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ISPRS Archives – Volume XXIX Part B3, 1992

XVIIth ISPRS Congress
Technical Commission III: Mathematical Analysis of Data
August 2-14, 1992, Washington, D.C., USA
Editor(s): Lawrence W. Fritz, James R. Lucas


Table of Contents

Gross Errors Location by Two Step Iterations Method
Wang Renxiang (CHINA)
Page(s) 1-8
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 832 KB)

Digital Topological and Matrix Structured Image Processing
Shao Juliang (CHINA), et al.
Page(s) 9-16
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 579 KB)

Neuron Networks with Nonlinear Interconnections for Analysis of Data
Andrey N. Ivanov (RUSSIA)
Page(s) 17-24
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 1003 KB)

Three Dimensional Display of Aerial Photographs
Hanbin Dan (CHINA), et al.
Page(s) 25-27
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 374 KB)

A New Treatment for the Adjustment of Trilateration Networks
Fouad Zaki (EGYPT), et al.
Page(s) 28-31
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 321 KB)

On the Principles and the Approaches of Implementing the Strict Digital Geometric Rectification for the SPOT Imagery
Shu Ning (CHINA)
Page(s) 32-34
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 332 KB)

Comparison of Precision and Reliability of Point Coordinates Using DLT and Bundle Approach
Lars-Ake Edgardh (SWEDEN)
Page(s) 35-42
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 695 KB)

A Research of Boundary Extraction Based on Zero Crossing of Second Directional Derivatives
Zhicheng Qiu (CHINA), et al.
Page(s) 43-46
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 392 KB)

Computer Analysis of the Space Structure of Landscapes and Its Components with Aim of Mapping of the Natural Resources
Nabiyev A. Alibek (AZERBAIJAN)
Page(s) 47-50
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 600 KB)

Fractal Dimension Estimation and Its Application on Image Segmentation
Tao Chuang (CHINA), et al.
Page(s) 51-57
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 790 KB)

Plane A-Angle Coordinate System and Its Applications on Photogrammetry
Hao Xiangyang (CHINA)
Page(s) 58-62
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 442 KB)

Quantitative Method .by Information Theory for Evaluating Image Enhancement Benefit of IPOS
Hu Tinghui (CHINA), et al.
Page(s) 63-66
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 585 KB)

The Simultaneous Adjustment for SPOT Image Using Orbit Data and a Few Control Points
Ying Chen (USA)
Page(s) 67-71
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 494 KB)

Image Analysis Based on Mathematical Morphology
Zhang Jianqing (CHINA), et al.
Page(s) 72-77
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 1003 KB)

High Accurate Location on Digital Image and Application in Automatic Relative Orientation
Zhang Jianqing (CHINA), et al.
Page(s) 78-82
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 584 KB)

Indexing the Vector Data by Quadtree
Qing-Huai Gao (CHINA), et al.
Page(s) 83-86
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 302 KB)

A Spectral and Textural Knowledge-Based Approach for Automated Extraction of Topographical Factors from Remotely Sensed Images
Xiangqiang Zhang (CHINA), et al.
Page(s) 87-90
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 681 KB)

Evaluating Landslide Susceptibility in Nebraska with a GIS
Luoheng Han (USA), et al.
Page(s) 91-92
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 189 KB)

Differential Photogrammetry
Kurt Kubik (AUSTRALIA), et al.
Page(s) 93-100
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 226 KB)

Numerical Solution of a Block Adjustment by Stable QR Factorization
Fabio Crosilla (ITALY), et al.
Page(s) 101-108
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 871 KB)

Spatial Distribution of Control Points
Ricardo Vergara (BRAZIL), et al.
Page(s) 109-112
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 298 KB)

Feature Based Image Orientation and Object Reconstruction
Gunter Strunz (GERMANY)
Page(s) 113-118
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 891 KB)

Automatic Analysis of Highway Features from Digital Stereo-Images
Guangping He (USA), et al.
Page(s) 119-124
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 983 KB)

Program Supply for Composing of the Structural-Analytical Maps of Natural-Territorial Complexes on the Base of US Computers & IBM PC
Nabiyev A. Alibek (AZERBAIJAN)
Page(s) 125-126
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 364 KB)

