Table of Contents
Federated Multi-Database Infrastructure for GIS Interoperability -the Delta-X Project
Allam, Mosaad (CANADA)
Page(s) 1-8
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 1218 KB)
Cartographic Alternatives in the Amazon
Alves da Silva, Eliane (BRAZIL)
Page(s) 9-14
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 1051 KB)
GIS Techniques and Hybrid Parametric/Non-Parametric Image Classifications: A Case Study Showing the Potential for Signature Training and Accuracy Assessment
Blaschke, Thomas (AUSTRIA)
Page(s) 15-19
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 711 KB)
SAR Speckle Simulation
Bolter, Regine (AUSTRIA)
Page(s) 20-25
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 1328 KB)
Extracting Spatial Information From Digital Video Images Using Multiple Stereo Frames
Braess, Martin (GERMANY)
Page(s) 26-31
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 1181 KB)
PHODIS AT -An Automated System for Aerotriangulation
Braun, Josef (GERMANY)
Page(s) 32-37
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 1133 KB)
The Future of Softcopy in Photogrammetric Mapping Firms
Page(s) 38-40
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 459 KB)
Siscam Softcopy Photogrammetric Workstation
Capanni, Giancarlo (ITALY)
Page(s) 41-45
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 770 KB)
Performance Improvement for the Triangulation Process on LEICA Analytical Workstations by Sequential Adjustment used for Continous Quality Control and Digital Point Transfer
Chapuis, Alain (SWiTZERLAND)
Page(s) 46-48
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 380 KB)
Defining and Representing Temporal Objects for Describing The Spatio -Temporal Process of Land Subdivision
Page(s) 49-56
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 1118 KB)
Analogical Equipment -Assisted Digital Data Editing
Corcodel, Gh. (ROMANIA)
Page(s) 57-59
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 330 KB)
Determining a Interchange Standard for the National Spatial Data Infrastructure of Turkey
Cömert, Cetin (TURKEY)
Page(s) 60-65
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 993 KB)
Recent Developments in Digital Photogrammetric Systems from Leica-Helava
Page(s) 66-71
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 1354 KB)
Processing and Display of Three-line Imagery at a Digital Photogrammetric Workstation
Dörstel, Christoph (GERMANY)
Page(s) 72-77
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 1030 KB)
VGIS: A Graphical Front-End for User-Orientated Analytical GIS Operations
Ehlers, Manfred (GERMANY)
Page(s) 78-88
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 2608 KB)
Network Distribution Techniques of the Global 1-km AVHRR Data Set
Eidenshink, Jeffery (UNITED STATES)
Page(s) 89-94
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 1205 KB)
A Mobile Multi-Sensor System for GIS Applications in Urban Centers
EI-Sheimy, Naser (CANADA)
Page(s) 95-100
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 1125 KB)
Stereo-Image Registration Based on Uniform Patehes
Freeman, Graham (AUSTRALlA)
Page(s) 101-106
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 1403 KB)
Analysis of the Geometric Parameters of SAR Interferometry for Spaceborn Systems
Gens, Ruediger (THE NETHERLANDS)
Page(s) 107-110
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 963 KB)
Towards An Operational Digital Video Photogrammetric System for 3-D Measurements
Georgopoulos, Andreas (GREECE)
Page(s) 111-116
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 1350 KB)
A Modular Neural Architecture for Image Classification Using Kohonen Feature Extraction
Goncalves, Marcio Leandro (BRAZIL)
Page(s) 117-122
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 1571 KB)
Integrated Photogrammetric Systems at Science Applications International Corporation
Greve, Clifford (UNITED STATES)
Page(s) 123-126
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 533 KB)
Digital Photogrammetric Stations Revisited
Page(s) 127-134
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 1523 KB)
The EPOS Speckle Filter: A Comparison with some Well-Known Speckle Reduction Techniques
Hagg, Wilhelm (GERMANY)
Page(s) 135-140
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 1154 KB)
The DPA-Sensor System for Topographic and Thematic Mapping
Hahn, Michael (GERMANY)
Page(s) 141-146
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 1772 KB)
Development of a Digital Image-Based Plotter and its Application to Ground Displacement Measurement in the KOBE Earthquake
Hattori, Susumu (JAPAN)
Page(s) 147-153
