF, 1787 KB)
3D data acquisition and modelling in a Topographic Information System
Mathieu Koehl, Pierre Grussenmeyer
Page(s) 7
Conference Paper (PDF, 738 KB)
Photogrammetric point determination and DEM generation using MOMS-2P/PRIRODA three-line imagery
W. Kornus, M. Lehner, H. Ebner, H. Froeba, T. Ohlhof
Page(s) 8
Conference Paper (PDF, 729 KB)
OpenGIS progress towards interoperability in photogrammetry
Cliff Kottman, Louis Hecht
Page(s) 7
Conference Paper (PDF, 208 KB)
The design and development of a Geological Hypermap Prototype
Stefanie Kübler, Wolfdietrich Skala, Agnès Voisard
Page(s) 8
Conference Paper (PDF, 831 KB)
A taxonomy of 2D space tessellation
Y.C. Lee, Zhilin L. Li
Page(s) 3
Conference Paper (PDF, 183 KB)
Dense urban DEM with three or more high-resolution aerial images
Ugur M. Leloglu, Michel Roux, Henri Maître
Page(s) 6
Conference Paper (PDF, 946 KB)
Laserscan DEM for various applications
Uwe Lohr
Page(s) 4
Conference Paper (PDF, 665 KB)
3D terrain reconstruction based on compound techniques
Yihui Lu, Kurt Kubik, Mohammed Bennamoun, John Trinder
Page(s) 7
Conference Paper (PDF, 782 KB)
Aerial photographs of forest trees details
Juraj Medvedovic
Page(s) 3
Conference Paper (PDF, 936 KB)
Digital colour orthophotos for boomtown Dubai
Alfred Mehlbreuer, Ralf Schroth, Uwe Weidner, Mohammed Al Zaffin
Page(s) 8
Conference Paper (PDF, 1276 KB)
The potential use of new high resolution satellite data for urban and regional planning
Gotthard Meinel, Regin Lippold, Maik Netzband
Page(s) 7
Conference Paper (PDF, 663 KB)
Radar-derived DEMs for urban areas
J. Bryan Mercer, Michael Gill
Page(s) 7
Conference Paper (PDF, 344 KB)
Fuzzy spatial objects and their dynamics
Martien Molenaar, Tao Cheng
Page(s) 5
Conference Paper (PDF, 264 KB)
Satellite and airborne remote sensing data for monitoring of an open-cast mine
Stanislaw S. Mularz
Page(s) 8
Conference Paper (PDF, 1144 KB)
Object-oriented modelling for the extraction of geometry, texture and reflectance from digital images
Hardo Müller
Page(s) 8
Conference Paper (PDF, 878 KB)
Quality assurance for 2.5-D building data of the ATKIS DLM 25/2
Wilfried Müller, Eckhardt Seyfert
Page(s) 6
Conference Paper (PDF, 462 KB)
Generation for 3D view map using polygon shift method
Shunji Murai, Vivarad Phenekeo, Guo Tao, Kunihiko Ono, Shigetaka Yasue
Page(s) 5
Conference Paper (PDF, 212 KB)
Potential of an airborne laser scanner system for change detection of urban features and orthoimage development
Hiroshi Murakami, Katsuto Nakagawa, Taku Shibata, Eiji Iwanami
Page(s) 6
Conference Paper (PDF, 838 KB)
GRIDS - An architecture for managing very large orthoimage mosaics in a database framework
Stephan Nebiker
Page(s) 8
Conference Paper (PDF, 340 KB)
Mars Pathfinder: Photogrammetric processing of lander images
J. Oberst, E. Hauber, F. Trauthan, M. Kuschel, B. Giese, T. Roatsch, R. Jaumann
Page(s) 8
Conference Paper (PDF, 1548 KB)
Mars Pathfinder: Cartographic analysis of the landing site from orbit
J. Oberst, M. Wählisch, W. Zeitler, E. Hauber, R. Jaumann
Page(s) 6
Conference Paper (PDF, 1054 KB)
New Global Mars control point network
Timm Ohlhof, Wolfgang Zeitler, Heinrich Ebner
Page(s) 7
Conference Paper (PDF, 489 KB)
An alternative approach to the triangulation of Spot imagery
Atsushi Okamoto, Clive Fraser, Susumu Hattori, Hiroyuki Hasegawa, Tetsu Ono
Page(s) 6
Conference Paper (PDF, 216 KB)
Digital orthophotos and map revision in national land survey of Finland
Veijo Pätynen
Page(s) 4
Conference Paper (PDF, 213 KB)
Toward automatic updating of the Israeli national GIS - phase II
Ammatzia Peled, Basheer Haj-Yehia
Page(s) 6
Conference Paper (PDF, 217 KB)
The scheme for the database building and updating of 1:10000 Digital Elevation Models
Zhu Qing, Li Zhilin, Gong Jianya, Sui Haigang
Page(s) 6
Conference Paper (PDF, 204 KB)
Contributions to a quality description of areal objects in spatial data sets
Lemonia Ragia, Stephan Winter
Page(s) 8
Conference Paper (PDF, 407 KB)
Revision of geographic data: A framework
J. Raul Ramirez
Page(s) 7
Conference Paper (PDF, 214 KB)
Triangulated Digital Elevation Model: definition of a new representation
L. Rognant, S. Goze, J.P. Planès, J.M. Chassery
Page(s) 7
Conference Paper (PDF, 264 KB)
Digital Orthophotos from IRS - production and utilization
Dan Rosenholm, Daniel Akerman
Page(s) 5
Conference Paper (PDF, 188 KB)
Webtop Photogrammetry - a tool for distributing photogrammetric imageries and knowledge