Object Space Based Correlation with Additional Information
Frank Boochs (GERMANY)
Page(s) 127-132
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 772 KB)

High Precision DEM Generation from SPOT Stereo Imagery by Object Space Least Squares Matching
King-Chang Lo (NETHERLANDS), et al.
Page(s) 133-138
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 803 KB)

Automatic Categorization of Clusters in Unsupervised Classification
Sunpyo Hong (JAPAN), et al.
Page(s) 139-143
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 760 KB)

Aerial Image Matching Based on Zero-Crossings
Jia Zong (USA), et al.
Page(s) 144-150
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 1004 KB)

Implementation of Object Oriented GIS Using Formal Data Structure with Planar Topology-Some Considerations
Hongguang Yang (GERMANY), et al.
Page(s) 151-154
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 428 KB)

State and Time Topologies for Geographic Information
Hazem Raafat (CANADA), et al.
Page(s) 155-161
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 583 KB)

Suchbasierte Verfahren zur automatischen Raster-Vektor und Vektor-Raster Transformation der Grauwertbilder
Yonglong Xu (GERMANY)
Page(s) 162-166
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 740 KB)

Ein Wissenbasiertes System für die Automatische Bildanalyse
Hartmut Fuger (GERMANY), et al.
Page(s) 167-172
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 762 KB)

Mathematical-Cartographical Modelling of the Vertical Structure of the Mountainous Landscape on the Computer
Nabiyev A. Alibek (AZERBAIJAN)
Page(s) 173-175
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 505 KB)

A Geometrical Fuzzy Partitions Approach to Fuzzy Query and Fuzzy Database Retrieval
E. Gerard Mtalo (CANADA), et al.
Page(s) 176-184
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 941 KB)

Analytical Tools and Procedures for Geoinformation Processing
J. A. Rod Blais (CANADA)
Page(s) 185-188
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 672 KB)

Expertensystem zur Orientierung komplexer Bildverbände
Christian Föhring (GERMANY)
Page(s) 189-194
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 643 KB)

Image Segmentation from Texture Measurement
Dong-Cheon Lee (USA), et al.
Page(s) 195-199
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 880 KB)

Bundle Adjustment in No Need of Approximations of Parameters
Susumu Hattori (JAPAN), et al.
Page(s) 200-206
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 523 KB)

Simulation de Couverts Vegetaux Realistes en 3-D
Frédéric Blaise (FRANCE)
Page(s) 207-212
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 611 KB)

Methods and Results of Combined Adjustment Utilizing Kinematic GPS Positioning and Photogrammetric Data
Keren Li (GERMANY), et al.
Page(s) 213-219
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 751 KB)

A Conception for Object-Oriented Description of Knowledge and Data in Scene Analysis and Object Recognition
Yonglong Xu (GERMANY)
Page(s) 220-226
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 923 KB)

On the Interpolation Problem of Automated Surface Reconstruction
Raid A. Al-Tahir (USA), et al.
Page(s) 227-232
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 744 KB)

Towards Automatic DTM Verification Exploiting Stereo Orthophotos
Michael Hahn (GERMANY)
Page(s) 233-240
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 1732 KB)

Patterns of Aerial Triangulation by Independent Models
Raouf S. Rostom (KENYA)
Page(s) 241-249
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 988 KB)

Hough Transform in Digital Photogrammetry
Christos Adamos (CANADA), et al.
Page(s) 250-254
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 553 KB)

Reconstructing Small Surface Patches from Multiple Images
Toni Schenk (USA), et al.
Page(s) 255-258
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 408 KB)

Use of Features Derived from Proportions of Classes in a the Multispectral Classification of Remote Sensing Images
Ana P. D. Aguiar (BRAZIL), et al.
Page(s) 259-264
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 736 KB)

Design of Geographical Inference Engine
Zhou Zhangfa (CHINA)
Page(s) 265-268
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 401 KB)

Principles of Geographical Expert System
Ma Ainai (CHINA), et al.
Page(s) 269-272
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 361 KB)

Topological Spatial Relations and Operators
Zhexue Huang (SWEDEN)
Page(s) 273-278
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 606 KB)

Towards the Perceptional World: A Modeling Framework for Transforming Physical Environmental Digital Data into Perceptional Digital Data
Liu Binyi (CHINA)
Page(s) 279-286
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 996 KB)