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 1173 KB)
Design of a Mobile Mapping System for GIS Data Collection
He, Guangping (UNITED STATES)
Page(s) 154-159
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 1213 KB)
Software for Managing Country-Wide Digital Elevation Data
Hochstöger, Franz (AUSTRIA)
Page(s) 160-163
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 787 KB)
Evaluation of Several Speckle Filtering Techniques for ERS-1 &2 Imagery
Huang, Yonghong (THE NETHERLANDS)
Page(s) 164-169
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 1473 KB)
Thematic Information Extraction in a Neural Network Classification of Multi-Sensor Data Including Microwave Phase Information
Huurneman, Gerrit (THE NETHERLANDS)
Page(s) 170-175
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 1752 KB)
Autonomus and Continous Georectifieation of Multi-Angle Imaging Spectro-Radiometer (MISR) Imagery
Jovanovic, Veljko (UNITED STATES)
Page(s) 176-181
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 888 KB)
Controlling and Updating of 3D-Urban Data within a Digital Photogrammetric Workstation
Kempa, Peter (GERMANY)
Page(s) 182-185
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 1396 KB)
Project SWISSPHOTO -Digital Orthophotos for the entire Aerea of Switzerland
Kersten, Thomas (SWITZERLAND)
Page(s) 186-191
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 1261 KB)
Image Navigation for Emergency Response (INFER): Application to Wildland Fires
Page(s) 192-197
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 891 KB)
A Database for a 3D GIS for Urban Environments supporting Photo-Realistic Visualization
Kofler, Michael (AUSTRIA)
Page(s) 198-202
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 1049 KB)
Experimental Study of Optimal Digital Mapping Parameters
Kubik, Kurt (AUSTRALlA)
Page(s) 203-206
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 1038 KB)
Earth Observation for Identification of Natural Disasters - EOFIND
Kuntz, Steffen (GERMANY)
Page(s) 207-212
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 797 KB)
3-D Modelling of Buildings from Digital Aerial Imagery
Lammi, Jussi (FINLAND)
Page(s) 213-217
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 808 KB)
3D-Wireframe Models as Ground Control Points for the Automatic Exterior Orientation
Läbe, Thomas (GERMANY)
Page(s) 218-223
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 921 KB)
Building a Production System to Support the National Digital Orthophoto Program: An Integration Challenge
Lee, George Y.G. (UNITED STATES)
Page(s) 224-226
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 413 KB)
Describing Spatial Relation Based on Voronoi Diagram in Discrete Space
Page(s) 227-231
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 455 KB)
Mobile Mapping for 3D GIS Data Aquisition
Li, Rongxing (CANADA)
Page(s) 232-237
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 2755 KB)
Digital Photogrammetric Station "Delta"
Malov, V.I. (UKRAINE)
Page(s) 238-243
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 1336 KB)
A PC-based Solution for Computer Aided Photogrammetric Mapping on Analog Stereoplotters
Mihajlovic, Dragan (YUGOSLAVIA)
Page(s) 244-249
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 996 KB)
Automation in Digital Photogrammetric Systems
Miller, Scott B. (UNITED STATES)
Page(s) 250-255
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 1170 KB)
Design of an Airborne Interferometric SAR for High Precision DEM Generation
Moreira, Joao (GERMANY)
Page(s) 256-260
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 2784 KB)
Speckle Filtering for JERS-1/SAR Imagery
Mori, Fumiaki (JAPAN)
Page(s) 261-265
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 1561 KB)
Stereoscopic Image Processing Using a Digital Photogrammetric System
Mori, Nobuhiko (JAPAN)
Page(s) 266-271
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 3066 KB)
Errors and Tolerances in the Mapping, Photogrammetry, RS and GIS Integration
Nitu, Constantin (ROMANIA)
Page(s) 272-275
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 508 KB)
A Mobile Office for the Surveyor
Page(s) 276-281
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 1279 KB)
Correlative Techniques for Correction of Cross Track Illumination in Digital Multispectral Imagery
Ong, Cindy (AUSTRALlA)
Page(s) 282-287
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 1969 KB)
Semi-Automatic Digital Photogrammetric System on PC
Oyama, Yoichi (JAPAN)
Page(s) 288-293
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 1593 KB)
Systems for Integrated Geoinformation: Stages of Evolution
Pilouk, Morakot (THE NETHERLANDS)