Tapani Sarjakoski, Pasi Myllyniemi
Page(s) 6
Conference Paper (PDF, 334 KB)
Modelling of the IRS-1C satellite PAN stereo-imagery using the DLT approach
Florin Savopol, Costas Armenakis
Page(s) 4
Conference Paper (PDF, 278 KB)
Towards optimizing hierarchical data revisions
Burkhard Schaffrin, Jackson Cothren
Page(s) 7
Conference Paper (PDF, 449 KB)
Fusion of different data levels within Geographic Information Systems
Mathias Schardt, Hartmut Kenneweg, Lieselotte Faber, Herbert Sagischewski
Page(s) 5
Conference Paper (PDF, 190 KB)
Operational procedure for automatic true orthophoto generation
Wolfgang Schickler, Anthony Thorpe
Page(s) 6
Conference Paper (PDF, 1554 KB)
Experiences from the MOMS-02-project for future developments
Jochen Schiewe
Page(s) 7
Conference Paper (PDF, 550 KB)
Effect of lossy data compression techniques on geometry and information content of satellite imagery
Jochen Schiewe
Page(s) 5
Conference Paper (PDF, 231 KB)
Multi-image matching in object space on the basis of a general 3-D surface model instead of common 2.5-D surface models and its application for urban scenes
Martin Schlüter
Page(s) 8
Conference Paper (PDF, 719 KB)
Towards the development of a multimedia Tourist Information System based on satellite imagery
Gerhard Schmitt
Page(s) 4
Conference Paper (PDF, 1024 KB)
Analysis of settlement structure by means of high resolution satellite imagery
Ursula Schmitt, Wolfgang Sulzer, Mathias Schardt
Page(s) 6
Conference Paper (PDF, 1308 KB)
Geographic Information Systems and Facility Management
Thomas Schürle, Astrid Boy, Dieter Fritsch
Page(s) 7
Conference Paper (PDF, 344 KB)
Modelling and analyzing earthquake induced building damages in a GIS
D. Seker, M. Sester, S. Volz, S. Külür, G. Toz, O. Altan, D. Fritsch
Page(s) 6
Conference Paper (PDF, 495 KB)
An algebraic model of complex temporal objects
Hong Shu, Jun Chen
Page(s) 6
Conference Paper (PDF, 218 KB)
Cartography and remote sensing in the Amazon - The Sivam Project
Eliane Alves da Silva
Page(s) 6
Conference Paper (PDF, 245 KB)
Spatial data transfer in the case of update
Laurent Spéry
Page(s) 7
Conference Paper (PDF, 232 KB)
The challenges of 3D modelling in a dense urban environment
Harold Spradley, Roy Welch
Page(s) 3
Conference Paper (PDF, 225 KB)
Sketch-based image retrieval in an integrated GIS environment
Anthony Stefanidis, Peggy Agouris
Page(s) 8
Conference Paper (PDF, 346 KB)
Extended conceptual neighborhoods
Maurice Szmurlo, Mauro Gaio
Page(s) 8
Conference Paper (PDF, 381 KB)
Accuracy of Digital Elevation Model according to spatial resolution
Masataka Takagi
Page(s) 5
Conference Paper (PDF, 233 KB)
For a better direction of the development of global environmental databases
Ryutaro Tateishi, David Hastings
Page(s) 3
Conference Paper (PDF, 181 KB)
Multitemporal effects in regional planning over a part of semi-arid regions of Paraiba, Brazil
Harendra S. Teotia, Joao Roberto dos Santos, Klaus A. Ulbricht
Page(s) 4
Conference Paper (PDF, 340 KB)
DEM generation using JERS-1 SAR Interferometry
Mitsuharu Tokunaga
Page(s) 4
Conference Paper (PDF, 928 KB)
Direct platform orientation of multisensor data acquisition systems
Charles K. Toth
Page(s) 6
Conference Paper (PDF, 990 KB)
Knowledge-based road interpretation in aerial images
John C. Trinder, Yandong Wang
Page(s) 6
Conference Paper (PDF, 1306 KB)
Automatic classification of remote sensing data for GIS database revision
Volker Walter
Page(s) 8
Conference Paper (PDF, 1294 KB)
Applying two dimensional Kalman Filtering for Digital Terrain Modelling
Ping Wang
Page(s) 8
Conference Paper (PDF, 364 KB)
Topological data modelling for 3D GIS
Guo Wei, Zhan Ping, Chen Jun
Page(s) 5
Conference Paper (PDF, 217 KB)
Investigation into the automatic generation of heights of different Danish landscape types
Marianne Wind
Page(s) 7
Conference Paper (PDF, 197 KB)
Location-based similarity measures of regions
Stephan Winter
Page(s) 8
Conference Paper (PDF, 320 KB)
An approach to monitoring performance of geo-coded multisensor data fusion system
Zhu Zesheng, Sun Ling
Page(s) 7
Conference Paper (PDF, 204 KB)
A strategical model for analyzing survivability of Environmental Resource Management System
Zhu Zesheng, Sun Ling
Page(s) 7
Conference Paper (PDF, 205 KB)
3D urban GIS on the WEB: Data structuring and visualization
Slyka Zlatanova, M. Gruber
Page(s) 9
Conference Paper (PDF, 258 KB)