Surface Reconstruction from Data of Digital Line Cameras by Means of Object Based Image Matching
Hermann Diehl (GERMANY), et al.
Page(s) 287-294
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 801 KB)

Matching Images of Different Geometric Scale
Franz Schneider (GERMANY), et al.
Page(s) 295-302
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 754 KB)

A Computer Vision Method for Motion Detection Using Cooperative Kalman Filters
Florence Germain (FRANCE), et al.
Page(s) 303-306
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 506 KB)

Graph-Based Matching of Stereo Image Features
Olaf Hellwich (CANADA), et al.
Page(s) 307-317
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 1746 KB)

Spatial Reasoning About Flow Directions: Towards an Ontology for River Networks
Joao A. de C. Paiva (USA), et al.
Page(s) 318-324
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 684 KB)

Estimation of Classifier's Performance with Error Counting
Jan Heikkila (FINLAND)
Page(s) 325-334
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 1196 KB)

Optimized Algorithm for Three Dimensional Object Reconstruction
Maria L. Reis (BRAZIL)
Page(s) 335-340
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 501 KB)

Application of Image Pyramid for Surface Reconstruction with FAST Vision (= Facets Stereo Vision)
Boris Kaiser (GERMANY), et al.
Page(s) 341-345
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 491 KB)

Space Triangulation Using Affine Transformation
Atsushi Okamoto (JAPAN)
Page(s) 346-349
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 411 KB)

Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems-Data Quality Perspectives
Hilda M. C. F. de Mello (BRAZIL), et al.
Page(s) 350-355
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 683 KB)

A GIS Uncertainty Subsystem
Bheshem Ramlal (NETHERLANDS), et al.
Page(s) 356-362
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 772 KB)

Knowledge Network and Inference Model on Intelligent Interpretation of TM Image
Qiming Qin (CHINA)
Page(s) 363-366
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 271 KB)

Application des Processus Stochastiques aux Traitements Numeriques des Images: Estimation-Analyse des Residus
Abdelhamid Khodja (FRANCE)
Page(s) 367-374
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 823 KB)

The Evaluation of Acquisition Probability in Image Matching Algorithm
Ding Mingyue (GERMANY), et al.
Page(s) 375-378
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 410 KB)

Intelligent Environment for Interpretation Tasks of Remotely Sensed Images
Jose D. Simoes da Silva (BRAZIL), et al.
Page(s) 379-383
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 574 KB)

Recalage Image SPOT/Carte Routiere
Michel Roux (FRANCE), et al.
Page(s) 384-391
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 1543 KB)

Detection of Lines and Circles in Maps and Engineering Drawings
Demetre P. Argialas (GREECE), et al.
Page(s) 392-399
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 1076 KB)

On Matching Image Patches Under Various Geometrical Constraints
Charles K. Toth (USA), et al.
Page(s) 400-403
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 477 KB)

Resampling Digital Imagery to Epipolar Geometry
Woosug Cho (USA), et al.
Page(s) 404-408
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 824 KB)

Algorithme du Systeme de Karl Pearson et Application en Teledetection
Konstantinos Perakis (FRANCE)
Page(s) 409-416
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 792 KB)

Stereo Matching Using Artificial Neural Networks
Goung Loung (CHINA), et al.
Page(s) 417-421
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 577 KB)

Regression Analysis: A Method for Extracting Information from Satellite Images
Michael Wüthrich (SWITZERLAND)
Page(s) 422-427
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 1104 KB)

Suboptimal Procedure for Shifting Image Detection in Complex Scenes
Nicolay A. Rosental (RUSSIA), et al.
Page(s) 428-433
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 817 KB)

Road Extraction in Urban and Suburban Area Using a Contextual Method
Tian Lianghu (CHINA)
Page(s) 434-438
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 465 KB)

A Geocoded Database for Land Classification of ERS-1 Data
Karlheinz Knipp (GERMANY), et al.
Page(s) 439-445
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 697 KB)

A 3-D Model Extraction System
R. L. Russell (USA), et al.
Page(s) 446-451
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 708 KB)

Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Category Proportions Among Mixels
Masao Matsumoto (JAPAN), et al.
Page(s) 452-455
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 329 KB)