Page(s) 294-299
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 1110 KB)
Cost-Effective Digital Photogrammetry
Pivnicka, Frantisek (CZECH REPUBLlC)
Page(s) 300-305
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 1330 KB)
Industry Trends for PC Based GIS
Plunkett, Gordon (CANADA)
Page(s) 306-309
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 608 KB)
Metadata Requirement for GIS: A Canadian Experience
Plunkett, Gordon (CANADA)
Page(s) 310-314
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 685 KB)
Automatic Tie-Pointing in Overlapping SAR Images
Raggam, Hannes (AUSTRIA)
Page(s) 315-320
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 2633 KB)
ELSM and GLSR Techniques of Array Algebra in Shape Matching and Merge of Multiple DEMs
Rauhala, Urho A. (UNITED STATES)
Page(s) 321-326
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 1457 KB)
A Concept for a Network-Based Distributed Image Data Archive
Rehatschek, Herwig (AUSTRIA)
Page(s) 327-332
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 1115 KB)
Air Mass Motion Remote Control System
Rosental, Nikolay A. (RUSSlA)
Page(s) 333-335
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 295 KB)
Desktop Mapping and GIS System DIGIMAP - GeoSET
Saczuk, Jerzy (POLAND)
Page(s) 336-339
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 1037 KB)
Investigation of Aerial Triangulation and Surface Generation Using a Softcopy Photogrammetric System
Saleh, Raad A. (UNITED STATES)
Page(s) 340-344
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 1386 KB)
Production D'Images Synthétiques de Haute Résolution pour la Stéréorestitution Photogrammétrique
Savopol, Florin (CANADA)
Page(s) 345-350
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 975 KB)
Automated Generation of Coloured Orthoimages and Image Mosaics Using HRSC and WAOSS Image Data of the Mars96 Mission
Scholten, Frank (GERMANY)
Page(s) 351-356
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 2907 KB)
Operational Experiences of Digital Photogrammetric Systems
Smith, Douglas (UNITED KINGDOM)
Page(s) 357-362
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 1202 KB)
Expression of Three Dimensional Space with Digital Cartographic Data and Computer Graphics Method
Takahashi, Hidehisa (JAPAN)
Page(s) 363-367
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 1178 KB)
Implementation of a Photogrammetric Range System
Tommaselli, Antonio Maria Garcia (BRAZIL)
Page(s) 368-373
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 732 KB)
Self-Organizing Neural Networks in Feature Extraction
Törmä, Markus (FINLAND)
Page(s) 374-379
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 944 KB)
Automatic Height Extraction from ERS-1 SAR Imagery
Page(s) 380-383
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 600 KB)
Digital Photogrammetric Workstations 1992-96
Walker, A. Stewart (UNITED STATES)
Page(s) 384-395
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 3025 KB)
Dynamic Window Size Least Squares Matching for Aerial Triangulation Point Measurement
Wang, Shue-chia (CHINA-TAIPEI)
Page(s) 396-401
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 906 KB)
A Client/Server Map Visualization Component for an Environmental Information System Based on WWW
Wiesel, Joachim (GERMANY)
Page(s) 402-407
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 1834 KB)
A New Method of Photographic Identification in Field Work - EPSA Photographic Identification System
Page(s) 408-410
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 300 KB)
Statistical Test for Evaluation of the Accuracy of Digital Maps for Geo-Spatial Information System
Yeu, Bock-Mo (KOREA SOUTH)
Page(s) 411-414
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 344 KB)
Design and Application of Spatial Information Management System for City Land Assessment
Page(s) 415-418
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 630 KB)
A Portable Software System for a Digital Photogrammetric Station
Zatelli, Paolo (ITALY)
Page(s) 419-423
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 618 KB)
VirtuoZo Digital Photogrammetry System and its Theoretic Foundation and Key Algorithm
Zhang, Jianqing (P.REPUBLIC OF CHINA)
Page(s) 424-429
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 1364 KB)
The Contribution of Information Theory to Development of Mapping Theory of Digitized Aerial Photographs
Page(s) 430-436
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 745 KB)
Digital Points Transfer for Aerotriangulation by Analytical Plotter
Zotov, Gleb A. (RUSSIA)
Page(s) 437-442
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 1045 KB)