Handling Integrity Constraints of Complex Objects in Spatial Databases
Hanna H. Kemppainen (FINLAND)
Page(s) 456-464
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 1014 KB)

Two Dimensional Coding of Structure Information in GIS for Mineral Resource Prediction
Feng Ji-lu (CHINA), et al.
Page(s) 465-468
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 398 KB)

A Least-Squares Approach to Matching Lines with Fourier Descriptors
Yi-Hsing Tseng (USA), et al.
Page(s) 469-475
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 694 KB)

Automatic DEM Data Generation and Change Detection by Region Matching
King-Chang Lo (NETHERLANDS), et al.
Page(s) 476-480
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 583 KB)

Geographical Database-Structures
Osvaldo A. Abib (BRAZIL)
Page(s) 481-483
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 294 KB)

Object Classifiers for Forest Classification
Gintautas Palubinskas (LITHUANIA)
Page(s) 484-487
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 462 KB)

On Digital Image Inversion
Yong-Jian Zheng (GERMANY)
Page(s) 488-496
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 1041 KB)

Integration of DTM Data Structures into GIS Data Models
D. Fritsch (GERMANY), et al.
Page(s) 497-503
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 661 KB)

Quality Control of Combined Adjustment of Photogrammetric and GPS Data
Theodore Bouloucos (NETHERLANDS), et al.
Page(s) 504-508
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 550 KB)

Computer Assisted Problem Solving in Image Analysis
Fang Luo (NETHERLANDS), et al.
Page(s) 509-513
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 678 KB)

Interpreting Single Images of Polyhedra
Carola Braun (GERMANY)
Page(s) 514-521
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 848 KB)

Segmentation of Edges in 3-D Object Space
Amnon Krupnik (USA), et al.
Page(s) 522-528
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 813 KB)

Optimization of Training Data Required for Neuro-Classification
Xin Zhuang (USA), et al.
Page(s) 529-533
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 575 KB)

A New Stereo Matching Approach in Image/Object Dual Spaces
Yaonan Zhang (NETHERLANDS)
Page(s) 534-539
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 828 KB)

Multi-Templet-Matching for the Automation of Photogrammetric Measurements
Otto Kölbl (SWITZERLAND), et al.
Page(s) 540-548
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 1413 KB)

Méthodes Numériques de Reconnaissance de Paysages
F. Borne (FRANCE)
Page(s) 549-556
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 1231 KB)

Spatial Relation Extraction from Remotely Sensed Image on Quadtree Representation
Li Deren (CHINA), et al.
Page(s) 557-562
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 422 KB)

The Geo-Coded Model Based on Geographical Knowledge Formalization
Ma Ainai (CHINA)
Page(s) 563-565
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 313 KB)

Raster Algorithms for Surface Modelling
Liang Tang (GERMANY)
Page(s) 566-573
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 1156 KB)

Robust Procedures for GIS Data Homogenization
Dieter Fritsch (GERMANY), et al.
Page(s) 574-577
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 400 KB)

Knowledge-Based Interpretation of Scanned Large-Scale Maps Using Multi-Level Modelling
Helmut Mayer (GERMANY), et al.
Page(s) 578-585
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 819 KB)

On the Application of Scale Space Techniques in Digital Photogrammetry
Anthony Stefanidis (USA), et al.
Page(s) 586-590
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 691 KB)

Feature Matching for Outer Orientation of Single Images Using 3-D Wireframe Controlpoints
Wolfgang Schickler (GERMANY)
Page(s) 591-598
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 1081 KB)

Utilizing High-Level Knowledge in Middle-Level Image Analysis
Yaonan Zhang (NETHERLANDS)
Page(s) 599-607
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 974 KB)

The Phase Information Content of Complex Multifrequency Multipolarization SAR Images
Luciano V. Dutra (BRAZIL), et al.
Page(s) 608-610
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 285 KB)

Photogrammetric Feature Intersection
Riadh Munjy (USA), et al.
Page(s) 611-613
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 178 KB)

Discrete Mathematical Techniques in the Analysis and Adjustment of Hybrid Networks
I. Colomina (SPAIN)
Page(s) 614-621
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 989 KB)

Expert System for Investigation of Photographic Image Quality
Miklós G. Gerencsér (HUNGARY)
Page(s) 622-626
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 564 KB)

Designing an Optimal and Scientific GIS Project
Bishwa Acharya (USA), et al.
Page(s) 627-632
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 707 KB)

Image Segmentation Based on Hough Transformation
Zhang Zhuxun (CHINA), et al.
Page(s) 633-638
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 1069 KB)

Digital Analysis of Error Ellipsoids in Analytical Photogrammetric Stereotriangulation
Iulian C. Barbalata (CANADA)
Page(s) 639-644
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 567 KB)

Geometric and Radiometric Models in Processing SPOT Imagery for Object-Space Surfaces
Joe Wu (CHINA-TAIPEI), et al.
Page(s) 645-650
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 618 KB)

An Induction-Based Model for Classification of Landsat Data
Richard J. Roiger (USA), et al.
Page(s) 651-655
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 676 KB)

GeoTex: A General Point Determination System
I. Colomina (SPAIN), et al.
Page(s) 656-664
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 1200 KB)

A Rule-Based Expert System for High-Quality Image Enhancement
Xiangqian Zhang (CHINA), et al.
Page(s) 665-668
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 515 KB)

Line Photogrammetry with Multiple Images
Zielinski Holger (SWEDEN)
Page(s) 669-676
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 870 KB)

Object Reconstruction Using 2-D Projective Transformations
Ilkka A. I. Niini (FINLAND)
Page(s) 677-681
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 853 KB)

An Information Theoric Image Visualization System
John S. Powers (USA)
Page(s) 682-686
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 620 KB)

Photogrammetric Restitution Based on Linear Features (IP)
Kurt Kubik (AUSTRALIA)
Page(s) 687-690
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 316 KB)

Operational Rules and Accuracy Models for GPS Aerotriangulation (IP)
Fritz Ackermann (GERMANY)
Page(s) 691-700
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 1049 KB)

Notes on the Direct Projective Transformation of General Stereo Pairs into the Rigorous Normal Case by Image Correlation
Gerhard Brandstätter (AUSTRIA)
Page(s) 701-706
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 848 KB)

Progress in GIS Change Detection Ability
Gottfried Konecny (GERMANY), et al.
Page(s) 707-710
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 520 KB)

Relational Matching for Stereopsis
Ofer Zilberstein (ISRAEL)
Page(s) 711-719
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 962 KB)

3D Urban Area Surface Analysis
Zheng Wang (USA), et al.
Page(s) 720-726
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 953 KB)

Parsing Segmented Digital Images
John Stokes (SWEDEN)
Page(s) 727-734
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 1082 KB)

On the Acquisition, Representation and Application of Knowledge in Geo-Information Systems
Ralf Bill (GERMANY)
Page(s) 735-740
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 530 KB)

Analysis of Geographical Data and Visualization of Their Quality
Karl Kraus (AUSTRIA)
Page(s) 741-747
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 1172 KB)

Geo-Information Theory: Why and What (IP)
Martien Molenaar (NETHERLANDS), et al.
Page(s) 748-753
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 725 KB)

An Object-Oriented Modelling Framework for Geographic Information
M. Isdale (CANADA), et al.
Page(s) 754-758
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 822 KB)

Responsibility, Uncertainty & Fitness-for-Use: Implications for Geo-Information Theory
Allan J. Brimicombe (HONG KONG)
Page(s) 759-767
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 1308 KB)

A Unified Data Structure to Represent Vector and Raster Data in GIS
Li Deren (CHINA), et al.
Page(s) 768-772
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 672 KB)

Object-oriented Data Models in GIS
Gong Jianya (CHINA), et al.
Page(s) 773-779
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 828 KB)

Reconstruction of Seafloor Surface Models by Shape From Shading
Rongxing Li (USA)
Page(s) 780-784
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 827 KB)

ANSER-Artificial Neural Network Expert System for Satellite-Derived Estimation of Rainfall
Ming Zhang (USA), et al.
Page(s) 785-792
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 787 KB)

Edge Based Region Growing
Mathias J.P.M. Lemmens (NETHERLANDS), et al.
Page(s) 793-801
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 1334 KB)

Multiple Image Matching
Peggy Agouris (USA), et al.
Page(s) 802-807
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 732 KB)

Automated Extraction of Airport Runway Patterns from Radar Imagery
Richard A. Hevenor (USA), et al.
Page(s) 808-812
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 573 KB)

RG-DW Image Matching Scheme and Its Application
Yan Lue (USA), et al.
Page(s) 813-819
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 1933 KB)

Precision of Image Matching
John C. Trinder (AUSTRALIA), et al.
Page(s) 820-823
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 394 KB)

Adaptive Regularization-A New Method for Stabilization of Surface Reconstruction from Images
Bernhard P. Wrobel (GERMANY), et al.
Page(s) 824-831
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 1019 KB)

Integration of Digital Image Matching and Multi Image Shape from Shading
Christian Heipke (GERMANY)
Page(s) 832-841
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 1119 KB)

Using Perceptual Grouping to Detect Objects in Aerial Images (IP)
Keith Price (USA), et al.
Page(s) 842-855
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 2437 KB)

Automatic Model Acquisition by Learning
Monika Sester (GERMANY)
Page(s) 856-863
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 948 KB)

Feature Extraction: A Neural Network Oriented Approach Microproperties in a Digital Image
Yong-Jian Zheng (GERMANY)
Page(s) 864-872
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 1154 KB)

Thematic Map Compilation Using Nonparametric Classification Methods
Vladimir Cervenka (CZECHOSLOVAKIA)
Page(s) 873-877
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 743 KB)

A Study on the Representation and Interpretation of Remotely Sensed Imagery
Li Deren (CHINA), et al.
Page(s) 878-883
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 574 KB)

Iterative Algorithm for Multidimensional Image Analysis
Vjatcheslav M. Lisitsyn (RUSSIA), et al.
Page(s) 884-891
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 1129 KB)

A New Method for the Integration of Landsat TM and SPOT Panchromatic Data
Claudio Conese (ITALY), et al.
Page(s) 892-895
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 522 KB)

Thematic Information Extraction and Data fusion, Knowledge Engineering Approach to Ingegral use of Data from Diverse Sources (IP)
Nanno J. Mulder (NETHERLANDS)
Page(s) 896-902
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 792 KB)

GEOCLASS, A New Approach to the Thematic Classification of Multispectral Imagery
Roberto Steffensen (CANADA)
Page(s) 903-906
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 714 KB)

The Problem of Mixture: The Linear Mixture Model Versus the Fuzzy Model
Vitor Haertel (BRAZIL), et al.
Page(s) 907-911
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 519 KB)

Fully Automated, High-Resolution Classification of Remotely Sensed Digital Multispectral Recordings
Bernd-Siegfried Schulz (GERMANY)
Page(s) 912-913
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 210 KB)

Estimation de L'Incertain Dans la Classification Multisource Utilisant la RegIe de Dempster
El-hadi Zahzah (FRANCE), et al.
Page(s) 914-921
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 1098 KB)

Multitemporal Remote Sensing Data Classification Using Neural Network
Guido Pasquariello (ITALY), et al.
Page(s) 922-929
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 746 KB)

Production, Inversion and Learning of Spatial Structure: A General Paradigm to Generic Model-Based Image Understanding
He-Ping Pan (GERMANY)
Page(s) 930-937
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 1081 KB)

Consideration of the Uncertainty in Uncertain Knowledge for Knowledge Based Image Classification
Shabai Huang (CANADA), et al.
Page(s) 938-945
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 930 KB)

Knowledge Base System Technology in the Defense Mapping Agency's Digital Production System
Luanne I. Mulawa (USA)
Page(s) 946-953
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 1061 KB)

Multiple Representations and Knowledge-Based Generalization of Topographical Data
L. Tiina T. Kilpelainen (FINLAND)
Page(s) 954-964
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 1279 KB)

Knowledge Engineering in R.S. and Knowledge Based Systems in GIS
Nanno J. Mulder (NETHERLANDS), et al.
Page(s) 965-968
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 457 KB)

Recognition of Road and River Patterns by Relational Matching
Norbert Haala (GERMANY), et al.
Page(s) 969-975
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 1144 KB)

Knowledge Based Image Classification in a GIS
Eugene Derenyi (CANADA), et al.
Page(s) 976-978
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 432 KB)

Page(s) 979-980
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 183 KB)

Page(s) 981-987
Conference Paper (Scanned PDF, 453 KB)




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